View Full Version : Fook gun control r.e. sandy hook

19th December 2012, 06:47 PM
...let me ask you all a question; can an inanimate object cause fundamental behavioral changes in a human being?
the answer is of course NO! Yet the clamour is guns CAUSED this crime and eliminating them will somehow stop these shootings.
Again i ask, can mind altering ssri drugs like the one the shooter was on fundamentally change a persons behavior? The answer is of course !...but, No talk anywhere on the msm about the complicity of these freakishly strong drugs even being a factor!
Its no surprize the deafening silence when you see how much advertising $ big pharma buys on these networks.

here is a partial list of serial killers /mass murderers on these drugs...please add to the list as the facts present themselves.

Adam Lanza -sandy hook

klebold and harris - columbine

james holms - aurora theatre

this is not to discuss wether or not they were actually the shooters, but to answer the msm on their own talking points, or lack thereof.

19th December 2012, 07:07 PM
The kid from Arizona.

19th December 2012, 07:23 PM
Look up "Fanapt", it's a drug that's closely related to all the common denominators. I'll post back with what I find but from the little I've read so far it is indeed intriguing.

20th December 2012, 08:59 AM
bump..just need more input here.. " its the drugs stupid...NOT the guns..: