View Full Version : 2102 A-Z: A Galaxial Event of Disneyesque Proportion

11th December 2012, 11:32 AM
With 12.21.12 and the Mayan Calendar being a topic of interest, it's interesting to learn what is happening on a galactic scale. This video presentation provides an excellent way to understand and visualize the amazing interaction of galactic bodies and the energies involved. One hour, ten minutes:



General of Darkness
11th December 2012, 12:39 PM

11th December 2012, 01:54 PM
Pretty good.

Since I already know the material, I generally pass over such youtube videos; loud overbearing background music being a primary irritant repelling me from them, but to my surprise and delight, this production was actually put together quite nicely, without the "dun-dun-DUN"-type loud music that tends to accompany and drone out the content of such youtube videos.

11th December 2012, 10:33 PM
That was great!

I normally pass over such videos cause I don't care...still don't.

11th December 2012, 11:57 PM
yes good video. I'm at about 18 minutes.

just after 18 minutes he talks about the helical orbit of our sun and obviously our planet. I think most people are unaware of this and think we rotate on a flat plane that is not moving.

Sporry I'm going to bring up some more on Cathie. Cathies investigation into Harmonics indicates to him that the atom and it's hangers on, also rotate in a helix fashion as well. Not only that he proposes that a rotation of a element around an atom actually travels through 720 degrees not 360. I really had a hard time grasping that but in this context you can see how it works. The atoms are travelling along with everthing else as well so they must have a shifting orbit relative to where they were a millisecond earlier.

12th December 2012, 12:11 AM
Wow.... wow

I'm at minute 30. The frequency of the planet is 7.8hz. Thats the harmonic of the planet. But this has changed.

This means that the recent Nuke material test (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65767-Saber-rattling-time) was probably to measure changes in the rate of decay of the nuclei as opposed to trying to determine how far out of harmony a nuke explosion can occur (see nuke material link). This might mean Cathies work needs to take this into account because he uses that number as a constant.... and it's not.

12th December 2012, 01:35 AM
Bump for link.
Thanks that was/is a good vid.

12th December 2012, 12:22 PM
Photon belt? < LoL

Amazing how gullible people are

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeIVz9lCZqQ 28:00

12th December 2012, 03:06 PM
Photon belt? < LoL

Amazing how gullible people are

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeIVz9lCZqQ 28:00

What's the matter, you don't enjoy a good scifi story?

12th December 2012, 05:47 PM
So I've been thinking on this. A bunch of us were talking about whats going to happen, who's preparing. Most of these people are prepping. They have bought extra cartons of beer, ciggies and so on, just in case.

Part of the prophecy is that the sun shall not rise or set for 3 days, and then the sun will rise in the west.

In the video he proposes that this occurs when we go through this "photon" belt and it seems the automatic assumption is, is that the sun that rises in the west is our Sun. So folllowing that conclusion, you begin to think about how that would go down. The sun to rise on the other side would mean we have to be spinning in the other direction?

Our earth stops spinning one way and starts spinning the other wise? Or does it flip end over end?

My question is, which Sun is it exactly that is now rising in the West?

Given that there are 3 suns coming into alignment, Sol, Sirrius and Pleiades? I can't remember the name of the 3rd one or which order those other two are in. Which was the one our galaxy rotates around, Sirius I think. Then the other one is the one the universe rotates around.

I just had in my head that maybe the Sun that is referred to in those prophecy's was the uninversal central sun (pleiades?) and not ours and that we were half way around the path of our orbit of that Sun so now that Sun would be on the other side of us for the next 514X years as we continue around the orbit.

Not sure that actually works out that way but it might be an alternative answer.

12th December 2012, 11:17 PM
Most of this seems like it makes sense to me, but I totally don't get the whole Sirius-Alcyone-Sun thing. It seems it would be widely known if we were actually orbiting a particular star rather than orbiting the center of the galaxy. You can't do astronomy unless you know exactly what your frame of reference is.

The photon belt is more plausible, some ring of something, photons, dark matter, or some field or particle. I wouldn't get hung up on the term photon.

Anyway, does anyone have any idea what he was talking about with us orbiting Alcyone? Am I missing something?

13th December 2012, 12:14 AM
Most of this seems like it makes sense to me, but I totally don't get the whole Sirius-Alcyone-Sun thing. It seems it would be widely known if we were actually orbiting a particular star rather than orbiting the center of the galaxy. You can't do astronomy unless you know exactly what your frame of reference is.

The photon belt is more plausible, some ring of something, photons, dark matter, or some field or particle. I wouldn't get hung up on the term photon.

Anyway, does anyone have any idea what he was talking about with us orbiting Alcyone? Am I missing something?

I think it's like those fair rides where you and maybe 3 others sit in a circular enclosure that spins around itself. They often have a kind of fixed steering wheel thing in the middle. Then this is part of a bigger platform which also spins around. So you spin in small fast circles while the whole thing spins in slightly larger slower circles. Wheels within wheels. Like the windmills of your mind?

I wasn't clear if that whole part was conjecture or if it had actually been determined that is how we are moving in this universe.

13th December 2012, 12:19 AM
I think it's like those fair rides where you and maybe 3 others sit in a circular enclosure that spins around itself. They often have a kind of fixed steering wheel thing in the middle. Then this is part of a bigger platform which also spins around. So you spin in small fast circles while the whole thing spins in slightly larger slower circles. Wheels within wheels. Like the windmills of your mind?

I wasn't clear if that whole part was conjecture or if it had actually been determined that is how we are moving in this universe.

Right, kind of like how the earth and moon rotate around each other, and then the whole system rotates around the sun. The problem I see with that is that it should be super obvious if that's happening. Stars would be moving in all kinds of funny directions. We already know the earth precesses from the funny directions stars are known to move in. But it seems to me if we were rotating around another star it would be widely known because otherwise when you point your telescope at the sky things wouldn't be where you expect.

13th December 2012, 12:34 AM
Right, kind of like how the earth and moon rotate around each other, and then the whole system rotates around the sun. The problem I see with that is that it should be super obvious if that's happening. Stars would be moving in all kinds of funny directions. We already know the earth precesses from the funny directions stars are known to move in. But it seems to me if we were rotating around another star it would be widely known because otherwise when you point your telescope at the sky things wouldn't be where you expect.

yes, I agree. If you looked at that constelation now it should be very compressed with the lower left hand star and the upper right hand star should now be in the middle either very close to each other or on top of each other. By that I mean one should be occultating the other.

13th December 2012, 12:48 AM
yes, I agree. If you looked at that constelation now it should be very compressed with the lower left hand star and the upper right hand star should now be in the middle either very close to each other or on top of each other. By that I mean one should be occultating the other.

*refers to avatar for reference*

13th December 2012, 03:20 AM
*refers to avatar for reference*

I'd need someone to explain the references to me. I tend not to do movies these days.

13th December 2012, 05:12 AM
I'd need someone to explain the references to me. I tend not to do movies these days.

I'm pretty sure that he is referring to the picture in his actual avatar - the Pleiades.


13th December 2012, 09:35 PM
Bunch of things flying around up there tonight... just sayin

13th December 2012, 11:33 PM
Another thing I dislike is the argument that time is speeding up. He said that it seems like there just isn't enough time in the day, and that keeps getting more and more pronounced. Ok, I'll grant him that. The other thing he mentioned is that this could only occur if we are slowing down. That makes sense too. But the obvious thing is that each and every one of us is aging. Of course time will seem to go by faster when you are 10 or 20 years older than you were before.

When you are 1 day old for example, making it to the 2nd day is like living an entire lifetime because you are doubling your age. When you are 2 years old, every week is about 1% of your life passing by. By the time you are 40, every week is only 0.04% of your life passing by. So it's less significant and hence appears to be faster. I'm sure by the time you are 80 or 90, it seems like the day goes by in a single hour, because you can only do like 2 things before it's time to go back to bed. I don't see that observation mentioned very often.

14th December 2012, 12:20 AM
I watched it and just don't believe it. I need real, tangible evidence. There's a lot of hippie nonsense going on here it seems. This seems like Comet Elenin and Nibiru all over again.

The only thing credible is how they say Sol (our solar system) moves around our galaxy. I've already known that though.

14th December 2012, 10:08 AM
I watched it and just don't believe it. I need real, tangible evidence. There's a lot of hippie nonsense going on here it seems. This seems like Comet Elenin and Nibiru all over again.

The only thing credible is how they say Sol (our solar system) moves around our galaxy. I've already known that though.

That ancient cultures even knew about the precession of the equinox (couldn't be observed in a single lifetime), means that it is one of the most important concepts. The specifics of this photon belt theory and multiple suns is, as you say, without solid evidence.

What it's basically doing is trying to explain how the changing of the ages occur. What the mechanism is.

14th December 2012, 11:33 AM
If anything the sun may circle around Sirius in around 26000 years which is something like 8 light years away. Not Ancyone which is probably 370 light years away in the Peiades star cluster. There is another star called Procyon which is 12 light years away, maybe that is involved in the rotation. The interesting thing with Sirius is that it was first seen in ancient Egypt just prior to the flooding of the Nile, and it still is, if it wasn't for the Aswan dam of course... It doesn't move with the equinoxes basically...

It was an entertaining piece though...

14th December 2012, 11:40 AM
If anything the sun may circle around Sirius in around 26000 years which is something like 8 light years away. Not Ancyone which is probably 370 light years away in the Peiades star cluster. There is another star called Procyon which is 12 light years away, maybe that is involved in the rotation. The interesting thing with Sirius is that it was first seen in ancient Egypt just prior to the flooding of the Nile, and it still is, if it wasn't for the Aswan dam of course... It doesn't move with the equinoxes basically...

It was an entertaining piece though...


Sirius makes more sense.

Besides, most star systems that people have seen/cataloged are binary.


14th December 2012, 11:57 AM
That ancient cultures even knew about the precession of the equinox (couldn't be observed in a single lifetime), means that it is one of the most important concepts. The specifics of this photon belt theory and multiple suns is, as you say, without solid evidence.

What it's basically doing is trying to explain how the changing of the ages occur. What the mechanism is.

If you have any more videos on this subject I'll consider looking into them. I'm not doing the whole cross your arms, "Come on" thing where I disregard it just since I think it's wrong for the sake of normalcy bias. I'm open minded to the possibility, I just need more evidence personally to believe it.

14th December 2012, 01:53 PM
If you have any more videos on this subject I'll consider looking into them. I'm not doing the whole cross your arms, "Come on" thing where I disregard it just since I think it's wrong for the sake of normalcy bias. I'm open minded to the possibility, I just need more evidence personally to believe it.

I started a thread on a video a while ago called The Great Year, located here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56481-The-Great-Year). The video was taken down, but can be seen here:


Basically they talk about the precession cycle, they don't put forth a theory though on how or why it works.

15th December 2012, 04:26 PM

Cocky bunch at NASA

17th December 2012, 12:12 PM
Cocky bunch at NASA
Yeah! Very daring to put out prognosis the earth will not be destroyed on 21st of December