View Full Version : Fifty-seven percent of Mexican immigrants on welfare

General of Darkness
5th December 2012, 06:40 AM
I'm not surprised.

Fifty-seven percent of Mexican immigrants on welfare

Immigration (http://www.examiner.com/topic/immigration)
December 1, 2012
By: Bob Wilson (http://www.examiner.com/immigration-in-spokane/bob-wilson)
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A report by the Center for Immigration (http://www.examiner.com/topic/immigration) Studies (www.cis.org (http://www.cis.org/2012-profile-of-americas-foreign-born-population#birth)) reveals some startling figures about welfare use by families headed by immigrants.
“In 2010, 36 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one major welfare program (primarily food assistance and Medicaid) compared to 23 percent of native households,” summarizes the document which was published by the Center for Immigration Studies and examines a wide variety of topics relating to immigration. Click HERE (http://cis.org/node/3876#poverty)to read the full report.
The document breaks down the immigrant families by country of origin and gives specific types of welfare and percentages of the families that used it in 2010. An average fewer than 23 percent of native households use some type of “welfare” which is specifically defined in the study. 36 percent of households headed by immigrants use some type of welfare. Families headed by immigrants from specific countries or areas of the world range from just over 6 percent for those immigrants from Great Britain to more than 57 percent of those from Mexico using some type of welfare.
This comprehensive study suggests there are approximately 40 million immigrants in the United States of which more than a 25 percent of that number, and the largest overall group, originate from Mexico. The study estimates that approximately 28 percent of immigrants, or just over 11 million, are within the United States illegally. The study also suggests that nearly 50 percent of those immigrants originating from Mexico and Central America are here illegally.
This report is very comprehensive and examines various statistics of immigrants currently residing in the United States. Overall, state and federal aid use by immigrant families is much higher than that used by families headed by citizens of the United States.
The large population of immigrants, both legal and illegal in Eastern Washington and even Spokane affects the states budget dramatically.
The approaching fiscal cliff is forcing congress and the current administration to contemplate cuts to services. Welfare use by immigrants, both illegally and legally within the United States, should be thoroughly examined and considered while making cuts.

mick silver
5th December 2012, 07:10 AM
if they keep pouring over the border and driving down the pay we all will be on welfare . just my thought

5th December 2012, 03:09 PM
King George II opened his cock holster on the immigration matter recently.

Former U.S. President George W. Bush returned to the spotlight to urge Congress to pass immigration reform, saying immigrants help "invigorate our soul."

"As our nation debates the proper course of action relating to immigration, I hope we do so with a benevolent spirit and keep in mind the contribution of immigrants," he said Tuesday at a conference co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

"Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our soul," Bush said.



5th December 2012, 03:12 PM
"Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our soul," Bush said."Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our soul," Bush said.

How the heck would he know.

midnight rambler
5th December 2012, 03:16 PM
How the heck would he know.

It invigorates his soul when he gazes out his window and watches his Meskin gardeners tending to his flower beds.

5th December 2012, 03:24 PM
It invigorates his soul when he gazes out his window and watches his Meskin gardeners tending to his flower beds.

I believe Glass was implying that Bush has no soul, at least that's the way I choose to read it...

midnight rambler
5th December 2012, 03:36 PM
I believe Glass was implying that Bush has no soul, at least that's the way I choose to read it...

Oh he's got a soul alright, it's just that Satan holds the title to it.

5th December 2012, 03:37 PM
No you guys have it wrong, they come here to work, because we are a melting pot and our country offers them opportunity. I've been told this a lot I'm sure it's true. These statistics in the OP are simply racist.

5th December 2012, 03:39 PM
I couldn't find a link to the article. CIS is controlled opposition so the number is probably much higher, 77%.

6th December 2012, 06:26 AM
I couldn't find a link to the article. CIS is controlled opposition so the number is probably much higher, 77%. you beat me to the punch.....77% ?...and the other 23% are looting and burning.

6th December 2012, 06:27 AM
Wait till they start bringing in the "Muslim refugees"...

6th December 2012, 08:15 AM
Wait till they start bringing in the "Muslim refugees"...

Don't have to wait, they've been flying them in by the thousands for the past several years!

D sciple
6th December 2012, 09:41 AM
We should divide the land into farm lots (for us), then enslave/employ (no difference) them.

D sciple
6th December 2012, 09:48 AM
"Jose, as you can see I'm looking at 100 acres. First build yourself a shack over there (points) with those trees. Then build me a shack (later a sweet mansion). Next we start planting, get some sheep bangin', and I'll give you like...3 sheep a week for pay. Or you can just go home."

Twisted Titan
6th December 2012, 12:47 PM
Whatever gubbermints wants it subsidizes : The Brownback Invasion

Whatever it dosent it restricts through regulation : Lawful Firearm possesion is a very stringent process

6th December 2012, 02:11 PM
We should divide the land into farm lots (for us), then enslave/employ (no difference) them.This is the bait that paved the way for multiculturalism in the Western World.

6th December 2012, 03:55 PM

6th December 2012, 03:57 PM

6th December 2012, 04:02 PM

6th December 2012, 04:05 PM

The Rise of American Industry
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25f. Irish and German Immigration
Leaving Ireland for Liverpool, 1851
Illustrated London News
Steamers carried Irish emigrants to Liverpool where their transatlantic voyage began

In the middle half of the nineteenth century, more than one-half of the population of Ireland emigrated to the United States. So did an equal number of Germans. Most of them came because of civil unrest, severe unemployment or almost inconceivable hardships at home. This wave of immigration affected almost every city and almost every person in America. From 1820 to 1870, over seven and a half million immigrants came to the United States — more than the entire population of the country in 1810. Nearly all of them came from northern and western Europe — about a third from Ireland and almost a third from Germany. Burgeoning companies were able to absorb all that wanted to work. Immigrants built canals and constructed railroads. They became involved in almost every labor-intensive endeavor in the country. Much of the country was built on their backs.

Letter to the London Times from an Irish Immigrant in America, 1850

I am exceedingly well pleased at coming to this land of plenty. On arrival I purchased 120 acres of land at $5 an acre. You must bear in mind that I have purchased the land out, and it is to me and mine an "estate for ever", without a landlord, an agent or tax-gatherer to trouble me. I would advise all my friends to quit Ireland — the country most dear to me; as long as they remain in it they will be in bondage and misery.

What you labour for is sweetened by contentment and happiness; there is no failure in the potato crop, and you can grow every crop you wish, without manuring the land during life. You need not mind feeding pigs, but let them into the woods and they will feed themselves, until you want to make bacon of them.

I shudder when I think that starvation prevails to such an extent in poor Ireland. After supplying the entire population of America, there would still be as much corn and provisions left us would supply the world, for there is no limit to cultivation or end to land. Here the meanest labourer has beef and mutton, with bread, bacon, tea, coffee, sugar and even pies, the whole year round — every day here is as good as Christmas day in Ireland.

Anti-Irish sentiment permeated the United States during the Industrial Revolution. The prejudice exhibited in advertisements like this one sometimes led to violent outbursts.

In Ireland almost half of the population lived on farms that produced little income. Because of their poverty, most Irish people depended on potatoes for food. When this crop failed three years in succession, it led to a great famine with horrendous consequences. Over 750,000 people starved to death. Over two million Irish eventually moved to the United States seeking relief from their desolated country. Impoverished, the Irish could not buy property. Instead, they congregated in the cities where they landed, almost all in the northeastern United States. Today, Ireland has just half the population it did in the early 1840s. There are now more Irish Americans than there are Irish nationals.

In the decade from 1845 to 1855, more than a million Germans fled to the United States to escape economic hardship. They also sought to escape the political unrest caused by riots, rebellion and eventually a revolution in 1848. The Germans had little choice — few other places besides the United States allowed German immigration. Unlike the Irish, many Germans had enough money to journey to the Midwest in search of farmland and work. The largest settlements of Germans were in New York City, Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Milwaukee.

With the vast numbers of German and Irish coming to America, hostility to them erupted. Part of the reason for the opposition was religious. All of the Irish and many of the Germans were Roman Catholic. Part of the opposition was political. Most immigrants living in cities became Democrats because the party focused on the needs of commoners. Part of the opposition occurred because Americans in low-paying jobs were threatened and sometimes replaced by groups willing to work for almost nothing in order to survive. Signs that read NINA — "No Irish Need Apply" — sprang up throughout the country.
Know Nothing Party platform
The Know Nothing Party's platform included the repeal of all naturalization laws and a prohibition on immigrants from holding public office.

Ethnic and anti-Catholic rioting occurred in many northern cites, the largest occurring in Philadelphia in 1844 during a period of economic depression. Protestants, Catholics and local militia fought in the streets. 16 were killed, dozens were injured and over 40 buildings were demolished. "Nativist" political parties sprang up almost overnight. The most influential of these parties, the Know Nothings, was anti-Catholic and wanted to extend the amount of time it took immigrants to become citizens and voters. They also wanted to prevent foreign-born people from ever holding public office. Economic recovery after the 1844 depression reduced the number of serious confrontations for a time, as the country seemed to be able to use all the labor it could get.

But Nativism returned in the 1850s with a vengeance. In the 1854 elections, Nativists won control of state governments in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and California. They won elections in Maryland and Kentucky and took 45% of the vote in 5 other states. In 1856, Millard Fillmore was the American Party candidate for President and trumpeted anti-immigrant themes. Nativism caused much splintering in the political landscape, and the Republicans, with no platform or policies about it, benefited and rode to victory in the divisive election of 1860.

6th December 2012, 04:22 PM
Interresting reads but what's your point steel_ag

Foreigners who have been in this country for less than one year are still subject to the immigration laws. If an immigrant becomes a public charge within twelve months, or applies to a public charity for relief, he is deported at the expense of the steamship company.

6th December 2012, 06:21 PM
Interresting reads but what's your point steel_ag


6th December 2012, 08:46 PM
No really, I would like to know how the immigration stories you've posted are relatable to the masses streaming across our southern borders, who are protected from assimilation by government enforced political correctness or how it applies to the thousands of Somalis and other mid east Muslim nationalities the Fed Gov has flown into this country and are given welfare, housing and the same politically correct protections afforded those invaders from across our southern border.

What is your point?

D sciple
7th December 2012, 08:12 AM
This is the bait that paved the way for multiculturalism in the Western World.

Hmm, yea there are a few problems. I mean...we'd always need to remember keep the whole law (God's) and never forget that the foreigner can't ever own land (here). And there should never be legislation (Deut 4:2) that could change that.

There is another problem with my payment system, I couldn't give them 3 sheep a week because eventually their herd would extend into mine. So really, I could only pay them enough to survive.

And, it's quite possible that brothas can't even qualify for slavedom if they are in fact the Canaanites, fwiw. But I could see mexicans working out better?

D sciple
7th December 2012, 08:24 AM
Or, we just divide up the U.S. territory and ship each race into each section. I suspect the brothas would take themselves out quickly. The latin region would kirk out and quickley dissolve into a nightmare scenario where they then attack us, and we follow up by slaughtering them all and get the land back. (according to the law...I think)

D sciple
7th December 2012, 08:29 AM
But idk, perhaps the foreigners have been so oppressed in their own countries, that once a fair system is in place (like Numbers 33:54) where they each get their own farm (in their racial section of course), they too could be civil.

7th December 2012, 01:28 PM
No really, I would like to know how the immigration stories you've posted are relatable to the masses streaming across our southern borders, who are protected from assimilation by government enforced political correctness or how it applies to the thousands of Somalis and other mid east Muslim nationalities the Fed Gov has flown into this country and are given welfare, housing and the same politically correct protections afforded those invaders from across our southern border.

What is your point?

Nevermind, I don't have anything to say.

7th December 2012, 02:17 PM
Nevermind, I don't have anything to say.

Fair enough, I'll just chalk it up to a trip down memory lane, back to a time when we could afford to take in non-freeloading and legal immigrants...

7th December 2012, 04:40 PM
Fair enough, I'll just chalk it up to a trip down memory lane, back to a time when we could afford to take in non-freeloading and legal immigrants...

Carl, I enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes I just like to post links. That is all. Maybe I'll get points if I become a politician someday?

8th December 2012, 12:13 AM
Interresting reads but what's your point steel_ag
I figured it was the difference in mentality between prior immigrants from North Europe and today's third world immigration.