View Full Version : Media blackout: Oregon mall shooter was stopped by an armed citizen

16th December 2012, 11:28 AM

16th December 2012, 12:36 PM
Fuckin amazin!

16th December 2012, 05:07 PM

Twisted Titan
16th December 2012, 05:26 PM
If you dont belive your gun freedoms are under assualt by a coordinated attack.....then you deserve exactly what these sociopaths have planned for you and your loved ones

Get whatever you can as fast you can

Cash only.

Large online orders WILL be followed up on a later time

Help out your fellow patriot barter with them for things they may not he able to get rigyt now due to financial constraints

This is it ......they are going for bear

16th December 2012, 08:01 PM

16th December 2012, 08:09 PM
Strange how once the shooter sees the gun, he simply walks away and kills himself. Didn't even try to escape, almost like he was programmed to kill himself once he saw someone with a gun.

Hatha Sunahara
16th December 2012, 10:21 PM
Did anybody see him kill himself? How do we know some other armed citizen, or even his handlers didn't do it to him? How many gazillions of bucks do we spend for 'police protection' and the cops show up after all the damage is done and it's too late to protect anybody. And the politicians want to protect us by taking away our guns.

Here is a bit of history on what happened after Australia took away everybody's guns:


They're not too optimistic about getting their rights back.


17th December 2012, 02:06 AM
I wish the CC guy had put a round into the shooter. Then we would know something. Why does the shooter need privacy to commit suicide?

I think we have one shooter and one patsy.

Twisted Titan
17th December 2012, 04:27 AM
I wish the CC guy had put a round into the shooter. Then we would know something. Why does the shooter need privacy to commit suicide?

I think we have one shooter and one patsy.

Though i would like to know answers as well.

The CCW acted correctly by not engaging unless forced upon.

His life would a living hell forced to clear his name and keep his freedom.

Im just glad he was there. ......God knows how many lives this brave patriot saved

17th December 2012, 06:43 AM
If you dont belive your gun freedoms are under assualt by a coordinated attack.....then you deserve exactly what these sociopaths have planned for you and your loved ones

Get whatever you can as fast you can

Cash only.

Large online orders WILL be followed up on a later time

Help out your fellow patriot barter with them for things they may not he able to get rigyt now due to financial constraints

This is it ......they are going for bear

if you see a good deal on ammo at a garage sale - how to test it ?

EZ, i suppose - a functional test.

only problem is, if it's within city limits, that can bring some Cop Heat.

maybe a sound-muffled box in the back of the truck if you're doing serious shopping ?

i'm thinking about this because i saw some ammo sold at a garage sale last year. $5 a box, 50 rounds per box, larger size ammo, about 15 boxes.

i had my own great deal i was thinking about, i just stood there and watched some guy either -
A/ get a great deal on Ammo, or
B/ buy some Ammo that had gotten wet, or deteriorated somehow.

Hatha Sunahara
21st December 2012, 12:14 PM
Here are the Brits after handguns were banned in the UK:


Who are Americans going to complain to when all the evils of not being able to defend yourself come here? Why is DHS buying billions of rounds of ammo? Are they going to protect us with it?


General of Darkness
21st December 2012, 01:28 PM
From the OP.
