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General of Darkness
9th December 2012, 03:54 PM
Excellent. :mad:


10 Bears
9th December 2012, 03:57 PM
Drink Colloidal Silver daily. Problem solved. Fear Porn Dies.

General of Darkness
9th December 2012, 03:59 PM
Drink Colloidal Silver daily. Problem solved. Fear Porn Dies.

Were do you get it?

10 Bears
9th December 2012, 04:03 PM
I make it by the quart monthly.

I bought my generator 7yrs ago at silverpuppy.com

9th December 2012, 04:24 PM

Determining the amount needed.

Begin with the recommended amount of one teaspoon per day. Use half the recommended amount for young children and one fourth for babies.

After taking one teaspoon of Colloidal Silver daily for four days, adults may cut back to one -half teaspoon daily ( and proportionally, by body weight, for children)

The accepted method is for an adult to consume a 125 ml to 200 ml bottle of Colloidal Silver monthly, in any convenient increment any time during the month.

In the event a person begins taking Colloidal Silver while having a cold or flu or for any other virus, bacteria or fungus, - the daily amount should begin with triple the dosage ( one teaspoon three times a day) for three days, then follow the above regimen.

Some people will feel achy and sluggish on the third or fourth day after beginning Colloidal Silver daily. This is called a healing crisis. When the body sluffs off a great many entrenched toxins at once, the eliminatory organs can become overloaded in which case it is recommended to drink lots of extra water this will lessen the symptoms rapidly.

If a person, taking the daily amount, finds that he or she will still occasionally have an infection, one may even quadruple the RDD. There should be no danger of overdosing; however, very few people ever need four times the RDD.

Since prevention is the idea here, one may err on the side of safety by taking slightly more than a perfect minimum because one never knows when there may be a sudden major outbreak of some germ in such numbers so as to overwhelm the combined defenses of an immune system fortified with only a minimum level of Colloidal Silver. If an attack of germs happens to be stronger than the immediate combined defense level of the body's natural immune system plus a particular level of daily Colloidal Silver, one may feel some illness, or worse.


10 Bears
9th December 2012, 04:46 PM
Your post strikes me as saying "I'm afraid of silver." You apparently have little real experience with it.

I take by ounce. Ounce in morning and ounce in evening before bed. Doing this I have not been sick in years. Also I sauna about 3-4 times a week at 140-degrees at least an hour. I take an ounce before I hit the sauna to give that heat some extra healing push. The wife does it too. Our dogs, cats and horses get silver regularly.

Silver is non-toxic and therefore cannot poison one. Cancer sufferers-and I knew several because of my local reputation for helping others,, they often drink 8oz or more in divided doses daily.

For kidney or bladder cancer or stomach cancer silver will kill it if you take enough to overwhelm it. In that case you want a carrier substance that opens the pathways to better absorption and for that I suggest raw honey before..about 15 minutes before the silver mixed in with luke-warm tea. Cayenne pepper also is a substance that aids in healing and as a carrier substance...if taken in caps waiting would be 30 minutes before silver.

This is not a drug. This is a natural substance. It has no chemicals. It is made by putting low voltage through two thin silver wires in distilled water. It is micron level.

If you have Hep C or HIV the low doses you describe do nothing. But 8oz a day in divided doses are proven by the people who have used silver to solve their problems.

I am going to say that for those who believe no proof is necessary. But for those who do not believe no proof is possible.~Stewart Chase.

9th December 2012, 06:10 PM
There are lots and lots of references in the middle ages of strange ships belching out fog before a plague strikes. I'll crack out the book later and type some of the primary sources.

9th December 2012, 06:30 PM
Were do you get it?

You can get a cheap generator powered by a 9V battery here:

Also get a TDS-EZ meter:

This will help you check the parts per million you are getting. Things like the Silver puppy are better, but I believe in having a battery powered (simple) generator first in case of SHTF.

9th December 2012, 06:36 PM
One of my personal favorite virus/bacteria solutions is Oil of Oregano. You can get that for dirt cheap if you know where to look...

This is only $3.99 a bottle, and more than a years supply per bottle. I recommend stocking up on them. Anytime I feel sick, I take them and the colloidal silver and it knocks whatever it is out. I keep these in my EDC on my keychain (http://www.amazon.com/Waterproof-Airtight-Pill-Holder-Keychain/dp/B0012NL9BI/). I HEAVILY recommend buying this to everyone, it's helped me and my family A TON:

It's a good idea to take both Colloidal Silver and Oil of Oregano together. Think of it as a 1-2 punch against bad bacteria and viruses. For maximum results take it every 4-5 hours when you feel sick, though usually it will wipe out whatever you have the first time.

9th December 2012, 06:42 PM
I'm posting a third time to explain a couple alternative ways to treat infection.

One is it get 3% H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide.) Food grade is the best (E-bay is your friend), but the shitty stuff you get the corporate drug store can work, but I'd avoid it personally.

Anyways you put this stuff in a dropper and lay on your side. Fill your entire ear cavity with the 3% H202 and wait for 5-10 minutes. If it's working you'll notice bubbling and fizzing. This is killing the infection based in the ear. Drain and rinse your ear our with water when this is done and do the other side.

Many sicknesses start in the ear since it's one of the most unprotected entry points into the body (nose and eyes have more protections.)


More info:

9th December 2012, 06:50 PM
For a fourth (I can keep going) alternative to treat infection simply go to your local pet store and pick up some Amoxicillin.

No I'm not kidding. You can get cheap Amoxicillin, over the counter and pay with cash at a pet store. Why? Since it's used for fish tanks. Funny thing is it's basically the same stuff as they treat humans with! You also can get it in swallowable capsule form.

Fish Amoxicillin is a prepper favorite:


Make sure to get this on the cheap and stock up before this becomes outlawed somehow.

NOTE: Use method this as a BACK-UP ONLY! Use the above methods as primary methods. Pharmaceutical antibiotics only work for a limited about of time. Viruses/bacteria can't fight off Colloidal Silver, Oil of Oregano, and H202.

9th December 2012, 08:09 PM
What's your opinion of this?


Colloidal Silver Topical Gel with Aloe, Copper, Zinc and Essential Oils.
Natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, all purpose gel.
Provides you with 240 ppm of pure collodial silver.
Contains no alcohol, parabens, propylene glycol, sulfates, artificial colors, preservatives, or other toxic ingredients.

9th December 2012, 08:17 PM
I use colloidal silver on my goats when they have problems. It kick the heck out of mastitis! One time I had a ewe who had a big open wound on her udder. I sprayed the silver on and with in a few days it was healing and the ozzing had stopped. I sprayed it in the eye of one goat with pink eye and it cleared it right up.



I also love oil of oregano.....

9th December 2012, 08:40 PM
I use colloidal silver on my goats when they have problems. It kick the heck out of mastitis! One time I had a ewe who had a big open wound on her udder. I sprayed the silver on and with in a few days it was healing and the ozzing had stopped. I sprayed it in the eye of one goat with pink eye and it cleared it right up.



I also love oil of oregano.....

Do you use the Silver Lungs? I thought it was way overpriced for what you get, and believe you could make the same thing for cheaper on your own. The magnetic stirrer can be bought anywhere. Also I've heard that if you add a stabilizing agent and heat it while stirring the colloidal silver it makes it work better. Know anything about this? I'm not an expert with it but know what's worked for me so far.

9th December 2012, 09:09 PM
Yes, it wwas over priced. I have no clue on how to build one! So I bought it! Not sure on your other questions... Hubby makes it and I use it!

old steel
9th December 2012, 10:23 PM

9th December 2012, 11:18 PM
How to make your own, high quality, colloidal silver:


Assemble the parts from your kitchen and ebay.

The problem with a lot of the higher-voltage CS generators is that they create larger particle sizes. Those can't necessarily penetrate cell membranes, get in the blood, etc. Also, it's possible they won't make a true colloid at all, and rather an ionic solution which turns into a silver salt (see post above mine).

In order to test your solution for the proper strength, get a TDS meter:

9th December 2012, 11:40 PM
The Blue Man used high levels of salt and made silver chloride which is known to cause argyria.

Probably got paid well for his new look.

I use distilled water and a little of the last batch of colloidal silver.

10 Bears
10th December 2012, 01:59 AM
There are good ways to solve the problem..more than one I do note and give credit to others here. Important that all posts are read and pondered.

I have on hand a few gallons of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to cut in case of SHTF. I also stock vitamin C powder in long term stores w/02 absorbers which is another powerful antibiotic in the right hands. I have many herbs and things that help expel toxins.

Know your enemy. Know what you need to target. Know also that purified water in large doses is a must for fighting and flushing infections. Upon illness or boosting immunity the following is my ground zero target-The lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system:

* acts as a one-way drainage system transporting extra fluid from body tissues into the blood circulation

* contains white blood cells called lymphocytes, which fight infection

* gets rid of waste products produced by cells.

There are 500 to 1,000 lymph nodes in the human body which varies by person. Lymph nodes are enlarged when the body is infected.

Lymph nodes are found throughout the body, but mainly in the neck, armpit, groin and tummy (abdomen). They’re made of tissue that contains special cells that help fight infection and disease such as cancer.

When using colloidal silver or anything else, it is best to use enough to get it from the blood to the lymph system where it can do the most good by fighting infection head-on.

These things are important for each person to study wholly BEFORE there is illness because during or at the onset is too late to gain the experience necessary to make the proper decisions. In a SHTF happening I can assure everyone that you will be so busy and without computers you doom yourself or family members by what you do not know.

I have thousands and thousands of dollars in preps, but there is none so important as the years I have spent practicing in my own and my families' life natural medicine plus acquiring the stores of herbs and natural substances needed to heal. Some of these things you can grow yourself. One invaluable plant easy to grow is the Aloe Vera plant. This is another great healer.

10 Bears
10th December 2012, 02:29 AM
"I use distilled water and a little of the last batch of colloidal silver." EXACTLY.

"In order to test your solution for the proper strength, get a TDS meter:" Yes and Bingo!

How many people turned blue? Give me a number. Give me a reference. I'm dying to see it.
How many people per 100,000 turned blue? Read the FDA website..virtually no complaints!

That post sounds like the Troll Posts saying you can't eat gold used to try to keep people from dumping unsafe USD for Gold.

Blue-That my friend was due to poorly made unsafe silver often with chemical compounds. The "blue people" admitted to drinking gallons a day to overcome serious issues. Anything abused can cause unforeseen issues. Anything not made right can harm. This is why I say for your own sake do your homework.

I and my family have used silver for freaking years. That said,, Mainstream antibiotics have side effects that go well beyond reason. Drug antibiotics are now found to not work and when time is of the essence this is unacceptable because silver always works!

The first thing to hit a baby's eyes at birth is silver. Hospitals use silver in burn treatments. They also use it to sterilize surfaces and rooms as do restaurants. It is used in water purification. In days of old utensils and containers were made of silver because folks knew silver had some amazing qualities. Rogers Silver ring a bell?

Silver does not have wide acceptance because Big Pharma cannot patent it and make money off of it like they can a myriad of poor replacements to silver. The profit motive is the number one reason lobbyists would like to see Natural Medicine GO DIE and have tried to get Congress to step on the throat of Health Freedom.

Mersa is no challenge to colloidal silver nor is staph or flesh eating viruses. It inactivates it on contact so while the Big Pharma Shills and their Army of MDs on a tight FDA leash refuse to cure these issues with something proven to work whether it be silver or H202 or H203 people lose limbs and die. They are murdered for profit.

Strong words? It is what it is! We live in the most medically corrupt nation on earth and rather than use their methods many of us walked away many years ago seeking cures instead of The most expensive side effect ridden system known to mankind.

I have not even seen an MD since October of 1993. Have I had issues? Yes. But I have solved those issues at home for far less than a single office visit and one toxic prescription.

First thing one learns in Pharmacy Schools is ALL DRUGS ARE TOXIC.

Toxic meaning harmful to organs ergo organ failure or dysfunction. What a system! So what is your poison... toxicity guaranteed or one chance in millions you could turn blue?

Better Blue than dead I would say!

10 Bears
10th December 2012, 03:59 AM
I went to the FDA website where issues are reported

I did a search for complaints on colloidal silver. The following is the return I got.
"Your search - colloidal silver - did not match any documents.
No pages were found containing "colloidal silver".

Did a search on complaints antibiotics. Got TEN pages of returns!

You can do the same thing.

Search for your prescriptions. ROFL! Live and learn!

10th December 2012, 04:02 AM
I went to the FDA website where issues are reported

I did a search for complaints on colloidal silver. The following is the return I got.
"Your search - colloidal silver - did not match any documents.
No pages were found containing "colloidal silver".

http://google2.fda.gov/search?q=colloidal+silver&x=0&y=0&proxystylesheet=FDAgov&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date%253AD%253AL%253Ad1&client=FDAgov&entqr=3&entqrm=0&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&ud=1&site=FDAgov-MedWatch-Safety&filter=0&btnG=Search (http://google2.fda.gov/search?q=colloidal+silver&x=0&y=0proxystylesheet=FDAgov&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date%253AD%253AL%253Ad1&client=FDAgov&entqr=3&entqrm=0&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&ud=1&site=FDAgov-MedWatch-Safety&filter=0&btnG=Search)

Did a search on complaints antibiotics. Got TEN pages of returns!

Why would you look at the FDA? They are corporate controlled. Nothing good comes out of that organization, only bad. They banned the bitter almond tree (cancer cure.) Fuckers.

10 Bears
10th December 2012, 04:16 AM
Because that is where complaints on drugs and other things are collected in the United States. When someone in here says "Blue Men" without evidence I want him to show me where he got it from. The only place could be the FDA... But the FDA has no complaints on Blue Men.

But they do have a shithouse full of complaints on near any drug you can name.

Now where would you look?

10th December 2012, 04:18 AM
Yeah the Blue Man thing was a scare campaign by the media/pharmaceutical industry to demonize people who use Colloidal Silver. They've successful equated it to wearing a tin foil hat.

10 Bears
10th December 2012, 04:21 AM
Yeah the Blue Man thing was a scare campaign by the media/pharmaceutical industry to demonize people who use Colloidal Silver. They've successful equated it to wearing a tin foil hat.

That is because people are sheep and lemmings and LAZY and refuse to do their own leg work and research which has proven to be very deadly to them. Some people literally die of their own irrational fears and stupidity.

10th December 2012, 01:21 PM
Yeah the Blue Man thing was a scare campaign by the media/pharmaceutical industry to demonize people who use Colloidal Silver. They've successful equated it to wearing a tin foil hat.

The Blue Man never once made or ingested colloidal silver. He added salt to his brew. Salt is Sodium Chloride.

The electricity tore the salt apart and freed the Chloride. The chloride bonded with the silver.

The blue man ingested Silver Chloride, not colloidal silver.

He drank a liter+ per day and also painted it on his skin before getting into a tanning bed to "fix" it there.

basically he did everything wrong. Those following directions will be fine.

10 Bears
11th December 2012, 07:03 AM
Thank You!