View Full Version : Gungrabbers agenda: "Cause division among them" (Sun Tzu)

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 12:45 AM
So the POS limey Piers Morgan gets Alan Gottleib http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Gottlieb (that's right, he's a member of the tribe) on his show in order to abuse him and the notion of the RKBA. Then after a few minutes of abusing him and bitchslapping him around Morgan manages to get Gottlieb to concede "I agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the deranged". (paraphrased, but that is definitely the essence of it)

And there ya have it.

FWIW, their approach now is to get 'gunowners', 'NRA members', and virtually everyone else in front of the camera saying, "Oh, we DEFINITELY support the 2nd amendment, but we need to get a discussion going on about *common sense gun control* (to talk about ridding ourselves of those evil black guns)."

13th December 2012, 04:52 AM
i found it curious that this time it wasn't an "ak-47." they immediately knew the difference between a m-16, and an ar-15, whereas with an "ak-47" they are always insinuating that it's an automatic weapon. it's like someone who knew about firearms got the job of writing the talking points this time.

13th December 2012, 05:46 AM
Reading the news stories ... it appears the AR15 saved lives ... .it jammed. Why not promote this angle?

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 10:54 AM
Now we'll see how the NRA* falls in line with the meme 'keep guns out of the hands of the deranged'. Then the NRA betrayal of gunowners will be complete.

*we can thank the NRA for the form 4473 (formerly the 'yellow sheet') as a result of their support for GCA '68 and NICS (National Insta-Check System) which requires 'approval' by gov.org before you can take possession of a gun purchased from a FFL

13th December 2012, 11:03 AM
i got kicked out of my range club because i refused to join the nra; it's a condition of membership. i used some fake temp memerbship card that the nra sent me as junk mail for awhile, but eventually it ran out. i have to go the public range now.

13th December 2012, 12:06 PM
NRA = Not Really an Ally

http://www.nationalgunrights.org/alerts/2007-nrajoinsdems.shtml (http://www.nationalgunrights.org/alerts/2007-nrajoinsdems.shtml)

NRA joins Democrats to push gun controlDo you know a combat veteran who’s been diagnosed with Post-traumatic stress disorder?

Was your son, niece, or grandchild prematurely diagnosed with ADHD as a child?

If Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and Senator Pat Leahy have their way, your active and enthusiastic nephew and our military veterans would be prohibited from owning firearms -- ever. Their bill, H.R. 2640, is a massive expansion of the NICS check, otherwise know as the Brady Registration Act, an unconstitutional and immoral infringement on the Second Amendment. The gun grabbers in Congress have been working to sneak this gun control into law, and now they’re moving quickly.

This bill could pass the Senate as early as tomorrow.

H.R. 2640 was passed out of the House on a voice vote, and was forced through the Senate Committee process on a series of un-recorded voice votes. The bill is currently waiting for anti-gun liberals like Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid to call for a vote.

The only reason this gun control bill has sailed through Congress is because the NRA is supporting it – and anti-gun activists are using the NRA’s support to force this bill into law.

The NRA, who claims to be the voice of American gun owners, has betrayed these same gun owners and the constitutional rights they claim to support by joining with the Brady Campaign to pass the first major gun control legislation since the assault weapons ban.

Maybe you’ve seen some of the stories; The Denver Post, Seattle Times, Washington Post have all reported on the NRA’s betrayal of gun owners. The NRA itself, in the September issue of the American Rifleman, has even bragged that it is supporting this legislation. (Go here (http://www.nationalgunrights.org/othershr2640.shtml) to see the evidence of the NRA support for the first major piece of gun control legislation in over a decade.)

Why is the NRA trying to pass more gun control laws, when gun owners -- like you and me – think we need to be repealing these unconstitutional gun control laws altogether? In the wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy the NRA felt compelled to support gun control in exactly the same manner Charlton Heston (then President of the NRA) supported gun control after Columbine.

The NRA’s rationale is to fashion the chains that bind us. They believe any gun-related legislation must have their fingerprints all over it, even if that legislation is vehemently opposed by their members and is an infringement of our rights. They talk tough to raise money (such as LaPierre calling the BATFE “jack-booted thugs” while supporting BATFE budget increases), but their actions are quite the opposite: they usually cut a backroom deal before the battle even begins. After all, you can’t be thought of as a “political player” if you don’t follow the insider’s rules. Wayne LaPierre’s worst nightmare is losing his invitation to the GOP cocktail circuit.

13th December 2012, 12:13 PM
Is there an updated HR Number? This seems to be from 2007.

13th December 2012, 12:14 PM
i got kicked out of my range club because i refused to join the nra; it's a condition of membership. i used some fake temp memerbship card that the nra sent me as junk mail for awhile, but eventually it ran out. i have to go the public range now.

Kudos - I'm with you !!
I've refused to join ranges based on that exact requirement. Even if you win the intellectual battle, the end response is usually - but who else do we have to defend our rights? Ignoring the fact that you've just PROVEN that they ARE NOT DEFENDING OUR RIGHTS (or that this idiot drinks way too much fluoridated water), when you talk about GOA or other organizations, no one wants to have the courage to jump off the Titanic onto a rescue boat because their seat is so comfy right now - they'd hate to give it up. Comes down to - either join the sell-out NRA and get to shoot at the range or go elsewhere...I always choose the latter

Frustrating isn't even the word for it.

13th December 2012, 12:18 PM
Kudos - I'm with you !!
I've refused to join ranges based on that exact requirement. Even if you win the intellectual battle, the end response is usually - but who else do we have to defend our rights? Ignoring the fact that you've just PROVEN that they ARE NOT DEFENDING OUR RIGHTS (or that this idiot drinks way too much fluoridated water), when you talk about GOA or other organizations, no one wants to have the courage to jump off the Titanic onto a rescue boat because their seat is so comfy right now - they'd hate to give it up. Comes down to - either join the sell-out NRA and get to shoot at the range or go elsewhere...I always choose the latter

Frustrating isn't even the word for it.

The Second Amendment foundation has been doing solid work lately.

13th December 2012, 12:23 PM
Is there an updated HR Number? This seems to be from 2007.

I don't think it passed but I was trying to illustrate that the NRA is not interested in protecting anyone's rights. They're interested in providing controlled opposition - just enough to collect annual dues from gun owners while compromising our rights away through incrementalism.

There's a ton of great info on www.keepandbeararms.com - woke me up in the '1990s !

13th December 2012, 12:41 PM
The Second Amendment foundation has been doing solid work lately.

That's what we need - groups like that and Gun Owners of America all working towards the same goal. When there's one giant organization, it's too easy for it to be taken over from within
Check my sig line :)