View Full Version : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: America is Going to Crash Big Time

13th December 2012, 09:43 AM
I concur with Mr. Roberts


Uncle Salty
13th December 2012, 09:51 AM
Yeah, but is the crash 20 years, 20 months, 20 days, or 20 minutes away?

13th December 2012, 09:56 AM
Yeah, but is the crash 20 years, 20 months, 20 days, or 20 minutes away?

Perhaps it is happening continually, now?

13th December 2012, 10:04 AM
Yeah, but is the crash 20 years, 20 months, 20 days, or 20 minutes away?

I'd say this is a fair (corrected) assessment.
These bigger and bigger PM interventions/manipulations are making me think the panic is becoming greater.

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 10:47 AM
Perhaps it is happening continually, now?

Of course it is, in full view of the entire world. Only those with scales on their eyes are unable to see the obvious.

Hatha Sunahara
13th December 2012, 11:00 AM
Of course it is, in full view of the entire world. Only those with scales on their eyes are unable to see the obvious.

The mainstream media's job is to put scales in peoples eyes. The crash will happen when the MSM loses credibility. That is happening continuously now--but still has a long way to go. In the interim, the government and the 1% will try to decimate the middle class with taxes and inflation.


old steel
13th December 2012, 11:29 AM
No crash, QE to infinity.

13th December 2012, 01:34 PM
Yeah, but is the crash 20 years, 20 months, 20 days, or 20 minutes away?

Exactly, that is why I don't heed "the crash is imminent" headlines anymore. When it happens, it happens. As long as I have my preps and Au/Ag -- I'm happy.

old steel
13th December 2012, 01:44 PM
Should have been a crash back in the fall of 2001, we got 9/11 instead.

Should have been a major crash in the fall of 2008, bankers got bailed out by taxpayers instead.

What will it be next time?

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 01:49 PM
Should have been a crash back in the fall of 2001, we got 9/11 instead.

Should have been a major crash in the fall of 2008, bankers got bailed out by taxpayers instead.

What will it be next time?

'Should have been a major crash' in the '70s after Nixon closed the gold window, yet 'the Masters of the Universe' have managed to continue to keep the illusion going. Ya gotta admit, they ARE pretty good at it.

mick silver
13th December 2012, 01:57 PM
it will happen when it happens not a second before

Uncle Salty
13th December 2012, 02:07 PM
Perhaps it is happening continually, now?

Nope. The crash is the crash. When a car hits a brick wall, that is the crash. When the stock market loses 50% of its value in a week, that is a crash. We have not had the crash yet. And the fuckers seem to be able to put it off forever...keeping me really depressed.

midnight rambler
13th December 2012, 02:16 PM
Nope. The crash is the crash. When a car hits a brick wall, that is the crash. When the stock market loses 50% of its value in a week, that is a crash. We have not had the crash yet. And the fuckers seem to be able to put it off forever...keeping me really depressed.

I know an ol' timer who 'woke up' upon graduation from H.S. (MacArthur being yanked out of Korea by Truman was what precipitated his awakening) - he told me that he had been expecting a crash since the mid-60s. He's a very sharp fellow, knows the law, knows the IRC front and back, knows and comprehends court cases regarding the IRS. By the time the late '90s rolled around he had concluded that 'they' have a means of keeping things going indefinitely (precisely as 'they' are and have been), that there will never be a crash or collapse, that things are 'on track' for their Communist utopia and that there's no need for a crash or collapse, and most importantly - 'they' had already accomplished their goals by the late 20th century and what we are witnessing now is merely a 'mop-up operation'.