View Full Version : Turmeric...who's hitting it?

4th December 2012, 03:53 PM
So, I started spanking this pony to see how she rides. Touted by some as the new vitamin D.

I never felt I could work this supposedly miracle substance into my diet in any appreciable levels, from a culinary perspective, so I started thinking more about alternatives.


I decided last week to visit my local health food store for a nice fat bag of it, and some empty gel caps.

Pour it in a bowl, and "kiss" the gel caps together in the powder. Bit of time later, and voila. Capsule form turmeric on the cheap.

I've downed up to 7 caps at a time with no undesirable after effects like burping it, acid reflux etc... Considered a medium alkaline substance with ph of 7.4 - 8.something. So far so good. Might try a few lines on a mirror at some point.

I find it doesn't stain my hands past a washing or two, but it will stain like a mofo on pretty much anything else, so be wary. If your hands sweat, your results may differ. Consider latex gloves.

Too much good info on this to not get more of it.

A lot easier than hand loading rounds for an M14.

Some brief info on it. Decide for yourself. Article errs on the side of uber caution, as it is a mainstream source.


"Curcumin lowers the levels of two enzymes in the body that cause inflammation. It also stops platelets from clumping together to form blood clots.

Indigestion or Dyspepsia
Curcumin stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, which some people think may help improve digestion. The German Commission E, which determines which herbs can be safely prescribed in Germany, has approved turmeric for digestive problems. And one double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that turmeric reduced symptoms of bloating and gas in people suffering from indigestion.

Ulcerative colitis
Turmeric may help people with ulcerative colitis stay in remission. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease of the digestive tract where symptoms tend to come and go. In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, people whose ulcerative colitis was in remission took either curcumin or placebo, along with conventional medical treatment, for 6 months. Those who took curcumin had a relapse rate much lower than those who took placebo.

Stomach Ulcers
Turmeric does not seem to help treat stomach ulcers. In fact, there is some evidence that it may increase stomach acid, making existing ulcers worse. (See "Precautions" section.)

Because of its ability to reduce inflammation, researchers have wondered if turmeric may help relieve osteoarthritis pain. One study found that people using an Ayurvedic formula of herbs and minerals with turmeric, winter cherry (Withinia somnifera), boswellia (Boswellia serrata), and zinc had less pain and disability. But it' s impossible to know whether it was turmeric or one of the other supplements -- or all of them together -- that was responsible.

Heart Disease
Early studies suggested that turmeric may help prevent atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque that can block arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke. In animal studies, an extract of turmeric lowered cholesterol levels and kept LDL "bad" cholesterol from building up in blood vessels. Because it stops platelets from clumping together, turmeric may also prevent blood clots from building up along the walls of arteries. But a double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that taking curcumin, the active ingredient in turrmeric, at a dose of up to 4 g per day did not improve cholesterol levels.

There has been a great deal of research on turmeric's anti-cancer properties, but results are still very early. Evidence from test tube and animal studies suggests that curcumin may help prevent or treat several types of cancers, including prostate, breast, skin, and colon cancer. Its preventive effects may be because it is a strong antioxidant, protecting cells from damage. More research is needed. Cancer should be treated with conventional medications. Don' t use alternative therapies alone to treat cancer. If you choose to use complementary therapies along with your cancer treatment, make sure you tell all your doctors.

Bacterial and Viral Infections
Test tube and animal studies suggest turmeric may kill bacteria and viruses. But researchers don' t know whether it would work in people."

4th December 2012, 03:58 PM
Apparently it needs to be organic which you will find is some what more expensive.

Best way is to incorporate into your diet somehow as taking capsules will wear off.

4th December 2012, 04:20 PM
Wouldn't it be better to just eat raw turmeric root?

4th December 2012, 04:54 PM
The flavor doesn't thrill me, and I don't want everything I eat to be orange.

I'd like to take it 2 -3 times a day, unfortunately I can't manage to cook around that. All turmeric...all the time. What's for dinner? Ouch.

On the effectiveness thing, does it matter if it loses if I'm offsetting with large doses is what I'm wondering. Loses ...say...20% efficiency, but I'm taking 300% compared to what I'd be cooking with.

I'd start freebasing it, but I hate needles.

4th December 2012, 05:01 PM
OHL turned me on to it a year or so ago for pain relief foe my nerve issue. i'm taking probably 2 mg a day. it's AWESOME. works better than ibuprofen, etc.

4th December 2012, 05:27 PM
I'm also taking it. For maybe 6-8 weeks. I'm just taking a pill form that is sold as a pain reliever. I had quite a few localised points of pain flairing up from taking this, however I did expect some identifiable reactions. I like to think to myself that any potential areas where cancers or other nasties might be a potential now or in the future were getting the attention of the Tumeric. Now I get no reaction to it and I no longer have any noticable issues when taking it. Was there anything there? Did Tumeric deal with it? can't be sure but with this, the Lipsomal and removing even more toxic things from my food intake I'm feeling better than ever.

I would like to find a cheaper form. Been looking for pill making supplies but that is a challenge so far.

4th December 2012, 05:53 PM
ebecca provided some excellent suggestions on ways to use turmeric:

* Add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, with a pinch of black pepper, to olive oil and lemon juice for a quick salad dressing.

* Toss with roasted cauliflower.

* Add a teaspoon to the cooking liquid when preparing whole grains such as quinoa or brown basmati rice.

* Toss diced or sliced sweet potatoes with turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and a pinch of ground pepper before roasting them.

* Add to soups and stews.

* Add to any curry dish that uses coconut milk.

And here are some more from me:

* According to my grandmother, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric added to a glass of hot milk can cure anything from job loss to a broken heart.



June 4, 2011 - 1:51pm

A lot of you are asking how to use turmeric or what curcumin to take.

I'd like to share what I've learned about that subject from several books and online research.

According to Schreiber (in his book Anti-Cancer), turmeric isn't absorbed in our bodies unless we cook it in a bit of olive oil (organic and virgin, ideally) and add a dash of black pepper.

The potent anti-cancer component of turmeric is curcumin, however.

And while there are many curcumin capsules out there on the market, only Life Extension (as far as I know) makes one already combined with black paper (bioperine). It's called "SuperCurcumin" and comes only in 800 mg capsules, so two a day with meals would me an acceptable minImal dosage. (I wish they would make it in 500 mg capsules, as other companies do.)

However, in his book Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients, Dr. Russell Blaylock advises, if we want to MAXIMIZE absorption, to take ANY curcumin capsule in a tablespoon of olive oil. I've tried this with Supercurcumin (opened the capsule, added it to a tablespoon of olive oil and gulped it down) but have to warn you that it's a little acidic tasting (who cares, if it could be saving our lives, right?) and that you need to wash your hands afterwards; curcumin will stain everything a bright orange. (Note that in nature, it's so often foods that are bright orange that are the healthiest.)

Sorry that I"ve been off the boards for a few weeks. Have just finished five weeks of pelvic radiation and am feeling just fine, remarkably. (Have had no fatigue, no urinary burning, no skin burn, and only very minor diahrrea--only after breakfast, for five or so days after treatment ended--and even this effect is already improving.) Now just need last three rounds of carbo/taxol to finish treatment.



4th December 2012, 08:10 PM
I think the best way to go is hand roll them. Easy enough, 45mins is good for a month's supply while watching a movie. Pretty mindless activity. Next batch is getting a good dose of pepper, and anything else that might amp it up.

I've always agreed with the orchestra v.s. single instrument analogy when comparing food and music. Solid concept.

Thanks for the recipes.

Twisted Titan
4th December 2012, 08:21 PM
I sprinkle it on everything

4th December 2012, 08:26 PM
I am just waiting for the next shoe to drop, when will I get cancer? I need to start loading up on any anti cancer herbs , OHL where are you?

4th December 2012, 08:53 PM
You can go to www.mountainroseherbs.com and buy a 1lb bag of organic turmeric for 7.00.. You can go to www.capsulconnection.com and buy a capsule machine for 17.00, then buy capsules for pennies. A 1 lb bag of turmeric will fill over 1000 capsules. I take 4 capsules a day. I do take 2 right before bed with my other female stuff. It helps me sleep. One should be mixing the turmeric with peperine as it makes it more potent. I dont have any, so I mix about 1/8 of cayenne pepper in with my turmeric. Turmeric needs to be taken with some kind of fat - preferably with coconut oil.

Glass.... Turmeric will help with achy joints, and with the diet plan you have been on, it helps pull out the toxins in your joints.

4th December 2012, 08:57 PM
There's a lot of commercials on the TV lately, saying I might get shingles if I had chicken pox as a kid. I'm also seeing a lot of commercials for men's catheders...is there an epidemic?...do a lot of men need these to go pee? Should I be worried?
Do I need the "Forever Comfy" cushion to make my back feel goood and my bottom feel goood, too?
So many decisions, so much to worry about...ho hum

4th December 2012, 09:10 PM
I forgot to say, turmeric is wonderful for cuts or burns. It is also anti-bacterial. When I disbud my goats horns , we make a paste out of turmeric and coconut oil. The goats are in pain and we slap some of the paste on you can see an immediate relief in them. One time I cut my finger to the bone with a rotary cutter. I mixed up some turmeric and coconut oil and put it on the cut then put a band aid on. I changed my band aid twice a day and put new paste on each time. My cut was totally closed up by day 4 and a small red line was all that was left by day 7. I have no scar, I cant even tell where it cut!

EE... maybe its time!

4th December 2012, 09:36 PM
Glass.... Turmeric will help with achy joints, and with the diet plan you have been on, it helps pull out the toxins in your joints.

Thanks Ima, it wasn't joint pain. It was internal pain which was part of a larger issue of feeding myself toxins (I know better now) and was detoxing. Parts of my gut were in trouble. A combo of the lipsomal for detox and flushing the toxins and then the Probiotiics and tumeric hitting the gut (at different times of the day) and I could feel localised reactions. Not fear of death stuff. Just mild twings and twangs in the gut which after about 1 month settled down nicely. No discomfort, everything running much like clockwork.

The name of the product I bought was actually called "Relief" or something similar. It was sold specifically for joint pain relief. For me thats 2 products for the price of 1. You've got to be happy with that!

4th December 2012, 09:45 PM
I notice more improvements when taking cayenne, but turmeric definitely helps too.

5th December 2012, 01:27 AM
When I'm sauteeing onions, if I'm going to make lentil soup I sprinkle the tumeric on.

But Cayenne is my #1.

Old Herb Lady
5th December 2012, 07:18 AM
I am just waiting for the next shoe to drop, when will I get cancer? I need to start loading up on any anti cancer herbs , OHL where are you?

Zap , don't worry so much about getting cancer.

Cancer is a disease of deficiency and excess. Not enough of the good and too much of the bad.
( including diet, lifestyle, toxic mind, body, spirit) and the weakest, most abused area of the body is usually where the sickness shows itself first , even tho it's systemic.
When a person knows this they can start putting in more of the good and less of the bad to prevent it and/ or clear it. Juicing with an Omega juicer everyday is the first step and you already know/ are doing the good fresh foods.

You already know all this, I know I said it a million times before and I repeat myself, so sorry.

As far as herbs to ward off cancer...there is an infinite bounty all around us in nature in abundance.
I have mentioned the best of the best in many, many threads. You can practically pick them from the cracks in the sidewalk if you had to.

I'm taking a break from the Internet and handing all of my electronics over to the person who
has purchased and taught me how to use these little devices of deceit and misery and probably will be back after the holidays after I get more unnecessary electronic crap in my stocking.

God Bless, Love and LIGHT, Peace and HUGS, always.

Hatha Sunahara
5th December 2012, 10:19 AM
You can get a good dose of Turmeric if you eat Indian foods--curries particularly. Turmeric is a main ingedient in curry powder. If you learned how to cook indian curry dishes, you could get all the turmeric you need and have some fairly delicious food in your diet. Thai curries unfortunately do not usually have turmeric. I make a sauce for stir fried vegetables that includes curry powder and peanut butter. I also use straight turmeric powder to provide a yellow color to foods. I make an indian dish called Aloo Gobi--which is a spicy mix of cauliflower and potatoes and other veggies which I add a few teaspoons of turmeric to to make it nice and yellow.


5th December 2012, 08:31 PM
Red Lentil w/Lemon Grass a.k.a. Dahl Tadka

1/2 cup red lentils (100g)
1 small white onion (80g)
2 cups (500ml) water
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 cloves crushed garlic
1 fresh long chilli, fine chopped
5cm fresh lemon grass (10g) fine chopped
400g crushed tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground tumeric
1/4 cuo coarse chop fresh coriander
2 tablespoons chopped flatr parsley

* I add a couple of mustard seeds. Not too many, maybe 4 - 6 only.
** I think the amount of onion is too much but it's personal taste. Others think it's an ok amount.

Lentils, onion and water into medium saucepan and bring to boil then reduce to a simmer uncovered for 10 minutes or until lentils are soft. Strain over bowl and keep 1/2 cup liquid.

Heat oil in large saucepan, cook garlic, chilli and lemongrass, stiring until fragrent. Stir in unstrained tomatoes, ground spices, lentils and reserved liquid. Bring to boil then reduce hear. Simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. Take off heat, stir in fresh coriander and parsley. Inhale deeply and enjoy.

This is a very easy recipe and it tastes just like the pre cooked stuff I used to buy. I'm not sure where this comes from but credit where it's due.

5th December 2012, 08:37 PM
Zap , don't worry so much about getting cancer.

Cancer is a disease of deficiency and excess. Not enough of the good and too much of the bad.
( including diet, lifestyle, toxic mind, body, spirit) and the weakest, most abused area of the body is usually where the sickness shows itself first , even tho it's systemic.
When a person knows this they can start putting in more of the good and less of the bad to prevent it and/ or clear it. Juicing with an Omega juicer everyday is the first step and you already know/ are doing the good fresh foods.

You already know all this, I know I said it a million times before and I repeat myself, so sorry.

As far as herbs to ward off cancer...there is an infinite bounty all around us in nature in abundance.
I have mentioned the best of the best in many, many threads. You can practically pick them from the cracks in the sidewalk if you had to.

I'm taking a break from the Internet and handing all of my electronics over to the person who
has purchased and taught me how to use these little devices of deceit and misery and probably will be back after the holidays after I get more unnecessary electronic crap in my stocking.

God Bless, Love and LIGHT, Peace and HUGS, always.

I am thinking that caloric restriction Is a good thing although, I better think hard about the Vodka though...that will kill Ya, me ya, you have my # and my email sister

Life is hard and it gets harder ! xo

5th December 2012, 09:13 PM
Cancer is a disease of deficiency and excess

Sorry for the excessive snip...

Thought I would add, state of mind also plays an appreciable part. The onset of the condition is not limited to food.

Food for thought... (pun intended!) ;)

And get those lymph nodes pumping fluid. That means muscle constriction through exercise. Gotta wring those suckers out! Reason #1 why couch potato is soon to be put back in the ground imo.