View Full Version : The Terminator movies were documentaries

midnight rambler
6th December 2012, 10:30 AM

6th December 2012, 11:01 AM
From the comments...

Mark (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWCOjOj4RAU) December 6, 2012 at 1:19 am (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/12/05/nowhere-to-run-or-to-hide-from-the-new-killer-robots/#comment-1248)

¿Nazi style or jewish style? Please stop the jewish propaganda. No more talk about the nazi myth. We now know that the jewish version of WWII is a huge lie (If in doubt watch the movie by jewish historian “David Cole in Auschwitz”.
The real murderers were jew Lenin (19 million christians) and jew Stalin (44 million christians).

EDITOR’S NOTE: Thank you for your note but I am truly aware of Zionism and understand its implications. You, however, seem to be blinded by it, to the exclusion of real historical events and their implications. There were death camps, I have talked to GI’s who helped liberate them. There was the brutal SS and the Gestapo. They became the model for the East German Stasi. The Stasi became the model for Homeland Security. Not every piece of history is a lie. To ignore these realities is to skip over a valuable part of history which could help us predict how far this will go and in what form. My suggestions is not let emotions blind you to having a balanced view on this topic. We are clearly going under an East German Stasi police state and the model included the SS and the Gestapo (eg secret arrests, warrantless spying, etc).

Mao, Stalin AND Hitler gives us an accurate laboratory to analyze what a police state entails and to understand the implications for the people.

6th December 2012, 11:39 AM
in 2010, an air force report (http://www.af.mil/shared/media/document/afd-100727-053.pdf) speculated that with increased robot capabilities, the human soldier will be obsolete. The defense department road map (http://contracting.tacom.army.mil/future_buys/fy11/ugs%20roadmap_jul11.pdf) for killer robot systems states that its final goal is the unsupervised ability for (killer robots) mechanical assets to carry out their specified missions. In other words, the world will witness entire units of killer robots carrying out their missions without any human oversight. Isn’t the next logical step for these totally independent killer robots to be devise their own mission goals? This brings into distinct real of possibility of a man vs. Machine war in our future and it could very well transpire within our children’s lifespan. Science will inevitably pass the realm of science fiction.
Although the pentagon still requires autonomous darpa killer robots to maintain human oversight, the real advantage of such a weapons system would lie within the ability for the weapons systems to have the capacity to make judgments on the battlefield. This one principle runs contrary to maintaining human oversight. Soon, it is clear, that the darpa killer robots will soon be operating autonomously.
With the advent of killer robots, an international killer robot arms race will take place resulting in future battles being fought between competing armies of ai robots. Will the rules of war apply? What about the geneva conventions (http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/geneva_conventions)? If a darpa killer robot commits atrocities against humans, will it held accountable?

midnight rambler
6th December 2012, 11:49 AM
The unholy combination of robotics and AI could do it.

6th December 2012, 12:34 PM
There was a prediction I read years ago about these terminator robots running a muck and killing everyone,ans they would be very difficult to fight back against.

6th December 2012, 02:05 PM
Why does it seem like there are only a hand full of crazies that think that everybody must die?

Its not as if there are mysteries about who's who on the planet nowadays. It's just us humans.

6th December 2012, 02:13 PM
Why does it seem like there are only a hand full of crazies that think that everybody must die?

Its not as if there are mysteries about who's who on the planet nowadays. It's just us humans.

This handful likes to be/think they are in control and when things start going against them they start planning to kill off heaps of their fellow human beings so they can stay in control.

otherwise they get the boot ,oh and war creates the great FEAR in the sky trip where we shudder and shake when they drop bombs on everyone.

These freaks are safe somewhere else while they have conned others into going to fight their stupid ,out dated ,no reason wars for them.

6th December 2012, 02:37 PM
Its the Herme's syndrome (should call it sundrome). Herme's is an idol of the Freemason and occultic brotherhoods. It is their belief that through illumination they can be Gods. Some say "be like gods", others say to "be as gods" and others say "to be gods". This is basically their primary driver of their pursuits. I see this robotics to replace mankind movement as part of this belief system.

6th December 2012, 02:40 PM
Soooo....it looks like it was a tumor after all. ;)

6th December 2012, 02:47 PM
Its the Herme's syndrome (should call it sundrome). Herme's is an idol of the Freemason and occultic brotherhoods. It is their belief that through illumination they can be Gods. Some say "be like gods", others say to "be as gods" and others say "to be gods". This is basically their primary driver of their pursuits. I see this robotics to replace mankind movement as part of this belief system.

Proving that these people are demented numbskulls..........so they can be like Gods,hahahahah what a joke, they are so far off the mark its not funny....................instead they will " be like screwy f#ck ups"

6th December 2012, 02:53 PM
Flip mode, silent weapons for silent wars. Attack of the nano bots! You will be occupied and neutralised. They won't be seen or heard, only eaten.

Man, that's friggin creepy. lol

6th December 2012, 03:01 PM
Here's the documentary that is Horn's 1st post (quote of a comment)

Just started listening. I hadn't heard of it before.



6th December 2012, 05:23 PM
I personally am not too worried about killer robots. Having worked in the mechanical field for 30 years I know how long machinery can run without maintenance. If I was fighting robots I would just wait for their batteries to die, or take out the recharging center. That or just wait until they fell apart.

Edit - Wow 666 posts too...