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21st March 2014, 06:25 PM
Sandy Hook Hoax - Con. Freedom of Information Act CHANGED FOREVER to Protect the Lie
I knew we would NEVER be seeing any photos of any blood, bodies, anything from inside the school, or the Lanza home because this is a massive scam, what I did not know was the huge lengths that would go to indefinitely change US law in order to perpetuate this SCAM on the American people-
Now, not only does this affect the Sandy Hook Hoax, it also is a future precedent for any future Hoax/False Flag the government wants to pull on the American people- No Freedom of Information for the slaves of America.. more false flags in the works- and now they don't even have to fake anything, they can just say it happened, hire a bunch of actors, and they're golden- they can change any US law using emotional scare tactics, and the American people just have to take their word for it!
Sandy Hook Hoax - Freedom Of Information Act Changed forever to protect the Lie.
No more freedom of information, need to protect these actors/musicians and their scam, and now, in the future these hoaxes are even easier!
21st March 2014, 06:45 PM
For those who don't have the time to go through this whole article, here's a video that gives a good summary (the fact that Sandy Hook was a non-operational school should be the 11th reason this was a HOAX)
22nd March 2014, 02:27 PM
Here's the latest from a SH youtuber, who is offering his full support to Wolfgang and is getting sick of the attacks on him from other SH youtubers (his video summary is kind of funny: "Im glad hes been vetted, but now people are just being bitches."--LOL!!)
22nd March 2014, 02:37 PM
Now here's the latest from James Tracy--it seems like he has concerns about taking this in a legal direction. But if we don't do that, then what are we supposed to do? Just spend another year posting more videos on what an obvious hoax it is??? IMO it seems like it's time to move this from the internet to the real world and at least attempt some sort of legal action. And on the issue of legal standing, I honestly have no idea b/c I'm not a lawyer, but this has already been used to as grounds for restricting gun rights in some states (and this is just the beginning). It seems like it would be most helpful for the people of CT to wake up to this b/c they obviously have standing, as do the people who donated to those hoaxers. The comments over at Tracy's are worth a read.
Is Legal Action An Option for Sandy Hook? 17 (
Home ( • Tags: conspiracy research (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( IQEUuuonN9FCWTdg498By James F. Tracy
The course of action Wolfgang W. Halbig proposes to address unanswered questions concerning the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, and a foremost reason for the funding drive he is spearheading, involves civil litigation to compel testimony from pertinent officials and parties.
Parties close to have recently consulted a proficient attorney to discuss the effectiveness of filing suit in situations involving potential state crime, such as Sandy Hook.
An operative term the plaintiff must concern him/herself with is LEGAL STANDING – whether one is a proper plaintiff. In other words, are you the real party in interest? What are your damages?
Many lawsuits are thrown out of court simply because the plaintiff has no such standing. In other words, if the plaintiff cannot prove s/he has been harmed and cannot assert what damages they have sustained, s/he is not a plaintiff in good standing. The courts do not render collective relief – they render relief based on how one is found to have been harmed. Mr. Halbig and/or other out-of-state parties will not be able to prove how they have personally been harmed by the Sandy Hook event. Such individuals are considered “outsiders.” Mr. Halbig cannot bring a claim for something that has not harmed him personally and directly.
Wolfgang Halbig’s grounds for a lawsuit might well be good, however. GROUNDS have to do with the nature of your claim. Even if Mr. Halbig can prove every single thing in his Complaint (the initial legal filing), Wolfgang Halbig himself has not been harmed. In short, Wolfgang Halbig cannot bring the claim for damages or harm caused by the Sandy Hook event. Only someone “closer” could do that – e.g., the parents or relatives of the alleged victims. When Wolfgang Halbig or other parties file a lawsuit, the court will ask the question: Does he have any standing to assert those grounds?
The most likely result of such a lawsuit would be a Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Standing. This is quick and easy, and will eliminate the need for any discovery and depositions. The idea that Wolfgang posed in one of his early interviews – to “get some of these people and depose them” – is not even possible given his compromised position.
On the other hand, a class action lawsuit is even a more complex and large-scale project. Even $100,000 (Wolfgang Halbig’s present donation goal) would not come close to paying for a class action suit (if he were to allege harm in the way of terror/fear/anxiety caused to the American people from a fictitious event that never took place, for instance). Class action lawsuits are extremely expensive.
Wolfgang Halbig’s desire to get to the bottom of the event transpiring in Newtown on December 14, 2012 are shared by many throughout the US and world. At the same time, however, parties interested in donating to Sandy Hook Justice should be aware of the very real circumstances that prohibit straightforwardly resolving this important matter in a court of law.
24th March 2014, 10:08 AM
Here's the latest from Professor Tracy's site. The article is originally posted here: I haven't heard of that insanemedia site before, but it looks like it's worth a visit, as it has a lot of info on Sandy Hook. And supposedly there are other parts this "Follow the Money" series, so if I find them I'll bring them over.
Also, be sure to check out the info at the bottom of the article--that population total certainly doesn't fit the population total that the MSM has been saying for Newtown (I think they have been reporting 28,000). Also, fyi, "John Luv," a person over at Prof. Tracy's site (original comment here, posted the comment below, which also suggests that the population is much lower than reported. I've actually heard people talk about the idea of a "CIA" town or something like that, with the idea being that they control the whole fake place and can pull off stuff like this.
John Luv says:
March 6, 2014 at 4:50 pm (
Paulstal, I agree with you 100%, they are the same. Victoria Munoz is another CIA agent that has appeared at countless Drills to date also.
We will not be able to do much with the Sandy Hook Bunch, unless we get the masses on board. Why? Very simple. I passed through Newtown, CT last week on my way back from a business trip to MA. Newtown, CT is a make believe place, just like SHES was. I have challenged many on this blog here to prove to me that the population of Newtown is 28,000 as reported by wiki. I know that the population is way under 500, because I was hard pressed to find 50 people during my drive through the entire town. Newtown is the town that isn’t there, a virtual ghost town, a potemkin village and nothing more.
Sandy Hook Charity Industry: Follow the Money 1 (
Guest Posts ( • Tags: Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime
By Pilot
Tragic publicized events provide the basis for major fundraising efforts with the purported rationale of assisting those immediately impacted. In the case of the Sandy Hook School massacre charities have sprung up to take in tens of millions for wide array of “healing” and preventative initiatives.
This article originally appeared at Insanemedia ( on March 23, 2014 (link here (, and is republished with permission. This is the fourth installment in a series examining the reported donations and government revenue taken in by Newtown/Sandy Hook charities and related entities in the wake of the December 14, 2012 event.-JFT
Now that the dust has settled a bit, it’s time to take another look at the donation totals for Sandy Hook. There are several articles that have been published over the past 15 months with varying degrees of relevance. Some of them gleaned information from CT Attorney General George Jepson’s survey, but at the time of publication, not all respondents had filed their reports. This includes my previous article, Follow the Money Part 3 ( At the time of that writing, it was impossible to arrive at an accurate total of the charities’ collections.
Since that time, there have been Federal grants made to Newtown, and one very large grant from the state of Connecticut (, but we’ll get to that shortly. I would first like to cover the CT Attorney General survey, although out of date at this point, it seems a good place to begin.
By clicking through each report, the totals of money raised by spring of last year can be found. Of the 62 unique charities reporting, the whole dollar sum of all donations amounts to
$22, 277, 070.00
Twenty-two million, two-hundred seventy-seven thousand, seventy dollars.
As I mentioned, this total is inaccurate. It is less than what has actually been raised. How much less we can estimate based on later reporting.
In an article dated 12/14/13, NBC news stated that Sandy Hook Promise ( had raised 2.3 million dollars. That is $2,262,000.00 more that the $1,238,000.00 they reported in June of 2013 to the CT Attorney General. Let’s add that to our total: $22,277,070 + 2,262,000 =
$24,539, 070.00
Also mentioned in the NBC article was the Sandy Hook-Newtown Community Foundation as having raised “over 12 million”. That is one million+ more than reported originally. Let’s add again:
Newtown Youth and Family Services originally reported 1 million raised, but by the end of the year they claimed 1.2 million.
$25, 739, 070.00 U1Onq3bGXYCjYWWnwg01w
The NBC reporter included a few smaller charities that I did not find listed on the Jepson and Friends survey. I am attempting to get at the most accurate, conservative total. The 27 million claimed by NBC may well be close to the truth.
What the article in question did not cover were the Federal and State grants awarded to Newtown in the interim. Let’s take a look at those, shall we?
From the Department of Justice, Newtown received 2.5 million dollars, for officer overtime and what-not.
“Grants will be awarded to the Connecticut State Police ($663,444), Town of Newtown ($602,293), Town of Monroe ($882,812), and other partner agencies ($296,836), which include 34 surrounding Connecticut jurisdictions.”
The Department of Education provided two School Emergency Response to Violence, or SERV grants of 1.3 million in May of 2013, and 1.9 million in January of this year.
“We will do whatever we can to continue assisting and supporting the healing and recovery of Newtown,” U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said. “This additional grant will help students, teachers, families, school district and community move forward after such an unimaginable tragedy.”
The State of Connecticut pledged to award Newtown an additional 50 million dollars to demolish Sandy Hook School, and build a new and improved one on the very same site.
Newtown will not have to pay a penny for a new Sandy Hook Elementary School ( — state officials are making sure of that.
In the waning hours of the General Assembly ( session this week, legislators ( voted to approve as much as $50 million for a new school in Newtown.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy (, at a Capitol news conference Thursday afternoon, said he had made it clear to Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra within days after the Dec. 14 shootings at the school that it would be up to the town to decide the future of the building. ( June 6, 2013)
Let’s add again:
That about does it for Government funding.
Let’s now add in the very generous donation made by General Electric of 15 million dollars.
“More than 150 employees of Fairfield-based GE live in Newtown. GE CEO Jeff Immelt said that over the last year, GE employees who live in Newtown also identified a community center as among the town’s greatest needs.
The town said it will use $10 million to build the center and $5 million for operating costs, including hiring staff, over five years. The center will be owned and operated by the town.”
$96, 439, 070.00
That’s Ninety-six million, four-hundred thirty-nine thousand, seventy dollars.
No conflict of interest there. I report, you draw outrageous conclusions.
There are dozens more charities to look into. The smaller, child/victim associated funds that serve as scholarships in the child’s name for example. The Catherine Hubbard fund raised 250k for an animal sanctuary. This was included in the Attorney General report. The Fairfield County Community Foundation collects for Mary Sherlach and Grace McDonnell. The 62,000 raised by the Ct Yankee council Boy Scout Pack 170 was divvied up between the Hockley, Hubbard, Kowalski, Previdi and Wheeler families, all of which have their own fund raising vehicles. You may recognize the difficulty in figuring out what went where and when.
Since all 501(c)3 organizations must file a 990 or 990EZ with the IRS, we might reasonably expect to have access to these filings when they are available.
I was able to locate a few funds that openly displayed the total raised on the donation page: Ben’s Lighthouse: $40,646, and Race 4 Chase (Kowalski)$ 67,807. Since they both received the gift from the Boy Scouts, do these totals include the 12,400 that would have been their share? Only the shadow knows.
I will continue to gather the information on these smaller funds and provide you with my findings. I had been feeling a little guilty for not following up with another article for so long, but as it happens, the information available now is more accurate than what it would have been six months ago. My guilt is assuaged. Thank you for your continued interest in “Follow the Money (”.
Just as an aside, a few researchers have made arguments regarding the actual population of Newtown being under 2,000 people. This seems plausible to me only because we have heard so very little from this community of “28,000″ . I have seen reports from people driving through the area, and they describe it as being very deserted. While this anecdotal evidence may not be proof of anything, consider the city-data report from 2012 which states that the population of Newtown is:
938 males, 1035 females.
For what it’s worth.
24th March 2014, 11:00 AM
I found this linked to over at Prof. Tracy's site. This guy, Dan M. Hennen, has been supportive of Wolfgang and is concerned about all of the attacks on him. He's outlined below a number of the key characters who have been on the attack.
Now on this "Scott Creighton" from the willyloman site that he mentions, I've heard that that site is suspect (I'm fairly certain that all along they were not going along with the official story on SH, but they were not going along with the hoax idea--I think they may have been suggesting that it as an American Gladio type of event). Anyway, they carried two articles on Wolfgang, and throughout the comments on the first one was a character called "Poseidon," who seemed to be tag-teaming a bit with this Willyloman (aka Scott Crieghton). And this Poseidon character repeatedly linked to the takebackourworld site, which attacks those of us who see hoaxes and media fakery around Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing. Also, if I'm not mistaken, this Poseidoen character has been working with or passing info along to Spingola.
Sandy Hook: Halbig's Hyenas
Dan M. Hennen - 3/23/14
When Wolfgang Halbig arrived on the scene after doing an interview with American Free Press, he quickly drew attention, and a fan-base, and followed it up with several other National interviews. He kept his focus on three things....a list of 16 questions he wanted answered by state law enforcement officials, he wanted to create greater awareness of the story, and he wanted to go to Newtown, CT and ask direct questions to people directly involved and eliminate the hearsay.
When Wolfgang's name came up in blogs, Facebook posts, "tweets" on Twitter, and on the "comments" sections of online articles, an interesting trend was noticed....the people commenting seemed to fall into three distinct categories:
1) fans who praised his work and encouraged his efforts
2) skeptics who wanted him vetted for authenticity, and
3) those who hated him and wanted to de-rail his attempt to get to the truth.
Much of the response, was easily that 95% of the people fell into the camps of item 1 and item 2 above....but a recurring cast of characters, fell into group 3, and they led a charge of relentless ridicule and hatred towards Mr. Halbig that I found odd. In most cases, there is always and group 1 and group 2, but only in the case of an upcoming political election, one would find the amount of mud-slinging that came about in the first two weeks of Mr. Halbig's popularity. The background history and personal past of this man went fully under the microscope. I followed the trend and kept notes and what I found was quite disturbing. A handful of people were making the same types of comments on multiple pages and sites....and not comments "here and there", but true spamming of the same agenda put forth by the same handful of names. The work done by this group was embarrassing, childish and not done in good faith, but instead an attempt to "overthrow" and man in a "coup d'état" type of way. I will call them the Hyenas.
These hyenas end up being a group of individuals who have put in many hours of research into Sandy Hook and have dedicated months of getting the truth out in the Government Staged Event on 12/14/12. This group didn't embrace Mr. Halbig with open arms and encourage the ballsy initiative that he had while the others sat back and made you tube clips with their findings. They put forth a uniform effort to"run him out of town", because how "dare" Mr. Halbig come onto the scene without asking the leaders first if it was okay. These people felt a sense of "betrayal" of this man.
Below is a list of the culprits followed by direct quotes:
Erik Pearson, co-admin at the "Sandy Hook Hoax" Facebook group and co-admin of the"Halbig-Exposed" Facebook group.
"I honestly think that he was placed there and was to be used as a distraction as soon as we were getting close." (Source: Facebook post)
"I am 100% questioning Mr.Halbig’s validity. To make his grand debut and then 2 weeks later start asking for funds is obscene. He is a former LEO. He knows the procedure to file and receive a FOIA request. He has yet to submit one correctly. He is a former school principal yet he cannot form a sentence or grasp grammar and spelling as well as my first grader." (Source: Facebook post)
"As you know, I have been waiting for close to 3 weeks for Wolfgang Halbig to accept my friend request" (Source: Facebook post)
“It is my honest opinion that WH is nothing more than a man trying to grasp his last 15 minutes of fame and perhaps get a nice payday "book deal" out of it. This would be great for him to write his memoirs huh? Even if he is shot down in court. What a great story. (Source: Facebook post)
"We have been investigating this case and have uncovered mountains of evidence. We have done a tremendous amount of footwork. WH comes out and all of a sudden all of the Baby Boomers are demanding justice.... I am willing to bet that 99% of the people that donated can name more than 3 key players in this event. That is a fact. He is garnering attention from the people. He should have stayed quiet and done things the right way.” (Source: Facebook post)
"And Mr. Halbig and his handlers are succeeding in their operation to separate the truthers. In today's post he is attacking Fetzer and Smallstorm. He has single handedly divided the real investigators and has pit them up against each other. Way to go Wolfie. Where do I send my check?" (Source: Facebook post)
Comment: Mr. Pearson is quite upset that Mr. Halbig didn't seek his support, and will throw him under the bus because of it.
Tony Mead, co-admin at "Sandy Hook Hoax" Facebook group and co-admin at "Halbig-Exposed" Facebook group
"My efforts to speak directly to Mr Halbig were referred to Thomas Lapp who apparently is the Admin of his Facebook and Donation pages. When I insisted that I speak directly with Mr Halbig, I was accused of being a ‘troll’ and told to just ‘submit a list of questions’. I think that the fact that he has not shown up on this page to address these accusations directly is quite telling.” (Source: MemoryHoleBlog comment)
Goes after Halbig on a lengthy Facebook comments section under the alias "Benjamin Dover"
"At this point, I would assume that whatever good intentions ‘he’ had have been hijacked by people with an ulterior motive."
"I'm nobody, I'm just a regular guy." - Phone interview with Halbig (this coming from a man demanding answers and insisting Halbig talk to him)
"Climb aboard the Wolfgang Titanic." – (Source: comment on Brendan Hunt’s facebook page.)
Comment: The tone used here sounds like someone is angry that Mr. Halbig didn’t “go to the right people” when he came onto the scene. How is it that Mr. Mead needs to "demand" and "insist" such things. Who is he, and why does he need to come off as a "tough guy?"
Rob Craig – alias "the conspiracy critic"
“A word of advice to Halbig and his “guys”…Instead of pissing off and ignoring the real researchers who have been on this since day one, you should have created a bond…gathered together the greatest think tank and aligned yourself with the real truth seekers…There is strength in numbers, and if you continue to “Lone Wolf” it, you will see the error of your ways…”
Comment: wow
Brendan Hunt – alias xrayultra
"....rather than focusing on wolfgang's somewhat lame"sixteen questions" (a few of which have been answered already).” (Source: Facebook post)
"i think its becoming clear who and what halbig is"(Source: Facebook post)
“I was interested in your early work on the subject, but now you're coming across as someone who feels like he has some kind of proprietary claim on the subject matter.” (Source: Facebook comment directed at Mr. Hunt)
Comment: His posts repeatedly say “we’ve already answered the 16 questions”….but Mr. Hunt needs to keep in mind that Mr. Halbig wants the Law Enforcement Officials in Connecticut to answer them.
Peacebewithyoursoul - comments taken from MemoryHoleBlog
“He is ultimately going to do major damage to our cause. If he actually goes to Sandy Hook and gets arrested, it will be curtains for Truthers. He would not last three seconds in an interview with an Anderson Cooper or any mainstream media pundit/talking head/empty suit.”
“He is a bumpkin, and a dangerous prospect for the future of The Truth regarding Sandy Hook.”
"Why did he wait until 14 months later to appear? Why did he allegedly get visited by police twice (or was it thrice?), when none of us other Sandy Hook researchers who have been doing deep investigatory work since 12/14/2012, have never been visited by Law Enforcement, never mind even called by L.E.? I live in Connecticut, and I have been making a large scene with writing letters to the editors of various papers large and small, getting published, and I have called into more than a dozen AM talk shows, and I am a regular on two, still to this day, and I always spoke the unspeakable regarding Sandy Hook. No cop ever visited me…..He wouldn’t last a minute in a televised debate with the likes of Piers Morgan, Anderson Cooper, or any of the tv personalities. Heck,he wouldn’t last ten seconds against Brendan Hunt, or me, or some of the others who have been to Sandy Hook, and have been researching this since 12/14/2012."
Comment: Mr. Halbig was on this case early on, in fact he contacted Dr James Tracy in March of 2013 when his requests were met with stonewalling.
Scott Creighton – alias willyloman
"Rainmaker Wolfgang Halbig – A Pure Fraud in the Classic Sense (" article
"Along comes Mr. tasteless Halbig and he posts this comment on the article back in July of 2012.He was asking for a $100,000 back then as well. What a coincidence right? It cost a hundred grand for him to protect those bullied kids and it costs a hundred grand for him to get answers to his 16 stupid questions."
"Turns out Mr.Halbig has now set up a website ( in which he implores you to “invest in seeking the Sandy Hook truth”. He claims that he is raising money in order to force authorities to answer his list of 16 poorly crafted questions which do little to nothing to get at the heart of the Sandy Hook mass casualty event.
Comment: Creighton focuses on the donations in this hit-piece on Mr. Halbig, but then states the 16 questions have "little or nothing" to do with the event?
Beth D. – comments taken from MemoryHoleBlog
"Who in the blazes does he think he is? He’s making every reasonable and logical SHook skeptic look like a conspiracy nut."
"Yes,I have made FOIA requests. Yes, I have been threatened by gov officials – even with arrest for digging into things that they didn’t like. Ideal with government in my work daily."
"Oh pahleeze…I think the references come from the fact that the fellow is supposedly educated, was a teacher, a police officer and a business consultant and yet does not appear to be able to assemble written communications in a proper and effective manner."
Comment: Too much of the “holier than thou” language.
Nick202 – comments taken from MemoryHoleBlog
"Most importantly, with his alleged credentials, the dummy should know that the reason he hasn’t received responses to his FIOA requests is that he hasn’t follow the FIOA procedures and therefore hasn’t officially filed a single FOIA request because you cannot file an FOIA request by email.”
"You can NOT file an FOIA request through Wolfgang Halbig’s method of sending gibberish to various individuals, someone with his credentials should understand the importance of always being professional. It is quite simple to find a sample FOIA request letter for the State of Connecticut."
Comment: This person thinks that the email correspondence from Mr. Halbig from November/December 2013, were, in fact, the official FOIA requests sent to the State of Connecticut by Mr. Halbig in early 2013.
Team Wake ‘Em Up
Created the YouTube video called “Why I’m not donating to Wolfgang."
Hit-piece focusing entirely on Involuntary Dissolution of Wolf’s past businesses.
Comment: This entire video was put together by someone without a business background or understanding of how businesses are setup and how they dissolve.
Remember, these are THEIR words, not mine. Notice the tone used in these quotes and tell me if they are written in good faith by people who want to "vet" Mr. Halbig or written simply in a mean-spirited way, like as a new-kid in school who is quickly "pushed aside" by the popular kids after the new kid gets too much attention.
24th March 2014, 02:55 PM
Just found this perfect comment over at Prof Tracy's in response to the post on the "Sandy Hook Charity Industry" (^1255):
Jeff C ( says:
March 24, 2014 at 3:37 pm (
Ninety-six million, four-hundred thirty-nine thousand, seventy dollars?!?!?!!
No wonder these people are so happy!!
24th March 2014, 03:42 PM
Here's the latest from Fetzer: (some of the youtube vids in the article have already been posted here, so I won't actually post them on the page, but will just include a link)
Wolfgang Halbig heads to Newtown for the truth about Sandy Hook
by Jim Fetzer ( (
Wolfgang Halbig, who is a former Florida State Trooper, school principal and national school safety expert, heads for Newtown, CT, in pursuit of the truth about Sandy Hook.
After submitting one FOIA request after another, which the authorities have entirely ignored, he is putting his boots on the ground and going after those records in person himself.
Wolf will be attending the Newtown School Board meeting scheduled for 7:30 PM/ET on Tuesday, 6 May 2014, to ask the members of the school board sixteen simple questions to which he has been unable to obtain answers.
Wolf came to the country’s attention through a stunning interview with Dave Gahary of American Free Press, which, I would estimate, has had hundreds of thousands of listeners across the US and the world:
Indeed, I have asked Dave Gahary whether, if Wolf were to visit Newtown, AFP would send him to cover it, to which he has informed me the answer is, “Yes!” And I am quite sure other reporters and papers will want to cover his visit as well.
Jeff Rense and Alex Jones
In the meanwhile, the has been featured by prominent figures such as Jeff Rense ( and Alex Jones (, among many other radio hosts, who have appreciated the importance of what he is attempting to do:
The reason, of course, is obvious: Wolf has the background and qualifications as an expert on school safety to be in the position to resolve a perplexing national quagmire, where local, state and even federal authorities are suppressing information.
No one who defends the official story acknowledges that the school itself was a toxic waste dump, which does not appear to have been in use for years before Sandy Hook:
One of the reasons for confronting the School Board, therefore, is that its members cannot not know that the school was virtually abandoned and awaiting demolition.
Wolf’s 16 Questions
From all of the attempts to discredit Wolf, one might infer that he is some kind of radical out to stir up concerns where none are warranted. But the issues that he has raised appear to be very simple and straightforward, which are raised by published accounts, ( reports ( and the video record ( Here are sixteen:
1. Who on 14 December 2012 was the Incident Commander as required by the Federal Emergency Management Administration in directing the Mass Casualty Shooting Incident at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
2. Who and Why did they not request the Life Star Helicopters knowing that children and school staff are seriously injured and clinging to life?
3. Who and Why did they not allow the Paramedics and the EMTs inside the Sandy Hook School to treat any seriously injured children and school staff clinging to life?
4. Who declared all eighteen children and six school staff members legally dead within the first eight minutes? [NOTE: Two were claimed to have been transported to a local hospital before they died. The purported shooter, Adam Lanza, and his mother, Nancy Lanza, are not included in this count.]
5. Who was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard Decontamination company contracted by the Newtown Public Schools to remove gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissues, bodily fluids, blood soaked carpets and decontaminate areas inside the Sandy Hook School?
6. Why does an off duty Lieutenant from the Newtown Police Department refuse to leave his off duty work assignment at a construction site on 14 December 2012 after hearing that shots have been fired at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
7. Who at the Newtown Public Schools notified all of the parents in writing (as required by CT law) that had children attending the Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as every school staff member every school year of all the potential life threatening chemical hazards? [NOTE: The school had high levels of lead paint throughout the entire school, Asbestos in the ceiling tiles and floor tiles, asbestos in the insulation and, most of all, the school had a very high levels of PCB. Check out what PCB is and it should scare any parent.]
8. Who provided the urgent medical care for the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15-mile drive?
9. Who treated those two children who had been shot multiple times–as many as 3 to 11 times–since they did not allow the paramedics and EMTs inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
10. Why did the parents of the two children who died at the Danbury Trauma Center not allow their children to donate their organs to other children waiting for the gift of life?
11. What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from Sandy Hook Elementary School on 14 December 2012?
12. Who was the police officer calling into the Newtown Police dispatcher stating in his words that he has multiple weapons, he has a rifle and a shotgun and who has the rifle and the shotgun as the chain of evidence should show that was found in Classroom 8?
13. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt Vangehle at 9:45:21 am on 14 December 2012 from the Newtown Police Department after finding a kindergarten female child in the hallway make her go into Classroom 8 and leave her? That was a gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff. Who would do that?
14. Why would two CT State Troopers enter Classroom 10 at 9:55:31 am on 14 December 2012–which was a gruesome crime scene with dead bodies of children and school staff–and tell a kindergarten boy who they find in the bathroom whose name is redacted and tell them so it must be more than one to stay and they will be both back when it is safe?
15. Who ordered the porta-potties that showed up at the scene of the crime about three hours after the event?
16. Who ordered the twenty-six Christmas trees that were stored behind the Firehouse on 14 December 2012 and then brought out to be decorated to commemorate the twenty-six reported victims?
This last question is remarkable by itself because, had the Firehouse been conducting a Christmas tree sale, it would have been normal to have had dozens and dozens of trees, not just the right number to equal the number of victims:
It is not just the improbability of having 26 trees for 26 victims, but that those trees were there before the shooting had taken place. Notice, too, that none of these questions is sensitive. So why won’t the authorities answer them?
What’s going on?
Remarkably, Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States, visited Governor Malloy of Connecticut just a few weeks before the Sandy Hook event. Holder is a gun-control zealot, it appears, and wants to “brainwash” the public to adopt a new anti-gun attitude, even though it violates the 2nd amendment of the Constitution he has sworn to uphold. That is far from the most intriguing aspect of this documentary, which sheds a great deal of light on the rationale for Sandy Hook:
Notice, for example, that Governor Malloy tells reporters he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” about an event like this taking place–no doubt, by the Attorney General. But what kind of event could that have been? If it were an actual mass shooting, then surely he ought to have taken steps to insure it did not happen, which he did not do. So it would appear that he had been informed that a drill would take place that would be presented as though it were real.The
Enduring Cover-Up
During several debates about Sandy Hook, the first with Keith Johnson (, the second with Michael Collins Piper (–I emphasized the “Top Ten Reasons” ( that this appears to have been an elaborate hoax, including:
(1) that proof of death has been suppressed, (2) that emergency protocols were not followed, (3) that drill protocols were followed, (4) that there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) that there was confusion over what weapons were used, (6) that the suspect cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) that strange behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses and relatives, (8) that there are many odd photos of participants, (9) that the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy, and (10) that some of the children even appear to have been featured as singers at the Super Bowl.
Here are four crucial cases, which, each on its own, ought to raise serious doubt that children were actually killed at Sandy Hook and support the inference that this was a drill. Taken together, they leave scant room for doubt about the truth of the matter, which Wolfgang Halbig will undoubtedly confirm during his visit to Newtown. What would it mean, after all, if none of his questions are answered and his access to information is curtailed? If Sandy Hook happened as claimed, then ongoing research will confirm it; and if it did not, the world–especially the American public–deserves to know.
Case One: The NYC Gold Shield Detective (
As I had explained in my opening statement during the first debate, there are multiple visual indications that we are dealing with a drill, including a portable sign, “EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN”, which is the featured image in the “Top Ten Reasons” article; that almost everyone, including firemen, were wearing name tags on lanyards; and that virtually no one was in business dress or office clothing as though they had rushed to the scene from work. On the contrary, they are almost all in casual or informal clothing, which would be appropriate for a drill. And many of them are walking in circles, out one door of the Firehouse a 1/2 mile from the school and back in another, again and again, which Sofia Smallstorm captured in her brilliant video study, “Unraveling Sandy Hook” (, which makes no sense if it had been a real event, but does if it was instead a drill.
Because Keith Johnson had contended that registration signs and name tags on lanyards were “standard police procedures” at crime scenes, I contacted Jim Rothstein, a Gold Shield Detective from New York City, whom I know from JFK research, and asked him if that was indeed a common practice or if he had ever heard of it being done. His response was plain and simple: “No.” We discussed it a bit more and it became obvious to me that he thought that was a ridiculous claim to make. So I was sure to include it during the later stages of our debate, which Piper simply ignored.
Case Two: The AFT Special Assistant
During the third round of the first debate, I also observed that, although the “official narrative” would have you believe that Adam Lanza was a firearms fanatic, ATF Special Assistant Agent Gene Marquez said ( that his agency “has not been able to uncover any evidence that the mother and the son were actively engaged in going to the gun ranges, practicing marksmanship, or anything of that nature.”
During the second hour of her interview with Mike Power, Joyce Riley mentions a Wall Street Journal article that stated they couldn’t find any evidence of Nancy or Adam Lanza going to any of the shooting ranges in that local area. In a video, “No Gun Permit Under Nancy Lanza’s Name in public records, says TIME Magazine (”, at 57 sec mark, there is a screen shot from TIME, saying that in a public records search, they could find no firearms or weapons permits under Nancy’s name:
Video description: Published on Jan 11, 2013- So gun permit records are public knowledge, and major news outlets are unable to find any for Nancy Lanza. Not even for the AR-15 rifle? The police are saying that those guns were registered to her and she had permits for them, but apparently the public records themselves are not supporting their theories.
Case Three: The FBI’s former Top Shrink
The behavior of several of the key participants in the Sandy Hook event, including especially Gene Rosen, struck me and a number of others as highly inappropriate. Gene Rosen is one of the most prolific of the Sandy Hook media stars but has given animated and conflicting statements to a series of reporters (in English and Spanish). Considered a “good Samaritan” by the mainstream media, he reportedly harbored six children from the school.
I was so struck by the crucial role of Gene Rosen that I asked a friend of mine, Alen Salerian, M.D., who had originally contacted me about JFK research, for his evaluation of Gene Rosen’s testimony as presented in the video interview we included in “Top Ten Reasons”. As the former head of the FBI Rapid Response Psychiatric Unit, I thought his opinions would clarify and illuminate what we have here:
He wrote back on the basis of his review of the Gene Rosen interview, which we had included in “Top Ten Reasons”:
Gene Rosen was a key witness who corroborated the official story of the Sandy Hook elementary school killings. Rosen reported that, six children after witnessing the murder of their teacher Vicky Soto sought refuge at his home.
Mr. Rosen had already heard gunfire from an automatic weapon.
According to Mr. Rosen, the kids seemed nervous while they drank orange juice and played with stuffed animals. He never called 911. It took 15 minutes or more for the kids to begin talking about the horrific events including the death of their teacher.
Obvious inconsistencies of Gene Rosen’s statement:
A. For six kids for 15 minutes not to say anything about their frightening experience is both unlikely and psychologically impossible. Common response would be a disorganized emotional venting and vivid mental images of the events.
B. It’s unlikely and illogical for an adult not to call 911 under these conditions.
C. It is unlikely and illogical for an adult not to obtain further information from children under very unusual circumstances–an unplanned visit by six kids without an adult. It’s even more unlikely for an adult who had already heard gunfire not to call 911 nor to find out what had occurred.
D. The You Tube video of Rosen contradicts his main claim that for 15 minutes he did not know what had happened. In this video–at 22 seconds–Rosen reports concerns about the dead teacher, Ms. Vicki Soto.
Based upon A, B, C and D, it is reasonable to conclude that Gene Rosen misrepresented the truth of what occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is quite reasonable to consider that Mr. Rosen was intentionally misinforming the public and the movie was filmed even before the alleged school shootings. The key evidence to support this possibility is the error in the movie regarding the death of Vicky Soto. This error is consistent with a signature trait of preplanned crimes. For instance Pres. Kennedy’s death was published in The Christchurch Star in New Zealand before the president was assassinated. Also, BBC announced the collapse of the seventh building on 9/11 some 23 minutes before the actual collapse.
Of importance, engineered complex crimes share a common denominator of evidence of advanced planning as shown by Rosen’s video and actions.
Remarkably, even though this discussion was included in the fourth round of the first debate, Michael Collins Piper appeared to be oblivious and made no response at all to my invitation.
Case Four: The School Security Expert
By the sheerest coincidence, I had come into contact with a nationally recognized expert on school security, Wolfgang Halbig, who is also a former Florida State Trooper and school principal. I was so impressed by his background and credentials that I did an interview with him as promptly as it could be arranged, where he had been attempting to obtain a copy of an FBI investigative report about Sandy Hook, but was repeatedly rebuffed and told it had been classified and that would not be released “in his lifetime”. That interview is now available here:
Indeed, after contacting the FBI Field Office in New Haven, CT, seeking the investigative report on the school shooting under the Connecticut and US Freedom of Information Act, Wolfgang Halbig, who is both a former Florida State Trooper and also a former school principal, was informed that it was “classified” and that he would never see it. This report went to Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama and Robert S. Mueller, former Director of the FBI.
Because of his inquiries about Sandy Hook, two Lake County, FL, homicide investigators showed up at Mr. Halbig’s home and, on behalf of the Connecticut State Police, threatened him with prosecution should he continue to ask questions about Sandy Hook. I have spoken with him several times and he, too, is convinced that this was an elaborate hoax. “Why would they classify an FBI report about a school shooting”, he asks, “if it was on the up-and-up?”, which I regard as a very good question.
Wolfgang has observed that, in actual emergencies, such as Sandy Hook has been portrayed to be, med evac helicopters would have been on the scene to transport those little bodies to hospitals, where qualified doctors could determine whether they were dead or alive, which EMTs–apart from extraordinary cases, such as when the head has been separated from the body–are not authorized to do. Beyond the absence of med evac helicopters, a Connecticut State Police chopper was on the scene at 9:15 AM/ET, when the first 911 call would not come in until 9:35:39 AM/ET ( (
Why Wolfgang Matters
As a school safety expert, Wolfgang’s opinions count in a courtroom, during depositions and in other legal contexts. He has emphasized to me the importance of determining who has lied about Sandy Hook, especially in giving depositions based only on their documented statements. He has offered two examples about officers who made calls about Sandy Hook:
Example: the police officer inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School who during a police transmission at 9:55:27 am on Dec 14, 2012 to the Newtown Police Dispatcher states in his own words that “Please be advised that we have multiple weapons including long weapon and shotgun inside the building”.
The officer who made this transmission has to be held accountable for his actions in this case, since he is reporting facts that are not in evidence and have not been substantiated by subsequent investigation. “Misdirection and Misinformation is what keeps people chasing their tail and creates serous confusion”, he has observed. As another illustration of an officer whose identity needs to be determined to be held accountable:
Example: a police officer during a police transmission at 10:00:45 am on Dec 14, 2012 to the dispatch is requesting “Doctors”–not a doctor, but “Doctors”–inside the school, yet they refused to allow the Paramedics or the EMTs inside the school. If this is was an urgency based on this radio transmission on Dec 14, 2012, then why was there no Trauma Helicopter request?
Wolfgang has observed that one way to get to the truth about Sandy Hook is to hold those who made these official transmissions accountable for their actions, especially when the weight of the evidence supports the conclusion that this was a drill but was presented as though it had been an actual school shooting massacre. The American people appear to have been brought to the edge of hysteria by an elaborate hoax.
Wolfgang under attack
Those who speak out on complex and controversial events like Sandy Hook (JFK, 9/11 or the Boston bombing) are invariably subjected to attacks, typically by exaggerating their positions to make them easier to attack (the “straw man”), by selecting evidence that supports your position and ignoring the rest (“special pleading”) or, especially, by attacking the messenger and hoping the message will be lost (the “ad hominem”).
Wolf has been no exception, where one of the latest attacks ( has challenged some of his 16 questions as though they had obvious answers or were simply irrelevant. One of the best exchanges with Wolf was conducted by “Tony”, who interviewed him in an exchange found on YouTube here: Those who have thought through their positions about Wolf are inclined to come to his support, as in the case of “Odinrock” endorsing him here:
Because Wolf is soliciting donations to support his research ( into Sandy Hook and to initiate legal actions that are intended to reveal the truth, he has been assailed as a “money-grubber” who is acting to promote his own self-interest. But as the first one who interviewed Wolf and who makes frequent contact with him–and as he himself has observed–he is not making a dime from any of this. He deserves all of our support.
27th March 2014, 08:04 AM
My friend who runs the NorthernTruthseeker blog has a new video posted on all the money raised for Sandy Hook. Instead of posting it here, I'm going to recommend that you watch it at his site, and that you check out the other info he's posted. Here's his site:
27th March 2014, 04:10 PM
Sandy Hook Shocker: Associated Press stories & photos predate the massacre
Posted on March 10, 2014 ( by Dr. Eowyn (
Remember those heartbreaking RIP, Facebook (, donation, and fundraiser webpages that were created several days BEFORE the actual massacre on Dec. 14, 2012, of 20 kids and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School ( in Newtown, CT? (See here ( and here (
Remember that guide by the Crisis Management Institute ( on how to talk to children ( about Sandy Hook ( which was created four days BEFORE the massacre?
We were told that those pre-dated webpages, websites, and documents were merely due to computer glitches.
But what if I tell you that we have evidence of pre-dated Sandy Hook photos from none other than the venerable Associated Press ( And that we’re not talking about one or two, but LOTS of photos? Nor is this about photos predated by a few days, but by MONTHS and YEARS?
Would you still say, “Pfft. It’s just a computer glitch”?
Are you ready?
Sipa Press ( is a French photo agency based in Paris and the leading photo agency in the world with 20 million pictures in its archives and 12 million in its digital database. Sipa Press distributes up to 6.000 newspictures every day — on politics, economy, entertainment and sports — to customers in more than 40 countries across the world. Sipa’s most important associates are the Associated Press, Rex Features in the United Kingdom and La Presse in Italy.
A blogger named Timothy Hunter gained access to Sipa Press (‘ archives through his school. Hunter’s access ended “last semester,” but not before he was able to discover and record stunning evidence that many of the photos the Associated Press (AP) supposedly had taken on the Sandy Hook massacre ( had dates-of-creation that predated December 14, 2012.
This is Hunter’s video, presenting and describing his findings.
Like many people, I prefer a textual instead of a video account because:
I simply don’t have the time or patience to sit and watch a long video (Hunter’s is 21:27 minutes long); and
I’m better able to evaluate and retain the information from a textual account.
For those reasons, I’ve taken screenshots from Hunter’s video to re-state his findings as a post (click screenshot to enlarge). You can also read Hunter’s presentation of his findings on his Hunter News & Media ( blog.
AP stories with predated Google time stamps: (
Note that:
1. The Google time stamp for the “‘Always smiling’: Portraits of Conn. victims” AP story is November 18, 2012, which was 26 days before the Sandy Hook massacre when those “Conn. victims” actually became victims.
2. The Google time stamp for the “Colorado ( suspect was brilliant science student” AP story is June 15, 2012, which was 1 month 5 days before“brilliant science student” James Holmes became the “suspect” for the shooting deaths on July 20, 2012, of 14 and the wounding of another 50 people in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.
3. The Google time stamp for the “Boston bombing suspect buried in Virginia ( cemetery” AP story is February 17, 2010, which was a whopping 3 years 1 month and 28 days before Tamerlan Tsarnaev ( supposedly set off two bombs at the Boston Marathon ( on April 15, 2013.
Lest you think the Nov. 18, 2012 Google time stamp for the “Always smiling: Portraits of Conn. victims” AP story was a mere computer glitch, that AP story was reposted by, with a publication date of Nov. 20, 2012 — 24 days before the actual Sandy Hook massacre: (
And here’s another heartbreaking AP story, “Conn. Victims: Lively Youngsters, Devoted Adults,” being picked up by two other news media, abcnews and mysuncoast, with publication dates of Jul 22, 2012 and Nov 30, 2012, respectively — both well before the actual Sandy Hook massacre in which those “lively youngsters” and “devoted adults” had their lives tragically cut short: (
Predated AP photos on Sandy Hook child victims -
with photo creation dates of June 15, 2012; Nov. 23, 2012; and Dec. 12, 2012 — which are, respectively, 6 months; 21 days; and 2 days BEFORE the tragic child “shooting victims” actually became “victims“: ( (
Predated AP photos on aftermath of Sandy Hook massacre:
The following are a sample of AP photos of the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre, which Timothy Hunter had found in Sipa Press’s archives, every one of which has a creation date BEFORE the Dec 14, 2012 date of the massacre.
1. Here’s an AP photo of “a young girl” being “comforted following a shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, about 60 miles northeast of New York City (” on Friday, December 14, 2012. Alas, the photo’s creation date is Dec. 13, 2012 — one day BEFORE the shooting: (
2. Here’s a touching photo of first-graders at Devers Elementary School in York, releasing 26 balloons into the sky on Dec 21, 2012 “in memory of those who were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.” The only problem is the photo’s creation date was Dec. 12, 2012 — two days BEFORE the school massacre. (
3. Another AP photo from the same Devers Elementary School children releasing 26 balloons, blah blah blah, with the same creation date of Dec 12, 2012, two days BEFORE the massacre: (
For the rest of the article and photos:
27th March 2014, 08:47 PM
I spoke with David Gahary over the phone (interview with Halbig that went viral)....he said he'll interview Halbig again, and then also cover the trip to Newtown, CT. Looking forward to this.
27th March 2014, 08:53 PM
I spoke with David Gahary over the phone (interview with Halbig that went viral)....he said he'll interview Halbig again, and then also cover the trip to Newtown, CT. Looking forward to this.
Great to see you finally on the forum!! That's good news about Gahary doing another interview with Halbig and covering the trip to Newtown. I wrote him at AFP and suggested they do some sort of investigative news story on Sandy Hook, by taking the video evidence of the school interior and exterior to a Fire Marshall, and getting his professional opinion as to whether a school in such dreadful condition, with numerous fire code violations would ever be allowed to operate. I never heard back from him, but it seems like something AFP could do.
27th March 2014, 09:00 PM
I've got some notes from the school district budget....It appears the Sandy Hook school was due to be demolished anyway, and several of proposed updates for 2012, were "pushed out" during the budget process. Of all the school in Newtown, only SHES had a budget of $0 for repairs/improvements during the 2012-13 school year. Does that prove foreknowledge? Probably not, but it certainly raises a flag.
27th March 2014, 09:08 PM
I noticed when watching that video of the image dates....
screen shot here:
there was a picture just a little bit up the screen. He scrolled past it and I had to try and stop the video a couple times to see it.
It is a picture of Australia's Prime Minister at the time. (Julia Gillard - woman with red hair and a dark blue jacket) giving a press conference about Sandy Hook but the image was taken in September 2012. Thats ~3 months before Sandy Hook. Its posted 3 months before but the title/description says it was about Sandy Hook.
How did you reduce the size of that pic?
27th March 2014, 09:11 PM
I've got some notes from the school district budget....It appears the Sandy Hook school was due to be demolished anyway, and several of proposed updates for 2012, were "pushed out" during the budget process. Of all the school in Newtown, only SHES had a budget of $0 for repairs/improvements during the 2012-13 school year. Does that prove foreknowledge? Probably not, but it certainly raises a flag.
Well, I think that info on the budget of $0 for repairs and improvements speaks to the fact that the school was not operational. I'm fairly certain that Wolfgang is going to be using FOIA requests to obtain documents that will go toward proving SHES was not operational, perhaps for many years. Since he's a former school administrator, he's familiar with all the various reports and documents that have to be prepared on an annual basis and available to the public (e.g. annual asbestos inspections, food services contracts), and he's attempting to get them all the way back to 2002.
Also, for those interested, Fetzer just posted a new audio on Sandy Hook with Kelly from Tulsa and KateSlate11 (youtuber):
Though they definitely had some problems with the audio, I still thought it was worth listening to, especially the information on the recent New Yorker magazine article, which was full of absurdities.
27th March 2014, 09:16 PM
@Glass, sorry, I don't know how to reduce the size of the photo. When I bring photos over I just copy and paste--I don't know how to adjust the size. Not sure what to make of that Gillard photo, do you have the time in the video?
27th March 2014, 09:26 PM
10:21 on the video. Right most image
The left most image at that same time is of a girl in a blue sweater. When looking into the name of the photographer, it seems this image was take on the date shown on screen 11/18/2012 BUT it was actually taken by her Father and provided to AP. For some reason a 3rd person, who we might suppose is the (or an) photographer was given credit. I didn't find much else for the photographer but it raises questions about the dates on screen and exactly what dates they are.
I thought it could be useful to look at a few of these photographers being credited and see what they have been upto.
Of course this could be some back fill being done to explain away the disparity. Not sure.
It is clear that the Australian Prime Minister image was a stock image and not related to the actual events of Sandy Hook. i.e. not taken during a press conference regarding SH. Even though it is labelled as such.
28th March 2014, 06:23 PM
For what it's worth, I already posted Fetzer's latest article on Wolfgang's plans to go to Newtown, but it looks like he's switched a video and now has one posted on the demolition of SHES, and right underneath that demolition video, in the text of the article, he links to a video done by SherrieQuestioningAll on whether SHES was operational, which is worth a look IMO. Anyway, for those interested:
Also, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas, as far as moving things forward or others areas to look into, I'm sure Fetzer would appreciate hearing them in the comments section.
28th March 2014, 08:37 PM
Maybe it was a garment, or something? this angle it has more of a 3d relief.
Okay, I'm just following up on something I first read about on this blog (which has been taken down) set up by Sunshine05, who used to post here. Anyway, someone on her blog mentioned that "CBYD" ("Call Before You Dig") was spray-painted on the pavement at SHES, which suggests that the school was already slated for demolition at the time of the event. I've been scrolling through pages of posts here and found the above photo--do you see that white line on the pavement from the school to the woods?? Do those letters below the line say "CBYD"?
28th March 2014, 08:44 PM
Yes that's a marker for utility lines looks like spray paint (call before you dig),
so yeah they were slated to do some type of work back in that area recently, and someone marked it off.
Good catch, not sure it means demolition, or could be just a remodel. From what I can tell of the rest of the school (was working in L.V. on them myself about ten years ago) it was probably being tossed around as not being salvageable at all, or too ancient.
They still wouldn't have allowed any operation in that school without the exit lights you showed in that linked video unless those exits were somehow closed off permanently. Closed off, as not even recognizable as an exit, or entrance.
28th March 2014, 09:06 PM
see those puddles built up on the roof, once that starts happening you're screwed for big repair bills.
all in all the top photo appears to be a structure that has not been maintained well for a season or more. the courtyard appears almost abandoned of landscaping, and the bottom most wall saturated from roof leakage.
the parking lot appears too well painted for the building its attached to.... and somebody has some dough to put up that temporary cyclone fence with screen all the way around it.
28th March 2014, 11:03 PM
Sandy Hook school custodian linked to Crisis Actors East director (
29th March 2014, 01:39 AM
Hello from Dachsie. Thanks for allowing me in. This is THE place for quality Sandy Hook info.
29th March 2014, 08:39 AM
I'm new here and wanted to bounce something off of this group.....It relates back to the "purple van"....this is a topic that has been brushed aside as "dis-info", "mis-info", "distraction", etc.
Police scanner: Purple van…..with two occupants….exit 8 down stony hill…..possible ski mask on….lady involved also….possible nun outfit?
Police scanner: chasing van…into danbury….at a high rate of speed….one in a ski mask….one dressed as a nun.
Police scanner: Use caution….might be a weapon involved…..might be a vehicle from the school shooting
Police scanner: occupants of the purple van are armed and dangerous
Police scanner: “unknown plates….high rate of speed”
Police scanner: “helicopter is following a purple/maroon van into Danbury”
Police scanner: DPD surround maroon van at 33 Crosby Street in Danbury
#1 - to the people saying this is dis-info, this was captured on the police audio on the morning of 12/14/12. It more-than-likely isn't fake.
#2 - if is was real, what HAPPENED to these people? (Has anyone researched the police logs from that day to see who these people were?
#3 - two people in the area (at 33 crosby street in Danbury), say nothing happened on that street at all that morning.
I would like to put this portion of 12/14 behind me, but it keeps creeping into the mix.
Any thoughts?
29th March 2014, 09:12 AM
I'm new here and wanted to bounce something off of this group.....It relates back to the "purple van"....this is a topic that has been brushed aside as "dis-info", "mis-info", "distraction", etc.
Police scanner: Purple van…..with two occupants….exit 8 down stony hill…..possible ski mask on….lady involved also….possible nun outfit?
Police scanner: chasing van…into danbury….at a high rate of speed….one in a ski mask….one dressed as a nun.
Police scanner: Use caution….might be a weapon involved…..might be a vehicle from the school shooting
Police scanner: occupants of the purple van are armed and dangerous
Police scanner: “unknown plates….high rate of speed”
Police scanner: “helicopter is following a purple/maroon van into Danbury”
Police scanner: DPD surround maroon van at 33 Crosby Street in Danbury
#1 - to the people saying this is dis-info, this was captured on the police audio on the morning of 12/14/12. It more-than-likely isn't fake.
#2 - if is was real, what HAPPENED to these people? (Has anyone researched the police logs from that day to see who these people were?
#3 - two people in the area (at 33 crosby street in Danbury), say nothing happened on that street at all that morning.
I would like to put this portion of 12/14 behind me, but it keeps creeping into the mix.
Any thoughts?
Yeah, I definitely remember that information. Right now, the way I kind of think of it is that that info was all a part of the initial storyline of the drill they were running, but then they suddenly flipped the storyline and changed it to Adam Lanza, killing his mother, a kindergarten teacher, and the other kids. Then, of course they had to fix that kindergarten teacher error.
Also, fwiw, I actually heard someone who claimed to be from that area call into the "From the Trenches" radio show on that day. Now this woman said something like she turned on the police scanner and initially heard info about nuns and a maroon van, and that it was almost kind of comical to listen to. She said that it suddenly seemed to flip and take a dire turn with the announcement of 20 dead. Now, I'll never be able to track this info down, though I posted it somewhere, but I'm a little suspect of this woman b/c from what I understand, weeks later she called into that show, saying that it was real and that she attended funerals.
But your idea on researching the police logs from that day seems like a good way to figure out whether this was real.
There were also all of those radio changes before the event
Okay, turns out I was wrong. I just did a quick search and found an old comment I posted on the caller who said the radio communications went from being almost comical to suddenly 20 dead:
The Word From the Trenches 2012.12.14 Radio show
29th March 2014, 09:13 AM
Also, in the photo of SHES and the parking lot above (^#1271) does anyone see any handicapped parking spots??? Aren't schools supposed to have ADA compliant parking lots?? (The reason I bring that up is that a couple of people have been commenting over at Tracy's blog on how the SHES parking lot was not ADA compliant, which suggests the school may not have been operational for years).
And, fwiw, in response to one of the youtube videos on the interior conditions of SHES, a plumber commented that there was a problem with the bathrooms not being ADA compliant--he said in his area they were not up to code.
29th March 2014, 09:58 AM
I have a question for the new members on this Newtown, CT false flag incident.
With so many events taking place all over the world, why the fixation on this one event?
Do you think there's a chance this will ever be exposed to the general public?
It looks like your beef on this is personal, or hits close to home? Maybe you are from the Newtown area?
Has anyone ever met any of the families of the supposed murdered children?
The only person I've ever seen interviewed, is Adam Lanza's supposed father.
For that matter, I've never seen anyone in the families, or that knew the families from flt 77 and Flt 93 (Pentagon & PA) interviewed either.
Carry on...
29th March 2014, 10:53 AM
Welcome Dachsie and dmhennen! Investigate away.
I'll add to EE_, "...or MH370"?
It's coming "fast and furious", and we try and document it as we can.
29th March 2014, 12:20 PM
I would like to put this portion of 12/14 behind me, but it keeps creeping into the mix.
Any thoughts?
decoy distraction to deter certain parts of police department away from the initial scene, or only those parts of the P.D. that were privy were allowed in early to rope it off from the rest. Could also be the reason you saw the groups of officers running thru the forest early on.
Otherwise moving children over to Gene Rosenberg's residence may have been noticed and intercepted also.
30th March 2014, 09:38 PM
With so many events taking place all over the world, why the fixation on this one event?
Do you think there's a chance this will ever be exposed to the general public?
For me, it's a resistance to allowing "them" to create false realities/"news" ala SHoax & boston and presumably some other "tragedies" in recent years, in their push for their totalitarian, 1984ish/Brave-New-Worldish society.
On the 2nd question, don't know. I figure the more people "aware", the better odds of resistance to the society above... & the more instant mass skepticism of their future faked "events", where the ...Reaction...Solution portions don't happen as "they" calculated.
The 'net shills are hard at work; this is re an SHoax thread, good comments too:
Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks (
31st March 2014, 04:31 AM
Truth Radio Show w/ Dan Bidondi (3-21-14) Wolfgang Halbig. (The interview of WH beings at 54:00.)
At about 1:15:41 Wolfgang Halbig says he will only be given 3 minutes to speak at the Newtown School Board Meeting.
He said he is bringing a video crew with him and his attorneys and they plan to post a YouTube video.
As many know these Delphi Technique meetings can be sabotaged in a good way by having several different people, ostensibly unrelated, each get 3 minutes and each carry on with the theme of the others among their secret group effort. That way you can get more meeting time of the important subject. You might even force the meeting officials to say on the record that no one else can stand up and speak on the Sandy Hook issue. That would be good to get on camera for the YouTube.
Dan Bidondi does independent Alex Jones' reporting for the East coast and Dan and Alex reportedly will be in attendance at that meeting with WH. Sad to hear AJ will be horning in on this as he tends to take over and turn everything into publicity stunt for Alex and his show and site. I do not think WH or any of us want that to happen.
In the earlier part of this YT, Dan said there were "neighbors reporting tht the school has been closed down for a long time." Someone needs to get statements from those neighbors.
31st March 2014, 05:03 AM
yes AJ in attendance would be a bad thing. This has circus written all over it. I personally do not think Wolfgang should even be going there. Its too easy for them to silence him when he is on their turf. Think about it. If they can orchestrate all of this, a few loose ends would be nothing to them. This place is a satanic vipers nest.
31st March 2014, 09:00 AM
Here is where you can real WH's specific plans for his upcoming visit to Newtown.
Yes the town is evil and WH is going up against the highest most malevalent forces in the U.S. government, but he is without fear and he is standing up for truth.
That is why so many of us believe in him and support his efforts.
No matter what happens to WH in Newtown, there will be a record made of it, and at least people will begin to comprehend how a whole town can be owned and operated by the CIA.
If there are any praying folk around, please join me in prayer for this courageous patriot.
31st March 2014, 10:00 AM
Yes the town is evil and WH is going up against the highest most malevalent forces in the U.S. government, but he is without fear and he is standing up for truth.
I'd heard a few times of S.Hook being an outpost for the Church of Satan... I take this to mean there's a physical structure. I heard in a podcast some time back that it located like across the street from a masonic temple. Here's there site,
I didn't open every page but I took a quick search for a list of cities where they have "churches"; but saw no such page. Anyone?
This joogle search came up empty too,
31st March 2014, 10:17 AM
On the idea of AJ going with Wolfgang, I'm also strongly against that. I could have sworn that in the last audio Fetzer did w/Kelley from Tulsa and Kate Slate11 (youtuber) (posted here, at some point he said AJ would NOT being going b/c it would end up being all about him. I'm assuming that Wolfgang's attorneys will also be in attendance.
And on the Church of Satan issue, I honestly don't know anything about that, but I do know that there's a masonic lodge in close proximity to SHES. Here's the site for the lodge: There's a map on that page, so you can actually zoom in and see how close it was to the school. And while you're at it, take a good look at how far away that firehouse was from the school--it's absolutely absurd to think that in a real emergency, ambulances would have parked at the firehouse and had their EMTs walk their stretchers such a distance (I tried to measure the distance using the scale on google earth and I think it was about 1000 feet to 1/4 a mile)
31st March 2014, 10:39 AM
I'm merely indifferent about AJ going. For better or worse AJ's the biggest voice in the alt-media... and has been on the ZSM, which I know is an "indictment" but alas AJ will deliver new eyeballs to S.Hoax, prolly more than any 'personality' who can and would go, and that's the best thing we can do, raise mass skepticism levels. Problem is AJ, being owned, may 'sabotage' the trip with pers-morgan-esque clown show at the school board meeting if not also whatever other meeting/confrontations they are able to make happen.
Makow's had a couple SH=satanist articles, like
31st March 2014, 11:21 AM
If he speaks he should have two or three questions then just end with a statement that the answers to those questions should not affect the families involved.
I think what happens to most in a 3 minute town hall atmosphere is they get caught up into the whys they are there, and the whos they are. Taking 1 minute of the 3 they give him should shock most of the board into doing something, if they are required to do anything.
31st March 2014, 07:08 PM
If anyone has time on their hands to look through CT video evidence, please check out some of the evidence posted here: I'm especially interested in getting people's thoughts on the outdoor and indoor scene processing videos.
I've only been able to go through these two so far:
CDMCS Outdoor Scene Processing ( –
CDMCS School Exterior ( –
1st April 2014, 10:41 AM
CDMCS Outdoor Scene Processing ( –
CDMCS School Exterior ( –
Does any of that video make sense to anyone according to the events said to transpire?
Two unspent cartridges in different locations very close to drop points, two what appears to be abandoned sweat jackets, and a perfectly placed auto-shotgun in trunk of a second car.
1st April 2014, 11:01 AM
Does any of that video make sense to anyone according to the events said to transpire?
Two unspent cartridges in different locations very close to drop points, two what appears to be abandoned sweat jackets, and a perfectly placed auto-shotgun in trunk of a second car.
Nope. None of it makes sense.
1st April 2014, 11:31 AM
Nope. None of it makes sense.
Right in the outdoor processing video you can see abandoned landscaping everywhere weeds growing over egress points everywhere, and @ 2:28 even a completely blocked primary 2 door exit.
If that video was close to when crime occurred, that school does not appear to be operational.
Looks like weeds were recently "pushed back" to accommodate access.
One interesting note is all the doors that he zooms into appear to have an untouched fresh coat of brown paint on them.
Typically you would get scarring around the handle if they were being used daily.
Otherwise the entire structure appears compromised by water seepage from the roof.
1st April 2014, 04:25 PM
Okay, right now I'm really working on the theory that Sandy Hook was a decommissioned, non-operational school that was used for storage. What has bothered me most about the videos of the school's interior and exterior is the amount of stuff (furniture, boxes, etc.) stacked up in front of the windows, which seems to be a major fire code violation. I just don't see how this school could have passed inspection. And it's not just the stuff in front of the windows, there are also lots of stacks of boxes/supplies all over the school, sometimes blocking exits or doorways. I'm going to post some videos of the interior and exterior, and it would be extremely helpful if someone who knows a fire marshal or fire inspector could get that person to actually look at the video evidence, and get his professional opinion as to whether this school would have been allowed to operate. If anyone is actually able to do this, you could just leave a comment here with what you find out, or you could even leave a comment over at Fetzer's site on this Sandy Hook thread:
Detailed Outside Sandy Hook pictures. Mold, weeds, hanging wires, windows covered up, no buzzer
Video description: Here are the pictures from the outside of the school. You will see hanging loose wires, mold, weeds in the cracks of the cement, windows covered up with furniture, algae in front of doors that would be used. No buzzer system or signs at the front door to let me know you have to buzz in. Even high schools and every school I have been to, has some type of signs on the front door. But nothing on these. Bullet hole in window, yet paper is intact where the bullet would have gone through.
Now here are some comments on the fire code violations that others noticed as well:
Engineer-mom-Bizowner ( Those stacked items are fire hazards! I caught that in several storage file rooms! They wouldn't have passed a fire inspection, and they certainly wouldn't have been allowed to open and operate as a school until those items were removed. They cannot stock stuff within 1-foot of a ceiling, and even blocking the doors from opening fully. Again, blocking the doors and having items stacked up to the ceiling (especially paper) would have been written up during a fire inspection because that stuff is fuel to a fire, plus it could fall onto firemen fighting a fire! Anyone that is a fire inspector should go look at those photos, and report back their findings and opinions! I own a business and have been written up for just having 1 box stacked up too high, since it was on top of a file cabinet. Again, I know full well they couldn't have opened because the fire inspection would have failed. You cannot block the windows with so much shit, and preventing kids from getting out of the room! This is common sense shit. This proves Jungle Surfer's finding that the school was closed for at least 5 years
Engineer-mom-Bizowner ( ...The fire inspector would not have allowed them to open based on the storage and stacking that they had going on in several of those rooms. They cannot stack things to prevent a door from fully opening, and that was the case in several rooms! They also had stuff stacked within 1-foot of the ceiling, which would have also prevented them from opening the school that year. So again, there is no way that filthy, mold-covered cesspit would have been operating.
Stephanie Sliwinski-- Ask ANY teacher, janitor, school administrator, etc it is common practice for public school districts to use a decommissioned school as a storage yard for old furniture and items the district has little use for. This exactly what this is. The Fire Marshall inspects each and every classroom each year (especially THAT close to a fire station where they were driving past it daily) and there is no way in Hell he would approve of all that large and bulky, old furniture boarded up against the windows. What if a fire broke out in the hallway and fire blocked the door? How would small kids escape? The windows at ground level of course. This story stank from the first five minutes. As a former public school teacher for ten years I have never ever seen a working school look like that. Especially not an elementary in an affluent area. Fake fake fake as the day is long.
And here's a video talking about the photo of the window decorations from Victoria Soto's classroom. The video is mainly focused on how the decorations look staged, as they are placed behind all of the stuff stacked up in front of the windows.
Sotos' Sandy Hook Windows. The Paper Candles...What is wrong with this picture?
Video description: What bothered me about Soto's windows, besides the furniture covering the windows. I finally realized what it was. Look at the windows, what is wrong with this picture. Look at the paper candles. What is wrong with their placement?!
freeradiorevolution- - I've never seen a classroom have furniture piled up like that and I've taught in many different schools. It's an obvious fire violation and just another in the endless examples of bullshit in this whole stinkin' affair. That school was not in use.
shazizz --This photo shows a school that would not pass governmental regulations and would have failed inspection. What kind of school would allow that much junk in front of the windows? What if emergency required escape through the windows?
Unenslaver- Very good observations. They cut out plain white paper candles and taped them on the windows for their only Christmas decorations. I wouldn't be too concerned that they don't look disturbed in the pics. The overall look of the school is atrocious. To think that "well to do" people would put their kids in this "school" is reaching too far. Between the piles of junk and the grungy tiles, no way. It's as if they've given us a "goodwill dumpster" full of stuff to sift through, with a few random clues tossed in here and there to waste our time. Malloy, Carver, and Vance need to make a public appearance in an open forum (not controlled by the MSM) so that we can put an end to this fiasco. Keep up the good work girl! Peace.
1st April 2014, 04:33 PM
Okay, here's another video on the Sandy Hook interior--this video really does give the impression that the school was used for storage. Advance to 4:04 for video of school interior. Here are some of my quick notes on this video: School looks as though it was used for storage. No organization apparent. Looks like materials/supplies just thrown into lots of rooms. Strange findings--guitar case in garbage in one of the bathrooms, box on the floor in front of the sinks (what was that for?? were the sinks too high for the kids and they were supposed to stand on a box??), Corona beer carton (!!!) on shelf, etc. At 7:16- storage closet stacked with junk, 7:29 stuff piled up in front of exit (?) door , 7:54 room full of boxes and storage containers, 8:48 dirty grout in tiles (mold!), 9:27 damaged/dirty ceiling tiles
Sandy Hook Hoax-The Toxic Hoarders Nest for Kids!
And here are some of the comments:
TheRicoman1973 ( That school was a shit-hole! Thanks for covering this angle.
KateSlate11 ( 4:03 and I spit my coffee out laughing, haha! I said that each and every single time I viewed one of their BS files. Great vid again Odin, who would send their kid to that dump given the fact that they proclaim this school to be so advanced? Stating over and over that parents would move to this town specifically to send their child to this school? Heads should have been rolling with the disaster hoarding condition of this school, if the tale was true.
recynd77 ( You bring up good points, with plenty of evidence. Those photos make SHE look like the pits. Does anyone else remember news reports about how this was considered one of the "top" schools in the US (whatever that means)? How parents actually moved to the Sandy Hook area so their kids could go to SHE? Yeah, right....Anybody else know of a nationally-renowned public elementary school?
MiaRyanne ( Asbestos, PCB's, black mold, stained and damaged ceiling tiles...Piles of crap everywhere...This cannot be an active school. They probably shut this school down several years back when they discovered the asbestos and PCB problem. There is no way they would allow kids in that school.
boriqua510 ( Ewe!!! I would never send my kids to a school that looked like that!! Especially with all the chemicals, lead, and cancer causing agents in the paint and building. If this school really was operating then shame on every parent who sent their child there!! Thank you for posting this school footage! I haven't been able to download any of the huge files on my tablet, so I've been waiting for someone to post coverage of the school.
1st April 2014, 04:41 PM
And here's another on the exterior and interior of the school. The woman who made this video noticed a major problem with a broken railing, with a metal piece sticking out that could easily impale a kid. It's just hard to believe a school would have been allowed to open with something like that. She also captured the filthy condition of the school--along the bottom of some of the doors, it looks like there's water damage. Plus, the tiles are really dirty and some look covered in mold. It just doesn't seem possible that this was an operational school.
Sandy Hook Ele was NOT in use CLEAR FILTH & Liability lies
And here are some of the comments:
John Darcy ( Amazing, it really does look like an un-used school, very generic & the lack of posters in the hallway, the unkempt walls--and the parents all with annual incomes in the 6 figures, would never allow their kids to wallow in this pig-sty
Keri Redhen ( - That school was used for storage not children...The floors, walls, and ceilings are disgusting, no Christmas decorations hardly at all... My son was 6 yrs old when Sandy Hoax happened and attended an elementary school, half of my city lives in poverty and our schools are very clean...The nasty looking tiles are a dead give away. They look like they haven't been cleaned in years...
Mercedes Rodriguez ( I'm a custodian and my school is covered with kids' work in hallways and classrooms. I have ten classrooms downstairs and ten unused classrooms upstairs. So I know what occupied and unoccupied looks like. This was a big scam guns & $$$
geminimc69 ( 100% hoax using a decommissioned school for the theatre. All they had to do was keep everyone distracted and kept us in the dark until the official demolition.
izydopn ( Great catch on that broken rail HP!...A child could get impaled on that thing...Never in a million years would that be allowed at a functioning school!!
Michele Pastele ( - Also, the ceiling tiles are damaged with water damage--likely mold has grown within the ceiling...They close down schools for mold presence!
2nd April 2014, 11:26 AM
Does anyone here know how to blow up photos??? I've been going through some of the photo/video evidence, in an effort to find an image of a calendar marking the date as December 2012. So far, I haven't been able to find anything, but in the photo below, it kind of seems like there is a pink paper calendar posted onto the purple background on the right. Can anyone make out whether it really is a calendar, and if so, what the date is?? Thanks (And, fyi, this is supposedly Victoria Soto's classroom--how about all that crap stacked up in front of the window, including an old fridge!!)
Oh, but I did find this marked on the white board--but any of the hoaxers could have quickly written that on the board. It just seems to me that in an elementary school, there should be some actual calendars
2nd April 2014, 11:32 AM
ctrl button plus mousewheel
no I don't have that CSI software that allows you to rectify pixelated items. :)
2nd April 2014, 11:38 AM
looks like an overflow school where each teacher(s) had space to store excess stock.
most of the time pictures will have info. on them as to what and when the picture was taken, as far as I can tell this one does not.
Twisted Titan
2nd April 2014, 01:09 PM
That is why The school was quickly razed after the incident.
It was never in use.
2nd April 2014, 05:08 PM
Here's a show w/Wolfgang and Dan Bidondi. The Sandy Hook info starts at about 47 min, w/Wolfgang on at about 53 min, but you might want to skip ahead a bit further b/c Wolfgang initially goes over his background. At 50:45 Bidondi says neighbors in the area said the school was closed for a long time b/c the building was condemned, and that they were surprised to hear there were kids there (this is the first time I've heard this info--I hope he has names). At 1:08:00, Wolfgang talked about how the tarps were done incorrectly. He pointed out how there were two triage areas set up. One was closer to the fire station w/lots of chairs around the tarp. And the other one was closer to the school--Wolfgang said this was the one that was done incorrectly, as there was a blue tarp, but apparently blue tarps are only used when there is an explosion or fire. At 1:30:40 he said that the police report indicated that they did a search within 100 mile radius and found NO video evidence of Nancy or Adam Lanza at any shooting ranges. Wolfgang also talked about how the police had a couple of guys in custody, but their names were never run through the computer system, which is a red flag. At 1:27:00, he talked about Nancy Lanza's trip to NH prior to the shooting (first time I heard him talk about this). Wolfgang noted that she was away for three days and returned the night before the shooting 12/13. He didn't know what the weather conditions were at that time, but suggested it's possible there could have been sleet, snow, or ice, yet it looked like her car was just detailed. And at some point he also mentioned how the school was deemed safe after 11 minutes, but he EMTs were never allowed in. At the end, Wolfgang said this was pulled off by DHS/FEMA and probably took about 3 years to plan.
Video is posted below. And for anyone interested in a quick look through the photo evidence, the guy who runs this site was kind enough to post all the photos here
Truth Radio Show w/ Dan Bidondi (3-21-14) Wolfgang Halbig
2nd April 2014, 06:29 PM
I am looking at that picture and the thing that stands out me is what looks like a lottery ticket or similar stuck on the notice board. It is the ticket with the number 3 on it in blue. It also seems to have a Blue ribbon at the other end. I can't make out much fine detail on that so am only assuming it could be a lottery ticket. If it is one then it's not a 6 from 45 type ticket but an old school lottery ticket from a book of tickets.
It would be great to be able to see more detail and possibly work out the time frame that piece of paper may have come from. I see there is also a calendar lower down on the same board. Again no detail so cannot work out what time frame.
6th April 2014, 02:12 PM
More articles on Sandy Hook posted here:
Here's the latest article on the Pozner family:
The curious parents of Sandy Hook child victim Noah Pozner
Posted on April 3, 2014 ( by Dr. Eowyn ( | 22 Comments (
We are told that on the morning of December 14, 2012, a single gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, for no discernible reason, barged into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
There, despite his “very poor muscle tone” and “very very poor motor skills” which typify those afflicted with Asperger syndrome (, Lanza managed to shoot to death 20 first-graders and 6 adults in less than 5 minutes.
That’s just one of the reasons why many now believe the Sandy Hook shootings to be what former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig ( calls “a contrived event.”
In addition to the parents’ absence of signs of grief (, the resemblances of Sandy Hook people to crisis actors (, the RIP and donation sites ( that were created days before the massacre, the strange Social Security Death Index for Lanza ( that said he had died a day before the massacre, and the continuing lack of transparency from state officials, here’s another oddity: 6-year-old child victim Noah Pozner‘s parents.
Put simply, Noah’s mom Veronique may not be who she says she is. And Noah’s dad, Lenny, is dissembling about his son’s photos, allegedly taken a month apart.
Noah’s mother: Veronique Haller Pozner (
Noah’s mom, Veronique Haller Pozner, waves to the assembled media as she leaves after the funeral service in Fairfield, Conn. (AP) Her 6-year-old boy was shot “multiple times,” with his jaw blown away, but this mother had the presence of mind to put on rouge, eye makeup, and red lipstick just 3 days later.
On December 17, 2014, three days after the massacre, the funeral service ( for little Noah was held in Fairfield, Connecticut, where his body reportedly laid in an open casket — a simple brown wooden casket with a Star of David on it.
Since the service was closed to the news media, Noah’s maternal uncle, Alexis Haller, was the source of information about the funeral. An outspoken advocate for gun control who lives in Seattle, Washington, Haller told the Associated Press, “If Noah had not been taken from us, he would have become a great man. He would have been a wonderful husband and a loving father.”
Bizarrely, Noah’s mother, Veronique Haller Pozner, who herself is a gun control advocate, later accused her brother Alexis of speaking without her authorization.
Veronique also told the Jewish Daily Forward ( that she’d made the painful decision to have an open casket for her son’s wake in order to show people the “ugliness” of gun violence. She said, “We all saw how beautiful he was. He had thick, shiny hair, beautiful long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. He looked like he was sleeping. But the reality of it was under the cloth he had covering his mouth there was no mouth left. His jaw was blown away.”
The press tells us Veronique is an oncology nurse. Naomi Zeveloff reports for Forward (, Dec. 26, 2012, that “On the morning of December 14, Veronique was at the medical center where she works as an oncology nurse when she received an automated text message alerting her that there was a reported shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. … Veronique drove at 80 miles per hour to the school, praying that her car’s faulty engine would hold up.”
Reporter Zeveloff did not name the medical center, but an article in USA Today ( of Dec. 18, 2012, says “Veronique Pozner was at work at Grove Hill Medical Center in New Britain, 38 miles from the Sandy Hook school, administering chemotherapy to cancer patients when a patient got an alert about the Sandy Hook shootings, said Doreen Berube, the office administrator. Pozner, an oncology nurse, came to Berube and said simply, ‘I’ve got to go.”’
I searched Grove Hill Medical Center’s website ( for both Veronique Pozner and Doreen Berube, but found nothing.
I did find a barebones page for Veronique Pozner ( on LinkedIn (see below), which says she is a registered nurse at Grove Hill Medical Center in New Britain, CT, but gives no information as to her education, which is odd. (
Odder still, Pozner’s LinkedIn page as 0 connections. Frankly, I know of no one who’s on LinkedIn with zero connections. That defeats the purpose of having a LinkedIn page because LinkedIn is a career-oriented social networking site for professionals and business people.
However, as some bloggers (, there is a Veronique Haller, identified on the website of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce ( as the Legal Counselor for the Swiss Embassy in Washington, D.C.! Veronique Haller, however, is not on LinkedIn. (
Noah’s dad: Leonard (“Lenny”) Pozner
The USA Today article ( describes Veronique Haller Pozner as a single mom of five: two older children (a daughter and a son) from her first marriage, and three younger children from her second marriage to Lenny Pozner — a daughter Sophia, and twins Noah and Arielle.
According to the account in Forward (, in 2005, Veronique and Lenny had relocated to Newtown from nearby Bethel (they had previously lived in Westchester.)
Oddly, although Lenny is the father of Noah, he did not attend his slain son’s funeral. Instead, after the Jewish shiva mourning period, Lenny “went to be with family in Florida.”
But Lenny Pozner did upload photos of Noah to his Google Plus account, which blogger Timothy Hunter ( discovered. Hunter noticed that Noah’s hair length was very different in two photos that were taken just a month apart.
Here’s the first photo from Lenny’s Google Plus account, taken on 1/25/2012 (click below image to enlarge): (
Here’s the second photo of Noah from Lenny’s Google Plus account, taken a month later on 2/26/2012 (click image to enlarge): (
Let’s compare Noah Pozner in the two photos, supposedly taken a month and a day apart (see below). Noah #2 sure has a lot more and much longer hair than Noah No. 1. In just a month! (
When Hunter points out that hair doesn’t grow that fast in just a month, Lenny Pozner actually responded to Hunter with the lame explanation that Noah’s hair was so much longer in the 2-26-2012 pic because the boy was wearing a wig. (
Oh, puleeze.
Why would anyone put a wig on a 6-year-old boy?
Hunter’s guess is that Lenny had uploaded a bunch of Noah’s younger pictures to his Google Plus account to give “the illusion that they were living normal lives up until the event [Sandy Hook massacre] took place.” That would explain why Noah’s hair managed to “grow” INCHES in just a month.
It’s all a ruse.
In Hunter’s words: “The alleged victims of Sandy Hook would have to be years older than we were told by the media for this hoax to work, and all credible evidence points to this fact – the Photoshopped pictures, their likenesses (only a few years older) appearing at the Super Bowl, and the appearance of their likenesses in a 2006 album called End Times.”
Here’s Hunter on the Noah photos and Lenny’s lame explanation:
See also Hunter’s other stunning disc0very: “Sandy Hook deception: Associated Press stories & photos predate the massacre (”
For all the posts FOTM has done on Sandy Hook, go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre (” page.
7th April 2014, 04:09 PM
For those interested:
Live debate: Sandy Hook truther Wolfgang Halbig vs. CW Wade, tonight, April 7th at 8:00 Eastern Time. Duration: two hours. The moderator is Dave Gahary. Call in to speak with the host. Link: (
Most likely, at some point tomorrow, the debate will be posted here: (anyone who attempts to post comments over there should be aware that there is a lot of censorship, as comments critical of those promoting the zio-media version of SH tend to get deleted)
7th April 2014, 04:52 PM
Sandy Hook Ele was NOT in use CLEAR FILTH & Liability lies
Good vid, true the entire school looks like it had a compromised roof, mildew issues evident at the base of all those walls. Wood doors look like they've been perched above soaked floors for at least a year, still appearing wet.
They were probably having seepage issues in many areas, and only used certain parts. The redwood chips and all exterior doors, and parking lot painted recently because without it would be too obvious, the weeds pushed backed from main entry, and the full parking lot also suspect.
When you look closely at the green placards she points out they even appear to be wet!
Some good comments under the video too, one about how high up everything is related to elementary kids looking at their own work, or the classroom tags.
8th April 2014, 12:03 AM
For those interested:
Live debate: Sandy Hook truther Wolfgang Halbig vs. CW Wade, tonight, April 7th at 8:00 Eastern Time. Duration: two hours. The moderator is Dave Gahary. Call in to speak with the host. Link: (
Most likely, at some point tomorrow, the debate will be posted here: (anyone who attempts to post comments over there should be aware that there is a lot of censorship, as comments critical of those promoting the zio-media version of SH tend to get deleted)
This is now available at the talkshoe page above; either use the player console, or d/l the mp3.
I listened; it's 2 hours, worthwhile. I was afraid Halbig would be "too polite" and let himself get trampled by interruptions and filibusters etc ala his "interview" with Spingola. But WH was sufficiently assertive and did fine. If the callers in the 2nd hour were any indication, WH "won" the debate; and a couple callers called the anonymous "Wade" opponent a disinfo shill. Wade was all about "the reports", what else is new?
8th April 2014, 06:54 AM
As the debate progressed the guy named "Wade" was made by Wolfgang to show his fangs. At first Wade was playing the role of a person who actually read the 9-book report and was just an average person of good common sense who could make perfect sense of what played out at Sandy Hook and who could easily fit all the pieces of the puzzle together. But WH was aggressive and would not let up and this strategy forced "Wade" to show his fangs. WH capitalized on his real-life experience of being at the scene of several school shootings and this made Wade look quite inane in drawing all his conclusions from a government report.
It was unclear exactly what "report" when they kept referring to "the report." In fact "the report" being referred to was several data dump "reports" in various formats, not just text.
For the record, there are two sites and two reports, with the second being a compilation of data dump government garbage "reports".
Report of the State’s Attorney for the
Judicial District of Danbury on the
Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and
36 Yogananda Street,
Newtown, Connecticut
December 14, 2012
Stephen J. Sedensky III, State’s Attorney
November 25,
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports
(This is the 9-book report that the debate revolved around for Wade.)
Only someone with experience like Wolfgang Halbig could possibly identify the flaws and omissions of these reports.
I was a bit disappointed that Wolfgang did not expand on the FBI reports that were totally missing from these two official "reports" and is the main point of contention Wolfgang has with the grossly deficient official "report" of the event.
Our evil darkside government has learned well how to blur anything that could be regarded as "the clear official story" of any event. This is the government's THESIS, the official story, how they declare that the event happened. We are, as they well know, left in a difficult position when we do not have a clear thesis to respond to.
Lastly, the REAL LOSER in this debate was the image and reputation of American Free Press, the moderator Dave Gahary's employer. AFP looked weak and trashy to dig up this Wade shill/insult for the debate.
Wade is playing the same role of Deanna Spingola and Michael Collins Piper and the whole dustifying edifice of AFP. Gahary did not manage the "debate" very well and there were many times he should have restored order. Also the comment Gahary made at the end about both of these men truly being sincere in their position (something like that) was a bit nauseating. Wade was a poor actor/shill peddling the government Big Lie and is not much better than the perps.
Just when AFP's coverage of the Zionists, the Jews, and Israel was beginning to be accepted by more and more of the public in light of Israel's recent glaring and indisputable intrusions in global geopolitical machinations, AFP totally "blows it" on Sandy Hook. Piper and Spingola appear to mysteriously deliberately self destruct with Piper leaving AFP and Spingola being cut in her RBN show hours from 10 hours per week to one two-hour show per week. Something very weird is going on behind the scenes at AFP and it seemed to be start when Piper came out like a discombobulated maniac in support of the Sandy Hook official story.
I bought a book from AFP and received a "FREE 1-YEAR ELECTRONIC EDITION SUBSCRIPTION WITH EVERY ORDER!" and they were sending me an email notice each time a new edition was available to me, but those email notices abruptly stopped right around when this Sandy Hook issue ensued. They must have seen one of my negative posts on John Friend's blog and deleted me. I suppose I still have access but I am no longer interested in reading AFP because I have come to believe that it is just another twisted subversive Zionist operation.
In other words, AFP and it's stable of writers is not about seeking objective truth wherever it may lead but are a totally controlled operation. No matter how "persecuted" some entity appears to be for telling/printing the "truth", that does not make them truly telling/printing the truth. (Alex Jones and so many other flim-flam alternative media personalities have been playing that persecuted "suffering martyr - servant of the people and the truth and the republic" role for many years. )
I read the following article that postulates that Mark Lane really runs the AFP operation.
“This would mean that the so-called right-wing patriotic and anti-Semitic publications of the Liberty Lobby, such as the Spotlight and American Free Press, are actually controlled-opposition outfits controlled by the Zionist Jew, Mark Lane.”
I have observed that Zionists machinations can indeed be this twisted. You have this front publication appearing to be oh so "anti-semitic" and oh so persecuted for telling the truth and may be in reality an operation of the persecuted semites.
8th April 2014, 03:06 PM
It was telling how Wade liked to repeat the word "evidence..", to give the impression that he's a real stickler for hard evidence. But then what's all the precious "evidence" he cites? The reports... lol; when it comes to real evidence outside of djooz' SHoax reports, there IS NO HARD EVIDENCE of djooz' official narrative! I guess Wade's disinfo handbook asserts that the audience wouldn't notice this... just keep repeating that buzzword, to make up for his lack of any real evidence to support his proclaimed SHoax belief!
AFP's Dave Gahary was on JFriend's podcast today. First ~half or so is mostly them hating on djooz; then about the last 20-30 mins is SHoax talk, and the Wade/Halbig debate. 93 mins,
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Realist Report - Dave Gahary: American Free Press ( (
On this edition of The Realist Report (, we'll be joined once again by Dave Gahary, a regular contributor and web editor for American Free Press ( Dave and I will be discussing a variety of topics.
You can download the mp3 for this program here (, or visit The Realist Report ( on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
Posted by John Friend ( at 9:37 AM 8 comments: (
8th April 2014, 05:08 PM
Here's video that goes over the photographic evidence from the Lanza home:
Adam Lanza House Fake Set Up Scene Photos
video description: Published on Dec 27, 2013 -My opinion is no one - no family ever lived in this house and if they did it was a long time ago. This place was set up like a movie set and there is absolutely nothing that points to Nancy or anyone personally living in that
You can also go through the photos here:
It's also worth scanning the comments posted on youtube--gives you a good overview of some of the things people noticed.
The overall feeling I got was that this was thrown together rather quickly. There were lots of boxes and bags piled up all over the place, and it's kind of hard to believe that a woman who wasn't working would be that disorganized. Lots of the cabinets seemed either on the messy side (like things were quickly thrown in) or emptier than you would expect. Also, it was kind of strange to see Huggies diapers in the cabinet under the bathroom sink (guess the evidence planters messed up on that one). I was also wondering whether the boxes and bags of stuff were just the rest of the props that the govt. agents didn't have time to stage.
9th April 2014, 12:38 PM
For those interested, the debate between Wolfgang and C.W. Wade is also posted here:
Though there is a history of censorship at grizzom when it comes to shows on Sandy Hook, the debate was posted by "Whooli," and I'm relatively certain that he is not one of the moderators over there who deletes comments in response to the shows he posts.
9th April 2014, 01:48 PM
For those interested, the debate between Wolfgang and C.W. Wade is also posted here:
Though there is a history of censorship at grizzom when it comes to shows on Sandy Hook, the debate was posted by "Whooli," and I'm relatively certain that he is not one of the moderators over there who deletes comments in response to the shows he posts.
Oddly, based on the current 4th comment from Nick Dean @ 2:26 PM (, an earlier comment from the toxic pro-joo S.Hoax story "Aleksa" has been removed?
As I remarked at JFriend's ( 6055204420), I posted the first paragraph you see in my reply 1306 above into the mami's comments for yesterday's JFriend/DGahary podcast; and it lasted about 10 mins before it was deleted. I'll post the same into the mami's Halbig/Wade comments now and see how long it lasts. It's not only Whooli who can delete comments there; pretty sure any mod can.
I'm just a few mins into this latest JFriend/JKaminski podcast now; curious if SHoax comes up... 1h 49m:
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The Realist Report - John Kaminski (
10th April 2014, 07:51 AM
It is gradually becoming more clear in my mind how logical fallacies play into the thinking regarding these hoax events and false flag events versus those who claim the event was real as based on "the official story."
It is stinkin thinkin and we all are susceptible to various forms of stinkin thinking and the perps in events know very well how to take full advantage of the kinds of stinkin thinkin that will ensue after and event that they perpetrate.
Here is a Mami's poster is claiming that because the Pennsylvania shooting was clearly a case of a drugged up shooter, then that proves that Sandy Hook also was the case of a drugged up shooter and therefore Sandy Hook was not a hoax.
Blogger Horst Wessel said...
Was the mass stabbing by a 16 year old at the school in Pennsylvania today also a hoax? These 'sandy hook was hoax' believers are in for a real treat when the American society slips down another rung on the ladder of demoralization and deterioration and the real wackos doped up on big pharma's drugs start coming out the wood work daily. We'll see how much of a hoax it is then...
April 10, 2014 at 1:55 AM
I believe this is what is called the
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc (with this, therefore because of this).
We have two big incidents or events (Sandy Hook and Pennsylvania "shooting" - acutually knifing in the Penn case I think) and a drugged up shooter is said to be the "cause" of the event, therefore because the drugged up shooter appears valid, and there are no other observations at this time that we know of that point to the Penn. shooting being a hoax, then that makes the drugged up shooter Lanza valid in the Sandy Hook event.
Of course, there must be, and is, always the real possibility that a real drugged up shooter does commit a mass shooting solely because of drug effects on his mind and the shooter is a real person, not a created false entity.
Yes, much of the information about drugs and their effects on the brain and the kinds of psychotic behaviors that can be caused by drugs is largely true. Jon Rappaport and several of the psychiatrists that are guests on Alex Jones show all inundate us with the facts about drugs and how they can affect behavior. However, Rappaport and Alex Jones and a whole cadre of radio show hosts seem to point exclusively to drugs as being the sole explanation for the "real lone gunman's" actions, and this assumption, heavily immersed in cold hard chemical facts info about the drugs, always inexorably leads everyone to accepting the official government story of the event.
Keep in mind that "we" know very little about "Manchurian Candidates (MC)." "We" also know very little about psych drugs and the exact way they act on the human brain. But it is very possible that "they" know very much about these things.
It seems quite possible to me that a person can be an MC and also be on several drugs, but that it may be what is done to them as part of making them an MC (hypnotism, programmed triggers, surgery etc) that "rules" in determining the actions the MC takes.
I have noticed that, just as I noticed on 9-11 truth seeking, that GCNlive shows hosts and guests seem very much to be pushing the "DRUGS are the cause of these bad mass shooting events" idea and therefore GCNlive is subtly pushing the official stories. GCN's advertisers may have a vested interest in having the official stories being accepted by all and therefore GCN's continued commercial survival depends on keeping their sponsors happy with their show content.
There are other show hosts and networks and publications that are under the same "guidelines" as
(GCN does tip its hat occassionally to those of us who do not buy the official story and they will do some very brief cursory coverage in airing those contrarian opinions.)
Anyone see any value in my thinking about these things or am I barking up the wrong tree?
10th April 2014, 08:31 AM
how can a knife wielder be a drugged up shooter? Has anyone suggested that event was not real?
There is a saying, "drawing a long bow". Why must there be and always is a risk? Has it occurred to date? I'm not sure I'm clear on who the drugged up party is. Is it the accused or the public/spectators.
i suspect it's the public spectators who are drugged up. In which case yes. Not sure of the question but the answer is yes the public is drug fark-head up.
Anyway we must get rid of guns because that will stop people stabbing people.
10th April 2014, 09:32 AM
“how can a knife wielder be a drugged up shooter?”
I said…
“We have two big incidents or events (Sandy Hook and Pennsylvania "shooting" - actually knifing in the Penn case”
Obviously I was using the term “shooter” and “shooting” to be synonymous with “knifing” (knife). Don’t you see that the weapon is incidental? In the Penn knifing case, the public is being pointed to the common denominator, the “non-incidental”, of drugs effects on the weapon weilder.
What could this new now pointing to drugs ideas do to serve the purposes of possible behind-the-scenes real perpetrators?
Here is one suggestion.
This new pointing to drugs as the common culprit purports to show all those idiots out there in the public that Sandy Hook did not have as its goal the banning of guns because this Penn case does not even involve guns.
Truth is the banning of guns or more gun control was only one of two or more goals (the perps always have it planned out that they benefit no matter how something plays out and this is related to Hegelian dialectical false choices we are constantly fed) of the Sandy Hook operation. The banning of knives or knife control will probably not play out as a result of the Penn knifing event, but we in the public will be given every reason to believe that the Penn event was a real event caused by drugs.
“Has anyone suggested that event was not real?”
“I said…
“and there are no other observations at this time that we know of that point to the Penn. shooting being a hoax"
No one has YET suggested that the Penn knifing was not real and it indeed has the possibility of being real.
“Why must there be and always is a risk? Has it occurred to date?”
But quality investigation over a bit of time may turn up some very valid questions (risk questions) about the event. We have a long string of very suspicious events of the same general nature and careful examination of each of these events points to a pattern of sophisticated “government” planners, plotters and perpetrators of these events. It would be very illogical and negligent of we seekers of truth to not devote some of our time to taking a much closer look at the Penn knifing event.
“Not sure of the question”
I say,
It is no surprise that you are not able to comprehend the question.
“but the answer is yes the public is drug fark-head up.”
I say…
Commeters “Glass” and “Horst Wessel” have chosen to take the same drug – the Blue Pill.
“Anyway we must get rid of guns because that will stop people stabbing people.”
I say…
You are just repetitive harping on the “big error” you think you have identified that I made as I explained in item # 1. above.
This is the same tactic that Michael Collins Piper tried to use against his recent “debate” with Dr. James Fetzer about the Sandy Hook event where Dr. Fetzer at first suggested that Sandy Hook was clearly a Mossad event but where Dr. Fetzer previously in writing in one of his VT articles and twice on that radio show debate acknowledged his initial error but MCP kept trying to use it as his strong argument.
In my case, I do not acknowledge any initial error on my part. I thought that any person of average intelligence could understand the validity of using “shooting” and “knifing” synonymously
10th April 2014, 11:32 AM
Dachsie, did you ever consider that Glass response may have been sarcastic?
10th April 2014, 12:07 PM
No, I did not consider that. I am a bit on the unsophisticated naive side and I usually take what people say at face value and not consider that there is some hidden message.
Perhaps Glass will clue me in.
10th April 2014, 01:11 PM
It is gradually becoming more clear in my mind how logical fallacies play into the thinking regarding these hoax events and false flag events versus those who claim the event was real as based on "the official story."
It is stinkin thinkin and we all are susceptible to various forms of stinkin thinking and the perps in events know very well how to take full advantage of the kinds of stinkin thinkin that will ensue after and event that they perpetrate.
Here is a Mami's poster is claiming that because the Pennsylvania shooting was clearly a case of a drugged up shooter, then that proves that Sandy Hook also was the case of a drugged up shooter and therefore Sandy Hook was not a hoax.
Blogger Horst Wessel said...
Was the mass stabbing by a 16 year old at the school in Pennsylvania today also a hoax? These 'sandy hook was hoax' believers are in for a real treat when the American society slips down another rung on the ladder of demoralization and deterioration and the real wackos doped up on big pharma's drugs start coming out the wood work daily. We'll see how much of a hoax it is then...
April 10, 2014 at 1:55 AM
I believe this is what is called the
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc (with this, therefore because of this).
We have two big incidents or events (Sandy Hook and Pennsylvania "shooting" - acutually knifing in the Penn case I think) and a drugged up shooter is said to be the "cause" of the event, therefore because the drugged up shooter appears valid, and there are no other observations at this time that we know of that point to the Penn. shooting being a hoax, then that makes the drugged up shooter Lanza valid in the Sandy Hook event.
Of course, there must be, and is, always the real possibility that a real drugged up shooter does commit a mass shooting solely because of drug effects on his mind and the shooter is a real person, not a created false entity.
Yes, much of the information about drugs and their effects on the brain and the kinds of psychotic behaviors that can be caused by drugs is largely true. Jon Rappaport and several of the psychiatrists that are guests on Alex Jones show all inundate us with the facts about drugs and how they can affect behavior. However, Rappaport and Alex Jones and a whole cadre of radio show hosts seem to point exclusively to drugs as being the sole explanation for the "real lone gunman's" actions, and this assumption, heavily immersed in cold hard chemical facts info about the drugs, always inexorably leads everyone to accepting the official government story of the event.
Keep in mind that "we" know very little about "Manchurian Candidates (MC)." "We" also know very little about psych drugs and the exact way they act on the human brain. But it is very possible that "they" know very much about these things.
It seems quite possible to me that a person can be an MC and also be on several drugs, but that it may be what is done to them as part of making them an MC (hypnotism, programmed triggers, surgery etc) that "rules" in determining the actions the MC takes.
I have noticed that, just as I noticed on 9-11 truth seeking, that GCNlive shows hosts and guests seem very much to be pushing the "DRUGS are the cause of these bad mass shooting events" idea and therefore GCNlive is subtly pushing the official stories. GCN's advertisers may have a vested interest in having the official stories being accepted by all and therefore GCN's continued commercial survival depends on keeping their sponsors happy with their show content.
There are other show hosts and networks and publications that are under the same "guidelines" as
(GCN does tip its hat occassionally to those of us who do not buy the official story and they will do some very brief cursory coverage in airing those contrarian opinions.)
Anyone see any value in my thinking about these things or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Well, starting with your last question first, I definitely see value in thinking about the points you raised, and don't at all see you as barking up the wrong tree.
Now, I'm certainly not the best at naming the logical fallacies, but I think you are correct that the planners of these events know how to take advantage of the flaws in our thinking. I think these people are masters of psychological manipulation, and their task of manipulating the populace through false flags and hoaxes has been made all the easier by virtue of the systematic dumbing-down of the population.
As for the commenter at mami's, I honestly don't know which logical fallacy applies. To me, it just seems like a bit of a jumbled mess. It seems like those of us who see SH as a hoax are always being accused of seeing everything as a hoax, when this is not the case. Though, at the same time, I do acknowledge that there have been other hoaxes, in addition to SH, such as the Boston marathon bombing and the Kenyan Mall shooting. And again we have the drug theme being asserted, when I don't even think that has been established in the PA stabbings (though I must admit that I haven't even looked into it much at all).
As for GCN hosts, as well as other alternative media hosts, I've also noticed that pushing the SSRIs as always being behind the mass shootings seems to be a convenient fallback position. And I'm not in any way defending SSRIs, but I've just noticed that a lot of hosts seem to feel that is an easier stance to take than to actually question the event, especially to the degree of wondering whether the event was actually a hoax. Mike Rivero is a perfect example of this--whenever a mass shooting occurs, he immediately starts promoting the idea that the shooter was most likely on an SSRIs. Later, as information comes out, he is sometimes more willing to question the event. With Sandy Hook, for the longest time, he promoted the idea that the event was real and that Lanza was on SSRIs. It was only several months ago that he finally referred to Sandy Hook as a hoax on his radio show and posted a video that exposed SH as a fraud (he even had the maker of the video as a guest). Nevertheless, even though Rivero acknowledged it was a hoax, he still sometimes reverts back to his SSRI issue, and sometimes brings up how CT authorities won't tell us which drugs Lanza was taking (so, I guess he still tries to play it both ways).
10th April 2014, 01:42 PM
Okay, here's a short video on Robbie Parker. At a minimum, it captures the fact that at the press conference he specifically stated that on the day of the Sandy Hook event, he was at work before he headed to the school, which means he should have been in work clothes, but as the video shows, he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The video also has a Sandy Hook 911 call that sounds like Robbie.
Robbie Parker's 911 call from Sandy Hook
video description: Special thanks to YouTube user AryanEmpires for the 911 call video footage! There was one 911 call that was basically ignored. The caller was not asked his name and has yet to be identified. The 911 call was from a man, (Robbie Parker) who was at the front of the school with a daughter inside. It sure sounds like Robbie Parker but even if you doubt it was him, who was it? A smoking gun for the Sandy Hook Hoax. Note: In the video I say the 911 call was not logged. It was logged, just ignored.
And here's another video that has to do with 911 calls:
Sandy Hook 911 Operator Saying FAKE cleaned up by Michael Rivero - You can hear FAKE well
Published on Dec 6, 2013
Michael Rivero of cleaned up the section of the 911 operator saying FAKE in regards to the shooting. He took out the background noise.
Here is the 7 seconds of the cleaned up audio of tape 2 of the 911 calls.
Here is the original video about it:
This is what Michael Rivero said once he cleaned it up and posted the information: This sounds like one of those stories that is too good to be true, so in this age of deliberately planted hoaxes to discredit the independent media I went over to the USA Today website and downloaded the Sandy Hook Tape 2 for myself, washed out some of the noise in the background, and created this mp3 file of the relevant portion where we hear the word "Fake" followed by the order to get off of the phone.
10th April 2014, 04:46 PM
I wish we had a transcription of the complete words (sentence) of that woman who used the word "fake." I would like to know what she was saying was fake and how it was used in the sentence.
10th April 2014, 04:51 PM
I wish we had a transcription of the complete words (sentence) of that woman who used the word "fake." I would like to know what she was saying was fake and how it was used in the sentence.
Yeah, that would be ideal. From listening to the one cleaned up by Rivero, it kind of sounds like she says "a rumor it's fake" and then she gets told to get off the phone. Maybe it sounds different to others. I think if there was any way of making it clearer, Rivero would have done so. I'll listen to the longer video (not cleaned up by Rivero) and see if I can pick up anything else.
10th April 2014, 05:24 PM
Sorry Dachsie I was clearly confused as to who's comments are whos in your post. Which came from a forum and which are your thoughts.
I just get the feeling that we are seeing a narrative shift here in this thread. A blurring of cause and effect. It's oblique but it does appear to be happening. I beleive until now we have held each incident up to the light on it's own for analysis without the need to link any of them other than an over reaching agenda of gun control. Sure. Consider the other events as they occur. That's valid to a point. There might be the same players as there were in SH and Boston. The dead teacher becomes a life saving nurse for example.
To me the drugs angle is the Spignola meme.
10th April 2014, 05:38 PM
Thanks for reply.
I am still a bit confused.
Could you tell me if you were being as Neuro said "sarcastic", albeit based on not understanding which words were my words.
I tried to put
I said
I say
right before my comment on a part of your post.
I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on this statement of yours as I do not quite understand it...
"I just get the feeling that we are seeing a narrative shift here in this thread. A blurring of cause and effect. It's oblique but it does appear to be happening. "
I sure would not want to blur or shift from a clear "cause and effect" idea of this thread, but in truth, the main theme of this thread that I perceive is the common idea that Sandy Hook was a hoax, but I do not perceive that theme as a "cause and effect."
What I want to do is try to analyze WHY so many people that we would think would automatically see Sandy Hook as a hoax are strongly committed to saying it is not a hoax. This seems very odd to me and it is being perceived in some very subtle ways, such as getting the public to start thinking of many of these false-flag type events as being caused by people gone haywire from taking psychotropic drugs.
In the end, the reasons for all of this misdirection regarding Sandy Hook, in my opinion, has something to do with the Zionist agenda as well as big money involved to those who go along with Sandy Hook not being a hoax.
I am trying to seek the truth wherever it may lead. Just as there were many groups and diverse motivations behind the assassination of JFK, it likewise is rarely possible to identify just one cause and one effect related to an event.
10th April 2014, 06:27 PM
To me the drugs angle is the Spignola meme.
Before it was the spingola meme, it was the glennCo (glenn piper tillawi johnson) meme; spingola just got on their bus on 1/15/14 and became the noisiest advocate.
Most of glennCo's "work" in trying futiley to steer TM perceptions away from the "hoax" view, took place beginning Jan 13 '13 (, and then through 2013 before Dec '13 when the official joo SHoax reports/story were finally released. So glennCo's main persuation device was the ad-hom/name-calling/ridicule gambit. They really had nothing else. < see Rule 5, 18
Deanna came on board (jumped the shark ( after the Dec '13 "official joo reports" release, and her disinfo MO's in promoting the joo SHoax story were mostly "Appeal to Authority", and also the "how dare you! shame on you!" (Rule 2) and the ad-hom/character assassination (against Sofia & Halbig) gambits. Oh, and the biggest joowiest one of all, not in the 25 Rules list: the Flip the Script & Project ( gambit.
All I can guess on why the controlled opposition elements "inside the TM" are all pushing the Limited Hangout "Big Pharma psychotropic drug effects coverup" angle, is that it's plausible, while it's also the "least damaging" to the greater JWO agenda in play. Big Pharma can promote & defend themselves with advertising, paid off white-coats, etc; but gov/media hoaxing major tragedies to enable the rolling out of tyrannical agendas; should this reality become widespread public belief/knowledge, is much more destructive to the JWO agenda.
latest AFP/Halbig interview from today, 13 mins:
10th April 2014, 08:14 PM
Great post. Not sure what TM stands for but understand the rest.
I am going to share some thoughts I have had and I hope I am not getting too far off topic thread but it does seem to fit in.
The "drug meme" was around I think long before "glennCo (glenn piper tillawi johnson)" adopted it. For many years Jon Rappaport (Rappaport is a Jewish name) was a fairly regular guest on Alex Jones show and while Jon talked on various mind control type subjects, increasingly over about the last three years, Jon has been focusing on drugs and Big Pharma.
Maybe there is a relationship to this idea of mine and maybe there is not but here goes...
GCN (Alex Jones, Joyce Riley etc) have most of their advertisers selling vitamins and supplements. GCN has three or four shows where the host is really a seller of Youngevity products and the show is in fact an infomercial in thin disguise. GCN shows often have "doctor" guests telling us the whole truth about "organized medicine" and Big Pharma. Some of these doctors are M.D.s but most are either Ph.D.s or naturopaths or veterinarians or chiropractors etc...
Alex Jones was a big pusher of Youngevity and so were other GCN spinoff radio networks such as Logos Radio Network. But now all of that has died down to a large extent on Alex's show because Alex now has Dr. Groom and Alex's dad (a dentist -oral surgeon) dad formulating Alex's own Infowars brand of various supplements. Rest assured this new branch of Infowars Inc. is bringing in scads of money directly to Alex and Alex does not have to just take a puny cut in the multi level marketing scheme of Youngevity. I am sure there are some behind the scenes machinations I do not know about in all of this as to who is getting money and how much from whom.
Anyway, all these people telling us how to treat ourselves and avoid establishment doctors and hospitals and Big Pharma prescription medicines send all of us to their supplement products, buying all their expensive products to do myself good as well as support the "liberty movement" and "the network". The number of ads and promos of various kinds for a huge array of different products is overwhelming and I have just had to "go it alone" in deciding for myself what works for me and what I should try and what I should not try because of price or other reasons. All of the products and info they inundate us with is unfathomable to me and I am above average in being able to sniff out a scam.
Anyway, one of the major themes of all the alternative radio networks is independence from the establishment and the "system" and by having the vital info they give us may actually make us able to better survive the "coming collapse."
So all of this "drug meme" has been subtly a part of all the alternative news outlets for many many years because it supports their bottom line money income. That is my mini-thesis on this topic of the drug meme.
I have no doubt that some of the info is very true and good to know and some of the products are high quality and worth the price, but definitely more and more the game seems to be to subtly use the liberty themes to sell vitamins and nutritional supplements.
10th April 2014, 08:23 PM
I don't think Spignola is some one who would/should see the hoax of other events but is unable to make the determination with SH for some reason. Spignola changed from the recognition it was a hoax to now claiming it isn't. I think that is different. Its a turning or changing of position. Something caused this change of position and I do not think it was some kind of mental blockage on SH from the outset.
I also think SH is a different type of event to the School Stabbing and the Veterans Hospital and should be treated as such. School Stabbing - the accused is a student at the school. The Veterans Hospital attack - A Veteran who is a patient at the Hospital. Sandy Hook - the accused has no connection with SH elementary at all. The first two appear to have some connection with reality leading to the possibility they are more factual than fictional. SH seems to be the opposite. It does not appear to be much more than a fiction. Anyway, that's how I am positioning them in my thoughts at this time.
I may have missed it and pardon me if I have, but what is the position on Adam Lanza and psychotropic drugs. Was he on them? Has anyone said he was whacked out on them? The best I can tell is the narrative that he refused to take drugs. Was he prescribed any. They say he had aspergers. It would be interesting to know if any Doctors/GP in Connecticut treated Adam Lanza. Who was the family Doctor? It is probably a question that cannot be answered. There doesn't appear to be a drug based therapy for this condition so I would question the prescribing of drugs to Adam or the claim he refused to take drugs for his condition when none are recognised for it.
But on the flip side of that, compulsive or repetitive behaviors, which may be a part of an Asperger sufferers behavioural traits are often treated with SSRI's (I'm using wiki info here). I guess we go with that being the focus of this psychotropic drugs discussion.
It should also be noted that the diagnosis of Aspergers is no longer available as the condition has been absorbed into the Autism Spectrum Disorders.
I'm still not convinced that Adam even existed so the discussion on his drug taking is a questionable use of time and resources IMO.
10th April 2014, 09:10 PM
TM in the context I used it is Truth Movement. But in the context of say, HoloCo$t™, it's Trade Mark of course. :)
So AJ's dad is in on the action now? LOL. I recall maybe 3 years ago AJ & "Mark Dice" (prolly really steinberg or something) had a falling out, and Dice put up a youtube criticizing AJ's peddling some Tangy Tangerine KoolAid multi-level racket which could make you a million a year and shite. Dice showed the ingredients, and one of them was arsenic behind some brand-name disguise (like mercury/thimerosol). I guess AJ & Dice kissed & made up coz Dice has since pulled that video.
Anyways your hypothesis makes some sense, at least as one puzzle piece in the big picture. Delphi-Deanna's been on RBN; but I only listen to the commercial free mp3s of her shows, never live, so I really don't know who their sponsors are; but I believe alt-nutrition supplement sponsors are a big component. However, Delphi's GUESTS who are generally anti-alopathic pro-naturapathic, mostly don't seem to be peddling anything except good foods. At least one exception I can think of is Dr. Daniels who has some detox item she sells, and gets one or two plugs in for, but mostly she's about nutrition advice. Delphi has peddled the advice, "don't buy/eat anything with a label" (IE nothing "processed") which I guess limits you to the bulk bins & produce sections? And GlennCo's site & podcasts are ad-free, so that would tend to at least offset your theory somewhat.
The overarching reason I'd guess GlennCo & Delphi all (proclaim to be) in the same "Big Pharma Coverup" TM steering attempt campaign, is that that's the tact their bosses have bribed/coerced them to take. I'm certain it's not just an "honest disagreement" between them & SHoax skeptics, because of their consistent, naked employment of the 25 Rules ( + #26: Flip the Script & Project ( (esp Delphi in that latter, IE "SHoax skeptics are Sunstein Agents Yada Yada"). Their resorting to these gambits in trying to coerce their (proclaimed) SHoax views, rips the mask right off their disingenuousness.
10th April 2014, 09:25 PM
I may have missed it and pardon me if I have, but what is the position on Adam Lanza and psychotropic drugs. Was he on them? Has anyone said he was whacked out on them? The best I can tell is the narrative that he refused to take drugs.
Yeah, best most credible evidence of "the Pharma agenda" we have is the Joo Yorker Magazine article penned by the joosh son of a big pharma CEO, saying Adam was "off his meds" IE meds were the would-be saviors/massacre-preventers.
March 12, 2014 (
The Sandy Hook-Psychopharma Connection ( 143 (
10th April 2014, 09:45 PM
I think you are right about my hypothesis. It does not hold up extremely well. I do know that ...
DRUGS ARE BAD BAD is one of the major themes of all these alternative show hosts.
Another theme is
I know there is some truth in those themes but I also know that there are some drugs and some alopathic medicine practicioners that provide real help in some situations when nothing else will.
I had a falling out with Deanna quite a while back. I have listened to her for many years but mainly before she went on RBN, that is, when she was a guest on Dr. Stan Monteith's programs years ago. She has an almost irrational belief in Dr. Judy Wood and hate of Dr. James Fetzer.
I posted on Friend forum a while back my diagnosis of Spingola and what I consider to be her paranoid ideations. I do not think Spingola is in great mental health shape.
I know that GCN dictates to their hosts what subjects they are not to talk about at all. Here is an example....
When Susan Posel and Vinny Eastwood came out with their big story about Santilli being exposed by Anonymous as actually working for the FBI, about in Oct of 2013, Joyce Riley, GCN host, announced on one of her shows something very cryptic about the story but she would not name names nor really tell anybody what the heck she was talking about any was very brief.
She said something like 'someone we all know has been found by and said by Anonymous to be an "agent." I don't know anything about it but you can look it up on the web and you will find it."
Joyce had just had Santilli on as a guest about a week before and had had Posel on her show two or three times in the not destant past.
I understand Posel does not have a completely clean record either (plagiarizing ?) but that whole big story has faded off the radar. I think that is very odd.
I participated in a long thread on Amazon about Tangy Tangerine. The ingredient list of it sounds like the recipe for an atomic bomb. Those phony "doctors" came on Alex's show and claimed we all needed a little arsenic every day.
10th April 2014, 10:58 PM
I don't know anything about Posel really; just the shows I've heard her do with Vinny. Not sure I've even visited her site? She comes across a nice mix of intelligent & cheery in her Vinny shows. She did put me off a bit a couple months ago for something fairly lightweight-- namely her & Vinny were in some roundtable on another show, and Posel had this really contrived sounding kumbayah, peace & love sounding soliloquy near the beginning, which "grinded on me" such that I had to FF the mp3 just to get past it!! I think it was the "Angry Beaver" show you'll find near the bottom of
Didn't you say elsewhere that your falling out with Delphi was due to some antics in her chat room during one of her live shows? A similar experience during her Jan 15, '14 show ( helped put a fire under me to start the jumps shark thread! :( I think the mod that night was 30-odd-6, who was blatantly "delphi'ing" the incoming comments, and deleting those he didn't like!
11th April 2014, 06:34 AM
No, I think I may have posted one time in her chat room. As I vaguely recall, something about it did not work properly, but I have not listened to 90 percent of her RBN shows.
This was at least 8 months ago. Deanna reported (with audio link) on Mami's how John Stadtmiller had spoken harshly to her and said some negative things about her show and asked that she stopped saying so many glowing things about Hitler. He told her and said this on air on his show something like, in regard to her praise of Hitler being a benevolent and kind and wise leader, and the camps being sort of like Club Med resorts, that he 'could not push that boulder up the hill" meaning he could not sell her ideas of that nature to his RBN audience.
I reported this on Mami's and Deanna posted what I thought was kind of a strange reply to my post. She posted something like "John apologized to me." She kind of presents herself as a persecuted victim sometimes.
I cannot see where John would apologize for expressing his thouhgts which seemed logical and based on facts and reasonable considering he is the owner of RBN and has to watch for things that offend his listeners. That kind of talk about Hitler, most of which is, while possible true to some extent, not solidly documented, and is hard to sell to any audience.
There is something "co-dependent","sticky", and sneaky about Deanna's personality. Same for Dr. Judy Wood.
I realize RBN and John have kind of a dodgy reputation too.
Seems every show and effort to expose Zionist agenda gets messed up somethow.
11th April 2014, 11:38 AM had this article linked today
"Sandy Hook massacre: The 26 Christmas trees"
This is a well done detailed article about another very strange feature of the Sandy Hook event.
I posted a comment as dachsielady and posted on another article about Sandy Hook on that site.
I guess the site uses the word "massacre" to parody the mainstream media as it seems very open to discussing the strong possibilities that there were no deaths and no real people victims.
It seems like a pretty good site to me so far.
I have sort of a file clerk mindset and I wish all the good threads about some aspect of Sandy Hook were all in one place. I think it would be cool to put together and e book and short video to go with it sort of just listing and explaining all the Sandy Hook anomalies, which each do not seem like much, but together all in one place make a strong case for Sandy Hook being another Big Evil Lie event.
11th April 2014, 12:46 PM
For those interested in listening to a shill promote the MSM version of Sandy Hook:
Also, I think it's kind of interesting that AFP sponsors radio shows with Spingola and Johnson, who both promote the zio-media version of Sandy Hook. I think I may have heard Friend and Gahary attempt to talk about this in a positive light, saying something like "isn't it great that we cover both sides of an issue??"
11th April 2014, 02:53 PM
Sandy hook student says it was a drill MUST SEE !
Published on Feb 10, 2013
third grade sandy hook student says he remembers lots of police and a DRILL at the school on the day of the supposed shooting, the interviewer makes like he didn't hear the boy and proceeds to the next question. truth is what we want, lies is what we get.
11th April 2014, 04:15 PM
Here's a new article on Sandy Hook Elementary being an abandoned school long before the staged event. I'll bring the whole article over in a few days, but for now, just read it at the original site:
11th April 2014, 06:26 PM
Here's a new article on Sandy Hook Elementary being an abandoned school long before the staged event. I'll bring the whole article over in a few days, but for now, just read it at the original site:
Some different photos there, were these taken later on?
here's a different angle of that one you showed before.
Not many school children's desks in this school.
You may think: “Maybe the Connecticut State Police had cleared some of the classrooms, pushing stuff to the sides of the room, before they took the photos.” But then, there are many photos (like the one below) of bullets next to yellow crime scene markers, which suggest the photos of the classrooms had been taken as they were, without disturbing or altering the crime scene.
11th April 2014, 06:33 PM
Nancy Lanza's walls do appear very clean, no pictures or anything hung.
and furniture looks like new.
11th April 2014, 06:43 PM
Some different photos there, were these taken later on?
here's a different angle of that one you showed before.
Not many school children's desks in this school.
I'm fairly certain that all of the photos were taken within a few days of the event (definitely within a week). I also noticed that about the lack of desks in certain rooms. Plus, there are also a couple of photos with a whole bunch of things in the hallways. And there were also a couple of photos of extremely disorganized classrooms--there's no way a teacher would be allowed to keep her classroom in such disarray. I'm assuming that the photos reflect the crime scene as it was (I don't think they are allowed to move things around before they take photos-otherwise they are tampering with a crime scene). But if I'm wrong on that, and they can actually move stuff around and then take a photo, hopefully someone will correct me.
For those interested, I highly recommend downloading the photos and going through them yourself-it actually doesn't take that long b/c you can just click through them very fast.
If you go here and scroll down to "Photographs," under which you click on
22 Assorted Files ( (.zip, 138 MB includes 22 pdf files, ) Once you down load those files, you'll see separate files, like "Walkley Crime scene"--that's the one with tons of photos from inside the school.
I've actually gone through several of the photograph files. When you go through the ones on the interior and exterior of the school, it kind of jumps out at you that there's no way that a school in that condition would have been allowed to operate. There are some close up shots of the floor and lower wall tiles and you can see tons of mold. The other thing I noticed as that there were lots of fans all over the place (kind of strange for December in CT), but no wall calendars, which is odd for an elementary school.
Also, in one of the files, there are photos of the cars in the parking lot and it seems like there at least a couple of cars with bullet holes (I was only aware of the bullet holes in Rousseau's car, one of which already began to rust!) I've already seen other sites online showing how there was a problem with the trajectory and the holes in Rousseau's car. This also seems to be the case with the bullet hole in another car. It looked like the car was hit on the side (maybe passenger door), but given the angle the cars were parked at relative to the school, and the fact that the cars were parked next to other cars, this also seemed like an impossibility.
11th April 2014, 07:00 PM
Found this video interesting
11th April 2014, 07:08 PM
I haven't listened yet, as I know it's one of those things I need to muster energy for coz I know it (KJohnson screeching lies) will be very annoying. At least it's mami's Whooli who posted it so presumably S.Hoax skeptics comments won't be deleted/censored? FauxCapitalist has already noted how KJ Flips the Script & Projects early on:
6 minutes in, Keith Johnson declares:
"I believe there are people out there who are deliberately putting out false information concerning that tragic incident that occurred at the end of 2012. And I believe that they're doing it to discredit the Truth movement, the alternative movement." [...]
ah well here it is:
"In the Spotlight" with Keith Johnson 4/10/2014 (
On this premiere edition of “In the Spotlight,” Keith continues to argue against those who believe that Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax.
Sandy Hook researcher CW Wade ( joins the program to discuss his April 7 AFP debate ( with school safety expert Wolfgang W. Halbig (
Show-page (
American Free Press (
The Barnes Review (
Download (
Posted by WHOOLI ( at 2:15 PM
11th April 2014, 07:24 PM
On those bullet holes in Rousseau's car that I mentioned above (^1335), though the CT photos don't show the rusted bullet hole, the video here at the 13 sec mark shows it:
And on the problems with the trajectory, this site tried to map it out:
The official story: Lauren’s car was struck by bullets shot from inside the building. There was no record of any bullet holes in the windows of the school… Here is another image that shows the angle which the gun had to be fired: (
Now with your knowledge of the angle her car would have been parked at in relation to the shooter, how is it possible for a bullet hole to penetrate the side of her car at the trajectory shown above? Was there no car beside her? This is just one of the many mysteries about the official story. More research coming in different articles, stay tuned.
And on this site (which is run by a former Toronto cop), he seems to think one of the bullet holes in Rousseau's car was actually fired from inside:
Then there is an issue of teacher Lauren Rousseau's car being riddled ( with bullets on the outside of the school. Whoever said there was shooting outside? Her Honda was green.
There was a gunfight at the O.K. corral in the parking lot. It may very well be that a drug deal went south and they shot it out. One of the 'second' shooters has been identified as well. If we look at the above pictures of Rousseau's car, pay attention to the upper image. Call me stoopid, but that looks like an exit hole. It craters out not in. Baby you can drive my car, but try NOT to shoot your gun off from inside please because then people will want to ban them.
The only proof we have that Nancy Lanza owned firearms was the media saying she did. There is no documentary evidence from the police who would have had to issue a permit after a serious application process that includes a fingerprint check. DID NANCY LANZA OWN ANY GUNS?
As a case for comparison I can show you Eleanor Roosevelt owned and carried a firearm.
11th April 2014, 07:39 PM
For those interested in listening to a shill promote the MSM version of Sandy Hook:
Also, I think it's kind of interesting that AFP sponsors radio shows with Spingola and Johnson, who both promote the zio-media version of Sandy Hook. I think I may have heard Friend and Gahary attempt to talk about this in a positive light, saying something like "isn't it great that we cover both sides of an issue??"
oops missed this when I posted #1337 above. I did just post a comment in the thread which I'll repost here for posterity... and evidence in case a rogue mami's mod deletes the original there.
Pat Colo ( said...
FauxCapitalist said...
6 minutes in, Keith Johnson declares:
"I believe there are people out there who are deliberately putting out false information concerning that tragic incident that occurred at the end of 2012. And I believe that they're doing it to discredit the Truth movement, the alternative movement." [...]
^ This is more of the same textbook joowey "Flip the Script & Project" gambit we've seen at the core of GlennCo's (incl KJ) & Deanna's pro-joo-SHoax-story campaigns since their inceptions. ref: say nothing of the sock drawer of pro-joo-SHoax-story shills infesting Mami's comments.
Separately, I posted @ Fetzer's blog,
"Dr. Fetzer, shouldn't 2 items be in "Wolfgang's Questions", which are not there? These 2 don't ask why such & such didn't happen which can be dismissed under the catch-all "human error" banner. Rather, these two irregularities are backed by hard forensic evidence that they DID happen, question being WHY?
1. The "free houses" recorded on Christmas Day '09. I heard these all trace to "victim families", and that they all went up for sale after the event sometime. A personal visit to the SH Clerk/Recorder's office for hard copies of these records-- and some questions of them about the "normalcy" of title transfer recordings on Christmas Day with *ZERO* sale prices, would be in order, yes?
2. The complete cessation of all internet traffic to/from SHES since the end of the '08 Spring semester. This was only discovered by a researcher about a month ago.
The 2nd item suggesting that SHES was closed since Summer '08, is corroborated by numerous videos showing the school's decrepit, unmaintained condition.
Again, the above 2 items are forensically evidenced, unlike several of Wolfgang's "why DIDN'T xyz happen" questions. "
Fetzer responded, "Good thoughts. Thanks for mentioning both. Important."
April 11, 2014 at 9:30 PM ( 174265882)
11th April 2014, 07:54 PM
@PatColo--Good luck listening to that Keith Johnson audio!! I honestly don't think I have the stomach for it.
Anyway, I just returned to the article I recently linked to here and it looks like one of the people commenting had some interesting things to say:
Sig94 ( | April 11, 2014 at 5:10 pm ( | Reply (
I was a NYS certified evidence technician for over seven years. I have processed hundreds and hundreds of crime scenes including homicides. These photos simply do not make sense. As the poster pointed out, where’s the blood? Not only are pools of blood not depicted, but also the high velocity blood spatters that would have been caused by the suspect’s high powered rifle. They are characteristic of firearms-related incidents and are rather different from medium velocity spatters to a trained eye.
So where’s the medical waste? Twenty-six human beings were shot and not a bandage to be seen? No bloody gauze? No empty 4X4 wrappers? When emergency medical teams converge on something like this, an ocean of medical waste is left at the scene. This is sanitary, scrubbed.
The 5.56mm round (those commonly available) are usually full metal jacketed and either 55 or 62 grams – their velocity is right around 2800-3000 fps. Look at that photo (1C Custodial Closet) with a so called bullet hole in the ceramic about 16 inches above the floor. It looks like it was drilled, the dust neatly piled on the floor. The picture right below that with an impact area on the corner of a wall – it looks like a ball peen hammer was used and the bullet never got beyond the tile into the cinderblock.
Where are the papers spilled all over the floor as panicked children fled? Why aren’t chairs thrown helter-skelter, desks out of order? If the kids and teachers didn’t turn this place upside down trying to escape/evade the shooter the cops would have in their search for the suspect(s).
This is not a crime scene where slaughter occurred, where terror and pandemonium reigned supreme. There are no signs of chaos.
This is sanitary, scrubbed.
Staged. And not very well at that.
Dr. Eowyn ( | April 11, 2014 at 5:29 pm ( | Reply (
Thank you, Sig, for your expert analysis.
“Look at that photo (1C Custodial Closet) with a so called bullet hole in the ceramic about 16 inches above the floor. It looks like it was drilled, the dust neatly piled on the floor.”
Sig, you have sharp eyes! I’m re-posting that pic here, having drawn red circles around the “bullet hole” and the pile of drilled dust. LOL
11th April 2014, 08:24 PM
Not sure you even need to get into any bullet trails here, Amanda.
As there is no evidence of them actually doing damage to humans.
Seems it would be a distraction route.
11th April 2014, 08:58 PM
@PatColo--Good luck listening to that Keith Johnson audio!! I honestly don't think I have the stomach for it.
I "stomached" 10 mins and that's all I could take, and I put something else on. 10 mins was enough for KJ to screech about skeptics as Sunstein disinfo agents, exonerating mass-murderer Lanza, only a matter of time before one of these skeptics shoots a victim's family member, yada, yada, yada. Sunstein. With 1hr 50mins to go, and guest CW "JOO-S.HOAX-REPORTS" Wade hadn't even been introduced yet; I said no way Jose!
ETA: I was going to give the MP3 ( the skipping ahead & spot checking treatment. Description doesn't say, but Delphi-Deanna is on the show too. I gave that a few mins in the 20+ min area, and it's the 3 shills circle-jerking over how Wade beat Halbig in the Apr 8 debate ( so bad, Halbig "doesn't want you to read the reports" ;D lol, oh and we're not ad-hom'ing Halbig (ad-hom, ad-hom, ad-hom). It's just their usual Flip the Script & Project dance (
I spot checked through the 2nd hour, to check if they took callers as the show description promises they would.... NOPE. :( I expect the line will be, "well there were no callers!" lol. Delphi claimed ( 7459004394) this of their first 3-way Shill-A-Thon two Sundays ago (; but it was surely just coincidental that they didn't finish re-bunking the last of Halbig's 16 Q's until the very end of the 3rd hour!
I did hear a great line @ 1h 39m; KJ says ACooper had Prof Tracy on ( so that Cooper could turn CNN viewers on to Tracy's blog LOL, Delphi coohed "Oh absolutely!"; then he's on about how Cooper's ex-CIA yada yada, basically trying to puff up their shilly "S.Hoax skepticism is a Sunstein op" Flip the Script & Project disinfo-theory...
KJ ends the show with this precious declaration: "And yes, these people are predators ladies & gentlemen! These people are preying on the weak, on the, they're exploiting this tragedy for their own, for their own purposes, their own selfish purposes!" :eek: << I post that coz it looks more like a BAGEL, than a smiley!
11th April 2014, 09:10 PM
Not sure you even need to get into any bullet trails here, Amanda.
As there is no evidence of them actually doing damage to humans.
Seems it would be a distraction route.
Oh, yeah, I totally agree with you. There's no evidence of anything in this whole case. I was just mentioning the bullet holes in the cars b/c they had a photo file on them--I was just bringing that stuff up to show there's more contrived evidence. But that stuff is certainly not central to proving the whole thing is a hoax.
@PatColo- LOL! I give you credit for trying. I actually tried for a few minutes, but it was too painful. Though I did find it interesting that he actually acknowledged that most listening to the audio consider SH a hoax. Also, the comments are interesting over there. The second one kind of demonstrated what I have noticed about those supporting the official version of SH--they just follow what their favorite radio host says (DS, MG, or MCP) and never bother to actually look at the facts and evidence.
12th April 2014, 02:26 PM
Just found this comment from "Amanda Price" over at which gives a good summary of the Keith Johnson, Spingola, and Wade shill-a-thon (wish she also posted this at grizzom):
Amanda Price ( 12, 2014 at 1:01 PM ( 559259426)
Spingolas latest attempt with wade to prove sandy hook was real was pathetic. Its in the report, have you not read it? seems to be the answer to most of the questions. They look to that report, the way a christian looks to the bible. It was shockingly bad, johnson just rambled on about how people who dont believe the report are mental with spingola laughing along, though it certainly beats the crying.
15th April 2014, 06:53 PM
What’s the Real Truth about the
Sandy Hook “Massacre”?
Lorraine Day, M.D.
" The original “Official Version.”
Adam Lanza, a 20-year old “tech geek loner” possibly suffering from some variation of Autism, somehow snapped on Friday, December 14, 2012, shot his mother in the face with a rifle 6 times at home, killing her, then drove her car to the Sandy Hook Elementary School (where his mother supposedly was a teacher), and shot and killed 20 kindergarten children, and 6 teachers with a “long gun” of some sort. Then he shot himself (with the same “long gun.”)
This “lone gunman” scenario is similar to the July, 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting and other school shootings around America.
If the Sandy Hook “Massacre” really happened that way, there shouldn’t be much room for errors in reporting. However, the “official” version has changed multiple times, and even the supposedly “final” version does not fit the facts of the case.
There are still numerous legitimate questions for which there are no answers. ..."
SNIP article a bit too long to post here but it is worth reading
Excellent hyperlinked references too - covers all aspects of Sandy Hook.
16th April 2014, 04:53 PM
Below is a video from Kate Slate on Adam Lanza's clothing.
Also, I found this comment over at godlikeproductions from "Anonymous Coward" (
Lanza shot his head off from behind with Glock's most powerful gun and his brains and bone and blood should be in that hat. Yet we see a small hole and a drop of blood. He was 6 ft and 112 pounds and yet he is wearing 32R pants and medium underwear?
Sandy Hook Adam Lanza's Clothing
Comments over on youtube are worth reviewing. Here are a couple of good ones:
RhNegtiv ( month ago ( t) - +awc222 ( I looked up his weight and height in an anorexic graph. Sure enough, this is an anorexic body. A person with this body would be on his back in a hospital bed with feeding tubes. ( ( month ago ( t) - +RhNegtiv ( And he was supposed to have carried half his body weight in firearms and ammo? Who makes this stuff up?
16th April 2014, 06:15 PM
Here are a couple of videos of the SH parents. Part of me wonders why the govt. hired such bad actors--was this deliberate?? Do they think we are so collectively stupid that we would actually fall for this??
Robbie Parker and Wife Meeting with Peter Lanza - Weird Moments
Published on Mar 21, 2013
Robbie Parker and Wife Meeting with Peter Lanza - The Weirdness is definitely there- Robbies Wife appears to be about as bad an actor as Robbie.
The Gomez (
Look at the stupid smirks they give each other. Give me a break. I don't know what happened there, (because you don't want to believe your being to lied to on such a massive scale) but something is obviously off.
Tom Mcdonough (
These past three months since our treasonous acting as Sandy Hook parents having lost a fake child. is indeed something that both he and "his wife", can smile about. The checks from the government and the fooled, "sheeple", keep coming in. It's like a child on Christmas morning every day when he checks his bank account balance and sees it growing exponentially. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is, lol.
Julian L (
Damn these two people are terrible actors. You would think the government could afford better actors for their false flags.
And here's a video with Catherine Hubbards parents just a week or so after the SH event. At about the 57 sec mark, the mother makes it clear that she's not about to let the recent murder of her daughter ruin her Christmas!?!?!
SANDY HOOK: Catherine Hubbard Parents Seem Thrilled Daughter Murdered.
16th April 2014, 06:45 PM
Okay, here's a little more from Jennifer Hubbard. Also, what's interesting is that it's mentioned that the Hubbards moved to Newtown a few months before they pulled off the hoax, yet the info here says they got their home years earlier
Sandy Hook Snowball Of Lies
Published on Sep 24, 2013
Jennifer Hubbard who states she lost her daughter, Catherine Hubbard at the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting is completely thrilled at the new park dedicated to her slain daughter. Francine Wheeler pushes her gun control agenda and just in the nick of time, Governor Dannel Malloy issues a presser stating they back the new school for Sandy Hook.
kimberly mccracken (
when my daughter died i sure as hell didnt feel like laughing and smiling and joking around !! This is such bullshit !!! I really do not know what is going on in this world , but its bad and these people who are involved with these scams are very sick people !!
Ex SCAMiner (
Yep. Complete bullshit. Where is ONE comment about "wish she was there to see this?" or "I just wish SHE could have actually gotten this playground we promised her?" Because news flash...she didn't. You're absolutely right, Kate. This lying piece of shit is NOT the actual parent of a brutally murdered child. There is no way she is.
18th April 2014, 11:13 AM
21st April 2014, 01:27 PM
Has anyone here researched this guy? kat hak sung
21st April 2014, 09:45 PM
Has anyone here researched this guy? kat hak sung
We certainly had that post discussed in this thread at some point but I don't think we know much more than a warning post was made a long time before.
24th April 2014, 01:18 PM
I am now listening live to Dr. James Fetzer debating McDonald on AFP radio re. Boston Marathon Bombing.
News regarding Wolfgang Halbig's upcoming visit to Newtown CT to seek answers to his 16 questions and to serve FOIA requests for information.
Dr. Fetzer stated he is going to accompany Wolfgang Halbig to Newtown Ct "less than 2 weeks hence."
24th April 2014, 02:28 PM
I just had a brief phone conversation with Wolfgang Halbig .
He is leaving for Newtown late on May 5.
He will be leaving Newtown on May 7.
So will only have two days for work there.
He is bringing two film crews.
Dr. James Fetzer will be there.
Not sure if Dan Bidondi will be there.
Not sure if Alex Jones people will be there.
Wolfgang is planning a brand new website that he hopes will be ready by May 5. He does not know the new website name.
I will try to get the website name and post it here.
The plans for the new website is that it is to be the place where videos from his Newtown visit will be posted. When WH and associates get back home they will edit and prepare the videos and get them posted asap on the new website.
24th April 2014, 05:08 PM
JFetzer's been planning to accompany WH to Newtown for weeks already. I'd be curious about the backgrounds of the "2 film crews"; are they affiliated with news org's, in particular, has Infowars got their paws in this somehow? Their was some buzz that AJ might wedge his big moon-mug into the picture somehow? On balance, I hope not, although he would add to the "renewed publicity" outcome...
More on JF/WH's Newtown trip discussed in JF's hour on Rense Apr 21:
Listen ( Download ( Hour 2 - James Fetzer ( - Zio West Try To Encircle Russia Will Fail
^ SHoax is discussed beginning 26:00 through the end (43 mins). Rense asks some good questions, like will they have "standing" to attend the school board meeting (no) and might they thus be prohibited from attending? And, might pressure be brought to bear against WH's crack legal team? JF doesn't really answer either Q.
One bright point is that JF has picked up the importance of the "no internet traffic to/from SHES since Summer '08" angle,
Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012 ( (
As Wolfgang Halbig prepares to head to Newton to pursue the truth about Sandy Hook and confront the Newtown School Board with questions, more and more evidence suggests that Sandy Hook Elementary was not even an operating school.
April 15th, 2014
Is that "our Amanda" that article ^ is co-authored by? :)
And in a comment I made at JF's blog, he responded affirmatively to my suggestion they get hard-copies of the Title histories of the 12/25/09 "free houses" in Sandy Hook, from the County Clerk & Recorder's office.
24th April 2014, 06:34 PM
"in particular, has Infowars got their paws in this somehow?"
I could not pin WH down on the phone today about AJ being in on the trip.
Remember that Dan Bidondi is works on a contract basis for Aj's Infowars as their "East Coast correspondent." Bidondi won this job by speaking out at some event and saying some tough things to some well known government person. Can't remember particular right now.
He did say that Dan Bidondi knows he is invited to be there too but indicated he did not specially contact Bidondi and make sure he knows he is invited. Bidondi said he needed to be contacted but that is not happening.
So while I tend to think Bidondi is an honest person and is independent in most of his work, he may not be able to be completely independent on Sandy Hook, that is, if Alex Jones is as un-independent as I think he is.
24th April 2014, 07:41 PM
Re Bidondi, I think this is the notorious press conference,
MUST SEE- Inside Boston Marathon Bombing Press Conferences (
I haven't watched this but it also came up in my search,
How to End a Press Conference with Real Questions (
Bidondi/Halbig, if you have 1hr 41mins to spare (I believe I listened to this in March sometime)
Truth Radio Show w/Dan Bidondi March 21st, 2014 (Wolfgang Halbig) (
28th April 2014, 07:50 PM
I believe Dave Gahary, from the American Free Press will be there also.
"in particular, has Infowars got their paws in this somehow?"
I could not pin WH down on the phone today about AJ being in on the trip.
Remember that Dan Bidondi is works on a contract basis for Aj's Infowars as their "East Coast correspondent." Bidondi won this job by speaking out at some event and saying some tough things to some well known government person. Can't remember particular right now.
He did say that Dan Bidondi knows he is invited to be there too but indicated he did not specially contact Bidondi and make sure he knows he is invited. Bidondi said he needed to be contacted but that is not happening.
So while I tend to think Bidondi is an honest person and is independent in most of his work, he may not be able to be completely independent on Sandy Hook, that is, if Alex Jones is as un-independent as I think he is.
6th May 2014, 10:04 AM
May 4, 2014 (
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Newtown residents and Sandy Hook parents win the Connecticut Lottery
By Duke Reichert*
“There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons.
― George Orwell, 1984
More… (
Heh, reminds me of when, in 2010, the Israeli lottery drew the same numbers as 3 weeks before ( an event statisticians said was a one in four trillion chance.
The 3 "winners", who also correctly guessed the 7th "strong number" each won £666,000,
6th May 2014, 03:43 PM
Dr. James Fetzer put out a new comprehensive article on on Sandy Hook.
Here it is...without the many photographs and with the comments up to 4:40 p.m. CST Tuesday, May 6, 2014.
Newtown School Board, The Newtown Bee complicit in the Sandy Hook hoax
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by Jim Fetzer
“O, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive”–Sir Walter Scott
Wolfgang Halbig and I are traveling to Newtown in search of the truth about Sandy Hook.
We are going to appear at the monthly meeting of the Newtown School Board on Tuesday to ask questions about Sandy Hook that no one has been willing to answer.
That the Newton School Board and The Newtown Bee were complicit in the fraud is not difficult to establish.
This event appears to have been designed as an elaborate “psy op” to advance an aggressive gun control agenda on the basis of reasoning that must have gone something like this:
“If we don’t get guns under control, something horrible, like a school shooting, will inevitably take place. We need to show the country what is going to happen if guns aren’t brought under control, which will guarantee that something like this never happens–as long as no one here is actually killed! Let’s do it!”
The alternative explanation is that this plan originated at the federal level, since Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States, visited with the governor of Connecticut about a month before the event. During a press conference that day, Governor Malloy would observe that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen.
But what could he possibly have meant by that? (a) That he had been told there would be a mass shooting of children at a Connecticut elementary school, in which case he should have taken steps to preclude it. (b) That he had been told that a drill would be conducted at a Connecticut elementary school and presented as though it had been a real event. Since he took none of the steps that might have prevented such an event, the correct explanation has to be alternative (b).
Where are the children?
It is not difficult to discern that the Newtown School Board has to have been complicit in the fraud. Using The Wayback Machine has shown that there was no computer activity at Sandy Hook Elementary School from 2008 to 2012. That is consistent with the school having been closed in 2008, apparently on the basis of the presence of asbestos and other bio-hazards in the building.
It is difficult to imagine how the school could have functioned if the staff and the administration had no access to computers. When I did a search on the school, moreover, I discovered that it was a top-rated (10 out of 10) K-4 elementary school that had 626 students. Here is one of the reports about it:
But that means there should have been around 600 students who needed to be evacuated from the school when this event transpired. That would have required around a dozen buses (at 48-50 students per bus), when you divide 600 by 50. So where are they? We have early photos of the scene but no children and no buses are present.
So we not only have no surge of EMTs into the building, no Med-Evac helicopter, no ambulances and exactly one fire engine but we have no sense of urgency at the scene and no frantic efforts to evacuate the other 600 children from the vicinity. And if it was too early for the buses to be there, it was not too early to get those 600 children out of the building and to safety.
The School Board and The Newtown Bee were complicit
We not only have multiple indications that Sandy Hook Elementary was not an operating school at the time of the alleged shooting, including that it was not ADA compliant and that it was being used as storage, which of course the School Board had to have known. but ample proof that The Newtown Bee was in on it, too.
Both had to know that a widely-circulated photo showing a teacher assisting children evacuate a school was taken at Sandy Hook but at a drill conducted earlier in the fall. So we not only have proof that no evacuation actually took place but that this earlier photo was misrepresented as having been taken at Sandy Hook during the alleged shooting:
This charade–call it “the hoax within the hoax”–not only implicates the school board but Shannon Hicks, who allegedly took it but did not correct the record. The complicity of The Newtown Bee has also been demonstrated by an absurd report quoting the deceased Sandy Hook principal:
Does anyone believe The Bee‘s explanation: that someone impersonating the principal called in at the very time of the shooting to report the shooting? Does anyone think reporters for The Bee would not have known Dawn Hochsprung and have been familiar with her voice? The Bee committed a revealing gaffe.
The Parallel with 9/11
We have a parallel to the premature report by Jane Standley of the BBC that Building 7 (WTC-7), a 47-story skyscraper, had also collapsed, which in fact took place at 5:20 PM/ET. But Standley was making her report at 4:57, which meant that she was 23 minutes too early:
Just as the BBC got “ahead of the script”, The Newtown Bee got “off the script”, which would be completely inexplicable were The Bee not complicit in the Sandy Hook fraud, as the BBC was on 9/11. The BBC has never been able to explain its gaffe–and The Bee‘s explanation is simply absurd.
Another fraudulent deception
The use of an old photograph of a teacher assisting students during a drill at another school is not the only fraudulent deception using photographs to create false impressions of events at Sandy Hook. This one reversed the sign for Sandy Hook School to make it look as if the photo had been taken looking at the school, when it was actually the firehouse instead. The duplicity involved here should convince even the most die-hard believer that Sandy Hook was a hoax:
In fact, nothing like this was taking place at the school, which is no doubt why they reversed the sign to create a misleading impression. How many forms of fakery are required to convinced the true-believers that Sandy Hook was a hoax? Here is another photo, this time from a Connecticut State Police Helicopter, which–on the basis of shadow analysis–was taken at 9:15 AM/ET, which would be about 20 minutes before the first 911 call came in. So what was it doing there so early?
Notice the obvious. A Connecticut State Police chopper cannot have been dispatched to Sandy Hook for a real event before any 911 calls had been made reporting it. This photo therefore qualifies as a “smoking gun” that proves by itself that Sandy Hook was a drill and not a real event, which lends further support to the conclusion that no children actually died there and that it was designed as a psy-op to promote gun control, which Wolf believes was 2-2.5 years in planning.
Revisiting Gene Rosen
The behavior of several of the key participants in the Sandy Hook event, including especially Gene Rosen, struck me and a number of others as highly inappropriate. Gene Rosen is one of the most prolific of the Sandy Hook media stars but has given animated and conflicting statements to a series of reporters (in English and Spanish). Generally considered to be a “good Samaritan” by the mainstream media, he reportedly harbored six children from the school dropped off by a bus.
I was so struck by the crucial role of Gene Rosen that I asked a friend of mine, Alen Salerian, M.D., who had originally contacted me about JFK research, for his evaluation of Gene Rosen’s testimony as presented in the video interview we included in “Top Ten Reasons”. As the former head of the FBI Rapid Response Psychiatric Unit, I thought his opinions would clarify and illuminate what we have here:
YouTube - Veterans Today -
He wrote back on the basis of his review of the Gene Rosen interview, which we had included in our “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax”:
Gene Rosen was a key witness who corroborated the official story of the Sandy Hook elementary school killings. Rosen reported that, six children after witnessing the murder of their teacher Vicky Soto sought refuge at his home.
Mr. Rosen had already heard gunfire from an automatic weapon.
According to Mr. Rosen, the kids seemed nervous while they drank orange juice and played with stuffed animals. He never called 911. It took 15 minutes or more for the kids to begin talking about the horrific events including the death of their teacher.
Obvious inconsistencies of Gene Rosen’s statement:
A. For six kids for 15 minutes not to say anything about their frightening experience is both unlikely and psychologically impossible. Common response would be a disorganized emotional venting and vivid mental images of the events.
B. It’s unlikely and illogical for an adult not to call 911 under these conditions.
C. It is unlikely and illogical for an adult not to obtain further information from children under very unusual circumstances–an unplanned visit by six kids without an adult. It’s even more unlikely for an adult who had already heard gunfire not to call 911 nor to find out what had occurred.
D. The YouTube video of Rosen contradicts his main claim that for 15 minutes he did not know what had happened. In this video–at 22 seconds–Rosen reports concerns about the dead teacher, Ms. Vicki Soto.
Based upon A, B, C and D, it is reasonable to conclude that Gene Rosen misrepresented the truth of what occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is quite reasonable to consider that Mr. Rosen was intentionally misinforming the public and the movie was filmed even before the alleged school shooting. The key evidence to support this possibility is the error in the movie regarding the death of Vicky Soto.
This error is consistent with a signature trait of preplanned crimes. For instance Pres. Kennedy’s death was published in The Christchurch Star in New Zealand before the president was assassinated. Also, BBC announced the collapse of WTC-7 on 9/11 some 23 minutes before the actual collapse. Of importance, engineered complex crimes share a common denominator of evidence of advanced planning as shown by Rosen’s video and actions.
A brief introduction to the case
I now believe that Gene Rosen’s testimony was intended (at least in part) to convey the impression that the children were evacuated by bus, but I have yet to find any photographs that substantiate their use. And here we have another parallel with 9/11, because there are good reasons to believe that all of the alleged “crash sites” were fabricated or faked, as I explained during a recent interview on “Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells”:
YouTube - Veterans Today -
After all, if there were no plane crashes, then no passengers aboard those planes died in those crashes; and if there were no plane crashes, then there were no Islamic “hijackers” aboard who caused them to crash. And if there were no Islamic “hijackers” who caused them to crash, there is no justification for the War on Terror. For those who would like to see the visual evidence about this, consider:
YouTube - Veterans Today -
Here is a short summary of some key points about Sandy Hook from the much longer (3-hour) interview on JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing on “Caravan to Midnight”:
YouTube - Veterans Today -
Bear in mind, if there were no children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, then no children died in a shooting that did not take place; and if no children died in a shooting, there is no justification for the massive anti-gun campaign that has been launced on the basis of “the Sandy Hook shooting”. That 600 children are missing and no buses were used to evacuate them from the school thus substantiates that this was an elaborate hoax.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth. A special note of thanks to John Adelmann.
Related Posts:
• Sandy Hook: Free homes and “big bucks” incentives for leaders and players
• After two defeats over Sandy Hook, AFP editor declines a third debate
• The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
• Wolfgang Halbig heads to Newtown for the truth about Sandy Hook
• Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012
Short URL:
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Posted by Jim Fetzer on May 5 2014, With 4962 Reads, Filed under Of Interest, WarZone. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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11 Comments for “Newtown School Board, The Newtown Bee complicit in the Sandy Hook hoax”
1. Chandler
May 6, 2014 - 9:09 am
Excellent! All the kind and generous people who sent in money to assist these people must be wondering what happened to the donations made to them from all across the globe. Too many contradictions for me to believe it all was real. Burying kids without the parents being allowed to see them was the first major tip-off to me. No town in America has that many gullible adults. I’m sorry but, being that gullible doesn’t exist in Americans…does it? The coroner’s behavior; this idiot Rosen; other interviewees; lackadaisical behavior at the scene despite the editing. My God people, the proof is so obvious. Then, they had the nerve to do Boston. This new world odor brings with it a undeniable stench. And we are all downwind.
Don’t look for this report on your nightly six o’clock news with your pretty little gelatin talkies. Only at VT.
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May 6, 2014 - 7:13 am
what has been said/printed here has been said /printed here before.and on other sites as well.what for me and i say this with all due respect to all.,is the cover-up and involvement of so many people .i have a hard time wrapping my mind around that fact and that one alone.every point made here seems to be reasonable,save the involvement of the number of people who had to have been part and parcel of this lie.and i m sure it was!but how is my question? ,maybe this school board meeting will shed more light,but i m sure they will be armed to the teeth with people who will provide excuses.
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o wolf
May 6, 2014 - 8:39 am
You ask the question that is on the lips of many, R A, and the only way I could explain it to myself is to just accept the fact that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that one better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Just count the cost of Truthseeking buried in the ground to substantiate that. The ‘Church Lady’ on SNL had the answer, believe it or not and Newtown is a known Satanist hub.
A gentleman named Jay Parker, who was born into a multi-generational Satanic/Illuminati family and received MONARCH trauma-based mind-control as a child, makes the claim that there are some 34 million Satanic/Illuminati Americans who keep things
read more ...
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May 6, 2014 - 8:46 am
Just google ‘Jay Parker Illuminati’ and listen to one of his interviews. Our atheist brothers and sisters may not believe in a ‘God’…but these cats DO and his agenda is not one of love, peace, truth, and beauty. It’s a big club…and your future ain’t in it. Neither is that of your children or grandchildren. Fight for truth and resist the JWO. (Resist the Devil and he will flee from thee…James 4;7)
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3. stephanaugust
May 6, 2014 - 4:40 am
As a German I have no idea for what kind of information the American FOIA can be used, but maybe you can reconstruct the timeline with the movement of the pupils to the other Newtown schools if you can get the number of pupils visiting the other schools.
When 600 pupils from one school are moved to half a dozen other schools because one school is closed, the other schools must have an increase of pupils of at least 100.
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4. Glenn Hoeft
May 6, 2014 - 4:23 am
Track down the records of utility bills for the school during past years and contracts for bus service and such to determine if the school was actually opened. Also research the contracts for supplying the “everyone must check in” sign, determine who signed the contract and when it was signed. F.A.A., must have radar records and audio records of the State Police helicopter flight and the time it arrived over the school.
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5. Simpsons Donkey
May 6, 2014 - 2:05 am
James, I’ve spent the last 3 hours with my mouth wipe open, catching flies. The breadth and depth of your knowledge is extraordinary.
It’s not been a good day on the front lines. After reading F. William Engdahl’s gut-wrenching report from Odessa, my faith in the human race has been shaken. I mistakenly followed some links I should not have and saw things I wished I hadn’t seen, even after 3 years keeping track of Syria’s jihadis.
The Argentines said, ‘Throw them ALL out!’ in 2000, and did so. It would be churlish to wonder why Americans don’t put their guns to correct use, but you may not have time to borrow Venezuela’s voting machines, which make vote fraud harder, not easier. Hitler would understand the problem.
Thanks for the illuminating hours. VT rocks.
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6. Miggy C
May 5, 2014 - 9:23 pm
I always am careful not to throw theories about other events with this one. If there is alternative media there is a deceptive force against it.
Be smart. Watch for sites that throw everything into the conspiracy camp thus discredits all.
The last video I saw of Sandy Hook looked like an hour long disection of why it was so easy to spot the lie so the next time the lie can be presented better. The video was packaged as exposing the lie but to me looked like a classroom to disect the flaws.
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7. Preston James, Ph.D
May 5, 2014 - 8:36 pm
Truly outstanding article. Prof. Fetzer has shown conclusively that Sandy Hook was a hoax, there were NO DEAD KIDS, NO DEAD TEACHERS. And it would be no surprise if there was NO ADAM LANZA, his mother or father either, all virtually created. Officer Vance made terroristic threats against journalists and must be arrested for this serious felony. He lied to other LE which is also a crime too and certainly his acts look like part of a very large scale RICO offense. He should be charged, convicted and sentenced to a very long prison term for his crimes against “We the People”, and needs his retirement retracted and all assets seized under criminal forfeiture. Watch the liars squirm and deny, deny, deny everything when confronted with the truth.
But this “controversy” has an easy solution. Exhume all imaginary bodies, DNA test all so-called parents, subpoena all birth and school records of parents and children, track all prior homes, jobs, schooling degrees, SS records, Tax returns, etc. and all legal records and watch the liars bs unravel instantly.
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o LC
May 6, 2014 - 8:06 am
RiteON Dr. James -+
Actually you can say exhume just ONE of those ghost bodies & we’ll believe them. Just like the Video compositor Ace Baker who has posted a $100,000.00 prize for anyone who brings him the ORIGINAL of JUST ONE of the 911 plane videos shown on TV.!!! NO ONE has done it because they were all fakes as he showed in his demonstration video. So is the case with the Sandy Hoax people & places & reports & reporters & fraud-casters!!!
BTW –RE ChemTrails -
Here in Los Angles County-For first time yesterday w(ith own eyes) I saw how chemtrails sprayed in jet-blue sky in the morning yesterday created thick clouds by later afternoon & this morning even light rain!!
Yesterday it was supposed to be about 80 but due to phony clouds it never exceeded about 70!!!
May be the real reason for chemtrails is cooling the sprayed areas & producing rain???
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8. Grampah
May 5, 2014 - 4:52 pm
And the US and Canadian national sports leagues, prominently “honored” the Sandy Hook “children”. I’ve never watched one second of their “bread and circuses” shows since.
7th May 2014, 05:23 AM
a commenter at memoryhole blog in the CT lottery story, first I've heard of a documentary being made of the trip, excellent idea:
Sandy says: May 7, 2014 at 1:11 am (
Wolfgang got a lot of press today in Newtown, and good footage for the documentary. The town was very hostile and a fireman shoved him in the chest with both hands. Wolf is sixty-seven years old. Fetzer witnessed the whole thing, and they filed assault and battery charges.
He faced the school board at the meeting and asked his questions – that audience was small, but the documentary audience will be much larger, Hopefully, broader public understanding of the event will force an investigation into the United Way, as well as the Connecticut Lottery. The odds of these multiple Sandy Hook winners are astronomical, and anyone can see that.
7th May 2014, 06:36 AM
Interesting! I spoke with WH and he said he was taking "two film crews" with him to Newtown, however he never referred to what he is planning to do as a "documentary" but that is indeed what it will be. He said he has a brand new website about to come online and when he gets back home, he and his web designers/helpers are going to edit the footage and post it on the new site.
Will go over to read about the lottery story. As I understand it now, more than one Newtown resident has won the lottery since Sandy Hook. This is what I call in-your-face blatancy of the Big Lie of Sandy Hook.
7th May 2014, 09:01 AM
Oh my goodness, the infinite corruption goes on and on.
This Memory Hole article is important. I do not know if this forum's thread intends to have on record the most important articles about SHES, but if that is considered valuable, then the memory hole article should be posted here.
Seems United Way and CT lottery (and extending into Boston lottery and all of New England) are prime ways to pay off people and players who are owed money for services rendered.
I have researched United Way corruption for years in connection with promoting and funding abortions. I also have researched our city bag ban ordinance which requires discontinuance of usage of plastic bags, with certain exemptions of course.
Anyway, the federal black ops is behind the United Way and the state and city governments are behind the local bag ban ordinance.
The comments over at the Memory Hole article seem to assume that we still have the rule of law in the USA.
I am doing some preliminary searches of records on the amputee VicSims of the Boston Bombing and of course, what i've found so far doesn't make a lick of sense.
7th May 2014, 01:09 PM
Am moving this Spingola Jumps Shark thread comment over here...
slvrbugjim posted the following...
Re: Spingola Jumps Shark, Supports's Official Sandy Hook Story
Halbig and Fetzer were in Newtown all day Tuesday, then were interviewed on Rense last night I will see if I can up load it somewhere
You can download the interview here
They tried to go to the United Way office there because UW has collected over $29M for SH, but were not even allowed into the building
I just listened to the show between Rense and Dr. Fetzer and Mr. Halbig that took place last night.
Very interesting.
They were treated with uniform hostility and uncooperativeness or stoney silence by all Newtown "officials" contacted. Assault and battery suit against fireman at Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department may happen.
The FBI report that WH has been calling to be released has finally been released but Dr. Fetzer says it is heavily redacted having more holes than swiss cheese. I did ask Dr. Fetzer if he would send me a sample from that FBI report so that I can post it in this thread.
Someone from Infowars/Alex Jones was present at Newtown yesterday but the interview did not disclose the name of the person or if it was Dan Bidondi. One film crew was there and got every single bit of all of this on film. They will produce a documentary film and it sounds like Dr. Fetzer is going to be very involved in that.
Not sure if there are any more official visits the two will make in Newtown today but know they are each headed to their respective homes this evening.
Seems the message is that
we CAN get the truth but it will require much legal work and civil lawsuits and many more donations. This Newtown trip accounts for $10,000 spent so far of the approximate $18,000 donated so far. Donate at
They are even considering suing the United Way. As I said in another post, United Way is a government operation through and through. Please do not ever donate to them ever again.
What is particularly disgusting is that many employers, including large state and government agencies try to coerce their employees into donating to United Way. The pressure can be very strong against employees to donate. Barf!
7th May 2014, 03:54 PM
May 7, 2014 (
Wolfgang Halbig Confronts Newtown School Board 23 (
Home (, Videos ( • Tags: gun control (, police state (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( yaNnMyoMKkMyvGU629mUpdated May 7 at 2:30PM
On May 6 former Florida State Trooper and school safety expert Wolfgang Halbig spoke before the Newtown Connecticut Board of Education, raising numerous questions on the official story of the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.
Halbig was followed by University of Minnesota Professor and Veterans Today associate editor Jim Fetzer, Nevada-based attorney Day Williams, who is assisting Halbig with his public information requests, correspondent Dan Bidondi, and several others.
Connecticut Post]
Wolfgang Halbig Confronts Newtown Board Of Education (Part 1)
Wolfgang Halbig Confronts Newtown Board Of Education (Part 2)
View full video of May 6, 2014 Newtown Board of Education Meeting here (
Listen to American Free Press Dave Gahary’s report of the day’s events:
Download (
They came and they spoke, but their words fell flat with a respectful but thoroughly disgusted audience,” the Connecticut Post reports (
A dozen or so self-described skeptics of official accounts of the Sandy Hook school shooting appeared Tuesday night at the Board of Education meeting, each taking the allotted three minutes to address pointed questions to board members.
Wolfgang Halbig, the most prominent member of the group, raised questions about everything from the scale of police response that day to their refusal to accept his expert help in analyzing the event. He suggested that his legitimate efforts to get answers have been thwarted, and accused board members of toeing an official line …
“It’s a shame to see this circus come to town,” Newtown resident Jim Fitzpatrick responded, “and I’m offended by the people who have come, and these conspiracy theories. Newtown has conducted itself wonderfully.”
Fitzpatrick was given some applause by the audience that was swiftly silenced by board Chairwoman Debbie Leidlein.
Once public comments concluded, the group left the room and a police officer stood guard to assure an orderly exit.
According to the Post, earlier on May 6 several of Halbig’s supporters visited the Danbury offices of the United Way of Western Connecticut to request records of charitable donations collected on behalf of the Sandy Hook community in relation to the December 14 event. Chief Executive Officer Kim Morgan claims to have informed the group that all of the non-profit’s financial documents were available online.
“I would prefer not to give them a voice in the mainstream media, and to reassure the public that all of our financial documents are online and can be accessed by anyone,” Morgan said.
Source: Hutson, Nanci G. “Newtown School Greets Sandy Hook Skeptics with Silence (,” Connecticut Post, May 7, 2014.
7th May 2014, 08:38 PM
Am moving this Spingola Jumps Shark thread comment over here...
slvrbugjim posted the following... [...]
your copy job pasted a broken MP3 link from Jim, coz the URL was truncated (where u see a "..." appear in the url)-- where you see that, it won't copy/paste properly; unless you have WYSIWYG turned ON in your GSUS advanced user settings... you'll need to dig around in there and find that feature and turn it on.
Anyways I'll paste my reply to jim here, as it also contains the show from Delphi-Deanna (™. I still haven't listened to the Delphi one, need some Pepto-Bizmol first to endure her voice and presumed attitude for a whole show:
thx Jim. Here's a backup link for that Rense hour 3:
Listen ( Download ( Hour 3 - James Fetzer ( - Sandy Hook Developments
Delphi had Dave Gahary on her show, haven't listened yet; she accompanied description with this bitchy addendum:
Deanna Spingola talks to her guests Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer and Dave Gahary, as they discuss their day in Newtown, Connecticut.
Update (by Deanna): Unfortunately, Dr. Fetzer and Mr. Halbig were unavailable for the program. They decided to join Jeff Rense later in the evening after taking a much-needed rest from their day's activities. Apparently, Halbig was unable to obtain the answers to his 16 questions from anyone in Newtown after spending all of the time and money (from donations) to go there. One may see the answers to those questions by visiting Wade's page (, which he posted on March 23, 2014. Halbig did not ask the school board the only question that they, having the proper jurisdiction over, could have answered—had the school been in operation during the last five years? Some people claim that it was not. It is uncertain exactly what Halbig and Fetzer actually accomplished but their visit certainly became the focus of a lot of media attention. An NBC correspondent was at the school board meeting, InfoWars had a representative there and the local newspapers ( covered Halbig's viist.
AFP Radio Network ( (BlogTalk)
Download (
Funny how Delphi is so concerned about Halbig's ~$20K in donations, but unconcerned about United Way's $29 MM, the accounting for which is a non-transparent black hole. :|~
7th May 2014, 08:46 PM
Oh my goodness, the infinite corruption goes on and on.
This Memory Hole article is important. I do not know if this forum's thread intends to have on record the most important articles about SHES, but if that is considered valuable, then the memory hole article should be posted here.
I agreed! And posted yesterday;
Thread: Newtown residents & Sandy Hoax "parents" win the CT Lottery (
8th May 2014, 08:02 AM
I've heard both the Rense/Fetzer/Halbig show, and the Delphi-Deanna/Gahary/KJohnstein/Anonymous-Wade show both posted 2 replies up (#1365).
The Rense show was great; 52 mins as he skips a couple breaks, and it's great coz Rense is a S.Hoax skeptic so he was all about asking the right questions, letting them speak, etc.
Delphi's show (1h 58m) was predictably awful to endure. If you think her voice is less than soothing when she's in good health, endure 2 hours where she's hoarse! :( I felt Dave Gahary's pain, as he labors to present himself as "neutral" & having "no opinion" on S.Hoax. But I'd say he's plainly a closet S.Hoax Truther, judging not only from this show with Delphi, but also his 2 interview podcasts with Halbig. So Gahary had to keep playing the straight-man in the face of Delphi's constantly trying to spin things to cast the HalbigCo Newtown trip in the worst possible light.
It's also been a sad spectacle watching Delphi slink further down the "insult-to-listeners'-intelligence level" of the disinfo-rule list (, with her increasing reliance on the "ridicule" gambit... jokes about Rense's hair, did anyone recognize Halbig without his FL State Trooper uniform on, Halbig's obesity, on and on. Gahary was admirable in his playing it down the middle, not agreeing with Delphi's desperate desire to slant things, & his sticking up for HalbigCo on several occasions, meanwhile "entertaining" Delphi & avoiding alienating her as well. A difficult dance, with such a toxic personality with a blatant agenda... but Gahary pulled it off well. :)
Last 1/2 hour Delphi is joined by KJohnstein and "Anonymous Wade", reuniting the 3 pro-JOO-SHoax-Story tribe members since their Mar 31 Shill-A-Thon show ( So the quality of dialog dropped accordingly, with the "ridicule" gambit leading the charge as the 3 shills sought to belittle & trivialize the HalbigCo Newtown trip.
There was an interesting moment around 1h 31m, where it was Gahary and the 3 JOO-SHoax-Story shills all on together. Gahary noted that, in the alt-news/truther universe, they really hate the 3 shills, and that their SHoax opinions were out numbered there like 99-1. There was a few seconds of melodic silence from the shills, like, what's this Gahary guy doing here raining on our fake-consensus Shill-A-Thon?? :|~ The shills gradually got their game together, with Delphi gurgling that "the conspiracy theorists" had "set the narrative" right after S.Hoax; then the other 2 shills began pecking on pretend-points about how people want to believe a sexy story more than the boring truth, yada yada. It was a half-baked & transparent group-effort "answer" they cobbled together for the next couple mins. Gahary obviously caught them off guard with that point, and it probably marked the high point of the show! Thanks DaveG!!
--H H--
Lastly I've just gotta vent: Delphi's had this serious fetish lately for coohing "suuuuure, sure, suuuure (repeat ad nauseum)" during her interviews. A "suuure" count from this show alone would easily exceed the 3-digit mark, me thinks. It actually grates on... me, at least; don't know about all listeners. :(
8th May 2014, 09:12 AM
@PatColo- Following up on your post from a while back, yup, that was me w/Fetzer on this (I sent him the info I collected on SH being a decommissioned school and he was able to put it together)
Also, thanks so much for the update and summary above. I still have to listen to the Rense/Fetzer/Halbig audio, but I think I'm going to pass on the one w/Delphi (I simply cannot endure the torture of listening to her any longer). And I do believe that Gahary has been skeptical of the official joo-media version of Sandy Hook for quite a long time. He did the interview w/Victor Thorn on his book that outlined all of the anomalies, and although it's been a while since I listened, I kind of recall Gahary being in agreement with Thorn.
1st Book on Sandy Hook!
Published on Feb 20, 2013
What allegedly happened on December 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 elementary school children were massacred along with several adults, left the nation in a state of shock.
However, from the second the alleged event happened, the mainstream media began a barrage of reporting, 95% of which was absolutely wrong. This pathetic—or purposefully confused—reporting left truth-seekers, already distrustful of any official story coming from the United States federal government or from the controlled press, crying foul. And why not? As of the publication of this 32-page booklet in late January 2013, not a single solid fact has emerged from any official source proving what really happened inside Sandy Hook Elementary.
Who is Adam Lanza? What guns were actually used to commit the crime? Who were those other suspects arrested? What about the ever-changing stories offered by eyewitnesses? What about the very specific but inevitably incorrect mainstream news reporting? Was it designed to rope "Sandy Hook truthers" into speculation? Is there even more to the story? Is there more to the agenda?
Hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 40 books, Victor Thorn, discusses his latest, SANDY HOOK: A Critical Analysis of the Media's Pathetic Journalistic Practices and How They Spawned a Wave of Conspiracy Theories, the first book released on some of the more glaring anomalies of the Connecticut school shooting event, in this eye-opening interview (48:06 (
8th May 2014, 09:56 AM
I guess this is the "answer" to questions 1 and 2 of Wolfgang Halbig's 16 questions.
1. Who directed the New Haven Federal Bureau of Investigation field office to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (SHES)?
2. Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the SHES shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI)?
Was unable to insert image of heavily redacted page from report.
Comments on this Hartford Courant article were pretty good.,0,3591921.story
FBI Releases Heavily Blacked Out Sandy Hook Records
By DAVE ALTIMARI, The Hartford Courant
4:57 p.m. EDT, April 24, 2014
The FBI has released about 175 pages of heavily blacked-out documents from the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre investigation.
Of the 175 pages released in response to a Courant Freedom of Information request, 64 were completely redacted and most of the other 111 pages were heavily redacted. The Courant submitted the request in January after state police released a report on the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting that left 20 first-graders and six women dead at the Newtown school.
The names of all witnesses interviewed by federal agents have been removed and there are no references to attempts by federal authorities in Washington, D.C., to recover information from a computer disk that shooter Adam Lanza destroyed.
Although the state police Western District Major Crime Squad was the lead group investigating the massacre, federal agents from the New Haven office were heavily involved.
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Agents assisted in clearing the school, identifying the victims, canvassing the neighborhood where Lanza lived and interviewing relatives of his mother, Nancy Lanza, in New Hampshire. Nancy Lanza was shot to death in her bed by her son.
Federal agents in New Jersey interviewed Ryan Lanza, the shooter's older brother, who lived in Hoboken at the time. Authorities initially thought that Ryan Lanza was the shooter because Adam Lanza had an old identification card of his brother's on him.
The just-released FBI records include an interview, conducted the same day of the shootings, with a man who appears to be Ryan Lanza.
The interviewee told agents that Adam was "computer savvy" had worked briefly at a computer repair shop and that Nancy Lanza owned at least four guns — including the AR-15 used in the massacre — and a .45 caliber pistol.
The interviewee said all the guns were legally bought by Nancy Lanza, but "that Adam actually owned the AR-15, and that all the weapons were kept in a gun safe in Adam's bedroom closet." The person said that Adam Lanza had taken an NRA safety certification course that allowed him to fire the .45 caliber pistol at a Danbury shooting range, and that to his knowledge Adam Lanza was able to buy all his ammunition legally.
The person told agents that Adam Lanza had never been violent or used drugs or alcohol. The last line of the interview states the man "could provide no explanation or motive for Adam's actions."
Copyright © 2014, The Hartford Courant
9th May 2014, 01:37 PM
The Newtown School Board meeting and the meaning of silence
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by Jim Fetzer (
“The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide” – Barack Obama (2010)
(’s start with the FBI. It has now released its report about Sandy Hook, which has been so massively redacted that it looks worse than a chunk of swiss cheese. So what does the FBI have to hide about Sandy Hook?
As Dave Altimari reports in The Hartford Courant (,0,3591921.story#vcomment), “Of the 175 pages released in response to a Courant Freedom of Information request, 64 were completely redacted and most of the other 111 pages were heavily redacted.”
If the official account of a single demented shooter taking out 20 children and 6 adults on 14 December 2012 were true, there would be nothing to redact. He came, he shot, he died. There should be no more to it than that. So there has to be more to it than that.
This is reminiscent of the Warren Commission’s decision to classify documents and records about the death of JFK for 75 years on the ground of “national security”. After all, if a lone demented shooter had committed that crime with 3 luck shots, there is no “national security” aspect to the case. So what’s going on?
Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper, public school administrator and nationally recognized expert on school safety, and I traveled to Newtown to confront the Newtown School Board with some of our findings and questions for the board. Like the FBI, they stonewalled us and adopted the strategy of silence (
There are many reasons to believe that their approach (of benign neglect) is not going to work. Articles have appeared in The Connecticut Post ( and The Stamford Advocate (, which are especially striking for the posted comments, where there has been at least as much support for us as criticism. And there is much, much more.
My statement to the Board
In my statement to the board, I identified myself as a former Marine Corps officer, a retired professor and a journalist for Veterans Today. I explained that, in the course of my research, I had discovered that Sandy Hook Elementary School was an outstanding school with a 10/10 rating, that it covered K-4 and that it had 626 students. I explained that that rather astonished me, because if you subtract 20 for the students who were killed, that leaves 606. But where were they at the time of this event? We don’t see them anywhere and, if you assume that buses carry 48-50 students apiece, then it would have taken at least a dozen buses to evacuate them. But nothing like that is visible in any of the footage that was taken on the scene that day.
I also observed that some of the reasons we are concerned include that the final report from the Connecticut State Police does not include the names, the ages or the sex of any of the victims; that the Clerk of Newtown entered into secret negotiations with the state legislature to avoid having to release death certificates for those who were killed; that the Attorney General of Connecticut sought to prevent the release of the 911 calls; and that those who were hired for the demolition of the building were required to accept “life-time gag orders” prohibiting them from ever discussing what they saw or did not see during the destruction of the school. None of these would be expected if the shooting had taken place as Connecticut state officials claim.
Moreover, I noted that, to obtain that 10/10 rating, the school had to be impeccable inside and out, but that even The Newtown Bee had published an article following the shooting explaining that refurbishing the building would have been problematic at best, because it was loaded with asbestos and other bio-hazards. I asked when that had been determined and whether the parents had been notified and made aware that their children were being taught in a toxic waste dump. I observed that, under these circumstances, no children should have been there at all. I closed by explaining that parents and children had been terrified by the reports of this event and that we were here at Newtown in our efforts to determine the truth about Sandy Hook.
The Jeff Rense Interview
After a long day in Newtown, Wolf and I did an hour’s interview with Jeff Rense, which you can listen to here,
in which we recounted the major events of the day:
(1) United Way of Western Connecticut refused to allow Wolf to inspect its records, even though they are public as a matter of law. They called the local police to block access to the building.
(2) The Newtown Police Department refused to allow Wolf to meet with its three ranking officers, who were actively involved in the Sandy Hook event. They were there but “unavailable”.
(3) The Sandy Hook Fire Station was manned by a lone fireman, who became abusive to Wolf when he asked to meet with the Fire Chief, became abusive and committed an assault and battery.
(4) No questions were allowed to be asked of the members of the School Board, who heard us out in silence and have made no efforts to response to any of the questions that we have raised.
What was most reveling about these encounters is that none of these four organizations acted as you would expect if they had nothing to conceal: United Way should have welcomed Wolf and assisted him in inspecting its records; the Newtown police should have addressed his questions; the Fire Chief should have met with him; and the School Board should have been responsive to our concerns. Instead, each of them displayed the kind of conduct you would expect if they had something to hide.
Brasscheck TV
Our appearance before the Newtown School Board was picked up by Brasscheck TV, which featured it
Calling the Sandy Hook School Board
on its incomprehensible bullshit
Experts raise serious issues
Sandy Hook School Board Meeting with Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer, and Others (05/06/2014)
“This issue is not going away”
Experts from various disciplines ask the Sandy Hook school board to release documents they are currently withholding.
When you hear a summary of the anomalies in the story and the kinds of documents that have been withheld you’re going to be scratching your head, even if you firmly believe that the story happened the way it was reported.
The Newtown School Board
Although none of us knew it at the time, the meeting of the Newtown School Board are live-streamed to the community and they maintain a public comment board. When I discovered its existence, I posted links to four of my articles about Sandy Hook, in the hope that those unfamiliar with the issues might consider them further:
Then it occurred to me that I needed to expand on the questions that the School Board needed to address, where we were not allowed to ask (other than rhetorical) questions during our presentations but where they made a form available for the written submissions of questions, implying that they would respond in an appropriate manner and at an appropriate time:> ( (
Winfield Abbe’s elaboration
At this point in time, there have been several supportive comments but also an exceptional post by Winfield Abbe (, who was a speaker at the recent Academic Freedom Conference: JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust ( rsity_illinois_9-11_truth_holocaust_jfk_2014.html). Winfield raised many serious questions that I very much doubt the School Board is going to be willing to answer, even though they would largely lay the matter to rest, one way or the other. Their reticence powerfully suggests that they do not want the truth of Sandy Hook to emerge.
(a) Did any or all members of the Newtown School Board discuss a possible individual or collective response to those raising questions with a lawyer prior to the public meeting? If so, what did the lawyer recommend and why was it necessary to even talk to a lawyer? Do members of the school board feel they have legal liability for their actions or inactions regarding the events in December, 2012 at Sandy Hook School? Did the lawyer recommend all members simply remain silent to any questions even if they have information which might provide enlightened answers? Why is there fear in answering simple questions? Did the lawyer recommend they take the 5th Amendment should questions be posed to school board members in any judicial proceeding? Name the lawyer or lawyers who advised them. Were these lawyers paid by public funds for their legal advice?
(b) Do any members of the Newtown School Board have any information which contradicts or conflicts with the official story line of events at Sandy Hook School in December, 2012? What is that information if it exists? If you fear revealing that information, why do you fear revealing it? Have any of you been intimidated or threatened with reprisals if you revealed such information? If so, when and by whom and in what form?
(c) Do any members of the Newtown School Board have any questions yourselves on the many bizarre events or behaviors of various public officials that day, as for example the strange behavior of the Medical Examiner Carver and others? Do you fear revealing such feelings due to possible reprisals against you or your family by powerful members of government at various levels?
(d) Do members of the Newtown School Board swear under oath, under the penalties of perjury, that any and all statements made by them in answer to questions will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God? If not, why not? Does not government expect ordinary citizens to always provide truthful statements to government? Therefore should not citizens and taxpayers expect the same truthful response by government officials to events like this one under discussion?
(e) Why all the secrecy demanded of the wrecking company and its employees which demolished the Sandy Hook School? Were they sworn to secrecy in order to possibly maintain a public lie? Were there conditions of the building which would contradict the official story line of the events that day in December, 2012 at Sandy Hook School? In fact why were not members of the public and press invited to inspect the building prior to demolition, and take all the pictures they might desire, to insure total honesty and openness in the collective public mind rather than encouraging various theories of events because information and facts were carefully covered up and hidden from public view? Again, why all the secrecy? What did you have to hide? What facts are you hiding? Secrecy is the enemy of the truth. What did you or your lawyers fear might result if the members of the wrecking company were not sworn to secrecy? What would they possibly see inside those buildings which would be so risky or dangerous to be exposed to the public eye? Was not all the blood cleaned up by then? Were not all the expended bullet shells removed by then? Had not all the body fluids been cleaned up? Etc,etc., etc., You would not be engaged in a fraudulent cover up of a crime scene would you?
(f) Will you provide all relevant detailed utility bills for Sandy Hook School, monthly from 2006 through 2012, including but not limited to water, gas, electricity, coal or oil if used for heating or air conditioning, etc.? Will you provide all monthly bills for all operations like food services, books and stationary services, telephone and internet services, janitorial services, and any other and all such relevant services in the daily operation of Sandy Hook School over this period of time? (
Silence means you aren’t worth of a reply
A woman by the name of Sharon Hill has published a blog, “Sometimes silence means you aren’t worth a reply” (, in which she maintains that it was offensive that we came to Newtown to confront the School Board about Sandy Hook. She even writes,
But this is a nice example of begging the question by assuming the answer to the issue in dispute. There is no indication that she understands the evidence nor that she has studied the case at all. So I have submitted a comment, which is under review before posting. I am not going to hold my breath that it is going to appear, but she really needs to think this through:< (
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight University Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.< (
Related Posts:
Newtown School Board, The Newtown Bee complicit in the Sandy Hook hoax (
Sandy Hook: Free homes and “big bucks” incentives for leaders and players (
Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012 (
Wolfgang Halbig heads to Newtown for the truth about Sandy Hook (
Sandy Hook Gun Grab Scandal Breaks Wide Open Under New Investigation (
9th May 2014, 01:43 PM
Looks like Fetzer posted some comments in response to the grizzom post on Deanna's show, which Wolfgang and Fetzer decided to cancel: Jim Fetzer ( said...If it's working now, here is a link to the interview we did with Jeff Rense that evening:
And here is a link to Academic Freedom Conference: JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust: rsity_illinois_9-11_truth_holocaust_jfk_2014.html
For my presentation specifically,
Wolf and I decided that this was not the venue for us to be discussing Sandy Hook. Deanna has a long and disgraceful record of shilling for the official account, which is provably false:
"Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an elaborate haox"
"Wolfgang Halbig heads to Newtown for the Truth about Sandy Hook"
"Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012"
"Newtown School Board, The Newtown Bee complicity in the Sandy Hook Hoax"
Anyone who is naive enough to swallow what they have been told about Sandy Hook, as this person does, it really not worth the time and effort. We have been there, done that, with her before. We passed. Jim Fetzer ( said...Here is a link to a story about our visit to the School Board and some comments I posted, including 15 of my own questions for them to answer. Of course, it was their tactic to remain silent, but this is not about to go away, which Deanna can belittle at her leisure:
Jim Fetzer ( said...We made Brasscheck TV:
May 9, 2014 at 9:39 AM
9th May 2014, 02:54 PM
"Jim Fetzer said...We made Brasscheck TV:
May 9, 2014 at 9:39 AM "
This important video is also here...
Sandy Hook School Board Meeting with Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer, and Others (05/06/2014)
I am very proud of all those who attended this school board meeting and spoke for Sandy Hook truth and against the Sandy Hook Official Lies.
I was disappointed in Dan Bidondi (of Alex Jones' Infowars media). His 3 minutes were devoted exclusively to the gun-control, Second Amendment issue and several times acknowledged the "tragedy" and the people who were killed in the Sandy Hook event.
The gun control / Sandy Hook issue is NOT the issue that is of utmost importance regarding Sandy Hook.
The Sandy Hook TRAGEDY is the institutionalized evil perpetrated against the people of the USA in this planned false event, Sandy Hook CT. school shooting.
I wonder if Infowars's Alex Jones' representative, Dan Bidondi, was given his talking points and marching orders by Alex Jones and company. It certainly looks that way to me. Bidondi in an earlier videoed presentation referred to the information that several residents of Newtown who lived near the school said that the school had been vacant and not operating as a school for a long time, so that to me indicated that at one time at least Dan Bidoni did know what the REAL ISSUE regarding Sandy Hook is and Dan Bidondi in his interview of Wolfgand Halbig in that same video I do not think even once mentioned the gun control issue.
I have long observed that the psychotropic durgs / shooters issue has been sort of a cover for Alex Jones (Jon Rappaport and others) when they do not want to address the TOTAL BIG LIE character of an event, an event such as Sandy Hook. Now it appears to me that that Bidondi's deliberate and obvious and exclusive focusing on what is NOT the main issue of Sandy Hook, and really not the main issue, the real issue, that those who testified at that school board meeting were there for, was Infowars' contract employee, East Coast corespondent, Dan Bidondi's now using the gun control issue as a COVER to avoid addressing the REAL TRUE ISSUE of the Sandy Hook event.
I know there are other foci of Infowars reporting on various events over the years that have served as evasive COVERS to NOT SUPPLY THE LISTENERS WITH TRUTH.
I am sure Bidondi was just following orders and that he really does care about the the Second Amendment issue, as I do, but what Bidondi did in my opinion was LIE by omission. Bidondi acknowledged the Big Lies of theSandy Hook official story and completely avoided, omitted, speaking and seeking Sandy Hook TRUTH.
9th May 2014, 05:29 PM
Dr. James Fetzer has written for another excellent article on Sandy Hook, which recaps his and Wolfgang Halbig's recent visit to Newtown.
The Newtown School Board meeting and the meaning of silence
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by Jim Fetzer
Also wanted to mention that Wolfgang Halbig's donations to date are...
$20,020 raised by 392 people in 1 month.
His donations were slowing about two or three weeks ago but since the visit to Newtown he has received over $1,000 per day.
Please consider donating a few dollars so that Wolfgang can at least take the next legal steps to get truth. He may not get enough donations to carry the legal steps to their fullest results but it is important that he be able to push this effort NOW as much as possible.
The truth is this is probably the last time we will see we truthseekers directly get in the face of the evildoers and face them down and go through the system's legal way of seeking the truth. People are stirred up about Sandy Hook truth now, thanks to Wolfgang Halbig and Dr. James Fetzer and many many others, and many on this forum, especially Amanda and PatColo.
We have to be aggressive and push this Sandy Hook truth as hard as we can because this may well be our last chance to break through the cabal running these evil deceptions.
12th May 2014, 06:25 PM
Here is a good interview conducted by Sofia Smallstorm of retired California public high school official, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Smallstorm interviews School Principal Paul Preston - SpeedofLight
Start listening at 30:10 for last 25 minutes of her interview of this man.
He has similar experience and background as Wolfgang Halbig.
One thing he said that was very interesting to me was that
the media at the time of the event focused on several sub-stories that took the viewer/listener away from what was actually happening at the school at the time of the event. For example, the story about Lanza having a brother who happened to have the alleged shooter's ID on his person.
Mr. Preston stated that the more distraction stories like this you can weave in to the media narrative, the story of what actually happened at the school becomes much easier to "sell."
He also said
if the event itself is fictionalized,
then Adama Lanza was a fictionalized character.
They wanted a photo of Adam Lanza where he looks kind of "spaced out" (my words) on some kind of drugs. That is what would fit the fictional event they were peddling.
Mr. Preston was a good informant, easy to listen to.
15th May 2014, 01:42 PM
Latest from Fetzer:
The comments are worth going through:
Victor Sockupopulous ( May 14, 2014 - 1:31 pm (
I just did a search of all major CT newspapers that are archived. The final article with any mention of Sandy Hook Elementary is listed with a date of 2007. I have a copy of this article. There are NO other newspaper articles written in any of the States Newspapers such as the Hartford Courant or New Haven Register or even the Danbury News Times….until Dec of 2012……So… There are ZERO newspaper articles about a school for over 5 years ???? Please prove me wrong on this and show me a legitimately archived newspaper article featuring Sandy Hook Elementary from 2008 – Nov of 2012….. ANYONE??? Please go to the Danbury CT Library site and click on RESEARCH then go to the button “Newspapers” and search for yourselves……… I did and found ZIP.
Log in to Reply (
Jim Fetzer May 14, 2014 - 1:50 pm (
Good work, Victor! Thanks very much for doing that. You have confirmed my previous study, “Sandy Hook Elementary School closed in 2008, a stage in 2012″, which an obvious op is here attempting to dispute. In the case of JFK, by the way, in a desperate attempt to show that a famous photograph had been published “too early to have been altered”, the agency went to the trouble to fake special editions of newspapers for 22 November 1963. I have presented the evidence and explained this in “JFK
15th May 2014, 08:08 PM
FBI releases heavily-censored documents on Sandy Hook massacre (
15th May 2014, 11:39 PM
FBI releases heavily-censored documents on Sandy Hook massacre (
Japanese techno music, that's horrible.
16th May 2014, 09:28 PM
Here is a good interview conducted by Sofia Smallstorm of retired California public high school official, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Smallstorm interviews School Principal Paul Preston - SpeedofLight
Start listening at 30:10 for last 25 minutes of her interview of this man.
He has similar experience and background as Wolfgang Halbig.
Fetzer posted this mp3 which includes 30 mins of that Smallstorm/Preston interview, and a new interview AFAIK of Fetzer and one of the videographers who accompanied their S.H. trip. Metcalf talks about the uniform demeanor of the Newtown cops and people, telling many new & interesting details.
2 hrs minus the usual Beatles breaks. Smallstorm segment is from top of 2nd hour through the bottom of 2nd hour:
Monday, May 12, 2014
Michael Metcalfe / Paul Preston ( )
^mp3 link
Sandy Hook. (Preston interview courtesy Sofia Smallstorm.)
Posted by Total at 10:43 PM No comments: (
16th May 2014, 10:11 PM
For those interested, here are a few quick links:
Also, Noah Pozner's death certificate has supposedly been released: (looks like this is his father's page). If you scroll down, there are other documents posted there as well, plus some posts on Wolfgang Halbig going to Newtown. I also thought it was kind of interesting to see Wade (from the "debate") posting on Lenny Pozner's site.
And be sure to check out this article which has important info about Noah's mother being other than what we were told (not a nurse, but instead a legal counselor for the Swiss Embassy in Washington DC!), as well as some strange info about the father, who apparently posted two photos of Noah taken a month apart, but with his hair dramatically longer in the later photo. When confronted about this on Facebook, Noah's father claimed his son was wearing a wig!?!?
And here's the latest from Fetzer I haven't gone through the whole thing yet, but it looks like he's claiming that he and Victoria were incorrect in this one
Also, just found this posted in the chat at grizzom:
ChristopherMarlowe: More Proof of a Sandy Hoax: 2 of the first graders that were shot in December 2012, (Charlotte Bacon and Ben Wheeler) were in the 3rd or 4thGrade in 2011!
19th May 2014, 09:42 AM
Here is an excellent series of videos on YT of Sandy Hook Hoax.
Even if Dr. Fetzer's attempts to prove a crisis actor, Robbie Parker, fail, Sandy Hook is still a giant hoax. It is not simply a rather innocuous sounding "hoax", it is a heinous crime of the United States government against the people of the USA. Even if nobody died, this is a crime that is deserving of life in prison for all people who participated in the "hoax."
Connecting Some Big Dots in the Sandy Hook event
Posted By: glasc
Date: Sunday, 18-May-2014 22:38:42
Namesnot Mary, a researcher that publishes on youtube, has done IMHO some excellent investigation and connected some BIG DOTS in who-what-where-when-how it happened at the Sandy Hook shooting. I am listing the videos from the most recent to about two months ago. If you are really interested in how these all connect and want that background, I suggest you start at the bottom and watch from that point to the most recent, so that you can see the connections more clearly. The last one listed is not the first video she did and if you have time, they all are interesting and here is her channel link:
1. How The Hoax Happened!
Published on May 17, 2014
2. Who Warned Malloy?
Published on May 13, 2014
3. Fairfield Hills Part 2
Published on May 9, 2014
4. Sandy Hook: This is Nuts!
Published on May 6, 2014
5. Sandy Hook Controlled Crime Scene MOST CLEAR AND HELPFUL VIDEO
Published on Apr 28, 2014
6. Sandy Hook: Department of Labour
Published on Apr 24, 2014
7. Sandy Hook: Ryan Seacrest
Published on Apr 22, 2014 wwwwww
8. Sandy Hook You're An Idiot If You Don't Think This Is important!
Published on Apr 18, 2014
9. Who Lives Where: Washington Ave
10. This Shows Motive! (Please Read Description)
Published on Apr 12, 2014
11. Yogananda: Behind The Scenes
Published on Apr 11, 2014
12. Check This Out! Sandy Hook
Published on Apr 9, 2014
13. Crestwood Drive Wealthy Owners On Skid Row Block
Published on Apr 7, 2014
14. Trentacosta and Crestwood
Published on Apr 5, 2014
15. Board of Finance Member/GE Employee/Boston Bombing/$0 Homes
Published on Mar 24, 2014
16. Sandy Hook Board Of Finance/Attempted Murder
Published on Mar 22, 2014
20th May 2014, 03:42 PM
"ChristopherMarlowe: More Proof of a Sandy Hoax: 2 of the first graders that were shot in December 2012, (Charlotte Bacon and Ben Wheeler) were in the 3rd or 4thGrade in 2011! "
Searched around a bit at that link and could not find info that was stated. This is important information and needs complete documentation, here if possible.
Dachsie says -- Christopher Marlowe, from my limited experience , almost always posts some very insightful comments. I have observed him for about the last two years on a wide variety of websites.
However, even though he believes Sandy Hook is a hoax, he strongly negatively criticizes Wolfgang Halbig...
from comments section...
Newtown Board of Education Meeting: May 6, 2014.
Christopher Marlowe made two comments on this page.
Here is the first excellent comment...
Christopher Marlowe said...
I cannot figure out why Deanna refuses to see that Sandy Hoax is FAKE.
Here are the things that seem to accompany these hoaxes:
1. There is a drill at the same time and in the same place. What are the odds of this ALWAYS happening?
2. Usual protocols are not followed.
e.g. death certificates are not issued. (This is ALWAYS done. It is a bureaucratic procedure by a clerk.); bodies of children left in school all day and night; No emergency measures - life flight, triage; Exits for emergency vehicles not created- blocked in by 100s of cars: crime scene 101; All information is protected by FBI.
3. Strange coincidental crap that always points towards high level control of a false flag event intended to stir up support for gun control; e.g. Noah Pozner's "mom" Haller/Pozner representing Switzerland in a gun-control conference; President announcing Sandy Hoax violence (with magic invisible tears); Eric Holder meeting with Conn Gov Malloy two weeks before to discuss gun violence...
3. Crazy stuff that always just seems to happen during a false flag: photoshopping everywhere; dead kids singing at superbowl; facebook pages and tweets BEFORE the event; dry-eyed parents smiling and laughing right after their babies were brutally murdered.
There is so much evidence that it could choke a horse. Nevermind that horses don't eat evidence, unless it is mixed with oats.
As for Halbig: I do not really trust him. He could be a disinfo character sent in to lead the false opposition. But Halbig is not the issue. The issue is whether or not this is a hoax. I have not heard any credible arguments presented by the other side during any of the debates on this topic.
I am completely at a loss to explain the lack of logical reasoning skills exhibited by MCP and Glenn on this topic.
May 8, 2014 at 6:16 PM
end of first Marlowe comment
Dachsie says -- Here are some excerpts from Christopher Marlowe's second comment on that page. He is very negatively critical of Wolfgang Halbig referring to "lame-ass collection of poorly phrased BS questions." I guess I should try to explain to Marlowe why I think WH's questions are sincere and unique based on his experience, but I do not want to post on Grizzom. Maybe I will be proven wrong, but so far hWH's track record causes me to trust him. His donations are healthily rolling in so there are many others who see in Wolfgang, as I also see, a person refreshingly different, a person apart from most other questioners of Sandy Hook, a person who is walking the walk, not only talking the talk.
[Here Marlowe appears to be responding to a George Jones posting and also commenting on something I think Spingola posted somewhere that shows WH's 16 questions and the answers Spingola provides to each question. --I should try to find the Questions / Answers article/posting Marlowe is commenting on but I just don't want to do that so anyone who wants to add it, please do. ]
Christopher Marlowe said...
George Jones said: "Lol, this is getting to be too much. So you're saying there is another layer to this conspiracy theory? So now the Sandy Hoax theory supporters hero is now the bad guy?"
--> 1. Do you believe the official story of 9/11?
2. Do you believe that Alex Jones is fat troll?
3. And yet, Alex Jones doubts the official story of 9/11.
4. "Lol, this is getting to be too much...."
"It was embarrassing to be certain but why is everyone including you ignoring the fact that Deanna and others have already answered his 16 questions numerous times with no comment?"
--> I have a comment: I took a peek at those questions. What a lame-ass collection of poorly phrased BS questions. What a lame-ass BS collection of answers.
Here's the #1 question:
1. Who directed the New Haven FBI field offices to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting on Dec 14, 2012?
Did you look at the answers? Guess what? It's not there. It's also a stupid question. Even if you had the answer, it wouldn't prove a hoax. Barack Obama ordered it classified. So what does that prove. Stupid question. Not answered. BS disinfo list.
Question 2: Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was a Mass casualty shooting incident?
Ready for the BS answer? "the FBI was releasing 109 pages of 173 pages of their report pursuant to FOIPA Title 5, US Code 552/552a....In other words, the FBI report is in fact, not entirely classified, and has already been released and may be freely downloaded and reviewed. Yes, it is heavily redacted; however, that is the FBI, not CSP.
64 pages are classified. How much does the FBI do in 64 pages? I would think... very little."
--> What complete crap! This is what is passing for an answer? We still don't know what the report is classified, and the clown pretending to answer thinks that releasing 2/3 of a heavily redacted report cannot be hiding anything.
Are we really that retarded? I didn't think I was that retarded! I feel myself growing more retarded reading this set of questions and answers.
Question 3 is asking who was in charge, and that answer was given. And I have to ask: How does this prove/disprove that sandy hoax is a clown show? What was the answer supposed to be? Osama bin Laden was the Watch commander on the morning of the Sandy Hoax drill!
I don't understand why Halbig chose to ask those questions. There are 16 questions, which makes it sound like those were well selected, and focused towards proving some point. I think I could devise a better list.
May 9, 2014 at 3:42 AM
end of Marlowe's second comment
29th May 2014, 09:22 PM's "Dr. K" posted this anti-Halbig article
Offhand, thin on evidence & strong on accusations. Of course great hay is made of the Delphi Deanna interview where WH states plainly he believes in the holohoax & sees izzy as a great "ally" (which of course izzy is NOT, as no US/Izzy defense treaties exist, coz izzy won't define their borders...). I give WH the benefit of the doubt as being deceived (re zio big lies & propaganda), but not himself a deceiver.
Anyways, after the S.Hook visit by WH/Fetzer/etc; WH has sort of gone quiet. I checked for the latest, and nothing interesting appears to be happening.
A new one from Sofia at Tracy's blog:
May 29, 2014 (
My Sandy Hook Adventure: A Photo Essay ( 14 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: police state (, Public Opinion (, Sandy Hook Elementary (
By Sofia Smallstorm
Updated May 29, 2014 @ 5:45PM w/ two more pics.
On a brief trip to the East Coast in May 2014, I was able to get to Newtown for a few hours. (Imagine that!) Where would anyone go first, now that the school is gone, but the famous Sandy Hook Firehouse? It was a very sunny day and, walking down the road with my little camera in hand, I was surprised to see a “Slow School Zone” sign still posted on Riverside Drive.
(Image Credit: Connecticut Post)
More… (
29th May 2014, 09:43 PM
I'm tending to think that the whole execise was a mild delphi styled move to water down the results. I don't think I'd be as scathing but the questions that I heard were fairly wishy washy and didn't really address anything relevant to the events themselves. The result was the opportunity was used up and nearly all of the possibly useful information was left on the table.
29th May 2014, 10:10 PM
^ yeah I hear you; I've said elsewhere here that I held little optimism for WH's making any breakthroughs, principally coz the "justice system" which he seemed to imagine to be non-corrupt... is corrupt to the core (court room = de facto joodeo-masonic lodge, according to E.Mullins). I could be wrong, but again I imagine WH to be "benignly naive" about how rotten the system is.
Off hand it seems WH's pursuit of United Way's unlawful non-transparency may be the strongest court case. He'd have to team up for a class-action with others (non SH players of course) who gave to UW's SHoax fund.
2nd June 2014, 05:50 PM
Don't know if this has been posted:
4th June 2014, 08:12 AM
Dr. Tracy interviews Sofia in this 1h 23m podcast. about 1/2 is transhumanist agenda, and about 1/2 SHoax & Sofia's recent SH visit.
May 31, 2014 (
Checkin’ It Out 3: Sofia Smallstorm ( 11 ( Interviews (, podcast ( • Tags: conspiracy (, environmentalism (, geoengineering (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, social engineering (, wireless technology ( (
Sofia Smallstorm discusses her research on the Sandy Hook School massacre, her recent visit to Newtown, and the psychic and biological foundations of the imminent post-human world.
Sofia began researching complex subject matter as a result of 9/11. She has since interrogated atmospheric-related projects, and from this has drawn a compelling hypothesis suggesting the presence of a synthetic biology agenda pervading the everyday terrains we inhabit. Her “From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life” lectures (Part 1 ( Part 2 ( examine this theory from synthetic biology to radiation biology–the territory of our current addiction to wireless technology.
Download MP3 (
In early 2013 Sofia became immersed in investigating the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Her 2013 talk “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4 and 5 Dimensions (” provides a different take on the possible use of staged events to shape public policy and broader forms of socio-biological control.
Video adaptation of Sofia’s “My Sandy Hook Adventure,” by Peter Klein (
Her websites are ( and ( Sofia also hosts her own interview program at Pure Momentum ( Network.
13th June 2014, 08:13 AM
posted to YT june 11, 5.5 mins, but only need to watch the first 2:15 coz the rest is just WH school board replay:
can check the latest at
13th June 2014, 08:34 AM
Oh man, what farcical nonsense.
The expression on bullet belly blue meany at 2:15.
13th June 2014, 09:19 AM
In this video I did NOT see the "battery" that WH and Dr. Fetzer said took place. They said there was "assault and battery" by the police officer in front of that United Way agency in Danbury. They said "assault" legally means that it does not include physical touching, but that "battery" does mean physically touching. They said WH was hit or poked in the chest several times by the police officer, but I did NOT see that on this video. WH has said he had the video of them hitting him in the chest and that he would make that video publicly available. All I know this video here does not show battery, and probably does not even show whatever the legal definition of "assault" is.
Listen up folks. DO NOT EVER GIVE A PENNY TO UNITED WAY EVER AGAIN. Some nonprofits are affiliated with United Way and they will often show the UW logo on their donation appeals. Do not donate to those either.
There are probably over a 50 phony donation funds set up connected with Sandy Hook and an equal number associated with Boston smoke bomb hoax. To my mind, this gross fraud puts the kabosh on ALL 501c3s from now on.
And now there is a fraudulent effort to take some of WH's donations because a fake SandyHookJustice site has apparently been set up. Be careful. You can contact him and he will give you his home snail mail mailing address and that might be the safest way to donate.
I want to donate to good causes but I stopped about 6 months ago because they often force you to use PayPal and paypal is owned by billionariroligarch Omidyar or whatever who controls Greenwald and Snowden. We are supposed to trust this operation? NOT!
I was trying to find out what big appointment or event WH was going to be attending on June 10. Here apparently is what is was...
Sandy Hook Justice
June 9 · Edited
Flying up to Hartford Ct today to meet with two CT State Troopers who had enough of this Fraud and are willing to looses their jobs over this.
They will be paying a high price.
They love their country more then this huge scam.
I just transcribed the Paul Preston, school safety expert, Sofia Smallstorm interview about Sandy Hook for Dr. Fetzer and he is planning to write and post a new article soon on VeteransToday about that.
This interview sheds much more light on the rules used to construct these false school shooting events. It is good to know their formula, but I want some people in prison for life, always to include the top people but all the little people too like those hideous cops. That "female ?" cop was strictly nightmare on elm street!
13th June 2014, 09:35 AM
thanks Dachsie, nice work!
the battery incident was outside the SH fire dept, not the video clip I posted 3 replies up, which shows the U.Way experience. ;)
I've been at WH's facebook catching up, and see the fake donation account stunt discussed.
Also see evidence that the anonymous-wade character who teamed up with Delphi Deanna & KJ for several shill-A-thon shows, has been there trolling the comments with ad-homs. I see the replies from indignant WH supporters, but apparently wade's comments are deleted?
And get this, near the beginning of one of Delphi's recent shows, she tells the guest that she's working on an S.Hoax book... oh yeah! Another CIA ghost-written book, ala Piper's "False Flags...", to be attributed to Delphi! :D
13th June 2014, 09:42 AM
Thanks for correction. It was at the firehouse that the battery happened. I guess they are holding that video close to the vest pending their legal strategy on that.
13th June 2014, 09:58 AM
^ yes maybe so.
btw here's the Delphi show where near the beginning she discloses to guest J.Perloff, CIA's her planned s.hoax book,
The Spingola Zone at AFP 6/2/2014 (
If U missed Fetzer's hour on Rense a few nights ago, here tis, variety of subjects discussed incl SH,
Listen ( Download ( Hour 2 - James Fetzer ( - Will 6-22 Be A Day That Will Live In Infamy? (
13th June 2014, 12:08 PM
Here is a good video exposing one person who acts at Sandy Hook, Boston and other events. They have exposed her pretty definitely but we may not still have her real name.
Crisis actress BUSTED Adriana Victoria Muñoz fully EXPOSED!
13th June 2014, 04:04 PM
Speaking of books that the CIA is behind in some way, you may want to read something I just posted on Amazon about another what I think is a CIA book. Regicide by Gregory Douglas. I do not know if Mr. Douglas is still living.
13th June 2014, 10:13 PM
Here is a good video exposing one person who acts at Sandy Hook, Boston and other events. They have exposed her pretty definitely but we may not still have her real name.
Crisis actress BUSTED Adriana Victoria Muñoz fully EXPOSED!
Assuming that narration voiceover is computer simulated, they seem to be getting really good at that now, with intonation rising/falling, comma pauses, etc being quite realistic. I've heard so much worse in the past!
Did U find that vid at btw? DBS' podcasts have dried up for a few months now, but I still check in when I think of it, mostly for his right side news column which often has nuggets I haven't seen elsewhere. For example, the WH S.Hoax vid I posted in reply 1387. That vid isn't even at WH's FB page! Iamthewitness is also the place I first saw your vid busting that actress.
Good job on your amazon review-- esp your part foreshadowing CIA/Delphi's pending s.hoax book! :)
14th June 2014, 04:29 AM
Yes, I picked up the video at Iamthewitness. I check in there now and then too. I will have to look for that video on WH on SH. I appreciate the fact that he has several articles and links saying we should not be so praising of Putin. Yes, I noticed the voiceover but I am not sure of the significance of that. Guess the maker of that video wanted to strongly guard their own identity.
I am very disapppointed that no alternative media people I posted to regarding Dr. Fetzer's comment that Nathan Folks claimed he had hired Jeff Bauman to work as an amputee actor in one of the films he had made ever picked up on that and tried to contact Folks, by Twitter or whatever, to try to get solid verification of that. I posted a partial transcript of Dr. Fetzer's words about that what I consider to be bombshell information here and on Dr. Fetzer's radio blog site and at FOTM. So far everyone seems to be just be ignoring that.
It offered, just like this video here, a chance to positively identify an actor in Boston Bombing. To me that provides more solid grounds for criminal law suits than anything WH is pursuing so far. It also blows the whole BMB operation to be false and in that one, the government murdered at least one person.
IF, I repeat IF, CIA or some government intelligence entity, is behind Spingola's proposed new book on SH, that would seem to blow the lid off the whole group of people who came out, who jumped the shark, on Sandy Hook. I think Spingola maybe will actually do the writing or at least I have no solid proof that she does not write her own stuff so far, just as Gregory Douglas wrote his own several books. But the clues about certain backers of her work have to come from other kinds of clues. She has already provided some of those incongruous remarks about the official reports on SH providing all the answers we need.
If somehow we are able to highlight the signs of CIA backing of her work, unfortunately that destroys the credibility, to many many people as Jason Erb points out, of ALL of her work showing the "Zionist" connections to everything. IT also I think would further blow the lid off AFP being a false operation and would destroy all their work exposing Zionism and the Jews. Maybe, sadly, that is the purpose of this weird jumping of the shark play, because it sure doesn't make a lick of sense otherwise.
That is the same kind of way Gregory Douglas's book destroyed the correct narrative of the JFK assassination. When the documents Douglas's book are shown to be fake, all of Douglas's work is discredited and thrown out, and that includes throwing out the basically correct story of JFK assassination. So we are identifying here a common tactic or strategy of disinfo operatives. Many of them seem so smart and telling us so much truth but the end game is getting ALL their stuff thrown out.
I have read some of the Bollyn articles you linked and some other recent and many long past articles of his. He seems to me to really have exposed the Mark Lane operative being very tight with Willis Carto and the whole AFP operation. That if trrue blows the whole AFP operation too.
(I still have a huge problem with Bollyn though on his constant praising of Dr. Steven Jones and the nanothermite total subversive nonsesnse. I cannot see how such a good investigative reporter can fall for the obvious government operative that Steven Jones is, and that includes the whole Richard Gage and Architects and Engineers operation. It also includes Stephen Lendman and all and Paul Craig Roberts and Kevin Barrett and Ugly Truth gang and all of the GCNlive shows and hosts. They all are among what I call the "explosive nanothermite gang." It is an obvious planned deception and diversion and I tend to discount all the other good things those people write and broadcast because of their massive "blindness" on that subject.
My own theory, which has been clear to me for several years, is that Steven Jones and all that goes with him or came out of him, is a clear Zionist and I guess "Mossad: operative. He is a Mormon and that religion is based on Freemasonry and FM is founded on Jewish Revolutionary Spirit / Illuminist evil and never ever pointing to the JR spirit people has always been a main tenet of all of that religio-philosophy, so none of it is about truth of any kind on any subject.
I am going to listen to Jason Erb's show today. I hope he will talk about some other main alternative media people and entities. The AFP thing really needs to be discussed and debated for sure.
14th June 2014, 06:43 AM
^ FOTM? :|~
I hadn't seen any of your Folks/Bauman postings, can you link? Also didn't hear Fetzer making the comment you ref. I may have heard the podcast, but so often I'm "listening with one ear" and miss bits.
As to AFP, JFriend need to be cautious about biting the hand that feeds, as I commented ( 30798) at his blog. If the AFP legitimacy vs spook op question is to be discussed openly, it'll surely need to be at a neutral venue!
The wtc nano-thermite etc thing is getting far afield wrt this thread, but my short take on the question is, quoting Jim Stone's recent answer to one of his emails,
The main problem with any story regarding the WTC is that it was an act of war, and those who did it are not going to tell the truth about what happened, all the while they try to spin confusion in the alternative press and everywhere else regarding what went on. So when dealing with what you know is a lie that was well cleaned up after, all you can really do is guess and the key thing to remember is that it was not Arabs that put those demolition charges in, or explosives in the basement, or made the core support columns miraculously turn to dust when they remained standing. Arabs did not do that, WHO DID?
I tend to think the whole baiting of the 911 TM into debating/infighting over the HOW question, then splintering into loyalist & adversarial "HOW camps" as your words illustrate, is an obvious planned deception and diversion. I vote, take the same energy you're tempted to expend infighting with the synthetically-fabricated opposing HOW camp, and instead flyer the cars in your neighborhood with homemade/printed flyers pointing them to the best, most uncontroversial 911T sites. (
With a pair of scissors, you can make 4-5 flyers per 8.5x11" sheet. On the other side of the flyer, myself I'd do chemtrail links like (, but up to you! And you'll have a nice walk, little exercise, in the process! :D
14th June 2014, 07:19 AM
Latest @ Dr. Tracy's:
June 14, 2014 (
Probing Newtown’s Media Industry Elites ( 4 ( Guest Posts (, Videos ( • Tags: gun control (, news media (, propaganda (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( 2GMe0M_pNX-ZEVajVrOrA
By Namesnot Mary
In this fascinating short video, independent researcher Namesnot Mary examines a well-known Newtown family’s history, its potential ties to the Freemasonry, the entertainment industry and private aviation.
More… (
more text linked above, but here's the video,
14th June 2014, 07:27 AM
FOTM is FellowshipOftheMinds blog of Dr. Eowyn where MIA Amanda posted much and put me on to.
he key thing to remember is that it was not Arabs that put those demolition charges in, or explosives in the basement, or made the core support columns miraculously turn to dust when they remained standing.
This Jim Stone statement just proves up my point. There is a strong deceiving strand in 9-11 truth seeking among many many of the top names that pushes the traditional kind of "controlled demolition" and that apparently includes even Jim Stone.
Dr. Fetzer has explained many times that analyzing the HOW, what did not happen and what physically could not possibly happen, goes a very long way in telling us WHO could have done it.
Dr. Steven Jones and the nanothermite meme is THE major diverter/deceiver in the 9-11 truth "movement" and he and his gang took over about 99 percent of the "movement" in early 2005. For that reason, my theory showing how he is connected to top Zionist / neocon / Mossad interests operating at the top levels of the US government is most relevant in a thread that is about seeking truth regarding a recent big false flag event - Sandy Hook.
It all gets down to truth.
We are learning more and more that many many people who seemed to give us so so much documented truth on these subjects seem to want to avoid certain areas of inquiry or deliberately do some kind of very odd "jump the shark" thing that makes all their good work become discounted as non-truth.
There should be no verboten areas when seeking truth about these events. We have to gather up every bit of truth we can from wherever we can find it. It is a rare commodity.
May 29, 2014
Jeff Bauman was cast in a previous film that Nathan Folks had made so Mr. Folks knew that the Jeff Bauman he saw in the BMB videos was fake because he knew Mr. Bauman was an actor whom he had previously employed. %20Holocaust%20.mp3
partial transcript
begins at 01:56:50 on the audio track
It’s like the Boston Bombing. We have a Hollywood producer-director named Nathan Folks who has studied the scenes in the Boston Bombing and concluded that they’re what is known as hyper-realistic filming, when you try to make a scene look like it would look if you had soldiers going into combat, what they could be expected to confront, he noticed the man with his legs blown off, presumably Jeff Bauman, doesn’t have blood spurting, he’s not writhing in agony, in fact, and this is quite remarkable, and even Folks observed that he [Folks] actually knew he was an actor because he [Folks] had cast him in a previous film that Folks himself had made…”
Here is another link about Folks and is audio and audio transcript but no claim about his hiring Bauman for one of his movies.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Voice of Russia
Hollywood producer claims Boston bombing was a "false flag attack"
14th June 2014, 08:36 PM
^ Thx for the links Dachsie. Sidestepping the wtc stuff so not to derail the thread.
startpage search on Nathan Folks turns up lots, but I have not checked them out.
Nathan Folks - IMDb (
Nathan Folks - Biography - IMDb (
Debunked: Movie producer Nathan Folks claims bombing a false flag ... (
I'll just say, if "Bauman" was in a movie prior to the BMB Hoax, then we need to see clips of his performance! :o
Separately, Tracy posts this as a comment under his latest blog entry:
James ( says: June 14, 2014 at 3:06 pm (
“Sandy Hook HAD A TUNNEL!”
15th June 2014, 04:01 AM
I read the debunking piece about Folks and it was not convincing to me. We have the testimony of Dr. Montheith, retired orthopaedic surgeon, who tells us the Bauman story as presented is just not possible and his statement that he is an actor. As for the other 15 amputees, I don't even think Dr. Stan knows about those. Don't know what the plotters were thinking but they had to know that the Bauman story alone was going to be very hard to sell. Then they throw in 15 more equally hard to sell cases. Everything I have researched so far about various aspects of the amputee cases, and I have sort of stopped now, turns up something that is not clear and does not make sense.
I guess the statement by Dr. Fetzer is just going to fall into the dust bin. Neither he nor anyone else thinks it's worthy of following up on. To me it is bombshell if true.
I think getting a positive ID on just one of the actors and the former life history would be the key to blowing the lid off the event. I would go to the best attorney I could find and ask the proper way to establish this crisis actor identity info so that it would hold up without problems in court. Then if Folks agreed to an interrogatory or deposition with lawyers and tape and film equipment, it could be done in one visit and would be done thoroughly and correctly. That would provide the solid basis for actually going to court.
All of our other observations, no matter how true looking, just are not the kinds of info that will take us anywhere. There may be other evidence that could be strongly established and would be legally productive, but to me establishing a positive ID on an actor, and in the case of the amputees to include the particulars (medical records, etc) about their original injury or disease that caused the amputation, is THE MAIN area that offers the best chance for court action. Again, good attorneys would be able to give us good advice about that, but I realize good attorneys or honest attorneys is somewhat of an oxymoron these days. No attorney I know would touch any of these false flag cases with a ten foot pole.
Hatha Sunahara
15th June 2014, 10:48 AM
I just read an interesting article by Jim Fetzer about how sme government officials admitted that Sandy Hook was a drill and no children died:
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
Jim Fetzer, Sofia Smallstorm, and Paul Preston
Veterans Today (
June 14th, 2014
Reader Views: 10,745
- See more at:
Here's an excerpt:
“I have a lot of sources in regards to as to what’s going on with the president and the administration and so on, and every one of my sources said it was a false flag”--Paul Preston
Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary, “Unraveling Sandy Hook” (, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired.
Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this”? Did he mean he had been told a school shooting massacre would take place? or a drill that would be presented as a real event?
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
Given his background of 41 years in the California public school system (from custodian to district superintendent) and having served as a teacher, coach, vice-principal and principal before retiring in 2012 as the superintendent of two charter schools, I thought what he had to say about Sandy Hook deserved widespread dissemination.
- See more at:
20th June 2014, 12:48 AM
Following up on my comment # 1401 above regarding Nathan Folks, more has transpired.
This story is really about the Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB) but since a debunking piece on Folks was linked by PatColo, we now are discussing Nathan Folks and his alleged claim that he, when viewing videos of the BMB, recognized one of the crisis actors as someone he had hired for one of his movies. That was the first mention Dr. Fetzer made of this story. He made the mention on his show in May as a guest of John Friend's The Realist Report show.
Dr. Fetzer at first declared on that show with John Friend that it was Jeff Bauman, alleged bilateral amputee from BMB, that Nathan Folks recognized. But then on a show of about 3 days ago where Dr. Fetzer was the guest of Rock Cash, Dr. Fetzer makes a contrary claim about this incident and claims that he thought Folks was referring not to amputee Jeff Bauman, but to Carlos Alejandro, a person wearing a cowboy hat and appearing in many of the scenes to be in a fake way assisting the injured people from the explosions.
All I know is that this story, when I first heard Dr. Fetzer tell it impressed me of being of monumental importance and was something that could in a very strong way be the kind of evidence that would support a criminal legal case against the planners and plotters of the Boston Marathon Bombing. I have never been able to find any audio recording or any text article anywhere on the web where this claim by Nathan Folks is spoken or written about. Only Dr. Fetzer tells about it and he has never said where he heard this story. It seems very odd to me considering how obviously important this story is that it has only been dealt with in a sketchy, contradictory, and incomplete way and only dealt with at all by Dr. Fetzer on two occasions that I know of.
I posted my facts in a post on Dr. Fetzer's blog and have reproduced it here with the screen name I use on this forum. I was disappointed that so far only one person has commented and Ian Greenhalgh says that he understood Dr. Fetzer's first mention of this story on Friend's show to be referring to Carlos Alejandro. Carlos Alejandro was not mentioned in the context of the story on that show and was not mentioned at all on that show. It was in the entire show context speaking about Jeff Bauman and only Jeff Bauman. I was disappointed because Ian has always impressed me as an honest and reliable informant and his comment seems totally out of character for him.
I do not know if this story and the apparent stark change in the story by Dr. Fetzer is going to continue to be glossed over as being of little or no importance. I hope those of us who think this is an important story are provided with some facts and clarity about this.
Note my post below on Dr. Fetzer's blog posted here below.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Jim Fetzer / Peter Janney
False flags (w/ Rock Cash) / Mary Pinchot Meyer (w/ Gary King)
Posted by Total at 11:05 PM
DACHSIE June 19, 2014 at 5:26 PM
I have heard on two occasions Dr. Fetzer refer to Nathan Folks saying that he had cast one of the crisis actors he viewed on videos of the Boston Marathon bombing.
The first mention was on Dr. Fetzer’s May 23 show and Dr. Fetzer seems to say clearly that it was Jeff Bauman that Nathan Folks recognized as having been hired by him for one of his films.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Jim Fetzer
JFK assassination / Jewish Holocaust (w/ John Friend)
01:56:50 on audio track, [Edit by Dachsie - must recheck time on audio track as 01:56:50 may be incorrect]
“…he [Folks] noticed the man with his legs blown off, presumably Jeff Bauman, doesn’t have blood spurting, he’s not writhing in agony, in fact, and this is quite remarkable, and even Folks observed that he [Folks] actually knew he [Jeff Bauman] was an actor because he [Folks] had cast him in a previous film that Folks himself had made…”
The second mention by Dr. Fetzer of this was on this recording of the recent show he did as a guest of Rock Cash on his
“The People Speak” radio show:
However on this second mention of this, Dr. Fetzer states that he believes it was Carlos Alejandro, not Jeff Bauman, that Nathan Folks was referring to.
About 08:15 on the audio track
James Fetzer:
“…and who has observed that one of the main players there was an actor he had previously cast in on of his own films.”
James Fetzer”
“… We have earlier photographs, by the way, film actually, of him [fellow wearing a cowboy hat – Carlos Alejandro] standing by in the background waiting until he is supposed to begin to perform his role in accordance with a script.
“And I believe it’s this person [Carlos Alejandro] that Nathan Folks is referring to when he talked about having cast him in a fil of his own, the one with which you are familiar.”
Ian GreenhalghJune 19, 2014 at 8:28 PM
I took it as being Alejandro that Jim was referring to on both occasions, at least that was how it came across to me.
2nd July 2014, 07:21 PM
Some recent entries @ Dr. Tracy's blog:
June 17, 2014 (
Obama DOJ in $7.1 Million Sandy Hook Payout ( 59 ( Home ( • Tags: police state (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime ( xHelUT5BTwsPLSCMaFt
By James F. Tracy
The Obama Administration is giving Newtown another $7.1 million in federal funds for those allegedly impacted by the December 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The grant comes from the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, and will pay for long-term mental health counseling for families, law enforcement and first responders. Officials say some of the money will be set aside for school safety measures.
More… (
June 22, 2014 (
Three Top Officials in Sandy Hook Inquiry Now Out of Picture ( 39 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: gun control (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime (
By Anne B.
Edited by James Tracy
Three high ranking officials involved with negotiating the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre event have either resigned from their posts or died – Reuben Bradford, David B. Stein and, most recently, William Podgorski.
More… (
June 23, 2014 (
An Open Letter to Anderson Cooper ( 99 ( Home ( • Tags: CNN (, journalism (, news media (, police state (, public education (, public opinion (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( dlgDHASohpE7sUUto-RZA
By James F. Tracy
June 15, 2014
Anderson Cooper
10 Columbus Circle
New York, New York 10019
Dear Mr. Cooper,
More… (
June 26, 2014 (
Corporate Media Complicity in State Crime ( 38 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: Central Intelligence Agency (, government conspiracy (, journalism (, news media (, public opinion (, state crime ( NxymVY7-NBSic_E41wU
By Jim Garrison
In a country with advanced technology for news distribution, the removal of a nation’s leader by a coup d’etat will never be attempted unless those sponsoring the murder feel assured that they will have an effective degree of control over the dissemination of the news. Government control must be at a high enough level to guarantee the subsequent distribution of official news releases encouraging the belief that, however tragic the incident, it was essentially meaningless and all is well.
More… (
June 30, 2014 (
Influential Figures Surround Sandy Hook Crime Scenes ( 33 ( Guest Posts (, Videos ( • Tags: CNN (, government conspiracy (, gun control (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime ( (
By Namesnot Mary
Text by James Tracy
New information suggests that important parties with ties to the Connecticut State Appellate Court, Newtown Savings Bank, the United Way of Western Connecticut, and even cable news powerhouse CNN own or are associated with properties in close proximity of the two principal Sandy Hook massacre crime scenes.
More… (
28th July 2014, 11:15 AM
More recent S.Hoax debates are at AFP's blogtalkradio page. There've been 2 already, and one pending. Here's links to the first 2 completed, then to the pending. I've never really followed Jack Blood, interesting that he's been recruited onto the S.Hoax Re-Bunking team. "It's all in the official reports!!!" :D lol
Click show titles to listen, also MP3 download links inside:
Sandy Hook: Fact or Fiction (
Dave Gahary moderates a debate between Count One, an alias, and Jim Fetzer, who tackle the controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School event. The debate will follow this format: The moderator will ask questions to each... more (
Sandy Hook: Fact or Fiction (
Dave Gahary moderates a debate between Keith Johnson and Wolfgang Halbig, who debate and discuss Wolf's upcoming trip to Hartford, Connecticut, where he will lend support to Jonathan Reich and his family and hire an attorney who... more (
Sandy Hook: Fact or Fiction (
Dave Gahary moderates a debate between Jack Blood and Jim Fetzer, who tackle the controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School event. The debate will follow this format: The moderator will ask questions to each participant where they will have no more than five minutes to present their argument and evidence. If less than the allotted time is used, it will be set aside for a less structured discussion towards the end. At the end of the debate, each participant will have no more than five minutes for their closing statement. Personal or unnecessary attacks will be met with the mute button. If there are callers, they will be taken during the final hour. Jack Blood has been a radio talk show host for the last 19 years and has interviewed some of the top experts, researchers, investigative reporters, historians, artists, whistleblowers, and political policy makers the world over, like: Jerry Brown, Oliver North, Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, Ron Paul, Paul Craig Roberts, Ray McGovern, Annie Machon, David Ray Griffin, G. Edward Griffin, Howard Zinn, Jim Marrs, Pat Buchanan, Greg Palast, Jerome Corsi, Daniel Estulin, Daniel Ellsberg, Randy Weaver and Cindy Sheehan. Jack will argue that the Sandy Hook Elementary School event was an actual mass-casualty incident. James H. Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. Jim is a contributor and editor at Veterans Today and hosts a radio show, "The Real Deal", M/W/F
in News (
tomorrow at 7:00 am
apparently KJohnson comes on at the end of Delphi-Deanna's most recent show and discusses the recent debate(s?). Should be nauseating listening, but I'll give it a go soon...
Spingola Speaks 2014.07.27 (
Guest: 7/27: 2-3: Art from Philly (; 3-4: Suzanne Humphries, MD., Roman Bystrianyk (, authors of Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History (; 4-5: Keith Johnson talks about his recent "debate" with Wolfgang Halbig
News Page (
Deanna's site (
Official chat room (
Spingola Speaks .Info (
Download (
Posted by Mami ( at 6:33 PM 2 comments: (
28th July 2014, 11:22 AM
most recent S.Hoax entries @ Prof Tracy's blog:
July 10, 2014 (
Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses ( 126 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: government conspiracy (, news media (, public opinion (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime ( (
By Tony Mead
Close to nineteen months have passed since the event known as the Sandy Hook Massacre transpired. Amazingly, there has still been no conclusive evidence put forth by any of the families affected or the investigators involved to dispel the many ‘conspiracy theories’ that have evolved from the event. In fact, new mysteries seem to expose themselves even more as time passes by.
More… (
July 12, 2014 (
Teacher Fired for Questioning Sandy Hook ( 109 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: gun control (, police state (, Sandy Hook Elementary (
( Prof. Jim Fetzer
[The case of Adam Heller signals a dangerous precedent in the US where federal law enforcement authorities are implicated in subjecting individuals to psychiatric evaluation and financial hardship merely for harboring unconventional thoughts on controversial topics.-JFT]
“Adam Heller, shown in this 2009 yearbook photo, was an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York before school officials, worried he was mentally unstable, fired him in May”–USA TODAY
More… (
July 23, 2014 (
The Strange Case of Jonathan Reich ( 100 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: police state (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( (
By Duke Reichert
Jonathan Reich, a 22-year-old man residing in Avon, New York was arrested in May 2013 for several phone calls he made in January 2013 to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II and other parties involved in the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. As most readers of Memory Hole are aware, Carver was Connecticut’s controversial chief medical examiner who allegedly oversaw the autopsies of the Sandy Hook shooting victims, then guffawed through a brief press conference with reporters from national media outlets and hasn’t been heard from since.
More… (
22nd August 2014, 10:43 AM
The Sandy Hook Shooting, Why The Official Story Doesn't Stack Up,
Sofia Smallstorm & Ole Dammegard
The World, Why Has It Lost Touch With The Principles Of Freedom?
G Edward Griffin (
21 Aug Ole Dammegard Sophia Smallstorm G Edward Griffin Vinny Eastwood Show 2014 - VinnY Eastwood
Sofia Smallstorm presentation on Sandy Hook
Ole Dammegard Website:
G Edward Griffin Websites: ( griffin_vinny_eastwood_show_2014.mp3)
21_aug_ole_dammegard_sophia_smallstorm_g_edward_gr iffin_vinny_eastwood_show_2014.mp3
Download File ( griffin_vinny_eastwood_show_2014.mp3) ( y_eastwood_show_2014.mp3)
seg_1_21_aug_ole_dammegard_sophia_smallstorm_vinny _eastwood_show_2014.mp3
Download File ( y_eastwood_show_2014.mp3) ( _2014.mp3)
seg_2_21_aug_g_edward_griffin_vinny_eastwood_show_ 2014.mp3
Download File ( _2014.mp3)
Music and Copyright Free Youtube Audio Versions ( inny_eastwood_show_2014.mp3)
yt_audio_21_aug_ole_dammegard_sophia_smallstorm_vi nny_eastwood_show_2014.mp3
Download File ( inny_eastwood_show_2014.mp3) ( how_2014.mp3)
yt_audio_21_aug_g_edward_griffin_vinny_eastwood_sh ow_2014.mp3
Download File ( how_2014.mp3)
3rd September 2014, 11:08 AM
Halbig on Fetzer's radio show; 2 hours but only the 1st hour is with Halbig re S.Hoax. Only "new development" discussed is Halbig's realization that S.Hoax was a FEMA Capstone Event... and he cited some private org which "writes the scripts" for FEMA's Capstone jobs. Both credited Smallstorm for being the first to observe this Capstone biz. The rest is rehashing the same old fact/anomaly list.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Wolfgang Halbig / Gary King (
mp3 link ^
Sandy Hook Update / The New JFK Show #24
Posted by Total at 9:53 PM 2 comments: (
3rd September 2014, 11:22 AM
Yes, I listened to that show. Wolfgang just sent out an email to tell us about his choices and plans for lawsuits. Unfortunately the email was lacking working links and the website just has his latest 6 or 7 pdf files that WH says makes up "the script.: I am curious of where WH got the term "script." That Keith Johnson AFP guy made fun of WH for using that word and that it was not a "script" at all. I just wrote WH and asked him to explain that.
WH's GoFundMe donations have slowed down considerably. They always bump up temporarily right after he does a show with Dr. Fetzer or some other popular radio show, but then they drop off again.
Wolfgang needs to keep his supporters better informed as to the actions, legal and otherwise, he is taking in the short term to get Sandy Hook Justice.
I have only been following Sandy Hook via Dr. Fetzer's articles on and I post some pro and con type comments there.
I get very frustrated with some of the articles as they seem to set out all the laws that have been violated by the Sandy Hook plotters but then the article always concludes on just uncovering more "facts" and "evidence" but in no substantive steps to a criminal lawsuit.
That is why I was attracted to Wolfgang's work. Even though his 16 questions are simply local school safety protocol / civil law suit related, at least he was trying to initiate getting people with names into court swearing under penalty of perjury regarding even those relatively minor school safety protocols.
3rd September 2014, 05:45 PM
I still maintain that Halbig's efforts will ultimately prove futile, as far as achieving legal consequences for the Sandy Hoax perps, through our current joodeo-masonized, corrupt to the core "insiders only club" court/legal system.
The best Halbig, and those throwing money his way can hope to achieve, is raising public awareness and skepticism over their gov's conducting of these sloppy, agenda driven false-flag/psyops, thus weakening the "mass-psychological outcomes" which the perps can yield from conducting them.
I've said for years, that same outcome is all "911 Truthers" can hope to achieve with our efforts... but it's an important achievement, as with raised mass consciousness re the evil & deception which impose on the public to (try to...) trick us into complying with's proposed remedy/solutions; enough of the public won't be fooled, and won't cooperate. :)
3rd September 2014, 06:26 PM
raising public awareness and skepticism over their gov's conducting of these sloppy, agenda driven false-flag/psyops
You may well be right about that.
Nevertheless, Halbig offered more than all the never ending information and knowledge fed to alternative news and commentary followers for the sole purpose of "waking us up" and making money for the show. He was taking action. He said he wanted to get those local people under oath and get his attorneys to demand answers to some simple questions that clearly ought to be able to be answered without hesitation. The fact that civil law suits have to be filed to get clear answers to simple questions tells us a lot. Of course, the crooked court system in the crooked state of Ct. may not convict even in a little civil case, but perjured testimony by people with names and positions in the local government will be on the record. I consider that much better than all the talking and talking and talking to wake people up but never anything that looks vaguely like action.
Even though there is no suit filed yet, there are indications that some people are getting very nervous. They are taking defensive positions and doing and saying some really stupid things. Even that helps a lot.
The American people know the jig is up. Congress has a 7 percent approval rating. More and more people speak openly of 9-11 being a false flag event.
So the "wake up" part is well on its way and some, even puny, outcomes from little civil cases is far better than nothing.
3rd September 2014, 06:57 PM
^ yeah true true, which is why I don't seek to bash or discredit Halbig's efforts, un-like my attitude towards Delphi-Deanna Spingola's (and accompanying barnyard of Sandy Hoax re-bunking shills) "efforts" ( While I don't see any hope of Halbig's achieving his advertised goals; his general "noise-making" in their pursuit will wake up many, who will wake up many more etc, and that's a productive outcome.
It was mainly the "Jersey Girls" who were the catalyst in sparking the 911 Whitewash Commission, which produced their laughable 911 report.... fresh fodder to be debunked by the truth movement ( :
These couple articles though, illustrate why I'm so deeply skeptical of "achieving justice, from within the system";
Mobbed-up US “justice” system delivers 9/11 injustice | Veterans ... (
9/11 Widow Faces Sanctions For Objecting To Judges Israeli Ties ( raeli_ties.html)
3rd September 2014, 07:11 PM
I'm so deeply skeptical of "achieving justice, from within the system";
I have written many times that we no longer have the rule of law in the USA and that goes from the U S Supreme Court down to the local JP's court.
I do think that exposing them by name and face and truth offers the best chance to start all over again with a new system. I do not like revolutionl, and I know who loves to start revolutions. Think Saul Alinsky et al., Rules for Radicals, Obummer's mentor.
When all is said and done and we maybe all end up down and out and we look back over our lives, I think we will die in peace knowing we did our best to seek truth. I have been kind of a weak sister in my efforts but I am sincere and honest, just not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
The money that has been thrown at Halbig is peanuts, thousands of $5 and $10 donations totally around $25,000. Some attorneys will get that and probably lose the case pr quit the case first when the money quickly runs out. Still the money trail of Wolfgang's Halbig's efforts looks very clean to me.
4th September 2014, 02:31 PM
Stackpot (
Published on Sep 2, 2014
Your mental health will be questioned if you question the events of 12/14/12. Discuss it in public and you may even be considered a domestic terror candidate. While actors collect their checks for their horrendous lies, honest citizens go on the defensive for asking questions and seeking the truth about serious issues concerning us all.
Even worse than the fear of government reprisal, is having to deal with your fellow citizens who are either too brainwashed or too ignorant to listen to the message. Adding insult to injury, these unwitting shills fill the air with slanderous words and divisive comments that serve only to inflict pain on the messenger and inhibit others in the community from taking part in the discussion.
These people have nothing to add but hate and stupidity. They could care less about the damage they are doing to the collective as they troll away to the benefit of some very corrupt and evil souls who care not about them or you as they steer this country towards tyranny. Stop the Ops, return the truth.
7th September 2014, 06:54 AM
Wolfgang Halbig update September 7, 2014.
Said he just received a phone message that "there is a Felony Arrest Warrant out on me". Do not know the details. He should go on Dr. Fetzer's radio show and tell the exact details.
10th September 2014, 08:54 AM
Update from Wolfgang Halbig September 10, 2014
[Note from Dachsie: I see where WH says his activism is costing his close family relationships. I noticed that a long time ago with WH and for many years of local activism involvement. Spouses abandon you when you speak out too much or seek truth too much. I guess they feel it jeopardizes their material well being and the well being of the children. We are supposed to be supportive of our spouses unless they are doing serious wrong.]
Here's the update...
"Sandy Hook Justice
$27,200 of 250k
Raised by 564 people in 5 months
Donate Now Share on Facebook
Created March 14, 2014
Wolfgang W Halbig
Everything that I have ever promised you I have followed through withyour donations.
I hired an Attorney Paul Spinella from Hartford, Ct for our CT FOIA request and he is now appealing it to the CT Freedom of Information Commission since the Newtown School Board, The City of Newtown Police Department and the CT State Police refuse to respond to any of our requests.
I have traveled to Danbury, Ct trying to inspect the United Way Western Ct non-profit organization in which 8 ploice ooficers prevented me from entering the facility and was issued a Trespass Warning never to return.
I have traveled to Newtown and Sandy Hook
I have made a presenation in front of the Newtown School Board.
I have traveled three times to Hartford Ct in helping a young 23 year old with his 2nd degree misdeameanor case which has been postponed 10 times which on my last trip was kicked out of the court room by four court bailiff's for asking why 10 times.
I met with two Ct State Troopers in Hartford, Ct and that was the best investment I made yet.
I have the evidence needed to file our first Civil Lawsuit shortly.
I have been slandered, libeld, threatend, trying to Indimidate me, Assualted and Battered at Sandy Hook, I have had Homicide Investigators in my home a week before Christmas, I have had uniformed deputies in my home on behalf of the Newtown Police Department questioning me and had a Police Officer from the Southbury Police Department put me on notice never to call the Chatfiled Porta Pottie company again or they would file harassment charges against me.
They above have destroyed my realtionship with my wife and my sons, my friends are now questioning my mental health and so are many of my other family members and yes I do understand their concerns.
So how do I feel today?
I will make you a promise that I will do whatever it takes to prove this Homeland Security and FEMA Capstone Excercise was this huge fraud that now has created panic and fear throughout our country.
Within 90 to 120 days you will one way or another have the answer which we should have done long ago.
I am 68 years old and spent my life in public service but I am not afraid of going to jail and that is what they do not understand.
There is a way to bring this to closure and you know what that is.
We see it happening on TV all the time.
90 to 120 days we will know the truth.
Thanks for helping me.
11th September 2014, 09:01 AM
Latest update from Wolfgang Halbig 9-11-14
If anyone knows how to download a video to say maybe vimeo or somewhere else, that might be good to do because YouTube will probably erase this video very very soon.
Log on to this video because they failed in scrubbing it from You Tube.
Two CT State Troopers found it and shared it with me in bringing this case to closure.
Get a cup of coffee and enjoy because for the first time we have LIVE VIDEO from a News helicopter with a live time stamp and even the temperature showing a police chase at 12:23:00 pm when the school has been declared safe at 10:36:15 am on Dec 14, 2012.
Watch were the chase starts......
Remember the dispatcher for Newtown Police at 09:42:43 am, on Dec 14, 2012 reporting that a teacher just called to report two shadows running by the gym.
So what are they doing chasing someone in to the woods at 12:23:00 on Dec 14, 2012.
Please help me understand.
20th September 2014, 11:26 AM
Charlotte NC Bill
September 19, 2014 - 6:59 pm
What exactly happened over at American Free Press? At first they had articles featuring Wolfgang and now it’s all “look people it really did happen” and then they throw out the lamest straw man they can..( Disregarding all the best evidence pointing towards a hoax, strangely enough..) Why?
Jim Fetzer
September 20, 2014 - 6:31 am
They lost their way and appear to have become shills for the official account. Something is very wrong
“After two defeats over Sandy Hook, AFP editor declines a third debate” (28 January 2014)
“The Ugly Truth about Michael Collins Piper, Cass Sunstein and Sandy Hook”, 25 January 2014)
There was a July 11, 2014 where Jeff Rense interviewed Jim Fetzer about Sandy Hook, at first had posted this interview on their site but then erased it. I had a hard time finding this recording and I wanted it before Dr. Fetzer posted it on his own site which usually takes about 8 days.
I do not know if Mami's is in with AFP now on their Sandy Hook official story stance or if Mami's just does not like Dr. Fetzer.
8th October 2014, 11:31 AM
Fetzer raved to KBarrett about how great this first podcast went, during their most recent False Flag News show.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Wolfgang Halbig, Joyce Reilly / Preston James (
"The Power Hour" interview on Sandy Hook
NB: 98 minutes
Posted by Total at 11:00 PM 77 comments: (
a few days earlier:
Monday, September 22, 2014
Nick Kollerstrom / Wolfgang Halbig (
Sandy Hook
Posted by Total at 11:32 PM 86 comments: (
and on rense last night,
Listen ( Download ( Hour 2 - James Fetzer ( - New Sandy Hook Developments
8th October 2014, 12:20 PM
Dr. Tracy:
October 8, 2014 (
FEMA/DHS 12/14/12 Plan for “Mass Death of Children at a School By Firearms” ( 5 ( Documents (, Home ( • Tags: Department of Homeland Security (, gun control (, propaganda (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime (
Document Originated on October 8, 2012 (
By James F. Tracy
A newly discovered Federal Emergency Management-Department of Homeland Security document designated “For Official Use Only” reveals plans for a “Site Activation Call-down Drill Exercise Plan,” otherwise known as a “Mass Casualty Drill.” The plan, created on October 8, 2012, explicitly references a scenario where the “Mass Death of Children at a School By Firearms” is followed by a “Suicide or Apprehension of [an] Unknown Shooter.”
The 20-page document further instructs the “Use of Media” to be employed for “For Evaluation” and “for Information Distribution.”
Download drill-site-activation-call-down-exercise-plan ( (PDF)
While the date for the drill is marked “December 14, 2012″ on the document’s cover page, on page 12 under Chapter 2: Exercise Logistics, the event is scheduled one day earlier. “The Preparation for Mass Casualty Drill will be conducted on 12/13/12 beginning at 8:00AM. Exercise play is scheduled until the exercise director/Controller determines that the exercise determines that the exercise objectives have been met. Everyone must sign in with Controller upon arrival.”
The instructions emphasize, “All Spoken and Written Communication will start and end with the statement, “THIS IS A DRILL.”
At a minimum, the attached materials will be disseminated only on a need-t0-know basis, and when unattended will be stored in a locked container or area offering sufficient protection against theft, compromise, inadvertent access, and unauthorized disclosure.
The document’s directs parties to direct queries to FEMA’s “Point of Contact” person, Executive Director Tom Romano.
Is this a plan for what came to be widely-known as the Sandy Hook School Massacre? No location for where the exercise is to take place appears on the document. Yet in July 2014 Wolfgang Halbig announced ( that Connecticut State Troopers intimated to him that the Sandy Hook event was “scripted,” and that some had submitted false affidavits on what had taken place that day.
Also, on December 14, 2012 two similar exercises were apparently transpiring in very close proximity to Newtown. At roughly 9:00AM an “Active shooter drill” exercise commenced in Carmel Connecticut, 45 miles away from Newtown. “By grim coincidence, even as the terrible events were unfolding in Newtown on Friday morning,” the Southeast Brewster-Patch reported,
the Putnam County Emergency Response Team (“ERT”) happened to be assembled for regular training in Carmel, and team members were at that very moment engaged in a mock scenario of an active-shooter in a school. The ERT is comprised of specially trained and heavily armed officers from the Sheriff’s Office and the Carmel and Kent Police Departments. When news broke of the Newtown shooting, the Putnam County ERT commander called Newtown Police and offered to have the ERT respond to the Sandy Hook school, but that response was not needed because Connecticut police had already secured the scene.
Ashley Tarr, “Sheriff: Putnam Officials to Talk School Safety This Afternoon (,” Southeast Brewster-Patch, December 18, 2012.
A second federally sponsored “course (” with the stated goal of “enabl participants to improve their community’s mitigation and emergency operations plan specifically regarding the needs of children,” was slated for December 14, 2012 in nearby Bridgeport, CT.
Some other curious observations:
A HSEEP Training Course ( was held in 2010 at 18 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT, with Tom Romano listed as the Contact Person.
The International Movie Data Base lists ABC News coverage ( of the Sandy Hook event, complete with “cast” including Kaitlin Roig, Paul Vance and Barack Obama, lists a broadcast date of December 12, 2012.
Other relevant entries from the Sandy Hook Massacre Timeline (
December 14, 2012
9:35AM [Estimate]
In the Sandy Hook library three faculty members hear noises and move 15 or so students to a storage closet in the library filled with computer servers. “Hold hands. Be quiet,” one teacher tells the children. One child questions “whether there are pots and pans were clanging. Another thought he heard firecrackers. Another worried an animal was coming to the door,” the Washington Post reports. “They were children in a place built for children, and the teachers didn’t know how to answer them … ‘It’s a drill,’ said a library clerk named Mary Anne Jacobs.” Eli Saslow, “Sandy Hook Massacre: Teachers Sought to Soothe Children in Moments of Terror (,” [I]Washington Post, December 15, 2012.
December 17
A special broadcast of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s syndicated television program is devoted to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Oz asks “Louie,” a Sandy Hook 3rd grader, “what you remember from that day.” “I remember that a lot–a lot of policemen were in the, uhm, school,” Louie responds. “Uhm, well, a lot–I was like [pause] hiding under–when we were having a drill we were hiding under, like … ” As Louie hesitates and takes several deep breaths, his mother nudges him while Oz taps the boy on the shoulder and changes the subject. “Take your time. There’s no hurry. Let me ask you, What would you like to say to your teachers?” Semuj1, Hurry–D/L Dr. Oz Interview, Sandy Hook Third Grader Louis ‘Having a Drill (‘ – National TV,” Youtube, February 4, 2013; See also The Dr. Oz Show, “Dr. Oz Visits Newtown (,” n.d.
January 13, 2013
Attorney Alexis Haller, Noah Pozner’s uncle, authors and submits a detailed memorandum to the Obama Administration’s White House Task Force on Gun Violence on behalf of the Pozner family. ” The eight-page document “proposes a range of [state, federal and local] legislative reforms to help prevent another targeted school shooting … The proposals … are based upon conversations within the family, consultations with school security experts, independent research related to prior school shootings, and discussion with legal professionals to focus on criminal law.” The statement urges linking gun control measures to mental health diagnoses, federal grants for school security system upgrades, and mandatory lockdown drills at public schools. Alexis Haller, “Memorandum from The Maternal Family of Noah Pozner to The White House Task Force on Gun Violence (,” Januagry 13, 2013.
with developing comments:
28th October 2014, 02:30 AM
W.Halbig's facebook looks to have disappeared.
startpage: wolfgang halbig sandy hook justice (
mostly a bunch of WH & S.Hoax-skepticism 'debunker' pages. Did WH have any other websites?
EDIT: oopsie, it's at - I guess he went with his own domain name :)
This first hour Fetzer guest is bringing some new research to the table:
Monday, October 20, 2014
Larry Hanrahan / Thomas Goodrich (
^ mp3 link
Sandy Hook / German history
Posted by Total at 11:44 PM No comments: (
17th November 2014, 08:06 PM
guest @ Prof Tracy's blog,
November 16, 2014 (
Sandy Hook Promise at Odds with Constitution and Other Parents ( 20 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: public health (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, social engineering ( (
Questioning the Motives of “Charity” Founded by Reuters Senior Editor By (
Sandy Hook Promise founder, Rob Cox, recently asked the question, “Did the law, and our Constitution, make this massacre easier to carry out?” His organization advocates for massive mental health screening for all children, according to the Burlington Free Press article, “Sandy Hook lessons yet to be learned, two years later (“.
More… (
20th November 2014, 10:02 PM
Halbig in a 10/30 interview. At 6:30, some discussion of an attorney who was going to file an S.Hoax related suit, and got a bullet through his office window, and his secretary died unexpectedly in hospital. Also mentioned an LEO who died; I'd have to look into the specific details of these events. At 15:45 WH is asked about Fetzer, WH complains every time they talk JF wants to bring up 911 & JFK... 20 mins:
Wolfgang Halbig on future SH Investigation & looking into the kids Graves (" height="48" width="48"> millsmost (
Published on Nov 4, 2014
10/30/14. Wolfgang Halbig speaks about the future of his Sandy Hook investigation, people associated with Sandy Hook such as Jonathan Reich, and a ground penetrating radar machine to look into the kids graves. He also talks about the money he paid to his lawyer.
20th November 2014, 10:08 PM
November 20, 2014 (
Propagandizing Falsehoods Old and New ( 12 (
Interviews ( • Tags: government conspiracy (, news media (, political assassination (, public opinion (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( (
James Tracy joins Professor Jim Fetzer on the latter’s internet radio program The Real Deal ( (Revere Radio Network ( The two discuss some of the most recent developments on the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre event and the corporate news media’s broader treatment of government conspiracies and false flag terror.
Fetzer is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, and has applied his academic expertise to extensive research into JFK, the events of 9/11, the plane crash that killed Senator Paul Wellstone, and more recently the Sandy Hook massacre and Boston Marathon bombing. In addition to his radio program he is an editor and regular contributor at Veterans Today ( Dr. Fetzer is a graduate of Princeton University and holds the doctorate of philosophy from Indiana University.
Part 1
( Part 2
Download (
20th November 2014, 10:36 PM
Apparently from 10/6; looks like a Halbig speech. 2hrs, not sure I'll watch, if it's a re-hash of the usual spiel. But any audience Q/A would be interesting. If anyone watches, pls share any nuggets.
EDIT: I watched the 2nd hour. Good stuff, largely Q/A, audience are informed S.Hoax skeptics. Worthwhile. :)
Capstone Exercise False Flag Melfa (" height="48" width="48"> Mert Melfa (
Published on Oct 11, 2014
FULL LENGTH VIDEO -- Wolfgang Halbig, former teacher, law enforcement, and current national school safety assessment & emergency management consultant, maintains that the so-called Sandy Hook CT shootings were a staged cooperative government - community "Capstone" exercise planned years before December 2012, for the purpose of banning commonly-used firearms and limiting free speech. Halbig asserts the incident was a financial bonanza for the Newtown community and involved parents, all involved parents moving into the CT community only between 2009-2011, and all receiving over $200K each for their involvement in the exercise. Halbig's questions to Newtown are returned with silence and contempt; threat of arrest.
Many details don't add up... record shows no report of actual shots fired; no social security numbers for the dead students; 16 state troopers pre-positioned 45-60 minutes before the alleged shootings, crime does not exist on the FBI 2012 crime report, tax accessor's website shows the families got free houses on Christmas day when all government offices are closed, no one sued the school or the estate of Nancy Lanza, no parent wanted to see their children in the school, closed casket funerals, no EMT's allowed in the school, the shooter was a 112 pound weakling with a debilitating condition but shoots like Rambo....with 95% percent kill rate, and much more.
Halbig also presents the proper safety procedures that schools must follow in a code-red event and urges parents to study your local school emergency management plan.-- October 6, 2014
For more information visit:
21st November 2014, 08:04 AM
My support of Wolfgang Halbig has always been solely based on his promised efforts to file A LAWSUIT directed against those who appear to be covering-up the Sandy Hook School Shooting event truth. I think everyone who donated to his, now at $31,000 GoFundMe, “legal fund” donated for that same reason. We wanted Sandy Hook Truth AND JUSTICE and Wolfgang was the only person who appeared to be taking legal action.
I contend now that Mr. Halbig’s (WH)efforts are somewhat in limbo at this point and that he has had to go back to PayPal donation system on his website. No person who has ever formally disenrolled from PayPal as a payer may ever donate to WH, not even as a guest, with his present PayPal facility. WH will receive far fewer future donations to his “legal fund."
The lawsuit that WH described at 00:37 of this telephone conversation…
Wolfgang Halbig on future SH Investigation & looking into the kids Graves
was a federal civil lawsuit that is currently being drafted by "two attorneys." I do not know the specific charge. I assume WH is the plaintiff and I do not know who is being sued, that is, who the defendant is. This lawsuit has not been filed yet. WH has had 3 attorneys all along, two are Califonia attorneys and one is a Texas attorney, so I assume the “two attorneys” drafting this lawsuit are of those three. All is vague and in the future about this lawsuit.
This described lawsuit as of 10-30-14 is not a federal conspiracy charge because conspiracy is a felony and that would make it a criminal law suit, not a civil law suit. I read somewhere that approximately 75% of all federal criminal cases filed involve the charge of "conspiracy."
But two weeks later, there was another conversation with Wolfgang Halbig on November 19, 2014,
that will be filed some time in the future and it is completely different from, again vague, description than the lawsuit described in the two weeks earlier phone conversation. This later lawsuit was described as Wolfgang Halbig as the plaintiff against an unnamed defendant for personal “damages” (I guess for “emotional distress” and “fear and panic” damage to WH) for an unspecified dollar amount, but said to be over $25,000. Again the defendant is not named in this planned but not filed federal civil lawsuit and the exact charges are not specified. This latest lawsuit has to be prepared and filed by Florida attorney, which WH said he was going to get the “next day”, November 20, 2014. This latest contemplated lawsuit must be filed in Florida and it is for personal damages to WH. WH does say if he wins the lawsuit, the proceeds awarded to him personally will go into his “legal fund.”
I still respect and admire WH for his efforts and believe he is an honest sincere person who is taking the strongest action possible by an individual.
But I do not believe there is much real chance for a lawsuit and courtroom trial that will shed light on the perpetration and perpetrators of the false Sandy Hook “shooting” event.
All of the funds donated to GoFundMe or through PayPal or in the US mail to Wolfgang Halbig are his personal funds to be used as he sees fit and do not have to be accounted for or used specifically for the reason most of us donated, that is, to get some kind of lawsuit filed and to get some kind of justice in court against the perpetrators.
There used to be, many years ago, an organization called H.A.L.T. (______Against Legal Tyranny) that worked against lawyers who stall their clients, take their fees from the clients and don't take any real efforts and action to obtain what the client is paying them for. It appears that organization is out of business now. But the lawyer in Hartford named PAUL SPINELLA who took WH's big buck (our donation dollars) but failed to get action regarding FOIA requests not responded to by the state of Connecticut. I wish there was a way to stigmatize this lawyer by name all over the web to help make sure no one hires Paul Spinella
as their attorney for any action.
21st November 2014, 10:17 PM
from 2 days ago (11/19). YT description ref's a "60 minute mark" but vid is 59:30! I'm listening now:
Sandy Hook: Wolfgang Halbig Interview and Chase video (
Sandy Hook: Wolfgang Halbig Interview and Chase video
Professor Doom1 (
Published on Nov 19, 2014
For those of you interested, here is a phone interview with Wolfgang Halbig regarding current update of lawsuit and other topics. also around the mid or so 60 min mark is a video with a chase that supposed took place later in the day but was originally reported as taking place at 9:38 am.
Wolfgang Halbig's Website:
30th November 2014, 08:16 PM
New S.Hoax docu; plus a 24 min segment taken from the full version, focused on SAG/FEMA-Gene.
Gene Rosen ULTIMATE! Gene Rosen FULLY EXPOSED!! Sandy Hook Hoax (
^ I watched the above, basically a patchwork of his Rosen's inconsistencies & practising his lines with cameraman apparently correcting him, and helicopter video of him mulling around the fire station at (supposedly) 10:30 AM around when he should have been helping the 6 driveway children. I can't recall if I'd seen that before?
But I prolly won't invest the 2h 47m this full docu runs, unless I see buzz about it being a game changer somehow, the way Sofia's video was received, for example. I don't need a nearly 3 hour rehash of S.Hoax items I already know. :)
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook WATCH FULL MOVIE HERE (
5th December 2014, 03:04 AM
Fetzer interviews Tracy... I could almost swear this interview isn't new, but Fetz' blog just posted. Maybe it's that I heard nothing new in the hour. I also don't understand why (the admin of...) Fetz' radio blog seems to run around 2 weeks behind in posting his shows there. ???
Tracy 1st hour only. I sometimes wonder if Fetz doesn't piggyback his JFK stuff into a single 2 hour MP3 with a more current interview hour, so that he sort of force-feeds it to those who don't care about the minutia of's JFK murder... or at least he puffs up the "apparent JFK-stuff listener numbers" by simply counting the number of MP3 downloads-- guessing 99% of whom are like me, in that we don't listen or care about the JFK hour, only want the fresh & timely hour. :rolleyes:
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
James Tracy / John Judge ( < MP3
Sandy Hook / JFK#36 (w/ Gary King, 2009)
Posted by Total at 11:10 PM 1 comment: (
5th December 2014, 05:46 AM
Dr. Fetzer has become more and more involved with writing articles for VeteransToday and appearing on RT and other Internet radio shows commenting on a wide variety of geopolitical issues.
Around November every year he gets very booked up in JFK shows and presentations and conferences. So his postings of his shows is even slower around that time, though it has always been at least 8 or 9 days after the show, and his Real Deal show has never been live. He makes a recording I guess a day or so before the air date or even earlier in the day of the air date and just plays the canned tape on his show. He says he would like it to be live and to be able to take calls from listeners but that he and RevereRadio just have found no way to do that yet.
Also, Dr. Fetzer is increasingly just playing other recent shows where he was the guest. He has a set second-hour slot now on his Wedenesday show for Gary ? King from New Orleans who is an expert on the JFK assassination. So the JFK matter is being nicely kept before his audience on a regular weekly basis now throughout the year. This Gary person does a high quality job and he is active in the comments section of the Real Deal radio blog, a comments section that has been pretty well ruined by OneBornFree and Asperitan (sp ?) who continually make long useless posts. People who want to discuss the show in a reasonable way do not belong on that comments section and that is too bad. They will do better discussion subjects Dr. Fetzer covers in the comments section of VT, though the computer program on VT rejects certain posts for unknown reasons and no one is bother to correct that problem, which causes good posters to drop out.
Dr. Fetzer is an agnostic. His personal reward system in his own psyche is his brilliant mind. He wrote to me once that looking in to all these false events was interesting, and I guess entertaining, to him because it was like "solving a mystery" in a good mystery novel. Dr. F. organizes and analyzes a false event and thereby claims, by doing so in his high quality logical manner, comes to more important revelations and truths regarding the event.
I do think Dr. Fetzer's contributions to uncovering what really happened in regard to all these false events over the millennia has been very very helpful and really refreshing compared to much of the garbage I have imbibed on these subjects from others. Yet Dr. Fetzer seems to really not be open to full and open discussion and giving a fair and open listen to other people's ideas. Listen to recent interview of Ibrahim Soudy Dr. Fetzer did. It was not a fair interview at all. Dr. Fetzer did not let the man set out his ideas at all and kept interrupting him. I guess that way of interviewing a guest fits in with his idea of right moral conduct.
Problem is for atheists and agnostics, "truth" has a very dicey definition. Fetzer's morality is kind of some bovine excrement related to situational ethics and some "ontological ???" meme. Truth and right and wrong is a matter of probabilities and is always negotiable and to be dialoged to consensus about.
For a Christian, Truth is a Person. Truth is what sets us free and is not situational. It is clear cut, and moral right and wrong is absolute, not relative.
P.S. back on the subject of the value of examining Sandy Hook.
The reason it is valuable for independent people to do quality investigation of false events is that the more truth is brought to light, the more untruthful certain individuals look who not only fully accept the official story but adamantly refuse to even hear one bit of information about the facts discovered. People and groups who refuse to listen to all sides and objectively look for truth are operating within a very untruthful false paradigm and mentality and are to be avoided.
Whenever we draw closer to facts and truth, the personally happier we will be and the more personal integrity we will have.
11th December 2014, 09:54 PM
Interesting one here, Sofia interviews an "anonymous" SHoax researcher... fake name, altered voice and all! From August, but I just learned that Sofia is doing podcasts.
Anonymous Percy 8/15/14
A different kind of interview! My guest is "Perseverance" or Percy for short -- he is a Deep Sandy Hook Researcher whom I am keeping anonymous as he has been hassled more than a bit already. Percy has been digging into the various S.H. players, and here we touch on some of the latest developments without coming straight out and saying what we think! (Hey, you'll just have to turn your brain on and try to figure it out.) Percy had a YouTube channel (under a different name) which is pretty much nonexistent now. A discussion for those who have delved into the Newtown event themselves and might like a little extra information.
Listen here (
13th December 2014, 05:46 PM
will be Sun night 12/14 in USA:
Sandy Hook Hoax 2 Year Anniversary BASH! MSM Propaganda and Big SHOW TONIGHT (
Join us tonight at 9pm eastern on Red Pill Revolution's You Tube for We'll Do it LIVE: The REAL Alternative Podcast 2 YEAR Sandy Hook Special! (
Free Radio Revolution's You Tube (
14th December 2014, 03:28 PM
will be Sun night 12/14 in USA:
Sandy Hook Hoax 2 Year Anniversary BASH! MSM Propaganda and Big SHOW TONIGHT (
Join us tonight at 9pm eastern on Red Pill Revolution's You Tube for We'll Do it LIVE: The REAL Alternative Podcast 2 YEAR Sandy Hook Special! (
Free Radio Revolution's You Tube (
woopsie daisy! This took place last night, IE Saturday, not tonight! Oh well, MP3 is easier listening, can pause and resume, back up, etc. Here 'tis, 3h 25m!
I've only started listening, roundtable attendees are telling about how they first came to realize something's wrong with SHoax...
Sunday, December 14, 2014 We'll Do it LIVE! The Real Alternative Podcast - Sandy Hook Anniversary ( (
Download (
Red Pill Revolution's You Tube (
Free Radio Revolution's You Tube (
Posted by delcroix ( at 3:58 PM No comments: (
26th December 2014, 07:50 PM
I'm reminded here of:
The Media Can Legally Lie – Top 25 of 2005 - Project Censored (
Major Lawsuits Filed in the Sandy Hook Hoax - Breaking News (
Filmmaker, Author, William Shanley Sues Big Media Over Sandy Hook. Lawsuit Seeks $1 Trillion For Fraud and Terrorism in Sensationalized Coverage of “Staged FEMA Exercise” A Big Christmas surprise. Looks like it's for real, watch this video for a list of all the big time defendants while you listen to some cool tunes to boot. I hope this makes it to court, it could change everything, One of my concerns is that we are trusting an actor/writer/director type and a former cop to clean up the work of Actors and cops....ironic, isn't it. Gotta have faith, and I for one am behind them all the way.
Stackpot's You Tube (
A View from the Bog (
Posted by delcroix ( at 3:31 PM 4 comments: (
^ can check the (4 atm) comments at Mami's above... mostly skeptical, dumb, and... :rolleyes:
edit: I notice Tracy's blog has the story, so it's bonafide! 79 comments there atm; haven't read any yet but usu pretty good quality @ memoryholeblog :)
December 26, 2014 (
Filmmaker, Author Sues Big Media Over Sandy Hook ( 79 (
News ( • Tags: news media (, propaganda (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( (
Lawsuit Seeks $1 Trillion For Fraud and Terrorism in Sensationalized Coverage of “Staged FEMA Exercise”
Press Release
For Immediate Release
December 25, 2014
Contact: William Brandon Shanley
[Image Credit: CNN / (]
Great News! No Children Died at Sandy Hook!
Filmmaker and Author William Brandon Shanley Launches Wave of Lawsuits for more than $1 Trillion Against Big Media Over Sandy Hook Massacre Coverage
Here is Mr. Shanley’s Statement:
More… (
15th February 2015, 10:28 PM
interesting ones @ Tracy's blog, looks like Lenny Pozner's at it again with his fraudulent copyright claims:
February 13, 2015 (
Infowars Assailed by “Sandy Hook Parent” ( 80 (
News (, Videos ( • Tags: censorship (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( (
By James F. Tracy
Lenny Pozner’s HONR organization has filed a copyright claim against Alex Jones’ Infowars that jeopardizes the alternative news outlet’s YouTube access.
Pozner allegedly lost his son Noah Pozner in the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown Connecticut.
February 13, 2015 (
An Eerie Visit to Sandy Hook – Newtown ( 44 (
Guest Posts ( • Tags: government conspiracy (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime (
Following an October 2014 trip, researcher says area is like an “abandoned Manhattan Project. Is this where our (occupied) government plans their False Flag ‘school shootings’ and ‘terror bombings?'”
By Barry Soetoro, Esq. (
Sandy Hook Elementary school is where the (alleged) “Biggest School Shooting in US History” happened.
The infamous Firehouse is where the Sandy Hook “Memorial Service” was held — and Crisis Actors wandered in circles through the parking lot.
More… (
( February 3, 2015 (
Was Sandy Hook Used to Bury Obama’s SSN Records? ( 104 ( Guest Posts ( • Tags: Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime ( (
The real owner of Obama’s STOLEN SSN, Harrison J Bounel, was a patient at Fairfield Hills Psychiatric Hospital in Newtown Connecticut
By “Barry Soetoro, Esq”
Would access to Harrison Bounel’s Death Records prove Obama stole Bounel’s SSN?
More… (
15th April 2015, 07:05 PM
Halbig on Tracy's show,
Sandy Hook: What Really Happened?
On this week’s edition of Real Politik James speaks with Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper and school safety consultant. The two discuss Halbig’s continuing investigation of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre event. Mr. Halbig has probed the Newtown shooting for over two years ...
17th April 2015, 08:43 AM
MHB Hit With Pozner Copyright Infringement Claim
By James F. Tracy On March 26 Memory Hole Blog was notified via its internet service provider that a copyright infringement claim was filed against MHB by Lenny Pozner and "HONR Network" on March 22. The aggrieved party claims that this violation arose from use of an image of his son, Noah … Continue reading →
17th April 2015, 09:13 AM
That poor woman above is weeping for an American boy who was “killed” 2 years ago. Noah Pozner.
4th May 2015, 03:20 AM
May 3, 2015 (
HONR Network, “Lenny Pozner” Fall Silent on Copyright Infringement Claim ( 24 (
by James Tracy ( • Documents ( • Tags: censorship (, Sandy Hook Elementary (
On March 22, 2015 an individual identifying himself as Lenny Pozner of HONR Network filed a copyright infringement claim under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act with Memory Hole Blog Internet Service Provider for MHB’s January 2, 2015 reproduction of an image of his alleged son, Noah Pozner, who according to official reports was killed in the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The image in question appeared in the aftermath of the December 16, 2014 Peshawar Pakistan school massacre and was widely circulated via a BBC news report. (
Image Credit:
Upon notification of this complaint by MHB’s ISP James Tracy issued a request to Pozner on March 30 for evidence to further corroborate Pozner’s identity, his relationship to Noah Pozner, and his actual ownership of the image in question. As of May 3 Pozner has yet to respond with any materials that would warrant his infringement claim. Proof of Pozner’s receipt of the request and the text of Tracy’s March 30 correspondence is reproduced below.
4th May 2015, 04:07 AM
Something about this article of Dr. Tracy's did not set well with me.
It appears that we are dealing with a legal dispute, yet is not it the legal responsibility of the ISP, in this case, Automattic, to protect its customers, in this case, Dr. Tracy and, from copyright infringement claims under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?
To me, Dr. Tracy never should have voluntarily taken the photo down from his article and site. His ISP should have protected him and should have done do diligence and discovery of the facts before issuing any penalties or warning to its customer.
The photo of the child may be a composite, such as it may be made up of parts of faces of two or more individuals who may or may not be living persons. Additionally, no one who has been investigating the Sandy Hook false event has ever personally seen Lenny Pozner and no positive identification, however reasonably and legally one wants to define "positive identification," has ever been obtained on Noah Pozner.
The three items of "evidence" that Dr. Tracy is requesting of the addressee, one alleged Lenny Pozner, father of alleged Noah Pozner, are evidence that MHB's ISP should have pursued in defense of their customer's legal rights.
It is fine that Dr. Tracy wishes to voluntarily pursue this matter on his own but it is of no legal significance whatever the findings. It looks a great deal that Dr. Tracy was cooperating or complying with this probably illegal scheme when Dr. Tracy immediately took down the photograph in question. Dr. Tracy ought to republish or put back up the photo in question immediately. Then it needs to be seen what this
ISP will do to protect its customer from improperly and unsubstantiated legal claims.
If ISPs are not going to do anything to make sure such claims are valid, true and correct, then the whole Internet for free speech takes a very serious blow.
In this day of one false event after another being perpetrated on we the people and our enumerated Creator endowed unalienable rights, we must uphold free speech on the Internet and indeed the we must uphold the Internet in general.
(P.S. The three items of evidence Dr. Tracy is requesting of the alleged complainant are easily falsified and forged just as there is false testimony and forgery throughout Wolfgang Halbig's Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission hearings.)
4th May 2015, 04:16 AM
Depends on who owns the ISP. You have to remember blood is thicker than the ink of unalienable rights these days.
I trust the respondent is securing the services of an alternate ISP, before it is too late and the memory hole gets memory holed.
4th May 2015, 05:18 AM
I trust the respondent is securing the services of an alternate ISP, before it is too late and the memory hole gets memory holed.
It looks very much like there are no honest alternate ISPs left. Even if there were, so far the major blogs have chosen not to hold their ISPs feet to the fire.
In this case with Automattic, I see no sign that it issued any warnings or punishments to Dr. Tracy and his (I need to go back and correct my previous incorrect posting of the name of this site.)
I guess Dr. Tracy became apprised of the claim via Automattic but that is all that has happened. Automattic to my knowledge has taken no action or issued any response to the claim.
4th May 2015, 06:26 AM
This is Mr Tracys response to the apparent Mr Pozner.
James F. Tracy
Boca Raton, Florida
March 30, 2015
Lenny Pozner
HONR Network
261 South Main Street
Newtown, Connecticut 06470
Dear Lenny Pozner
I am in receipt of electronic notification as of March 26, 2015 via my internet service provider Automattic concerning an alleged copyright infringement complaint under [512(c) of the Digital Milleneum Copyright Act filed by you on March 22, 2015 for an image purportedly owned by you and used alongside commentary and analysis in the following post that appears on Memory Hole Blog:
The specific image may be found here: g
As proof of your alleged ownership of the image in question, you have provided the following url:
As you know, in addition to its broad circulation following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre event on December 14, 2012, this image was published by British Broadcasting Corporation and received similar worldwide circulation following the December 16, 2014 Taliban attack on the Army Public School and Degree College in Peshawar Pakistan.
You have provided your electronic signature under penalty of perjury that you are the copyright holder of the above referenced image and have accordingly requested that it be removed from Memory Hole Blog.
I have voluntarily removed the image in question on March 30, 2015. However, given that numerous similar copyright complaints made by you against parties that have publicly questioned and analyzed the Sandy Hook massacre event, I have reason to doubt the good faith nature of your March 22, 2015 DMCA copyright infringement claim. An action with such potential weight to stifle free speech needs the utmost scrutiny. I am therefore requesting written evidence of the following from you:
1. Proof of your identity via copy of a government-issued document, such as a state driver’s license or passport.
2. Proof of your relationship to the deceased party, Noah Pozner, whose alleged photograph appears in the image in question referenced above.
3. Proof of your ownership of said image via a signed and notarized statement from a qualified and licensed forensic expert substantiating your legal ownership of said image, including the date and time of the image’s capture.
Please send the above information via regular mail to myself and Automattic no later than 10 business days from your receipt of this correspondence. Automattic’s mailing address
132 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
Thank you for your attention to the above.
James F. Tracy
Well Crafted and demonstrates good cognizance of commercial law.
4th May 2015, 06:29 AM
This is all meaningless color of law.
Tracy is doing a little investigative work on his own and I respect his right to do that but it ain't going to fix the false claim and the ISPs failure to respond to the claim and protect their customer.
4th May 2015, 07:44 AM
yes that issue still remains. It may have been a simple hand balling of the hot potato. Not every one has either the inkling that it should be questioned or the tenacity to do it.
My earlier posts were made before I saw that response. That response impresses me and he should be supported by as many as possible. He will now draw direct fire. The shot across the bow has been responded to. They will come around and bring force to bear. It is not insurmountable. There is clearly a confoundment here with regard to Noah and the image purported to be Noah.
There could be much to learn here. There could be an opportunity to poke a substantial hole in the story.
I would have done a couple of other things myself. He has taken the right path to request Proof of Claim. I would have done it so as to require an affidavit in response, under penalty of perjury. I would anticipate non response. A response would be a surprise. It would be interesting to see.
In this world. The Law is what YOU make it. Nothing is fixed by precedent in equity, admiralty or maritime (admiralty might be a stretch). Every cause is a unique situation. It could have a pro forma rubber stamped outcome or you could influence the cause and have your own outcome. Up to YOU. Common law on the other hand has precedent and little empathy.
4th May 2015, 08:10 AM
It is good to seek more info and to expose responses to this seeking, however the Sandy Hook story gets anymore holes punched in it, it will turn into nothing.
"I would have done it so as to require an affidavit in response, under penalty of perjury".
Penalty Schmentalty. Perjury Schmerjury.
Exposure value is all anyone will get out of this.
4th May 2015, 09:07 AM
"I would have done it so as to require an affidavit in response, under penalty of perjury".
Penalty Schmentalty. Perjury Schmerjury.
Exposure value is all anyone will get out of this.
Its a negotiation though I'm confident YOU grasp that and don't need it pointed out.
17th July 2015, 01:27 PM
Here's the latest from Fetzer on the SH hoax
17th July 2015, 01:34 PM
Good to see Prof Tracy has been keeping up w/the latest on SH:
Sandy Hook: Disturbing Anomalies in Noah Pozner Coroner's Report
Wolfgang Halbig Confronts Connecticut Gov Dannel Malloy
Dissecting the Strange Anomalies in the Sandy Hook Shooting
DHS Set Up "Everyone Must Check In" Sign- Newtown's Llodra
Where Have all the Crisis Actors Gone?
Newtown's Foremost Gun Control Advocate to Lead Connecticut Bar Association
( State Police Seek to Bury Lanza Evidence, Appeal FOI Decision (
Newtown Parents to Tour Universe As Ambassadors of Peace
17th July 2015, 02:06 PM
Info on Lenny Pozner and his HONR Network:
Sandy Hook dad Lenny Pozner’s website redirects to Obama regime’s NSA
19th July 2015, 10:25 AM
here's an interview w/"Barry Soetoro" who wrote that "Sandy Hook Trick or Treason" article w/Fetzer. Goes over some of the latest in the SH investigation.
19th July 2015, 11:39 AM
Here's an interview from last month with Fetzer and Wolfgang's attorney, Kay Wilson (she's on the first part of the show). He reviews some basic info about the condition of the school, then they talk about info from the FOIA hearing.
19th July 2015, 12:01 PM
Here's the excerpt of the FOIA hearing when Llodra admits the "Everyone Must Check In" sign was placed there by Homeland Security:
***Wolfgang Halbig FOIA hearing ~ 'Everyone Must Check In' sign***
19th July 2015, 05:59 PM
Here's a recent audio Fetzer did w/new guest, Jack Larson, who has a bit of an interesting background (funeral director, embalmer!!. medical transport, clean up at crime scenes, photoshop). They jump around and talk about a bunch of these recent hoaxes, including Sandy Hook, Charleston, Chatanooga, and Boston and the different themes/commonalities. It starts at about 52 minutes:
For future reference, Fetzer's shows are being posted here:
23rd July 2015, 08:43 PM
Here's a quick update from Wolfgang with Dave Gahary:
He talks about trying to get time-stamped dashcam video, Newtown School Board attorney telling Wolfgang's witnesses not to appear at the hearing, confronting Malloy, and the NFL gag order on the kids who attended the superbowl. Sounds like he's not giving up and mentioned something about going to CT superior court (?)
23rd July 2015, 08:58 PM
Here's a quick update from Wolfgang with Dave Gahary:
He talks about trying to get time-stamped dashcam video, Newtown School Board attorney telling Wolfgang's witnesses not to appear at the hearing, confronting Malloy, and the NFL gag order on the kids who attended the superbowl. Sounds like he's not giving up and mentioned something about going to CT superior court (?)
Okay Amanda, this is getting weird that you've been harping on this story every post you've made here. What is your connection, or or you being paid to post this?
23rd July 2015, 09:16 PM
Okay Amanda...
I think Amanda joined GSUS following PatColo here from some other website. They harm no one and seem to really dig deep into conspiracy stuff.
23rd July 2015, 11:27 PM
I think Amanda joined GSUS following PatColo here from some other website. They harm no one and seem to really dig deep into conspiracy stuff.
24th July 2015, 08:07 AM
Wow, didn't know updates on Sandy Hook were so unwelcome. Don't worry, I'm done posting here. Not worth the trouble.
And, yeah, Jewboo, I came here b/c PatColo mentioned the forum on another site. I thought this would be a friendly forum with reasonable people like him. Apparently not. My mistake.
24th July 2015, 08:44 AM
Wow, didn't know updates on Sandy Hook were so unwelcome. Don't worry, I'm done posting here. Not worth the trouble.
And, yeah, Jewboo, I came here b/c PatColo mentioned the forum on another site. I thought this would be a friendly forum with reasonable people like him. Apparently not. My mistake.
We are 50% morons on this site. Sorry about that. You just have to know that there are only a few people with any intelligence who can conceive of deeper thoughts.
24th July 2015, 09:35 AM
Wow, didn't know updates on Sandy Hook were so unwelcome. Don't worry, I'm done posting here. Not worth the trouble.
And, yeah, Jewboo, I came here b/c PatColo mentioned the forum on another site. I thought this would be a friendly forum with reasonable people like him. Apparently not. My mistake.
Sorry this happened. I enjoyed reading your updates. I hate to see you go.
24th July 2015, 10:51 AM
Wow, didn't know updates on Sandy Hook were so unwelcome. Don't worry, I'm done posting here. Not worth the trouble...
This thread has over 1460 posts and over 107,507 viewers. Hardly unwelcome.
new shooting: Newtown, Conn. details breaking (
Started by chad (, 14th December 2012 09:48 AM
Replies: 1,460 (
Views: 107,507
24th July 2015, 11:05 AM
Okay Amanda, this is getting weird that you've been harping on this story every post you've made here. What is your connection, or or you being paid to post this?
Are you paid to post the bullshit about Donald Drumpf?
Who would pay her to post the truth about Sandy Hook?
24th July 2015, 11:06 AM
Wow, didn't know updates on Sandy Hook were so unwelcome. Don't worry, I'm done posting here. Not worth the trouble.
And, yeah, Jewboo, I came here b/c PatColo mentioned the forum on another site. I thought this would be a friendly forum with reasonable people like him. Apparently not. My mistake.
Don't let the vermin chase you off. Just pick up your .22 and put them down. :D
28th July 2015, 12:39 PM
Just now seeing the Amanda/EE_ flap above. Stick around Amanda; need a thick skin anywhere you go on the interwebs where political shite is discussed! Your updates above are much appreciated. :)
Interesting bit here from Halbig during his 6/9/15 appearance on the Richie Allen Show, re the nature of the town of SH. Hope yawl appreciate my transcription job here; that's tedious shite!
Beginning at 24:25 in the show above:
RA: Who lives in Sandy Hook now? Who lives in the area? [...] Is it still government employees, etc, asks Steve, living in the area?
WH: There's alot of, I think, to be honest with you, I think, I've been up there now 9 times? I feel like this is like a, witness protection area. I've never seen so many people live in one town, that have 3 to 5 different names. I mean Richie, I've got Wolfgang Halbig; I've lived with that for what, 69 years? These people have multiple names, I mean, it's a CIA town, I think it's a government town. And here's the other thing we've just discovered. We have a house on #3 Maple Drive, okay? Richie, think about this: there's a house, in Sandy Hook, the address is 3 Maple Drive. Do you know that that house sells every month?
RA: Hang on now, seriously Wolfgang... it sells every month?!
WH: That house, it's a $350 thousand dollar house; it sells every month, there's a new buyer, new owner. And then they've got a house that is, what, 1400 square feet? It was listed at $110 thousand dollars. Do you know what that house sold for? $20 million one hundred thousand dollars! Now who's going to buy a 1400 square foot house, listed at $100 thousand, and pay $20 million?
RA: Well that, that sounds like money laundering.
WH: Can I tell you what? I think this whole town is witness protection! You've got people winning the lottery 20 to 40 times! I mean, not just one or two; you've got a bunch of people, they're winning, it's called the scratch-off lottery. I think this is how they get paid off every month! That's their check, $5000, $10000, $25000. They're winning scratch-off lotteries left and right. And the people of CT are paying for it, and they don't even know what's going on under their noses.
28th July 2015, 02:19 PM
Don't leave Amanda, it was not my intent to run you off, or disrespect you. I like PatColo and I respect you as his friend.
I've asked you before what was your connection to this Sandy Hook story, because 90% of your posts here are about it.
With all the conspiracies out there, you've put a lot of energy into this one, why?
I'm not one to ever attack anyone here, I only fight back when a couple of the miserable dickheads here talk to me and others in a disrespectful way, using name calling to try to win arguments. They/he deserves to be put in their/his place.
Stay and post away about Sandy Hook. I'll bow out.
28th July 2015, 02:26 PM
GSUS party...
28th July 2015, 02:38 PM
GSUS party...
And then one starts splashing gasoline and shows his new fire tricks.
28th July 2015, 02:41 PM
Don't leave Amanda, it was not my intent to run you off, or disrespect you. I like PatColo and I respect you as his friend.
I've asked you before what was your connection to this Sandy Hook story, because 90% of your posts here are about it.
With all the conspiracies out there, you've put a lot of energy into this one, why?
I'm not one to ever attack anyone here, I only fight back when a couple of the miserable dickheads here talk to me and others in a disrespectful way, using name calling to try to win arguments. They/he deserves to be put in their/his place.
Stay and post away about Sandy Hook. I'll bow out.
Sandy Hook is one of the biggest stories for this country. It seems to be a total hoax upon which has been built the easy passage of extremely anti-2d amendment gun control laws making most patriots of CT instant felons. It is an example of a government collusion between state and federal forces that have conspired to rob liberties from American citizens.
We should all be yelling about this constantly.
28th July 2015, 04:06 PM
GSUS party...
what ever happened to the chatter here, about launching a line of GSUS sausages, anyways? ???
28th July 2015, 04:21 PM
GSUS party...
Don't forget you and Goldi.
28th July 2015, 05:01 PM
WH: There's alot of, I think, to be honest with you, I think, I've been up there now 9 times? I feel like this is like a, witness protection area. I've never seen so many people live in one town, that have 3 to 5 different names. I mean Richie, I've got Wolfgang Halbig; I've lived with that for what, 69 years? These people have multiple names, I mean, it's a CIA town, I think it's a government town. And here's the other thing we've just discovered. We have a house on #3 Maple Drive, okay? Richie, think about this: there's a house, in Sandy Hook, the address is 3 Maple Drive. Do you know that that house sells every month?
RA: Hang on now, seriously Wolfgang... it sells every month?!
WH: That house, it's a $350 thousand dollar house; it sells every month, there's a new buyer, new owner. And then they've got a house that is, what, 1400 square feet? It was listed at $110 thousand dollars. Do you know what that house sold for? $20 million one hundred thousand dollars! Now who's going to buy a 1400 square foot house, listed at $100 thousand, and pay $20 million?
RA: Well that, that sounds like money laundering.
I call BS on the house until I see proof. Does WH show the documents? He says the house sells every month and then says it sold for 20 million?
28th July 2015, 05:04 PM
GSUS party...
I don't do water.
29th July 2015, 03:41 AM
I call BS on the house until I see proof. Does WH show the documents? He says the house sells every month and then says it sold for 20 million?
He's talking 2 diff houses. One (3 Maple Dr.) lists for $350K and sells again every month. The other, 1400 ft sq, listed for $110K and sold for $20MM (or he said 2 things, also said it sold for $20,100,000... seems he misspoke) but that sale seems to have only happened once, unlike the $350K house which flips monthly.
I was directed to the Richie Allen Show podcast stemming from this @ memoryholeblog... I believe WH first told his St. Rose's story there:
July 24, 2015 (
St. Rose of Lima Parish Calls 911 on Wolfgang Halbig ( 93 ( by James Tracy ( • Home ( • Tags: police state and civil rights (, Sandy Hook Elementary (
Previously Invited to Enter Church
( Robert Weiss has been at St. Rose of Lima Parish since 1999, the same time child predator John J. Castaldo was assigned there and when the Diocese of Bridgeport was embroiled in a high profile child sex abuse scandal. In early July 2015 the parish claimed Wolfgang Halbig was trespassing and issued a formal “cease and desist” order. [Image Credit: Carol Kaliff/Connecticut Post]
Wolfgang Halbig’s most recent visit to Newtown in early July included a stop by the St. Rose of Lima Parish ( to pay Monsignor Weiss a visit. A church employee directed the former Florida State Trooper into the church upon his arrival. “Go on inside,”
he directed.
Upon entering the worship area Halbig, a lifelong Catholic, lit a candle for his mother who passed away several years ago. “My family belonged to one of the biggest Catholic churches in Germany,” before emigrating to the United States, he told MHB via telephone on July 23.
More… (
29th July 2015, 03:47 AM
MHB also posted this last year re the CT lottery,
May 4, 2014 (
Ministry of Plenty ( 65 ( by James Tracy ( • Home ( • Tags: gun control (, public opinion (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, state crime
Newtown residents and Sandy Hook parents win the Connecticut Lottery By Duke Reichert* “There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons. ― George Orwell, 1984
more at link
29th July 2015, 07:36 AM
I call BS on the house until I see proof. Does WH show the documents? He says the house sells every month and then says it sold for 20 million?
zillow doesn't corroborate,
^ last sale 2001. But zillow isn't a "primary source", they just crawl county clerk/recorder websites for their data. So if SH is a a CIA company town; it's the only one of 14 towns in Newtown with it's own zip code (per a Mem hole blog commenter); then they'd have control of the clerk-recorder data.
29th July 2015, 05:22 PM
zillow doesn't corroborate,
^ last sale 2001. But zillow isn't a "primary source", they just crawl county clerk/recorder websites for their data. So if SH is a a CIA company town; it's the only one of 14 towns in Newtown with it's own zip code (per a Mem hole blog commenter); then they'd have control of the clerk-recorder data.
I would think he would post the proof for all to see.
I don't follow much of the SH story anymore. Too little time and too many other things have priority.
Thanks for the updates PatColo.
5th August 2015, 10:18 PM
I gather P. Klein (joosh name!) was sort of the heavy behind last December's WNTTASH docu. Haven't listened yet but the Klein interviews I've heard have been good. :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Real Deal w/James Fetzer Ep 86 Peter Klein Co-Producer of We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook (
My appearance on Jim Fetzer's Vodcast on MBC. We discuss the state of independent research and our progress, the story behind our documentary, WNTTASH, the growth of Independent Media Solidarity (IMS) and many interesting Sandy Hook aspects.
Audio Only Here
Download ( o_-_Producer_of_We_Need_to_Talk_about_Sandy_Hook..mp3 )
Tyranny News Network's You Tube (
Download We need to talk about Sandy Hook Here ( (
A View from the Bog (
Posted by delcroix ( at 8:51 PM 1 comment: (
5th August 2015, 10:54 PM
I expect IMS will be some kind of filtering instrument. Solidarity is one of those marxist terms. Basically it is a round up that makes it easier to effect the required change or control over a group of "Loosely" affiliated independent persons or groups.
You don't think Fetzer's name stands out Pat?
6th August 2015, 12:08 AM
^ I've long had issues with fetzer!
Thread: Critical of JFetzer & JFriend's No Planes @ WTC campaign (
as to IMS being controlled op; I always allow for that possibility. Honest truthers/groups today can be co-opted & undermined by tomorrow. But IMS' WNTTASH docu was met by the anti-SH-truth cabal with aggressive resistance, fraudulent copyright claims to YT getting the vids removed, "tough guy words" from the likes of keith johnstein who ~8 months ago in a Spingola Shill-A-Thon roundtable show, promised an epic WNTTASH re-bunking video, which he has not delivered.
6th August 2015, 08:33 AM
I gather P. Klein (joosh name!) was sort of the heavy behind last December's WNTTASH docu. Haven't listened yet but the Klein interviews I've heard have been good. :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Real Deal w/James Fetzer Ep 86 Peter Klein Co-Producer of We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook (
Interesting bit around 1h 16m in this interview.
Lesser known Sandy Hook anomalies:
Funds & Charities
Kenneth Feinberg overseeing funds distribution (Sandy Hook, BP Gulf disaster, 9/11, Boston Bombing, Virginia Tech Shooting, Penn State Abuse Scandal, Aurora Shooting)
I knew djoo oversaw the 9/11 bribe-for-silence fund, and BP; but didn't know about all the other FFs...
Thread: BP doesn't pay fisherman/clean-up worker claims; pays stripper $80K (
Ken Feinberg: Gov.-appointed admin.
of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster
Victim Compensation Fund
Photo: Wikipedia
11th August 2015, 10:59 PM
For those interested, here are a couple of recent shows Fetzer did on SH.
This one is w/a guy from Australia who goes through slides from the Lanza home and the school and points out the obvious staging:
And this one is w/the same guy, going over all the fake documents related to SH (second half of show):
Here's the latest from Prof Tracy
11th August 2015, 11:08 PM
Just found the comment below posted in response to yet another Spingola show on SH ( I actually listened to the video and it does sound like there is a voice match between the SH 911 calls supposedly from inside the school and Carlee Soto (fake sister of fake dead teacher Victoria Soto), Jackie Barden (fake mother of fake kid) and Pastor Solomon.
Andrea Mitchell ( said...
I'll post this again
So can anyone with a straight face tell me that this is NOT Jackie Barden and Carlee Soto heard on the supposed 911 call?
Can we get some voice recognition experts to examine this evidence, i am willing to bet money
this can be proven forensically to within at least 90% accuracy
that these voices are a match
I tried to contact the Swiss scientist,Professor Hervé Bourlard who analyzed the fakeed Bin Laden tapes released by Rita Katz and her mossad front SITE intel group and determined with a 95% accuracy rate that they were indeed fake but i got no response
They said it was proven to within a 95% accuracy rate for the Bin Laden tapes and this was 13 years ago , the quantum leaps in computer technology in the last 13 years means we should be able to get an even more conclusive and accurate result than the 95%
i am sure this could be proven forensically if we could get some help from someone with some technical expertise like the Swiss professor or perhaps someone with access to this software or something similar to it
11th August 2015, 11:50 PM
For those interested, here are a couple of recent shows Fetzer did on SH.
I wonder if Fetzer's radio blog ( isn't being deliberately undermined by the admin? It's been a basket case of extended non updates, & broken MP3 links. It's not rocket science to find a free host for MP3 files. Only place I'm aware of to see JF's latest is:
which leashes you to the puter to watch/listen to YT. :(
Dr. Tracy also posted last week:
August 7, 2015 (
PayPal Pulls Plug on Wolfgang Halbig ( 49 (
12th August 2015, 02:11 PM
I wonder if Fetzer's radio blog ( isn't being deliberately undermined by the admin? It's been a basket case of extended non updates, & broken MP3 links. It's not rocket science to find a free host for MP3 files. Only place I'm aware of to see JF's latest is:
which leashes you to the puter to watch/listen to YT. :(
Yeah, not sure what's going on with Fetzer's radio site, but if you have suggestions on what he needs to do to get the mp3s posted, just leave a comment over there or email him. I think he's just really into the video presentation and getting to show his slides, and he's kind of lost sight of the fact that lots of people just like to listen.
Also, best place to find the new shows (only his and not all of the MBC shows) is here:
13th August 2015, 02:25 PM
Haven't had a chance to listen to this one yet:
Sandy Hook And The Politics Behind Mass Shootings
Posted on August 12th, 2015 ( 5 (
Guest: Dr. James F. Tracy
Update on analysis of Sandy Hook Elementary School “shooting” in Newtown, CT with compelling new evidence from independent researchers, including that of NA School Safety Consultant, Wolfgang Halbig. Many anomalies cited: authorities raze school and home of Adam Lanza’s mother; no date stamp on police dashcam video; evidence of a Live Shooter Drill taking place; large fast food orders arriving which can only happen during a Homeland Security and FEMA Capstone Exercise; same child killed at Sandy Hook who is two years later killed at school in Pakistan; agendas for gun control and childhood mental health protocols furthered.
Links and Resources:
Memory Hole Blog website (
“Lone Wolf” Terror and the PsyWar on American Public Opinion (
PayPal Pulls Plug on Wolfgang Halbig (
Sandy Hook Justice (
This is an older show w/Fetzer doing a slide presentation on SH--it's a good summary of all the evidence demonstrating this to be a hoax. Fetzer says that the official CT report on SH was written by St. Attorney Stephen Sedensky---anyone know if Sedensky is a jewish name?? Also, he mentioned how there were no fingerprints on the gun supposedly used to kill Nancy Lanza, and the shell casing had DNA that matched an ex-convict from another state. And at the school, apparently none of the bullet fragments could be matched with the guns supposedly used by Adam Lanza
13th August 2015, 06:34 PM
I just noticed is updated to episode 81 w/Ole Dammegard from 7/25 (almost 3 weeks ago!). MP3s are now hosted at podbean.
Thx Amanda for posting the 8/12 Guns & Butter w/J.Tracy; I wasn't aware of that show (meaning their latest; I've aware of G&B for years). I enjoy hearing JT on the interviewee side of the mic. His unflappably 'professorial' tone & language, emotionally detached, doesn't incite the 'fear' which an AJ or even JFetz often do with their apparent passion, or urgency wrt our imminent DOOM! :o But JT does pretty much have a blind spot for the kosher elephant in the room,, in accordance with western academic taboos!! A communications PhD whose niche is being a critic of mass media simply can't be naive about dajooz question, with their (boastfully) owning/controlling the mass joozmedia. But JT 'doesn't go there', at least that I've heard, and the guests he selects don't either. Nor does JT go there wrt his S.Hoax analysis, the principals of which are joo after joo after joo.
JT also posted this recent show; speaks of FF's in general terms, VG:
August 12, 2015 (
Manufactured Terror in the Homeland ( 8 (
by James Tracy ( • Interviews ( • Tags: alternative media (, Charleston shooting (, false flag terror (, Sandy Hook Elementary (, social engineering (, terrorism
This week’s Real Politik ( consists of a pre-recorded conversation with RT correspondent and commentator Patrick Henningsen with James Tracy that originally aired on the July 26 edition of Henningsen’s weekly radio broadcast, Sunday Wire (
Mr. Henningsen is also the founder of the exciting alternative news and analysis website 21st Century Wire (
More… (
and speaking of djoo question, JFetz has a joo-wise guest, John DeNugent, as guest on his latest show,
( The Real Deal Ep # 90 Mary Phagan and Leo Frank: Justice with Ironies (
14th August 2015, 03:52 PM
@PatColo- Yeah, I totally agree with you on JT. I greatly appreciate his calm and ration approach to things--he's definitely a good contrast to Fetzer, who tends to get a bit riled up. And on the jewish issue, JT does stay away from that, but I'm assuming that's for fear of losing his job (they already tried to get him fired from his university for speaking out on SH). I think he goes as far as he can, and I give him a lot of credit for calling out the false flags and the obvious hoaxes--I highly doubt you're going to find many other professors willing to speak out.
Speaking of JT, the gunsandbutter audio is also posted on his site now:
And there's also this:
August 14, 2015 (
$25K Reward Offered for “Irrefutable Proof” Sandy Hook Massacre Was REAL 12 ( by James Tracy ( • News (, Videos ( • Tags: charity industry (, public opinion (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( ( man is offering $25,000 to any party who can substantively disprove his claim that the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was staged. YouTube personality “Joe Jones (” thinks the tragic incident was carried out with the aid of “crisis actors” at a building “decommissioned several years prior to the day of the event” because of “asbestos and mold.” By late 2012 “the building was just being used for storage,” he says in the video.
Sandy Hook was fabricated by somebody who decided, “Oh, we’re going to do a school shooting, and all of the fake actors who play out the parts of all of these victims are going to become filthy rich from fools who are sending money to them–millions and millions of dollars.
Jones addresses defenders of the official Sandy Hook narrative, who he derisively refers to as “liberals,” encouraging them to come forward with solid evidence of the shooting’s authenticity and demonstrate the sincerity of their claim by matching his $25K offer. The combined funds would be held in an escrow account while a third party private investigator–paid for by Jones– verifies the submitted evidence. If the document(s) prove valid the individual will then receive the $50,000 account balance.
The extravagant assertion would mean that everyone from Newtown’s First Selectman and Connecticut State Police to the corporate news media and key figures in the Obama administration were involved in a colossal hoax to terrorize the American people into foregoing yet more of their freedoms to the state.
Connecticut Governor Dannell Malloy and the Obama administration have funneled tens of millions to Newtown since December 2012. They should therefore see fit engage Jones in his modest challenge, thereby replenishing precious taxpayer dollars that have freely flowed to Newtown over the past 32 months. In October 2013 the Sandy Hook Elementary School was demolished when Malloy quickly appropriated $50 million for a new school facility. In addition, Obama’s Department of Justice has provided several million in compensation to Connecticut and Newtown civic and law enforcement officials in their efforts to address the tragedy.
14th August 2015, 11:45 PM
^ speaking of JTracy & dajooz; in his recent Perloff Flight 77 post (, our own 'dachsielady' wrote a lengthy comment ( gently indicting dajooz in 911. Zio-Gatekeeping-Whip 'Marzi' replied ( demanding 'scholarly proof', and waving around his/her scary "anti-Shlomo-ism!!" :o flamethrower.
I replied the following to 'Marzi' more than 24 hours ago now, and guess where my reply still is now?? See bottom line... >:(
zeetip says: August 14, 2015 at 10:07 AM
“Kindly present a scholarly argument in an article with proof of your assertion…”
Kind of you to ask! It’s ironic; not only did Dr. Tracy just finish an interview with P. Henningsen, where JT observed the policing of US/Western dialog since at least the inception of the ADL in 1913; but Doctors KBarrett, JFetzer, NKollerstrom and other Uni Profs also attest to the “invisible/de-facto limits to free speech/thought/publication” in academia.
Anyways these links will have to do, hope they meet your exacting “…scholarly argument in an article” standard.
free book by Chris Bollyn, “Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed The World”,
search ‘alan sabrosky israel 9/11’ (no quotes), he’s Jewish BTW :)
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
you can check the status of my terminally 'awaiting moderation' reply at its assigned url,
15th August 2015, 12:04 AM
^ gsus' little bug problem prohibits me from editing the above reply.
It's been more like 16 hours ago (Fri 8/14 10:07 AM Eastern ( now that I submitted that reply.
"Odd", coz I also submitted [zeetip says: August 14, 2015 at 10:22 AM (] 15 minutes LATER, and that reply was quickly posted uncensored; meanwhile my 10:07 reply rots away in the approval queue. Maybe JT (or more likely his zio-gatekeeping comment censorer...) will approve it after a few more days, when that comment thread is 'safely' seeing no more eyeballs. :( Meanwhile, Hasbara Agent Marzi's comment/"challenge" ( will sit there pretty-like, apparently unanswered.... :(
15th August 2015, 08:44 AM
@PatColo- Somewhere in the comments over there at Tracy's site, I read that if you put more than one link in, you end up trapped in moderation. So, I think the strategy is to break up your responses so they only have one link at a time. Another commenter put in an extra link over the limit, but added some extra letters like this xxx (and just tell people to get rid of the xxx)
Here's the latest from that guy offering $25K for irrefutable proof SH was real:
Joe Jones: RAW STORY “Irresponsible,” Distorts Message and Offer
August 15, 2015 ( James Tracy ( Headlines (, Video ( disinformation (, Sandy Hook School Shooting (
YouTuber contends popular website’s article ( misquotes from video
“The website RAWSTORY.COM misquoted me in their article about my video offering a reward. I have been threatened by all manner of Internet TROLLS who are working off of the ASSUMPTION that *I* demanded that Sandy hook parents show up at MY DOOR. That is an absolute LIE.”-Joe Jones
Here's the Raw Story article: (look at all the brainwashed commenters--I'd bet they'd love SPINgola's show!)
Don't bother posting any comments over there that expose Sandy Hook as a blatant hoax b/c they simply delete all of your comments
15th August 2015, 10:33 AM
@PatColo- Looks like I was wrong about the keep your comments at JT's to one link--I just posted a comment there with one link and it's in moderation. Not sure what's going on over there. Sometimes my comments appear right away, and other times, they just get stuck in moderation.
16th August 2015, 03:31 PM (
August 16, 2015 (
Joe Jones Responds to Raw Story Hit Piece 8 (
by James Tracy ( • Home ( • Tags: journalism (, news media analysis (, propaganda (, Sandy Hook Elementary ( ( article is emblematic of website’s politically-motivated “journalism”
Kentucky man receiving threats from Sandy Hook gov’t narrative defenders
On August 14 progressive-left website Raw Story posted an article, “WATCH: Sandy Hook Truther Offers $25,000 Reward for ‘Irrefutable’ Proof Shooting Wasn’t a Liberal Scam (,” drawing attention to Kentucky resident Joe Jones’ $25,000 YouTube challenge questioning whether the December 14, 2012 Newtown massacre took place as it had been widely reported in major news media. ( Story’s frame capture of Jones in a Mussolini-like pose enhances the leftish caricature of a “Sandy Hook skeptic” and “open carry advocate”
Is Jones’ request unreasonable? Raw Story thinks so. And the popular liberal forum proceeded to frame Jones’ assertions in ways that have prompted many of its readers to directly contact and chastise the Kentucky resident for remarks he never made or intended.
First let us consider Raw Story‘s title:
WATCH: Sandy Hook truther offers $25,000 reward for ‘irrefutable’ proof shooting wasn’t a ‘liberal’ scam
This is a clear distortion pitched right over the plate of Raw Story ideologically-motivated readers. In fact, Jones has asked for “irrefutable proof that Sandy Hook was REAL,” as the original title of his August 5, 2015 YouTube video (
Nevertheless, the article, written by Raw Story associate editor Tom Boggioni, goes on to incorrectly suggest that Jones is a pistol-wielding crazy who is specifically demanding that “liberals” or even the parents of Sandy Hook School children to visit his residence and provide such “irrefutable proof.” As Boggioni reports,
According to Jones — if his child was killed — “irrefutable proof” would entail parents of a dead Sandy Hook child showing up his door [sic] with the child’s “birth certificate, his death certificate, his medical records, his school, records, the family photo albums, photos, videos, I would bring his clothes, I would bring his toys, I would bring everything to that person’s house and say, ‘here is the proof that my son lived and my son died.’”
Parents of children who died at Sandy Hook can find Jones in Franklin, Kentucky, but should be forewarned that he is an open carry advocate. (emphasis retained) ( Story Executive Editor Tony Ortega has taken the Church of Scientology to task for “smearing” public figures. Raw Story routinely vilifies individuals such as Jones that don’t share its political views or take issue with the Obama administration as “conspiracy theorists” and “truthers.” [Image Credit: Ad Week]
In Jones’ video response he calls Raw Story‘s actions “irresponsible.” Yet the website’s personnel have never cloaked their political allegiances and affiliations. While many Raw Story readers fancy themselves sophisticated, they oddly embrace the government-sanctioned narrative of Newtown are are thus quick to condemn Jones’ modest proposal out of hand.
If truth be told, Raw Story is run by a pack of semi-journalistic political operatives (e.g. here ( and here (javascript:void(0))) driven as much by their political ideology as anyone over at FoxNews or The Weekly Standard. Ironically one of Raw Story‘s executive editors, former Village Voice director Tony Ortega (javascript:void(0)) with a long career at “alternative” weeklies, has taken the Church of Scientology to task for “smearing” opponents in the press. Yet as its August 14 story on Sandy Hook “truther” Jones suggests, Raw Story has an equal penchant for smearing anyone questioning curious public events or taking issue with Obama administration policies by labeling them “truthers” and “conspiracy theorists” (e.g. here (, here (, here ( and here (
Raw Story‘s misleading attack and its past editorial behavior indicates that there is indeed some substance to Jones’ challenge. What if the presidential administration the site typically shills for is involved in a colossal hoax? A genuine criminal investigation begun in early 2013 would have likely led to the Obama White House and Justice Department long ago.
In January 2013 corporate media outlets similarly attacked and mischaracterized this author for raising simple questions and suggesting that major media failed to nail down exactly what took place at Sandy Hook Elementary. CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who vigorously attacked Memory Hole Blog at the time, won’t answer the author’s invitation ( to further interrogate the many unanswered questions that still remain and have since emerged. And to date Newtown and Connecticut state officials have failed to adequately address the numerous public records requests filed by school safety expert Wolfgang Halbig ( since February 2013.
Raw Story couldn’t be further from the journalistic ideal of rooting out corruption and bringing culprits to the court of public opinion. The publication seeks to cheerlead and run cover for its political left partners in crime by taking advantage of its readers own shallow misperceptions and political prejudices.
17th August 2015, 10:37 AM
This is "scoopfeed" site is Prof Tracy's memoryholeblog's newswire.
SANDY HOOK – HERE IS WHAT PERJURY LOOKS LIKE IN THE CT FOIA HEARINGS August 16, 2015 ( James Tracy ( Video ( Hook School Shooting (
Monte E Frank, who has a vested interest in Sandy Hook donations and their foundations, perjures himself from testimony of the previous two related FOIA hearings.
18th August 2015, 07:55 PM
Looks like this (jewish?) doctor from the Sandy Hook show can't keep his story straight.
In the video, this ER doctor from Danbury Hospital claims he treated 2 of the children from the Sandy Hook fake shooting (he also said, parents of kids taken to the hospital remained at the school and were told the news there--yeah, right, parents would just stay at the school instead of racing to the hospital where their kid supposedly was)
Yet in this article , he claims everyone died at the scene:
Dr. William Begg, of Danbury Hospital in Connecticut, began his remarks by explaining that he didn’t enjoy leaving home. “I rarely travel. But I was so inspired by Dr. Applebaum that I felt compelled to come.” He discussed the tragic shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School, and stressed prevention as part of disaster preparedness. Treatment, no matter how ready and fast, can come too late. In Newtown, “No one made it to the emergency room. They all died at the scene.”
19th August 2015, 10:49 AM
Okay, I'm not buying this at all (I just think it's cover to try to make it look like the school was operational), but I'll post it anyway. After going through the video and photographic evidence inside and outside the school, I still believe that school had been out of operation for years.
August 17, 2015 (
Hochsprung Email Suggests Sandy Hook Vacated Months Before Massacre Event 33 ( by James Tracy ( • Documents (, Videos ( • Tags: Sandy Hook Elementary ( ( Halbig discusses this document and other developments when Real Politik welcomes him back on the Monday, August 17 edition which airs at 3PM EST on Truth Frequency Radio ( and is archived post-airing here (
On June 2, 2015 Newtown counsel Monte Frank Fed Ex’d Wolfgang Halbig some 200 emails dated 2012 pertinent to Halbig’s FOI requests and one day before the second scheduled hearing before Connecticut’s FOI Commission.
Most were “junk emails,” according to Halbig. Yet one email dated July 19, 2012, between Sandy Hook Elementary principal Dawn Hochsprung and chief custodian Kevin Anzellotti indicates that teachers will be asked to pack up and move, yet they will “still have their jobs” but “mums the word.”
On the morning of July 19 Hochsprung emails Anzollotti:
How does this look? [Apparently referring to an attached pdf excluded from the document disclosure.] NOT set in stone! I have to notify teachers after we meet next Thursday, then we can get moving. Of course, they will need to come in and pack… This is going to be really hard!
That afternoon Anzollotti responds:
I got it and it is what it is it’sbad [sic] for us but I would not what to [sic] be in your shoes as your telling them but all still have jobs I guess that’s a good thing mums the word [sic]
Such communication may help to explain both the internal and external condition of the school and its decrepit condition. (
In other developments Newtown’s Police Chief and Monte Frank, the bicyclist/gun control advocate and attorney for Newtown leaders, may have perjured himself by confirming before the FOI Commission the authenticity of a Newtown police dash cam video document purportedly taken on 12/14/12 that curiously lacks the customary date and geo-location stamp necessary for its forensic and judicial utility.
Also, for those interested, it's sometime worth going through the comments at Prof Tracy's site--some of the people over there dig up some interesting stuff.
Here's a comment I found in response to this post:
Maryaha says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:26 PM (
Has anyone else checked out the SHES web address that is shown in these two e-mails on the Wayback Machine? I did, and if I am reading it correctly, the first time that web page was crawled by the Wayback Machine, was on April 6, 2012. From 1996 to that date, the page had never been crawled, and it was not crawled even once for the rest of 2012. It begins to be on January 11, 2013 and continues to be crawled regularly, the last recorded one on July 8, 2015. There are 56 crawls for the page altogether. So where was that webpage before 2012? Was it created to add legitimacy for the event, taken down until a short time before December 14, 2012, and then put back up in January 2013?
Also, on a previous post, someone other there mentioned that this Monte attorney guy got a recent promotion (maybe now head of CT Bar Association--or something like that), and maybe someone who was involved w/the fake funerals (perhaps an embalmer or something) also got a promotion. So, I guess if you do well in helping to pull off these hoaxes, you can get some career advancement out of it.
20th August 2015, 02:23 PM
August 20, 2015 (
Newtown Officials, CT FOI Commission Spurn Records Requests Reply ( by James Tracy ( • Interviews ( • Tags: censorship (, charity industry (, Sandy Hook Elementary (
As another school year is upon us Real Politik welcomes back former Florida State Trooper and school safety expert Wolfgang Halbig for an update on his outstanding Freedom of Information Act requests with the Newtown Connecticut Police Department, Public Schools, and First Selectman.
Halibig has been a tireless critic of the government-mandated version of the Sandy Hook massacre, raising necessary funds for legal representation and traveling to Newtown numerous times over the past year to demand that area officials present the necessary records that the shooting took place as it was presented by corporate news media.
Halbig filed his first FOI request with officials immediately involved in the Sandy Hook massacre back in February 2013 and they have yet to be satisfactorily addressed. Nevertheless, the Connecticut FOI Commission has seen fit to formally conclude ( that Mr. Halbig’s requests have been settled. Halibig’s next step is to appeal the unfulfilled FOI requests to Connecticut Superior Court.
In other developments Monte Frank, the bicycle-cruising gun control advocate and attorney for Newtown leaders, appears to have perjured himself by confirming before the FOI Commission the authenticity of a Newtown police dash cam video document purportedly taken on 12/14/12 that curiously lacks the customary date and geo-location stamp necessary for its forensic utility.
Most recently PayPal pulled the plug on Halbig’s fundraising account, apparently under pressure from Sandy Hook victims’ organizations. A similar effort was successfully waged against Halbig’s GoFundMe account in October 2014.
Wolfgang Halbig’s website is (
20th August 2015, 03:16 PM
Amanda, as always, you post good stuff. Thank you.
20th August 2015, 09:10 PM
Also, for those interested, it's sometime worth going through the comments at Prof Tracy's site--some of the people over there dig up some interesting stuff.
Here's a comment I found in response to this post:
Maryaha says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:26 PM (
Has anyone else checked out the SHES web address that is shown in these two e-mails on the Wayback Machine? I did, and if I am reading it correctly, the first time that web page was crawled by the Wayback Machine, was on April 6, 2012. From 1996 to that date, the page had never been crawled, and it was not crawled even once for the rest of 2012. It begins to be on January 11, 2013 and continues to be crawled regularly, the last recorded one on July 8, 2015. There are 56 crawls for the page altogether. So where was that webpage before 2012? Was it created to add legitimacy for the event, taken down until a short time before December 14, 2012, and then put back up in January 2013?
Also, on a previous post, someone other there mentioned that this Monte attorney guy got a recent promotion (maybe now head of CT Bar Association--or something like that), and maybe someone who was involved w/the fake funerals (perhaps an embalmer or something) also got a promotion. So, I guess if you do well in helping to pull off these hoaxes, you can get some career advancement out of it.
Interesting. I wonder how the wayback machine works. Does it crawl web sites like spiders do? If so it is possible that the site was configured to be not crawl-able. It is possible to set a web site so that it is not crawl-able by things like search engine sites. They use what is euphemistically called spiders or web crawlers to index web sites into their search engines.
23rd August 2015, 04:01 AM
1hr interview here, 27:40 through the end JTracy is hit with djooz questions from callers & messagers. JT basically takes the AJ 'diffuse the heat' tact; it's CFR & trilaterals, izzy is a tool of the "Anglo-American Empire" lol, try more like vice versa, JT!
"Oddly," there's no MHB entry pointing to this one! :|~
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 The People Speak with Steve Johnson 2015.08.18 (
Guest: James Tracy (
BBS Radio (
64k CF Download ( 15.08.18.Tracy.mp3)
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