View Full Version : The Best Article I've Read All Year

5th December 2012, 03:44 PM
Pied Pipers Of The Truth Movement: Where Exactly Are They Trying To Lead Us?
http://revolutionharry.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/pied-pipers-of-truth-movement-where.html (http://revolutionharry.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/pied-pipers-of-truth-movement-where.html)

I wouldn't doubt this has been posted before, but I just read it last night, figured I couldn't be the only one who missed it.

It's long, so wait till you have some time to read it, but it's rare to see an article cover so much ground while staying interesting and leaving no stone unturned.

5th December 2012, 03:58 PM
Your people, your yourself are to be blamed for helping the Zionist conquer the world........you are helping them by using the word "Jew" instead of Zionist and by saying nothing when you hear the words "anti-Semite" and also by saying Israel instead of "the state of Israel".........I don't blamed you for being what you are, and that's nothing more than a bunch of morons who have been brainwashed.....................you are helping them keep their lies alive by not correcting what they say...............this is Herr Ponce.............viva Ponce.

5th December 2012, 05:00 PM
Yes L S, the guy who wrote this has an excellent grip on things and a very bright mind. This is a very good article. From the article:

So what can we do. We appear to face a 'hydra-headed' monster that operates through numerous fronts. Those willing to do the research are faced with a, sometimes, bewildering amount of information and theories that shows any number of groups or organisations involved in the agenda. It seems that, to a large degree, this has been done on purpose and is part of the game being played. Some will say the capstone is the hierarchy of the Vatican, along with the likes of the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta. Others say it's the Zionists, the Talmudic and Cabbalistic Jewish elite along with the international bankers, possibly including the British Israel movement. It seems that somehow the Crown or City of London fits into this nexus, along with the royal and aristocratic bloodline families, mainly of Europe, perhaps with the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's, our won royal family, at the top of that particular tree. Then there's the secret society networks that include certain Freemasonic groups as well as the likes of Skull and Bones or the Ordo Templi Orientis. On a political level some will point to international communism or the Fabian socialists. Then there are the numerous organisations and think tanks such as the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome, funded by the multi-billionaire 'capitalists' such as the Rockefellers. Essentially, it seems they are all, on one level, controlled and part of the same agenda. These are the 'forces' Tony Blair said were shaping the world. The question debated is who controls who? Can we know for sure? I'm not sure we can. My own best guess is that we can look to the Bible for an idea of what it is we face. A synthesis of the 'Synagogue of Satan' (those who 'say they are Jews, and are not') and 'Rome' with both having their roots in Babylon and in conjunction with the 'bloodlines'.

Attempts to 'take on' these forces at the current time may well be doomed to failure if for no other reason than the majority of people would dismiss the idea of there being an agenda of any sort, let alone the people mentioned being involved. There's a far greater appetite for some sort of major political change because most can't see past that level of control. The levers of power are pulled at a much higher level than a mere politician. Any solution that doesn't acknowledge that isn't going to meet with any real success.

Just an excerpt but he pretty much summed the whole thing up.

5th December 2012, 05:10 PM
You know Ponce, there is a lot of Jew blaming on this site. Perhaps it is well deserved. Let's call a spade a spade and fuck all the people who can't see past their pussified programming. In the article he states that it would seem that it is not just Jews who are at the top, (the top being the elite who are destroying all that is decent), but a pretty good slice of old European blood too. He also says that the Jews as a whole are considered by those on top to be just as much 'cattle' as everyone else. They are just usefull idiots.

The problem is not just Zionists but everyone in this world who think they can go against the laws of nature and set up a collectivist utopia. A collectivist uptopia will only work for a few and at the expense of the mass of humanity who will live in a collectivist hell to fund the utopia of the few who are 'more equal'.

5th December 2012, 05:49 PM
My own best guess is that we can look to the Bible for an idea of what it is we face. A synthesis of the 'Synagogue of Satan' (those who 'say they are Jews, and are not') and 'Rome' with both having their roots in Babylon and in conjunction with the 'bloodlines'.

Yes, the enemy has written themselves into your playbook,

knowing full well you posses it, and will keep following it to a tee.

Its like a Get Smart episode...Hidden in plain sight, correct?

Whilst they exit stage left to write another verse.

5th December 2012, 05:52 PM
Yes, the enemy has written themselves into your playbook,

knowing full well you posses it, and will keep following it to a tee.

Its like a Get Smart episode...

Almost 9000 posts and only 378 thanks......

Do you have a job? Or does the ADL/JIDF pay you to talk shit about Christianity online and then run from a debate just like your boy BB?

5th December 2012, 07:12 PM
Starts off ok then delves off into the world of religion.

I can think of one thing removed that would allow people to stop being controlled by it. Starts with an R...ends with eligion.

If it's continuously being used against people back and forth throughout time, why drink the water?

Is it that hard know the difference between good and bad?

I'll never understand why people need to get all wrapped up in a book of stories a billion times over just to add up 1 + 1.

5th December 2012, 07:14 PM
This was a very good article. I posted a thread about the Lucis Trust not too long ago myself. Also the connection between the political Zionists, the Frankists and Sabbatea Tzevi who believe as an article of faith that every form of moral rightness must be reversed to achieve salvation.
One thing that wasn't touched on much was the bloodline. It's a family bloodline. The House of Anjeu. "sp" Known for centuries as The Devils Brood.
Among other things this family ruled over Jerusalem for over 300 years, so they probably feel somewhat possessive over the state of Izzrael.

5th December 2012, 08:43 PM
Almost 9000 posts and only 378 thanks......

Do you have a job? Or does the ADL/JIDF pay you to talk shit about Christianity online and then run from a debate just like your boy BB?

I've been charged with running out the zealot trash, another thankless job, but somebody has to do it. :)

Do you see dead people aswell? Along with unreal scapegoat jews.

5th December 2012, 08:46 PM
I've been charged with running out the zealot trash, another thankless job, but somebody has to do it. :)

Do you see dead people aswell? Along with unreal scapegoat jews.

LOL, welcome to my ignore list. The others that were on it are now permabanned (joe king, antonio etc) perhaps this isn't a good sign for you (or your employers)

5th December 2012, 08:57 PM
LOL, welcome to my ignore list.

Halleluiah, now having completed their Babylonian Bible script, make the place comfortable, rebuild,

and then send in the real jews for our praise...


5th December 2012, 09:00 PM
That part I don't get is the guy is saying from a religious perspective we mut get in bed, and have the sex in order to remain virgins. Gotta be an alcoholic, in order to not drink.

Take the drugs in order to be drug free. Take cocaine, to avoid taking heroin.

Delve into the realm of religion in order to stay out of it.

I don't see the difference. Same premise different labels. I don't get it.

5th December 2012, 09:03 PM
Ignore is a good thing.

But true and boneafied and true academics into the research of the subject mater counts , unless one only wants to hold and enforce their believes.

I still hold that some here other forums/outlets of media are trying to re wright history.

5th December 2012, 10:00 PM
the Jews demonstrated their true colors long before Zionism was a gleam in Herzl's eye, back in the decades before Zio-congress #1 in 1897.

Jew parasites for 2 millenia - or several centuries, depending on how you count - no Zionism in sight.

Blood Passover, ritual human sacrifice a cornerstone of the Jewish 'religion'.

Zionism is merely their latest big project.

if Israel were stomped, would the Jews revert to handing out chocolates on New York street corners ?

5th December 2012, 10:50 PM
This is a key article because it pretty succinctly covers an entire viewpoint with respect to the topics it mentions.

There's a huge barrier that seems to separate us on the forum, which will likely separate the population as a whole as most people wake up. We all pretty much agree on the issues with the money system, the existence of an elite, the poison in our water and food, fragile nature of our food network, existence and rise of the police state, and current zionist forces heavily involved in all these activities. There isn't massive disagreement here, and I think these realizations are quickly spreading throughout society.

There is a second level however where the barrier(s) exist, which separate us pretty well and will likely continue in the future. Basically, the disagreements people have who otherwise understand all the things in the above paragraph.

These disagreements basically seem to break people down into the following camps (plus or minus a few errors I'm sure):
1) Type I
- "(Christian) Warrior" type
- Satan/Lucifer is the cause of all that is wrong in the world (non-religious versions mostly focus on Jews being the prime problem)
- Read the bible/scripture for absolute (and probably entire) truth (non-religious versions look at historical western civilization as the absolute source for truth)
- Weapons are a core value: either physical weapons, or sometimes simply powerful spiritual weapons
- Overcoming evil forces, and proper interpretation, belief, and defense of core doctrine most important
- New age = occult = satan = lucifer = free masons = zionists = evil = illuminati = symbolism = enlightenment (few distinctions made, what's important is that it seems contrary to the absolute truth from the third bullet point)
- Generally "with me or against me"
- Basically the problems and solutions are external

2) Type II
- "New Age" type
- Lack of awareness, ignorance, and false perception is everything that is wrong in the world
- No single book or blueprint available for absolute truth, but a large number of contemporary and ancient sources can reveal an absolute truth
- Weapons may be viewed as pragmatic and necessary, but in the long run fighting won't solve much because there's no concrete external enemy
- Personal revelation, growth, and truth discovery are the most important things
- Fringe knowledge, fringe experiences, religious books, others' strange beliefs (occult, etc) are investigated and individually accepted or rejected as personally insightful/useful. Not lumped together
- Usually allow people to take their own path and learn from their own experiences
- Basically problems and solutions are internal, with perhaps secondary external oppressive forces

3) Type III
- "Rationalist" type
- Belief without proof is the cause of all problems
- Science and modern rational thought (usually peer reviewed or it doesn't count) reveal the obvious material truth of any given thing
- Usually the most important thing is collective progress, could involve implementing specific '-isms', perhaps eugenics, or we should all just die because we aren't fit as a species. Not the same as collectivism, but rather progress for humanity as a species (eg, could be anarchism advocated as the best way)
- The elite are mentally defective sociopaths which control masses of mentally defective religious people, probably a symbiotic relationship
- Not sure what they think about the occult, new agers, lucifer, etc, generally seem to acknowledge but somewhat ignore or it write off as just sociopaths
- Generally you are with humanity or against it
- Problems are external to the rationalist, but internal to society (lol)

You can see that these are some rather broad, somewhat blurred, categories that most people fit into. People can fit into more than one, but usually there's a primary one.

Now if you've taken the time to read this far, thanks, I'm going to try to draw a conclusion. This is pretty important because the fundamental barriers that I mentioned earlier between the different types can potentially be identified. Usually it takes years, hundreds of threads, arguments with loved ones, etc, etc, before the real, true, fundamental difference you have with a different type can be identified.

Others can give their opinions here, but I'm going to say that the key difference, or barrier we have with each other, is whether we consider our problems and solutions as being external to ourselves, or internal. So the fundamental barrier that I, vacuum, have with certain members here is, I'd say, they primarily think that either crushing satan, the zionists, or possibly freemasons is basically the answer. Whereas I'd say the key is basically being able communicate with and tolerate each other, the ability not to react but thoughtfully interact to anything from an insult to a proposal, and finally effectively taking criticism.

There are tons of details that can be argued about, but imo that is the fundamental difference between ourselves and the members here who we have differences with. I'm not saying one of the three is necessarily wrong (though obviously I go with type II), what I'm saying is now at least the key difference has been identified. Now you can explicitly think about the core paradigm you go with: do you think the problem is internal, external, or just other people?

5th December 2012, 11:51 PM
I voted for Ross.


6th December 2012, 12:22 AM
Your people, your yourself are to be blamed for helping the Zionist conquer the world........you are helping them by using the word "Jew" instead of Zionist and by saying nothing when you hear the words "anti-Semite" and also by saying Israel instead of "the state of Israel".........I don't blamed you for being what you are, and that's nothing more than a bunch of morons who have been brainwashed.....................you are helping them keep their lies alive by not correcting what they say...............this is Herr Ponce.............viva Ponce.

It's called quintessential ADL fap material. Nothing like giving your opposition a great big handle in which to swing you around with.

6th December 2012, 12:29 AM
Almost posted a thread on this but this'll do. Mike Delaney / Prothink last week,
Dissecting The Website Stats – Who Are The Top ‘Haters’ AKA Truth Sites (http://www.prothink.org/2012/11/27/dissecting-the-website-stats-who-are-the-top-haters-aka-truth-sites/)

Dissecting The Website Stats - Who Are The Top 'Haters' AKA Truth Siteshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhXwoVsugD4


Published on Nov 27, 2012 by Michael Delaney (http://www.youtube.com/user/Prothink2)
http://truthisahatecrime.blogspot.com = 5,829,823
http://Holocaustdenialvideos.com = 4,926,082
http://antizionistleague.com = 4,723,526
http://adelaideinstitute.org = 3,882,421
http://truthmilitia.com = 3,411,825
http://barnesreview.org = 2,079,006
http://Maskofzion.com = 2,684,483
http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com = 2,534,574
http://Kevinmacdonald.net = 2,476,615
http://radicalpress.com = 1,901,986
http://subvertednation.net = 1,641,278
http://zundelsite.org = 1,624,233
http://nsm88.org = 1,594,139
http://prothink.tv = 1,578,447
http://jewishfaces.com = 1,440,383
http://Carolynyeager.com = 1,422,197
http://codoh.com = 1,290,596
http://spingola.com = 1,278,534
http://thejidf.org = 1,190,093
http://Whiterabbitradio.net = 1,114,979
http://theforbiddentruth.net = 1,088,971
http://reasonradionetwork.com = 1,051,764
http://jewwatch.com = 1,014,666
http://thezog.wordpress.com = 848,745
http://ramzpaul.com = 839,882
http://bollyn.com = 836,187
http://911missinglinks.com = 797,392
http://wideeyecinema.com = 793,536
http://whitecivilrights.com = 779,892
http://american3rdposition.com = 617,387
http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com = 599,103
http://resist.com = 597,033
http://erichufschmid.net = 537,720
http://vaclib.org = 485,602
http://truthtellers.org = 398,923
http://incogman.net = 379,357
http://911truth.org = 346,972
http://rys2sense.com = 333,905
http://oraclebroadcasting.com = 312,318
http://texemarrs.com = 308,990
http://theinfounderground.com = 297,600
http://911blogger.com = 295,690
http://ihr.org = 285,135
http://theoccidentalobserver.net = 278,572
http://Jewishproblem.com = 264,144
http://iamthewitness.com = 249,963
http://christogenea.org = 237,398
http://prothink.org = 230,755
http://newsnet14.com = 230,098
http://cofcc.org = 216,739
http://counter-currents.com = 198,504
http://americanfreepress.net = 198,343
http://eutimes.net = 195,292
http://fpp.co.uk = 180,758
http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com = 175,266
http://davidduke.com = 163,655
http://zioncrimefactory.com = 163,080
http://Republicbroadcasting.org = 124,679
http://adl.org = 114,636
http://realjewnews.com = 103,325
http://vnnforum.com = 98,541
http://amren.com = 64,411
http://informationclearinghouse.info = 37,150
http://xryshaygh.com (golden dawn official site) = 29,119
http://veteranstoday.com = 24,197
http://stormfront.org = 20,796
http://prisonplanet.tv = 18,561
http://rense.com = 8,778
http://prisonplanet.com = 8,720
http://presstv.ir = 4,166
http://mercola.com = 1,865
http://infowars.com = 1,750
http://rt.com = 962
http://drudgereport.com = 392

ZCF is crowing about being bigger (traffic wise) than a bunch of other joo-wise truth sites,

Zion Running Scared: ZCF Now Among Top Ranked Truth Sites (http://zioncrimefactory.com/2012/11/28/zion-running-scared-zcf-now-among-top-ranked-truth-sites/)

see at his homepage where ZCF is on the rampage against Ryan 'Dawstein' of http://rys2sense.com , who Rivero/WRH seemed to put on the map. I haven't much liked Dawstein since a couple years ago I saw a vid he made where he called people who don't believe a commercial jetliner flew into the pentagon 'retards' or similar. That same dogmatic position helped turn me off from Rivero, and many 'truthers' who tried to make it the official 911 TM position that an airliiner (piloted by Hani Hanjour) flew into the pentagon.

6th December 2012, 03:14 AM

Twisted Titan
6th December 2012, 06:39 AM
I have long been of The Opinion

If you can see any of" Them" they are not the top

They might be 3-5 levels down from it.

The Master Puppeteer has never been seen....if you want to call it aliens or Demons that can be up for debate.

But it is definately a supernatural being that controls the fate of nations

Of that i am certain

6th December 2012, 08:39 AM
I have long been of The Opinion

If you can see any of" Them" they are not the top

They might be 3-5 levels down from it.

The Master Puppeteer has never been seen....if you want to call it aliens or Demons that can be up for debate.

But it is definately a supernatural being that controls the fate of nations

Of that i am certain

I'll agree with that.

Just to add that those who try & take away their chess pieces are exorcizing in futility, as they grow their own chess pieces.

They only thing to do is wake up and befriend the chess pieces themselves in hopes they will turn the tide in our favor.

i believe it is an inside job like vacuum stated.