View Full Version : Tennessee Considers Training And Arming Schoolteachers To Protect Against Shootings

18th December 2012, 07:11 PM
Tennessee Considers Training And Arming Schoolteachers To Protect Against ShootingsBy Evan McMorris-Santoro | TPM – 4 hrs ago

Tennessee has emerged this week as a center of the "the answer is more guns in schools" sentiment following the Newtown, Conn. elementary school shooting (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/12/sandy_hook_elementary_shooting.php).
A member of the Republican-controlled legislature plans during its upcoming session to introduce a bill that would allow the state to pay for secretly armed teachers in classrooms so, the sponsor told TPM, potential shooters don't know who has a gun and who doesn't.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (R) has said the idea will be part of his discussions about how to prevent a shooting like the one in Newtown (http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/funerals-begin-monday-for-newtown-victims) from happening in the Volunteer State.
As has been seen following other mass shootings, there's a strong segment of the gun rights lobby that says the answer to events like the one in Newtown is more guns in more places. (http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/12/manchin-warner-gun-control.php) But they've said the recent massacre shows how important it is to put guns into elementary schools, where even gun-friendly states like Tennessee don't currently allow them.
State Sen. Frank Niceley (R) told TPM on Tuesday he believes it's time for that to change. He plans to introduce legislation in the next session, which begins Jan. 8, that will require all schools to have an armed staff member of some kind. The current language of the bill -- which is in its early form -- would allow for either a so-called "resource officer" (essentially an armed police officer, the kind which most Tennessee high schools have already) or an armed member of the faculty or staff in every school in the state. The choice would allow schools that can't afford a resource officer to fulfill the requirement without having to pay for anything beyond the cost of the training and, presumably, the weapon. But Niceley said schools should use the wiggle room to train and keep on hand armed staff not in uniform.
That's the best way to protect students, he said.
"Say some madman comes in. The first person he would probably try to take out was the resource officer. But if he doesn't know which teacher has training, then he wouldn't know which one had [a gun]," Niceley said by phone. "These guys are obviously cowards anyway and if someone starts shooting back, they're going to take cover, maybe go ahead and commit suicide like most of them have."
Niceley described himself as a person who as grown up around guns his whole life and a strong supporter of gun owners' rights. He tussled with the NRA (http://www.wbir.com/news/article/228697/193/NRA-Rep-Frank-Niceley-battle-over-gun-grade) during his last election over the letter grade he received from the group, though for the most part he's been rated A+ (http://blogs.knoxnews.com/humphrey/2012/07/nra-downgrades-niceley-rating.html).
Niceley's proposal has gathered some high-level interest. Tennessee's governor told reporters (http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/dec/17/haslam-mental-health-services-key-in-preventing/) Monday that he's open to including it on the agenda for a January conference to discuss school safety. Nicely said he expect the governor "to be receptive" to his plan to use tax money to arm and train teachers.
Asked about concerns from gun control advocates (http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/brady-campaign-we-have-to-demand-change-on) that putting more guns in schools in the wake of Newtown might make them more dangerous, Niceley said the sentiment was naive. Not only does an unarmed school leave itself unprotected, he said, it also presents a tempting target.
"Look at it this way, you never see one of these whacko shooters go to a gun show and start shooting. They don't go down to the police station and start shooting," he said. "They go to places we advertise are gun-free."
School resource officers are paid jointly by the local sheriff's department and the school district. Niceley's bill would allow schools to pay for background checks and firearms training for teachers that woud allow them to be armed as well. Asked if the guns for the trained teachers would also be part of the taxpayer expense, Niceley laughed.
"Well, that's a minor detail in Tennessee," he said. "We hoped the teachers would have them already."
The teachers that would be trained would be volunteers, he said, and would likely carry their own firearms to school.

Hatha Sunahara
18th December 2012, 10:48 PM
I'm all for that. I'd like to see the state governments promote universal gun ownership among the citizenry, and to support gun owners by providing self defense education with guns for adults. This would reduce the need citizens have for police protection, which they pay dearly for but don't get much of, if any. One town in Georgia required all its residents to keep firearms in the house. Crime dropped drastically.

I don't have my hopes too high for this. The media and political control freaks won't allow discussion of this idea. However, arming school teachers is a great first step toward having more self-reliance for protection, and less reliance on police. The real danger in society is mental illness and hot tempers. People exhibiting these qualities and threatening others with firearms would be culled out of the society before they could do grievous damage to others. Our prisons should also be used to incarcerate dangerous people--not users of recreational drugs. How did our 'justice' system get its priorities so screwed up?


18th December 2012, 11:01 PM
The real danger in society is mental illness and hot tempers.

This is the key to all of it. I personally think that the people who don't like guns are probably more scared about their own self control more than anything else. It's not really about that other guy who might be a threat, it's about them being scared of guns and what they might do if they had one....... like lose their temper and go postal. A lack of confidence in their self control.

Owning a gun is a big responsibility. They should be treated with respect. Of course there's the duffuses who think loaded guns are playthings. They're the ones who usually Darwin themselves.

It's interesting how you simply turned the gun ban argument on it's head and very simply too I might add. It was logical, sensible and mature. It'll never fly.

19th December 2012, 04:09 AM
It'll never fly.

Logic and reason will never work when the agenda is disarmament to permit all governments everywhere complete domination.

19th December 2012, 04:26 AM
Good for them!

I would like all schools to allow open/concealed carry by all that are mature enough to handle the responsibility.

It would cut down a bunch of this crap that has been happening at schools.

And while they are at it make it nation wide! Make open/concealed carry legal, that may cut down some of these "mass" shootings that has been in the news lately.

Mis dos centavos

19th December 2012, 07:13 AM
Heard this on the radio this mornin, a Texas Conceal Carry instructor offered free courses to teachers, admins and bus drivers. Within 24 hrs he had 400 registrations!

19th December 2012, 07:18 AM
Heard this on the radio this mornin, a Texas Conceal Carry instructor offered free courses to teachers, admins and bus drivers. Within 24 hrs he had 400 registrations! Something like this would go good in most parts of this state.

19th December 2012, 07:31 AM
A bill filed Tuesday the 18th in the South Carolina House.


See full text of bill and conditions below.

http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess120_...bills/3160.htm (http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess120_2013-2014/bills/3160.htm)

19th December 2012, 07:35 AM
A bill filed Tuesday the 18th in the South Carolina House.

Looks like the mason-dixon line is reforming.

Hatha Sunahara
19th December 2012, 09:03 AM
This is the key to all of it. I personally think that the people who don't like guns are probably more scared about their own self control more than anything else. It's not really about that other guy who might be a threat, it's about them being scared of guns and what they might do if they had one....... like lose their temper and go postal. A lack of confidence in their self control.

Owning a gun is a big responsibility. They should be treated with respect. Of course there's the duffuses who think loaded guns are playthings. They're the ones who usually Darwin themselves.

It's interesting how you simply turned the gun ban argument on it's head and very simply too I might add. It was logical, sensible and mature. It'll never fly.

There seem to be two motivations for gun grabbing. I hadn't thought about the people who are insecure around guns because they don't trust themselves. These are the innocent anti-gun people. Then there are the KGB enforcer types who salivate for control of the human race. The tyrants of the world who don't want you shooting back when they send out the black Marias in the middle of the night to round people up to send off for execution as undesirables. These are the paranoid schizophrenics who regard humanity as their enemy, and the only redemption for mere mortals is to be a sycophantic yes man to whatever these lunatics want. Otherwise you are off to the gulags or will sleep with the fishes. These are the reason sane people actually need guns.
