View Full Version : The real deal on how 'zombies' are created

midnight rambler
10th December 2012, 03:05 PM



10th December 2012, 06:14 PM
Thats very scary. Only a couple of years for some of those people. In 3 years they aged 20 or more years. Very shocking.

10th December 2012, 06:34 PM
Too bad we have this fucking healthcare/government system that keeps these retards alive. We need more natural selection of people dumb enough to try this shit.

I'm not being cold-hearted, I'm being realistic. We live in an Idiocracy partly because dumb people aren't allowed to off themselves off.

11th December 2012, 02:43 AM
This is bullshit propaganda.

11th December 2012, 03:19 AM
This is a few years old, but shows Meth in California...


midnight rambler
11th December 2012, 10:49 AM
This is bullshit propaganda.

How so? ???

11th December 2012, 03:03 PM
Most people who are addicted to something want to stop, but cannot get the help they need to stop. That's MOST addicts.

Of course it would be great if they would just buck up and quit cold turkey.

11th December 2012, 03:07 PM



That drug can be helpful, or hurtful, or both. For most I believe it is hurtful... it's just too powerful. Some I know were lucky... others not so much.

11th December 2012, 03:38 PM
You can read people's firsthand reports of what it's like to use meth on erowid. Lot's of very disturbing and macabre stuff: https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Methamphetamine.shtml

midnight rambler
11th December 2012, 04:00 PM
That drug can be helpful, or hurtful, or both. For most I believe it is hurtful... it's just too powerful. Some I know were lucky... others not so much.

There's absolutely NOTHING 'helpful' about crank/homemade meth whatsoever - no way, no how. Anything who thinks so has bad chemicals in THEIR head.

11th December 2012, 04:46 PM
There's absolutely NOTHING 'helpful' about crank/homemade meth whatsoever - no way, no how. Anything who thinks so has bad chemicals in THEIR head.

Simply not true.

11th December 2012, 05:06 PM
There's absolutely NOTHING 'helpful' about crank/homemade meth whatsoever - no way, no how. Anything who thinks so has bad chemicals in THEIR head.

Armies all over the world might disagree with you. There are situations where individuals are prescribed meth, perhaps to complete missions or in other drastic circumstances. I don't support meth's use as a recreational drug, but when you think about what it's doing on a chemical level (releasing massive stores of dopamine) it can be very useful in certain niche situations, especially regarding war and combat.

midnight rambler
11th December 2012, 05:07 PM
Simply not true.

Are you saying you have bad chemicals in your head and you're unable to see the blatantly obvious?? I defy you to name ONE 'benefit' (or 'helpful thing') which homemade meth does for people. (I can't wait to hear this lol)

I was talking to this woman the other day who graduated from HS in the Denver area 15 yrs. ago, and she related to me how every last one of the people she went to HS with who ended up doing meth is TOTALLY fucked up now - NO exceptions.

11th December 2012, 05:10 PM
Are you saying you have bad chemicals in your head and you're unable to see the blatantly obvious?? I defy you to name ONE 'benefit' (or 'helpful thing') which homemade meth does for people. (I can't wait to hear this lol)

I was talking to this woman the other day who graduated from HS in the Denver area 15 yrs. ago, and she related to me how every last one of the people she went to HS with who ended up doing meth is TOTALLY fucked up now - NO exceptions.

I have plenty of stories to tell.

One thing I may have learned is not to give details of your past life on the netz.

If you care to meet me in person, as several on this board have, I may retell my stories.

For now, I will just say that your generalized assertions are wrong. Not ALL wrong, just mostly wrong.

midnight rambler
11th December 2012, 05:11 PM
Armies all over the world might disagree with you.

Two problems with your assertion:

1) Those who send 'armies' out to kill and destroy don't give a rat's ass as to what prolonged use of meth does;

2) The 'meth' given to the cannon fodder by the Death Cult is made by Big Pharma, not in some asswipe's bathroom.

midnight rambler
11th December 2012, 05:19 PM
I have plenty of stories to tell.

Nearly 40 years ago I did a little Big Pharma speed a handful of times (e.g. genuine black mollies), and there's a world of difference between Big Pharma speed and 'bathtub meth'. I could tell from the get-go that using even the Big Pharma shit that it was extremely hard on my young body - and that's the very best speed available at that time.

ANYONE who does homemade meth is a fucking moron who deserves to be removed from the gene pool (and by that I don't mean they should be 'taken out', I mean they should be allowed to kill themselves as quickly as possible using meth, as in they should be given a truckload of meth so they can meet their demise soonest - and as far away as possible from sane people). There is NO EXCUSE for using meth.

ETA: when someone says, "I have plenty of stories to tell (about using meth)" it is self-evident that they permanently altered their brain chemistry (for the worst) by doing 'plenty' (of meth).

11th December 2012, 05:23 PM
Nearly 40 years ago I did a little Big Pharma speed a handful of times (e.g. genuine black mollies), and there's a world of difference between Big Pharma speed and 'bathtub meth'. I could tell from the get-go that using even the Big Pharma shit that it was extremely hard on my young body - and that's the very best speed available at that time.

ANYONE who does homemade meth is a fucking moron who deserves to be removed from the gene pool (and by that I don't mean they should be 'taken out', I mean they should be allowed to kill themselves as quickly as possible using meth, as in they should be given a truckload of meth so they can meet their demise soonest - and as far away as possible to sane people). There is NO EXCUSE for using meth.

Fair enough... it's a subject I really don't care to discuss anyway.

midnight rambler
11th December 2012, 05:28 PM
Fair enough... it's a subject I really don't care to discuss anyway.

Then why do you persist in being a meth apologist?? ???

11th December 2012, 05:39 PM
Two problems with your assertion:

1) Those who send 'armies' out to kill and destroy don't give a rat's ass as to what prolonged use of meth does;

2) The 'meth' given to the cannon fodder by the Death Cult is made by Big Pharma, not in some asswipe's bathroom.

I'm not going to argue that prolonged use of meth is going to result in good health. What I'm saying, and what I'm sure is already obvious to you, is that it has its uses for soldiers, spies, pilots...

What meth does is open the floodgates and release massive stores of dopamine. If you were a rebel fighting a war, you might see meth as a tool that can be used - if you're ready to die for your cause anyway, why waste time sleeping or getting fatigued?

I'm not saying it's a good thing. All I'm saying is that it has a "purpose" and there are many chemical cousins of this drug that have slightly different purposes. Having a purpose is quite different from having a noble purpose. I'm not going to try and argue that meth has a noble purpose, just a purpose.

I am sure you are aware that MDMA (ecstasy) is a very similar drug in chemical structure to meth. Instead of releasing dopamine, MDMA releases seratonnin.

Dopamine is related to actions and reward systems in the brain. Seratonnin is related to happiness.

Both of these neurotransmitters, when released in high concentrations, become neurotoxic. Too much dopamine can fray and frazzle the dopamine receptors. This is why even after someone cleans up, they may have lingering effects - the dopamine receptors have been physically altered and frayed by the presence of too much dopamine in the past.

11th December 2012, 05:42 PM
2) The 'meth' given to the cannon fodder by the Death Cult is made by Big Pharma, not in some asswipe's bathroom.

Agreed. Part of the war of drugs is to eliminate the freelancer privateer sector. All the "best quality" street drugs come through the pharmas and govt distribution.

11th December 2012, 05:52 PM
Agreed. Part of the war of drugs is to eliminate the freelancer privateer sector. All the "best quality" street drugs come through the pharmas and govt distribution.

Can you imagine what it was like 1940-1960?

They must have been salivating at the number of chemicals they thought they were going to be able to create.

In the late 1940's they had "super scientists" promising a truth serum within the decade...nutrition pills which would partially eliminate the need for food...Pills which could increase psychic awareness...Pills which would would allow soldiers to train bigger, stronger, faster...All these claims, and more, were being pitched to the govt.

Many promises were made. It's intriguing to read what little literature I can find from that time. A lot of the things they thought were "only a decade away" are still considered impossible today - but is it any wonder that big pharma had billions of dollars thrust at it? When there is a guy in a suit trying to sell you a "functional truth serum"....is any cost too high for that?

They thought they were literally going to rule the world. It's easy to see why they made the proposed timelines the way they did (complete takeover by our modern day) because they anticipated science moving much more quickly than it has.

12th December 2012, 06:44 AM
I think anyone with a lick of sense in them would stay away from these drugs, but I can't say definitively, because I've never tried them myself and so I don't know what it's like. In my mind it's quite possible there is a legitimate use for these drugs, say you're terminally ill and in great pain, I wouldn't stop you from taking something you think might help, but I agree with midnight that one should definitely stay away from the homemade bathroom sink meth, I wouldn't trust that stuff to be clean in a thousand years.

On a side note, if you recall during the days of alcohol prohibition, the "bathtub" gin and other homemade booze you could buy on the streets was the same, horrible quality, spiked with fillers and laced with contaminants that made lots of people get sick and die. Once booze became legal again, the quality went up and today you can buy very high quality liquor and you don't have to worry about contaminants or dubious quality. The same would happen with drugs if they were legalized, this homemade meth would disappear from the market, and high quality, clean meth would be available. I'm not saying I'd try it if it were legal, I would still keep far, far away, but for people who would choose to use it, it'd be better for them to have a better option than the shit they sell on the street right now.

12th December 2012, 07:18 AM
The REAL reason?? television.

12th December 2012, 09:55 AM
Notice the real problems begin when prohibition begins.

12th December 2012, 10:39 AM
From Erowid. This is a fairly bizzare tale.

Methamphetamine (http://gold-silver.us/chemicals/meth/)
(powder / crystals)

118 lb

I'm writing about my experiences with meth for two reasons, firstly my husband and I were able to remain healthier than most by doing relatively easy things with homeopathic remedies and otc meds that I'd like to relay to others who are using heavily, and secondly, I feel that perhaps if I honestly relate the grotesque and extremely frightening things that happenned to us,I might be able to save those who have just begun 'the long farewell of the hunger strike' some of the pain we have endured.

We first smoked meth on New Year's Eve because we heard it was great for sex. I had to
work the next day and so saved some to smoke before work in the morning. When I got home another g was waiting for me and I smoked every day but ONE until we finally quit six weeks ago, March 20th.

For three weeks we smoked meth with little consequence, then my skin became fragile and in addition to breaking out, started to swell. I was really worried because I was constantly thirsty and drinking water, but I rarely urinated. I was afraid I was fucking up my kidneys and I'd be too sick to keep using, so I started taking one pamprin, (otc, for P.M.S.) every other day, because it contined a diuretic, and alleve, an NSAID, for swelling as needed. That worked for a week or so, then I had to take two pamprin every day, then three... until I realized my skin had become clayey, for lack of a better word, as if there were a layer of playdough beneath it. I'd also noticed a powdery black substance, like dirt, was coating my skin no matter how often I washed it away.

We used a lot of mineral oil for massage during sex, or before sex, or after sex... anyway... and one day I realized this black crap was literally POURING out of my husband's skin, from every pore, and not only his but MINE as well. We guessed that this was some toxin from the speed needing to be eliminated from the body and figured out that it could be massaged out with oil, or was released when we were hot and sweaty. We started using the sauna at our fitness center in the apartment complex where we live to try to rid our bodies of the toxins so we wouldn't have to quit doing meth, but despite how often and long we sat in the steam, we couldn't get rid of the swelling or the black shit in our skin.

Then my kidneys started hurting, and his, two days later. I had lost twenty pounds in two months and my husband had lost thirty, and we'd read somewhere that rapid weight loss can cause kidney failure, or maybe we just thought it made sense that if you lost that much fat it had to leave the body somehow and our kidneys just couldn't handle it. I was so afraid of what I was doing to myself, but I still didn't want to quit and I was too afraid to go to a doctor to find out how badly off I really was. At some point during a sauna I noticed a whitish or greyish substance, similar to vegetable shortening, was coming from my skin in massive amounts, tablespoons of it at a time looking like playdough through a garlic press. I lost eight pounds in an hour in the sauna, of retained fluid and this shortening crap that built up under my skin, which I can only guess was the fat I was burning.

We maintained like this, sitting in the steam three or four times a day for an hour, swelling in between badly enough to cause bruising where the pressure built up. I slept every three or four days for an hour or so and woke feeling rested. I would get weak and shaky and realize I'd eaten nothing in forty eight hours. I had to keep a chart and check off at least one meal a day, plus a multivitamin, plus a protein bar (powerbars, protein plus, peanut butter tastes the best.) My scalp would swell up and I'd run my fingers across it which would release enough fluid to make my hair wet. I kept having this feeling of 'waking up' as if I'd been asleep or unconscious, only I'd be at work, standing up, or driving. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated or tripping is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] It was like I checked out for a few minutes or seconds and was totally confused upon checking back in about where I was or what I was doing or how long I'd been gone. It was like my brain rebooted and I had to figure out what the fuck was going on really fast because I seemed to be in the middle of helping a customer and he is looking at me stangely, and oh there's a credit card receipt printing out, so I better hand it to him and pretend that I was just waiting for it the whole time and God, I hope I didn't just stop talking in the middle of a sentence, or say something that didn't make any sense, because I've done that before but only when I was at home alone with my husband, shit just say thank you have a nice day...

And we didn't want to quit. So we took our saunas and our vitamins and used preparation H for swelling and hydrocortisone for what we guessed was a heat rash. We took oral steroids, prednisone, which I'd been prescribed for asthmatic bronchitis but never took, to try to reduce the swelling. We masaaged the shortening from each other's skin and forgot to eat and sleep. We fell asleep with burning cigarettes and with the meth pipe in our hands. I spilled boiling meth on my husband and he, who had never been violent before, in five years, hit me for the first time and left bruises on my arm. He hit me again because he couldn't find his keys and left a bruise on my face. He could never find his keys. I started hiding little stashes of shards and forgot where they were, and he hit me when I couldn't find the dope. I was an hour late for work everyday. My husband wrecked the truck three times...

And we didn't want to quit. I forgot to feed my son one day...

And we didn't want to quit. All we ever did anymore was fight and fuck. Thank god my son was in daycare because they fed him twice a day, he spent the rest of the time watching T.V. in the living room while we locked ourselves in the bedroom and he'd have to knock to use the bathroom, which we'd yell at him for doing. I'd send him to school in the same clothes three days in a row. I didn't care anymore. No one made sure my son went to bed and he started acting up at school because he'd been up till two A.M. which we yelled at him for doing.

I fell asleep during sex or worse, fell sideways into a dream state while semi-awake and I'd babble incoherently while we were fucking, but god damn it felt good. Exquisite, I said it felt exquisite. Everything was either the highest of highs or the lowest of lows, no in between existed anymore.

I had delusions. Especially when I was hot. I would take the hottest showers I could stand, for hours, trying to clean the cysts I now had under my scalp full of the gritty black shit, and it was difficult because I couldn't use soap anymore, it got under my skin and burned and bubbled in my eyes nose and throat for hours afterward. I couldn't drink soda either, same reason. I had delusions that my dealer was poisoning our dope because he wanted it all for himself, which in comparison to my other delusions makes sense. I had delusions that the black shit in my skin was some new form of dope only produceable by the human body and my dealer was selling us tainted dope so my body would make it because he was going to come harvest this shit from me and turn me into a slave he would keep locked up and just feed meth to in order to obtain this new drug. I figured my dealer was doing this to lots of people, and that he'd keep me enslaved until I died from the meth. I knew it was killing me, I didn't care...

And we didn't want to quit.

We were banned from the sauna at our apartment complex because no one else could use it. Our sweat smelled so strongly of ammonia it burned the eyes, it was caustic, and it burned our skin too. We had to cope with just taking really hot showers, which didn't work as well.

I fell asleep in the hot shower one night and woke with blood pounding in my ears and too weak to stand up. The fatty shortening crap that built up under my skin seemed to melt enough to be excreted through my pores with a little heat, but with a lot of heat it seemed to melt enough for it to all be released because I was sitting in a pool of it. I gathered the strength to turn on cool water and then realized I'd made a terrible mistake when all of this crap that was still in my body and had collected because of gravity in my pelvic region and belly suddenly congealed. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt... and I really had to pee, but I couldn't because a clot of it had congealed in my urethra. I eventually pushed it out and saw it in the toilet.

Did I promise you grotesque? We aren't through yet. For days afterward this shit came out of my eyes, ears, nose, and throat. It came out of my vagina. It was in my urine and feces. I swallowed it down continually and it made me gag. I spit constantly because it was in my mouth. I wiped it from my eyes and it ran from my nose. I still have no idea what It was, exactly, only a guess that it had something to do with the almost fifty pounds total I'd lost. I know it wasn't a hallucination because I cleaned it out of the tub three weeks ago, and six weeks after quitting, it's still coming out of my skin, less, much less, but still there.

And I still didn't want to quit. I got lucky. My dealer got popped and I crashed before I could hook up through anyone else. I slept for three days straight and then dealt with the worst of the withdrawals with coke, which I would not reccomend because it works about as well as caffeine, which is to say, not very well.

My husband and I haven't done any drugs at all for four weeks, and things are slowly going back to normal. I find that benadryl works well for the withdrawals. I just take as directed for a few days and sleep through it...

My son is happy, he has his mother back, and his daddy plays with him again. I'm happy, because I'm not so afraid anymore, not afraid of my husband, or of dying painfully in the near future. We are happy because we've nearly paid all the bills we neglected and have cable T.V. again. We are happy because we resemble the normal, healthy family we once were.

But I still want it. I can't sleep tonight because I want it. I wrote this in all honesty mostly to help myself, to remind myself why I DON'T want it.

And I still want it...

Exp Year: 2005
ID: 42729

Gender: Female

Age at time of experience: Not Given

Added: Mar 26, 2007