View Full Version : In this time of caos, let's reflect on history

General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 03:57 PM
We have The Order in the 80's. I do respect their cause, but they went about this things in the wrong way IMHO. However, Robert Mathews, the founder was burned ALIVE.


Then we have WACO, but this is different, they (TPTB) could never prove the reasons they burned those people alive or have cause.


Ruby Ridge. Same shit.

I'm watching the second video right now, I'll add the others later. But I think it's our duty here on gsus to catalog this information.

J6P can we setup a way to upload videos? I can download them but it would be great to have a server for people to access.

General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 05:40 PM
BUMP because if it's possible we need to set up a repository of historical video.

18th December 2012, 05:44 PM
I heard that Mathews wore a gold medallion with the emblem of the Order on a necklace and that it burned into his chest at the end, which is pretty damn hardcore.

I don't know a lot about him, but I know that David Lane was pretty much in love with the guy.

General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 05:55 PM
I don't know a lot about him, but I know that David Lane was pretty much in love with the guy.

How do you know this? Lane died in prison. Also the point isn't about The Order at all, it's about how people that they want gone burn to the ground.

18th December 2012, 06:20 PM
How do you know this? Lane died in prison. Also the point isn't about The Order at all, it's about how people that they want gone burn to the ground.

I read a short story by David Lane called KD Rebel, which he had written in prison. Here is a link to the story: http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/Lane/David%20Lane%20-%20KD%20Rebel.pdf


It is obvious from the story (which I think he wrote more out of boredom and longing than to entertain or even really to get his message out) that he held Bob Mathews in extremely high regard.

General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 06:32 PM
I read a short story by David Lane called KD Rebel, which he had written in prison. Here is a link to the story: http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/Lane/David%20Lane%20-%20KD%20Rebel.pdf


It is obvious from the story (which I think he wrote more out of boredom and longing than to entertain or even really to get his message out) that he held Bob Mathews in extremely high regard.

Well that's very different than what you said. You said he was in love with him. I've always tried to be honest, and not a sneaky cunt by mixing words. You might try and do the same.

18th December 2012, 07:19 PM
Hahaha I wrote a reply but then realized you typed sneaky...lol

General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 07:32 PM
Hahaha I wrote a reply but then realized you typed sneaky...lol

Here's Ruby Ridge fucktard.


18th December 2012, 07:44 PM
Well that's very different than what you said. You said he was in love with him. I've always tried to be honest, and not a sneaky cunt by mixing words. You might try and do the same.


I stand by all my posts.

He was pretty much in love with Mathews and his perceived martyrdom.

KD Rebel is not a long read, and gives insight into the mind of David Lane. I feel like I can understand him a lot better after having read it, not that I really give two fucks either way.

It's about whites who rebel against an oppressive ZOG and establish colonies out west. They rescue/kidnap white women from the cities and bring them to their colonies and teach them their ways.


General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 07:49 PM

I stand by all my posts.

He was pretty much in love with Mathews and his perceived martyrdom.

KD Rebel is not a long read, and gives insight into the mind of David Lane. I feel like I can understand him a lot better after having read it, not that I really give two fucks either way.

It's about whites who rebel against an oppressive ZOG and establish colonies out west. They rescue/kidnap white women from the cities and bring them to their colonies and teach them their ways.


You stand by your posts, but WTF do YOU stand by? I venture to guess you're a pussy. Probably suck a cock to get out of jail. But hey bro, I stand by my post also. If you're going to talk shit about dead people that actually did something, then you know what, keep blowing faggot.

18th December 2012, 07:57 PM
You stand by your posts, but WTF do YOU stand by? I venture to guess you're a pussy. Probably suck a cock to get out of jail. But hey bro, I stand by my post also. If you're going to talk shit about dead people that actually did something, then you know what, keep blowing faggot.

You sound like you could probably use an attitude adjustment.

I don't hate David Lane or anything, and I wasn't "talking shit" about him. Read my posts. And read his story if you want to see how much he loved Bob Mathews. It's not that big of a deal. Hell, there are probably youtube videos of David Lane talking about him and telling of his love and admiration.

General of Darkness
18th December 2012, 08:05 PM
You sound like you could probably use an attitude adjustment.

Hey fuck you. I'm a heterosexual white man living in Amerikwa. My ancestors built this POS country and Europe. If anything more white men should be like me and stand up for themselves.

I got a great idea, you should go and unscrew yourself and come back and be HONEST and tell me why you're worth a shit. Merry Christmas.

18th December 2012, 08:24 PM
Hey fuck you. I'm a heterosexual white man living in Amerikwa. My ancestors built this POS country and Europe. If anything more white men should be like me and stand up for themselves.

I got a great idea, you should go and unscrew yourself and come back and be HONEST and tell me why you're worth a shit. Merry Christmas.

I'm a heterosexual white man too, and my ancestors were here longer than yours. ;D

18th December 2012, 08:53 PM
My ancestors have a bigger dick.

18th December 2012, 09:13 PM
This thread is a bad example for white english spelling heterosexual males across the planet.

18th December 2012, 09:53 PM
I think it's been scannned!

19th December 2012, 12:21 AM
I am a white heterosexual male and I have several male friends that I "love" and even tell them so. More love is better. If you care about people, tell them so.

Love yall


19th December 2012, 01:53 AM
Hey Gennera'l, fuck you too... my ancestors burned and pillaged your ancestors and made them cry.

Were they all shrimps like you?

go vikings terror!