View Full Version : Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Entitlements Are 'Earned'

General of Darkness
12th December 2012, 08:14 PM
Who the fuck votes for people like this dumb bitch?


12th December 2012, 08:15 PM
Who the fuck votes for people like this dumb bitch?


The same people who "earn" entitlements?

12th December 2012, 08:33 PM
Who the fuck votes for people like this dumb bitch?


You assume that people who vote are like you. They are the same as Sheila Jackson Lee.

Twisted Titan
12th December 2012, 11:24 PM
How the eff can you earn something that was given ( or in this case stolen?)

Que up The Twilight Zone music

13th December 2012, 05:58 AM
You assume that people who vote are like you.

Here in lies the crux of it all.

Like I told someone last night...now is a really F'd up time for sane people.

13th December 2012, 06:02 AM
Here in lies the crux of it all.

Like I told someone last night...now is a really F'd up time for sane people.

this is so true. most people aren't like "you." most people are like those you see at peopleofwalmart.com.

13th December 2012, 06:31 AM
This is what happens when the government subsidizes the parasites to reproduce and punishes the producers into abstinence: we have reverse Darwinism in America cum to fruition. All the good folk are dying off and the survivors are the off-spring of the parasites. They are the majority and the new norm. When one talks about work and earnings, these people have no clue. They expect everything to be handed to them and know they are entitled to it because this is what big brother has told them they deserve.

13th December 2012, 06:31 AM
This is what happens when the government subsidizes the parasites to reproduce and punishes the producers into abstinence: we have reverse Darwinism in America cum to fruition. All the good folk are dying off and the survivors are the off-spring of the parasites. They are the majority and the new norm. When one talks about work and earnings, these people have no clue. They expect everything to be handed to them and know they are entitled to it because this is what big brother has told them they deserve.

idiocracy was a documentary.

Hatha Sunahara
13th December 2012, 09:07 AM
Don't they take 7% out of your paycheck for Social Security? If you pay for it, you earn it. I'd rather not participate in Social Security and invest that 7% on my own, but participation is mandatory. So, if it's mandatory and I pay for it, I want something back. And I don't want less back than what they promised. If I didn't pay for it, I could care less what they do with it. Either the benefits stay whole, or they let me out and give me my money back.


13th December 2012, 09:08 AM
idiocracy was a documentary.

And now, it's reality.

13th December 2012, 11:35 AM
Social Security isn't an entitlement.

What she's talking about is that entitlements are earned because those who receive them continue to follow the laws.

Stop paying them and they will stop following the laws.

Basically, what entitlements buy is relative peace within the society.

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 11:38 AM
What she's talking about is that entitlements are earned because those who receive them continue to follow the laws.

Stop paying them and they will stop following the laws.

Basically, what entitlements buy is relative peace within the society.

Oh...you're talking about extortion, right?

13th December 2012, 01:36 PM
Oh...you're talking about extortion, right?

It depends upon your point of view.

J.S. Mill discussed this topic in lingth back in the 1890's or so.

People are only obliged to follow the laws of a society for as long as the society provides an environment within which economic opportunities enable the vast majority to fulfill their needs thus motivating the to follow the laws or, failing that, it provides an economy directly so that it will dissuade them from ignoring the laws.

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 01:43 PM
It depends upon your point of view.

J.S. Mill discussed this topic in lingth back in the 1890's or so.

People are only obliged to follow the laws of a society for as long as the society provides an environment within which economic opportunities enable the vast majority to fulfill their needs thus motivating the to follow the laws or, failing that, it provides an economy directly so that it will dissuade them from ignoring the laws.

Yeah, that's just what we *need* - the state 'growing the economy' based upon the ideology of the 'leaders' who are controlled (and who actually are) Bolsheviks. Nice.

13th December 2012, 02:18 PM
Yeah, that's just what we *need* - the state 'growing the economy' based upon the ideology of the 'leaders' who are controlled (and who actually are) Bolsheviks. Nice.
The state can't grow an economy, it can only redistribute what is there. Welfare works to the effect of keeping the people on it passive and as long as the majority of people can provide for themselves, chipping in to keep the useless eaters docile isn't that big a deal. I mean, you're gonna pay one way or the other anyway, with either food stamps or crime.

Unfortunately, welfare has become a way of life for far too many and more are being added to its ranks every day.

The government, in collusion with the banksters and capitalists, have destroyed our economic environment and fairly soon, our obligation to follow the laws that we've so far volunteered to follow, will come to an end.

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 02:28 PM
The government, in collusion with the banksters and capitalists, have destroyed our economic environment and fairly soon, our obligation to follow the laws that we've so far volunteered to follow, will come to an end.

IMO that's a reasonable and foregone conclusion.

willie pete
13th December 2012, 09:12 PM
I'd say 99.99% of negroes think they're owed $$$'s by this country anyway, so sure, they have no problem taking advantage of the system

14th December 2012, 03:56 AM
The state can't grow an economy, it can only redistribute what is there.

Idiotic observation. You are confusing the state for the government. They are two separate entities. The state can choose to be represented by the government or not and is free to create, to destroy or to modify whichever it decides is the best course of action.

mick silver
14th December 2012, 04:45 AM
then why is the state not doing this ?

14th December 2012, 05:56 AM
then why is the state not doing this ?

Those states who subscribe to gay marriage are quite satisfied with their government. Those states who subscribe to massive entitlements are quite satisfied as well. Those states who voted for Obama are in their glory. Those states who choose to be communist subscribe to the 14th amendment. Those states who opt for all these things are well represented with the present government. My state on the other hand chooses to not accept presents from foreign potentates, doesn't recognize same sex marriage, wouldn't consider voting for the lesser of two evils, makes only gold or silver a tender of payment and has opted out of the 14th amendment.

Where does your state stand on these issues?

14th December 2012, 06:19 AM
What she's talking about is that entitlements are earned because those who receive them continue to follow the laws.

Stop paying them and they will stop following the laws.

As a counter to your thesis... looking at the latest crime map of this city, take a guess at where the "entitlement" community resides. Contrast that with the rest of the city who work for a living. Who's following the laws?

14th December 2012, 12:57 PM
Idiotic observation..
And we're supposed to take the word of the resident idiot on this?

OK fool, argue semantics as you please.

Fukin twit.

14th December 2012, 01:03 PM
As a counter to your thesis... looking at the latest crime map of this city, take a guess at where the "entitlement" community resides. Contrast that with the rest of the city who work for a living. Who's following the laws?

It's not my thesis and it does work to the extent that the crimes are contained.

As the population of recipients grows and opportunities to break free of poverty diminish you can expect more crimes.

14th December 2012, 02:04 PM
OK fool, argue semantics as you please.

Fukin twit.

I see you choose to add nothing to the subject, moron

14th December 2012, 02:15 PM
I see you choose to add nothing to the subject, moron

Will you stop dry humping my leg...

Fukin twit.

14th December 2012, 02:26 PM
Will you stop dry humping my leg...

Fukin twit.

I wouldn't care to attempt to hump your leg while you are so engaged, perv

General of Darkness
14th December 2012, 02:31 PM
I wouldn't care to attempt to hump your leg while you are so engaged, perv

LOL, I don't care who ya are, that right there is funny.

7th trump
14th December 2012, 02:39 PM
I see you choose to add nothing to the subject, moron

Wow!.....the pot calling the kettle black!
I see you've made another friend Palani..........hahahahaha!

Not everyone beleives in your style.....................of saying nothing!

14th December 2012, 02:48 PM
Not everyone beleives in your style.....................of saying nothing!

Having the capacity to read and understand is necessary. I expect you may be slightly ahead of Carl in capacity but not by much.

7th trump
14th December 2012, 02:48 PM
Those states who subscribe to gay marriage are quite satisfied with their government. Those states who subscribe to massive entitlements are quite satisfied as well. Those states who voted for Obama are in their glory. Those states who choose to be communist subscribe to the 14th amendment. Those states who opt for all these things are well represented with the present government. My state on the other hand chooses to not accept presents from foreign potentates, doesn't recognize same sex marriage, wouldn't consider voting for the lesser of two evils, makes only gold or silver a tender of payment and has opted out of the 14th amendment.

Where does your state stand on these issues?
The "state" is "democracy" in action.
Democracy is a form of political government.....so yeah Carl's accurately correct.
A union state is a replublic.
A republic has no standing on social issues.

7th trump
14th December 2012, 02:54 PM
Having the capacity to read and understand is necessary. I expect you may be slightly ahead of Carl in capacity but not by much.
Coming from the guy who spouts legality's and yet doesnt beleives the statutes apply to him (admitted he doesnt read the statutes).......theres a concept (politician) you can trust and count on.

He beleives fiat money (private credit) is why you are taxed on your labor and yet wont read the statutes that impose the income tax on labor to, as he stated, is "root cause analysis".

14th December 2012, 02:56 PM
The "state" is "democracy" in action. Wrong. The state is a bunch of people, a body politic.

Democracy is a form of political government.....so yeah Carl's accurately correct.
Government is not state so carl has his head up his nether regions.

A union state is a replublic.
No (assuming by replubic you mean "republic"). Government is not state. Republic is a form of government. Specifically it is the form guaranteed by the U.S. constitution.

A republic has no standing on social issues. Nonsense. All governments regulate social behavior whether republic or not. Abnormal behavior (such as carl's) get punished if done in public while approved behavior gets rewarded.

14th December 2012, 03:00 PM
Coming from the guy who spouts legality's and yet doesnt beleives the statutes apply to him (admitted he doesnt read the statutes).......theres a concept (politician) you can trust and count on. I read statutes occasionally but I have no office in government. Statutes are intended to control government employees and office holders.

He beleives fiat money (private credit) is why you are taxed on your labor and yet wont read the statutes that impose the income tax on labor. I don't read old Superman comic books either and expect the caped crusader to show up. See what I mean about "capacity"? You, at least, have engaged in some thought upon the topic. Carl is incapable of rational thought.

14th December 2012, 07:15 PM

Fukin twit.

General of Darkness
14th December 2012, 08:17 PM

Fukin twit.

Hey dickhead, don't keep trying to stir shit in my thread. I don't feel like getting banned and you probably don't feel like getting smacked down.

14th December 2012, 08:36 PM
Hey dickhead, don't keep trying to stir shit in my thread. I don't feel like getting banned and you probably don't feel like getting smacked down.

Hey good buddy, talk to your leg humper, fukin twit wants to prove he's a dumbass, I'm feel obliged to help him...

14th December 2012, 08:40 PM

14th December 2012, 09:06 PM
I was on topic.

The state generally refers to the entire machinations of the government machine. It doesn't come or go with an election. The staff don't change, and they might not agree with the prevailing government. The Department of Defence, Foreign Office, or whatever you call them, for example, always exist and operate largely independently of the government.

Leg humper wants to insult me while arguing semantics and circular rationalizations, the little twit can kiss my ass.

And I'm surprised you've decided to jump to his defense.

15th December 2012, 04:35 AM
I was on topic.

The state generally refers to the entire machinations of the government machine. Evidence of your lack of capacity. The state remains the same while governments come and go.

It doesn't come or go with an election. "It"? Governments are composed of employees and servants. Elections are how hiring and firing come about.

The staff don't change, and they might not agree with the prevailing government. What staff agree to or not is irrelevant. Would you expect a janitor you hired to clean up to make your policy for you?

The Department of Defence, Foreign Office, or whatever you call them, for example, always exist and operate largely independently of the government. In what world do you live whe

Leg humper wants to insult me while arguing semantics and circular rationalizations, the little twit can kiss my ass. You are insultable. Are you employed as a janitor? Your ideas are moronic and you smell.

15th December 2012, 07:25 AM
Evidence of your lack of capacity. The state remains the same while governments come and go.
"It"? Governments are composed of employees and servants. Elections are how hiring and firing come about.
What staff agree to or not is irrelevant. Would you expect a janitor you hired to clean up to make your policy for you?
In what world do you live whe
You are insultable. Are you employed as a janitor? Your ideas are moronic and you smell.

Well twit, you've hijacked yet another thread in service to your ego and then promptly argued yourself into a corner, don't you?

Here you go, The Federal State:

U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (http://www.usa.gov/directory/federal/index.shtml)

That, along with the "The Government", constitutes "The State" and yes, they make their own self perpetuating, expansionist policies along with and independent of whomever is elected.

Here is "The State" of Texas:

Texas Departments and Agencies (http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/Texas/Government/Executive_Branch/Departments_and_Agencies/)

Now twit, go hijack another thread and hump somebody else's leg...

15th December 2012, 07:35 AM
Well twit, you've hijacked yet another thread in service to your ego and then promptly argued yourself into a corner, don't you?

Here you go, The Federal State:

U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (http://www.usa.gov/directory/federal/index.shtml)

Evidence of your programming carl.

There are no people in the federal government. Their body politic consists of the several States that form the union.

There are no people in any county of any state of the union either. The body politic of a county is composed of cities, villages and townships. The county is considered an administrative subdivision of the state and yet there are no people in a county.

People can be found in hundreds. There are no organized hundreds to my knowledge (save one) anywhere in the northern regions of the american continent.

That, along with the "The Government", constitutes "The State" and yes, they make their own self perpetuating, expansionist policies along with and independent of whomever is elected.

Here is "The State" of Texas:

Texas Departments and Agencies (http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/Texas/Government/Executive_Branch/Departments_and_Agencies/) There are no people in Texas either. They STYLE themselves "the State of ____" but you might call yourself "intelligent" too and by that description you are misrepresenting yourself. The "German Democratic Republic" was known as East Germany. It was a government, was no state, was not a republic but they got one thing right: a democracy is a communist form of government.

Now twit, go hijack another thread and hump somebody else's leg...
And let you get by with your misinformed agenda? No way, bozo.

Hatha Sunahara
15th December 2012, 01:11 PM
What do you call it when both the State and the Government have been hijacked by the 'money power'? It might be called a 'Republic' nominally, but de facto, it is an Oligarchy controlled by a plutocracy. Entitlements are 'doled' out to maintain participation by the unwashed masses, and to perpetuate the myth that the government is of, by and for the people. They are a maintenance cost of popular illusions. Tax revenues are used to pay interest on the collective debt to the oligarchy, and all other programs (entitlements) are financed by borrowing which increases the debt. They are like an easing of the harshness of slavery--benefits reluctantly given back to the slaves so they will continue producing. The real problem with entitlements is that the politicians have promised the slaves the moon, and they cannot deliver on that promise. It is one of the major faults of collectivism. When you are thinking of participating in a collectivist program like social security try to imagine what you'd do if your 'benefits' never materialized. Someone has already contemplated that and made your participation mandatory. It's a wealth transfer program, and you aren't a recipient because your benefits will always be less than your contribution.


15th December 2012, 01:56 PM
It's a wealth transfer program, and you aren't a recipient because your benefits will always be less than your contribution.


You can volunteer to participate in misrepresentation of material matters of fact or you can not accept gifts from foreign potentates. My choice is the latter approach. I have no problem with people who choose to misrepresent the system because I am not part of it. I have a problem with people who misrepresent the reasons to participate just so their retirement benefits will not decline (Carl .... you reading this?)

7th trump
15th December 2012, 02:05 PM
Evidence of your lack of capacity. The state remains the same while governments come and go.

"It"? Governments are composed of employees and servants. Elections are how hiring and firing come about.

What staff agree to or not is irrelevant. Would you expect a janitor you hired to clean up to make your policy for you?

In what world do you live whe

You are insultable. Are you employed as a janitor? Your ideas are moronic and you smell.
You've completely lost it Palani.
You bring up the 14th amendment's "subject" phrase and yet say what the state is which is calling yourself incompetent.
I really dont think you understand what a democracy is and its structure.
You say what the state is and then prove yourself wrong.
Whats wrong with you?

15th December 2012, 03:24 PM
You've completely lost it Palani.
Doubt it.

You bring up the 14th amendment's "subject" phrase and yet say what the state is which is calling yourself incompetent. What the heck are you going on about? I opted out of the 14th amendment. You on the other hand ... are in deep doodoo.

I really dont think you understand what a democracy is and its structure. I'll put it in terms you might be able to comprehend. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting for what is for dinner.

You say what the state is and then prove yourself wrong. Rather I define what a state is from millennium past. What government would have you believe is where you are confused. Government and state are separate entities.

Whats wrong with you? I guess because I opted out of the IBEW many years ago because I would rather not be a union stooge like you. Of course in my view this is a plus while you might have an opposing view.

7th trump
16th December 2012, 09:55 AM
Doubt it.

What the heck are you going on about? I opted out of the 14th amendment. You on the other hand ... are in deep doodoo.

I'll put it in terms you might be able to comprehend. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting for what is for dinner.

Rather I define what a state is from millennium past. What government would have you believe is where you are confused. Government and state are separate entities.
I guess because I opted out of the IBEW many years ago because I would rather not be a union stooge like you. Of course in my view this is a plus while you might have an opposing view.

You have never opted out of the 14th amendment Palani.
If you have successfully opted out you would focus on that alone and you havent. All you say is alot of bullshit to convince yourself and others you know something.
This is the reason I always say you have an eligent way of saying absolutely nothing. You never get to the point ever!

To be a part of the 14th amendment citizenship takes your signiture on government forms and you havent yet provided one example on how to not be a part of the 14th amendment......all you do is tell people in an eligent way they are stupid.

Millenium past huh?
Bullshit......millenium past my ass........palani!
Well, if you havent noticed yet, we arent living in milleniums past are we grasshopper. We live today in the present where the laws of the "past" are very different and dont apply to today laws.
So tell us again how you supposedly opted out of the 14th amendment.

16th December 2012, 10:17 AM
You have never opted out of the 14th amendment Palani. This is not a topic you are either competent to comment on nor have standing to come to an independent conclusion.

If you have successfully opted out you would focus on that alone and you havent. All you say is alot of bullshit to convince yourself and others you know something. I give notice. What others choose to do with it is their affair.

This is the reason I always say you have an eligent way of saying absolutely nothing. You never get to the point ever! Inteesting word: eligent. Had to look it up. It means electing out. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/eligo#Latin

I am curious whether you meant to say "elegant" instead? Either way works.

To be a part of the 14th amendment citizenship takes your signiture on government forms and you havent yet provided one example on how to not be a part of the 14th amendment......all you do is tell people in an eligent way they are stupid. There is that "opt out" word again. As to opting out why not consider administrative procedure? Give notice and when you encounter silence then interpret that as consent. Due process is comprised of notice and endows one with the right to inquire. Failure to inquire results in estoppel and laches (big words I know but there is no way around them ... look them up yourself).

Bullshit......millenium past my ass........palani!
Well, if you havent noticed yet, we arent living in milleniums past are we grasshopper. We live today in the present where the laws of the "past" are very different and dont apply to today laws. Law is reason and when the reason vanishes then so does the law. Are you suggesting that reason today is different from reasons in days gone by? Laws abide and while reason exists so do the laws.

So tell us again how you supposedly opted out of the 14th amendment.
Actually I have told you as much as I may. Contractual obligations prevent going into further detail. I will tell you that the entire procedure is recorded in the Cedar Recorders office.

7th trump
16th December 2012, 10:35 AM
This is not a topic you are either competent to comment on nor have standing to come to an independent conclusion.
I give notice. What others choose to do with it is their affair.
Inteesting word: eligent. Had to look it up. It means electing out. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/eligo#Latin

I am curious whether you meant to say "elegant" instead? Either way works.

There is that "opt out" word again. As to opting out why not consider administrative procedure? Give notice and when you encounter silence then interpret that as consent. Due process is comprised of notice and endows one with the right to inquire. Failure to inquire results in estoppel and laches (big words I know but there is no way around them ... look them up yourself).
Law is reason and when the reason vanishes then so does the law. Are you suggesting that reason today is different from reasons in days gone by? Laws abide and while reason exists so do the laws.

Actually I have told you as much as I may. Contractual obligations prevent going into further detail. I will tell you that the entire procedure is recorded in the Cedar Recorders office.
Exactly what I thought ....more unproof you opted out......and more piled on unprovable bullshit from you.
Contractual obligations huh?......hahahahahahahahaha.....my ass obligations stop you from telling!
You dont have any proof is whats stopping you!
You've painted yourself in a corner of being the great know palani and when called out you come up with more bullshit.
Contractual obligation.........hahahahahahahaha.........thats a good one!

What kind of obligations stop a person from expressing the Law of the land?
You're a good decieving bullshitter palani , but no that good!

Why do you hang around here?
Why not go back over to that sui juris site where all you theorist hang out and beleive each others idea's.

16th December 2012, 10:40 AM
Why do you hang around here?
Why not go back over to that sui juris site where all you theorist hang out and beleive each others idea's.

I find people are always so friendly here.

7th trump
16th December 2012, 11:41 AM
I find people are always so friendly here.

I find people try to shift the attention away from them when they cant come up with any proof.

16th December 2012, 12:09 PM
I find people try to shift the attention away from them when they cant come up with any proof.

Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores. Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.

7th trump
16th December 2012, 07:32 PM
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores. Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
Still isnt any proof you opted out of the 14th amendment!
Put up or shut up!

Are you receiving any Social Security benefit?

17th December 2012, 02:07 AM
Still isnt any proof you opted out of the 14th amendment! Put up or shut up!
Why are you concentrating upon me when you ignore your own status?

Are you receiving any Social Security benefit?
Wouldn't this be impossible without having applied for an account?

7th trump
17th December 2012, 04:02 AM
Why are you concentrating upon me when you ignore your own status?

Wouldn't this be impossible without having applied for an account?

Is it possible to answer the questions without any further deflection palani?
Any further deflection will be taken that you havent opted out of the 14th as you suggest and you are receiving Social Security benefits.

17th December 2012, 05:46 AM
Is it possible to answer the questions without any further deflection palani?
Scientia sciolorum est mixta ignorantia. The knowledge of smatterers is mixed ignorance.

Any further deflection will be taken that you havent opted out of the 14th as you suggest and you are receiving Social Security benefits.Scire debes cum quo contrahis. You ought to know with whom you deal.

7th trump
17th December 2012, 07:43 AM
Scientia sciolorum est mixta ignorantia. The knowledge of smatterers is mixed ignorance.

Scire debes cum quo contrahis. You ought to know with whom you deal.
Theres the answer you been waiting for folks......Palani, by consent of deflecting the question, is not what he claims. Palani has not removed himself from the jurisdiction of the 14th amendment. And by the same consent is acknowledging receiving Social Security benefits.
The same benefits only 5usc 552a "federal personal" (14th amendment "US citizens") can receive.
Don't let this bullshitter fool or bedazzle you with his creative latin writing skills.........hes an ego politician.

17th December 2012, 08:32 AM
Theres the answer you been waiting for folks..Don't let this bullshitter fool or bedazzle you with his creative latin writing skills.........hes an ego politician.

I don't doubt you fail to recognize maxims of law. When confronted with ignorance my policy is to balance the scales with the opposite. Your ventures into argument are noted and classify you rather than me.

7th trump
17th December 2012, 10:32 AM
I don't doubt you fail to recognize maxims of law. When confronted with ignorance my policy is to balance the scales with the opposite. Your ventures into argument are noted and classify you rather than me.
Just more deflection and legalese from our resident liar.

Palani is receiving federal SS benefits and has not opted out of citizenship set forth by the 14th amendment.
If palani opted out of the 14th jurisdiction he could not receive the Social Security benefits hes currently receiving.
Beware of this snakeskin oil salesman calling himself "palani" parading himself as some legal scholar.

17th December 2012, 11:46 AM
Just more deflection and legalese from our resident liar.

Quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se inducto. Any one may renounce a law introduced for his own benefit. To this rule there are some exceptions.

7th trump
17th December 2012, 03:38 PM
Quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se inducto. Any one may renounce a law introduced for his own benefit. To this rule there are some exceptions.
Yep anyone can refuse a law relating to the benefit of oneself. Social Security isnt mandatory! So why havent you opted out?
To greedy to let a benefit go Palani?
You cant opt out of the 14th amendment jurisdiction like you claim you have Palani while benefiting from the SAME law that puts you squarely in the jurisdiction of the 14th amendment.
I've told you this before and I'll tell you again Palani.........you cant have it both ways!
You lie palani, and no, there isnt any contract which you claim keeps you from the telling how you opted out. By claiming such chains the US Constitution from the People..................WHICH IS A BULLSHIT STORY you are hiding behind!

Hey what other crap can you spout to bedazzle the shit out of everyone?

17th December 2012, 04:54 PM
Hey what other crap can you spout to bedazzle the shit out of everyone?

It appears I have lit YOUR fire.

Semper necessitas probandi incumbit qui agit. The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him.

So start proving your claims.

7th trump
17th December 2012, 06:02 PM
It appears I have lit YOUR fire.

Semper necessitas probandi incumbit qui agit. The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him.

So start proving your claims.

Exactly my point..............wheres your proof you have opted out?
You say a lot of bullshit!

17th December 2012, 06:19 PM
Exactly my point..............wheres your proof you have opted out?
I have made no claims. You have made a claim. Prove up!!!!

You say a lot of bullshit! Have I said anything?

7th trump
17th December 2012, 06:42 PM
I have made no claims. You have made a claim. Prove up!!!!

Have I said anything?

Caught you in another lie Palani.
You implied you cannot disclose what you did to opt out due to a contract obligation.
So heres palani's next move....he will say yes he did imply theres a contract obligation which is not saying.....and he'll continue to deflect,......deflect,....... deflect.
Its palani's method of operation.........deflecting!
Dont beleive me, just sit back and watch him continue to deflect,......deflect,.......deflect
Palani's an artist at deflecting!

Palani as everyone can see demonstrates typical deflector attitude when hes put on the spot.
palani never answers a question.......its all bedazzling bling bling word salad!
What Palani wants is to be known on this forum as the GURU legal guy without anybody questioning him.
And when you do question Palani he'll attempt to turn it around on you and try to make you look foolish!

17th December 2012, 07:00 PM
Caught you in another lie Palani.
You implied you cannot disclose what you did to opt out due to a contract obligation.
So heres palani's next move....he will say yes he did imply theres a contract obligation which is not saying.....and he'll continue to deflect,......deflect,....... deflect.
Its palani's method of operation.........deflecting!
Dont beleive me, just sit back and watch him continue to deflect,......deflect,.......deflect
Palani's an artist at deflecting!

Palani as everyone can see demonstrates typical deflector attitude when hes put on the spot.
palani never answers a question.......its all bedazzling bling bling word salad!
What Palani wants is to be known on this forum as the GURU legal guy without anybody questioning him.
And when you do question Palani he'll attempt to turn it around on you and try to make you look foolish!

Private contracts do not need public exposure.

I made no claim as you mistakenly refer to.

CLAIM. A claim is a challenge of the ownership of a thing which a man has not in possession, and is wrongfully withheld by another

If you look foolish maybe because you act foolishly?

7th trump
17th December 2012, 07:29 PM
Private contracts do not need public exposure.

I made no claim as you mistakenly refer to.

If you look foolish maybe because you act foolishly?

Hahahahaha........."private contract" is what you are going to call it now huh?
Thanks for admitting it!
What a slippery lizard you are.....wow truely amazing!
One thing for sure about palani.......expect nothing but deflection and turning this around on those who question him to look foolish and stupid.
Didnt hold my breath...........and didnt expect anything different from you palani.
Your method of operation is quite routine........hahahaha!

Really you DONT say much at all, so what are you doing here?
You need a pic with a wizards hat so we can identify your slight of hand and word salad.

17th December 2012, 07:32 PM
Your mothed of operation is quite routine........hahahaha!
I know not what a mothed is. Could you fill me in?

7th trump
17th December 2012, 07:58 PM
I know not what a mothed is. Could you fill me in?

Keep demonstrating palani............show everyone your twisted demeanor.
Wont be long .......pretty soon nobody is going to listen to you....dont stop !

17th December 2012, 08:01 PM
Keep demonstrating palani............show everyone your twisted demeanor.
Wont be long .......pretty soon nobody is going to listen to you....dont stop !

I guess you don't have an idea what a mothed is then either? Pity!

18th December 2012, 04:37 PM

18th December 2012, 05:32 PM

you're it!