View Full Version : Why did his administration just purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.

23rd December 2012, 09:34 AM
"A bullet can kill you, but, a bullet can save you"... Ponce

If Obama is opposed to guns, why did his administration just purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and sniper rounds?
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) "An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." - Adolf Hitler, 1922.

In the aftermath of the recent Sandy Hook shooting, Obama and his cohorts are screaming about how they all despise guns and ammo. Guns are the problem in America today, we've been told from every corner of the media, and so the only solution is to get rid of all the guns.

But not exactly. There's one organization in America that's loading up on masses of assault rifles and enough ammunition to run a 10-year shooting war. That organization is, of course, the U.S. federal government and its Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which has purchased a total of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition to be used domestically, inside the United States.

It begs the question: Why does the Department of Homeland Security -- named after Hitler's "Office of Fatherland Security" -- need 1.6 billion rounds of ammo?

Obama's government stockpiles weapons of mass destruction
The DHS began all this in April of this year, with the purchase of 450 million rounds of hollow point .40 caliber ammunition. This is significant for two reasons:

1) DHS does not fight wars with foreign nations. It's entire theater of operations is on U.S. soil, dealing solely with the American people.

2) Hollow point ammunition is banned by the Geneva convention and is not used by the U.S. military. This ammunition can only be used domestically, in the United States, against U.S. targets or people.

Along with these 450 million rounds of ammunition, DHS also purchased $400,000 worth of radiation protection pills and thousands of bullet-proof roadside checkpoint booths. Is it expecting a radiological event? (Or perhaps planning one?)

These 450 million rounds of ammo, Natural News calculated, is enough to wage a 7-year war with the American people.

Obama's government stockpiling millions of rounds of ammo to arm the DHS and TSA
You can see the original federal purchase document requesting all this ammunition at:

The numbers in the document, by the way, are in thousands.

In it, you'll discover that the U.S. government has also purchased all the following ammunition in addition to the 450 million rounds of .40 hollow point "anti-personnel" ammo:

• Over one million rounds of hollow-point .223 rifle ammo
• Over half a million rounds of non-hollow-point .223 rifle ammo
• 220,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun #7 ammo (target ammo)
• Over 200,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun #00 buckshot ammo (tactical anti-personnel ammo)
• 66,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun slugs (tactical anti-personnel, anti-vehicle rounds)
• Over two million rounds of hollow-point .357 Sig JPH (hollow-point) pistol ammo (anti-personnel)
• Over four million rounds of .40 S&W JPH (hollow-point) pistol ammo (anti-personnel)
• Over 60,000 rounds of .308 match grade anti-personnel sniper rounds (BTHP)
• Plus, hundreds of thousands of additional rounds of .38 special, .45 auto, 9mm, 7.62x39 (AK rifle) ammo, and others.

DHS then buys another 750 million rounds of anti-personnel ammunition
A few months after buying the 450+ million rounds of ammo to be stockpiled by Obama's government in the United States, the DHS then went on to purchase another 750 million rounds of ammunition.

Additional contracts were added after that, bringing the grand total of government ammo purchases in 2012 to 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. That's over five bullets for every American man, woman and child. It also includes long-range sniper rounds.

By comparison, a citizen is considered to be a stockpiling "terrorist" prepper if they own just 1,000 rounds of ammo. The government, however, can purchase billions and the mainstream media doesn't even question it.

Where is all this ammunition going? It's being stockpiled by the federal government, awaiting some future event during which it will apparently be "activated." Why else would you stockpile something if you don't anticipate needing to use it someday?

During all this, Obama and his cohorts in Washington are loudly insisting that American citizens have no right to purchase firearms or ammunition, and that new laws will soon be enacted to make sure you cannot do what the government does: stockpile weapons and ammo.

Obama has armed security personnel for self defense, but YOU can't have self defense
The United States of America was founded on the idea that an armed citizenry is the only thing that can be trusted to keep government honest, but that idea has now been turned upside down. The new message today is that an armed government is the only thing that can be trusted, and that individual citizens are all potential terrorists and mass murderers.

While Obama, Feinstein, Bloomberg and others are calling for citizens to give up their self defense tools, those very same people all have armed bodyguards to provide for their own self defense. Obama in particular has an entire group of men -- the U.S. Secret Service -- who are most definitely armed to the teeth and wielding full-auto weapons.

Will Obama now call for his own Secret Service men to give up their guns and ammunition? Will Bloomberg give up his armed police escorts and security personnel? Will the White House be completely disarmed and have a "Gun Free Zone" sign placed outside the White House lawn?

Of course not. What Obama, Bloomberg, Schumer, Feinstein and all these tyrants practice is a cynical double standard. They want YOU to give up all your guns and rights, but THEY refuse to do so. It's okay for them to be armed, but not you. You can't be trusted because you're just a hard-working American taxpayer / slave. Only the government elite can be trusted with guns, you see, because government is so incredibly honest, ethical and trustworthy. And anyone who questions that is obviously a terrorist.

That's the new insanity in Washington D.C. and apparently across the mainstream media where twits like Piers Morgan smear our TV screens with imbecilic profanity as they rant and rave about American citizens giving up all their guns while the government stockpiles masses of assault rifles and billions of rounds of ammunition.

Piers Morgan, in case you haven't figure it out, is precisely the kind of traitorous tory America's founding fathers would have hanged from a tree in 1776. That this frothing talking moron, a British subject, even sets foot in America today and calls for the mass disarmament of the American people is tantamount to an act of deliberate sabotage of the very nation that already defeated the British in one war. Morgan is an enemy of America and a traitor to humanity.

The picture is now becoming clear
The government plan for the use of all these guns and ammunition is now becoming clear. It is a plan to engineer a civil war. Here's how it works:

Step 1) Obama stockpiles billions of rounds of ammunition, assault rifles, bullet-proof checkpoint booths and sniper rounds for the government while training up a whole new army of psychopathic sex predators known as the TSA.

Step 2) Mass shootings of children are either staged or encouraged to make sure they happen with rising frequency. (Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc.). Schools are advertised as "Gun Free Zone" to make sure mass shooters doped up on psychiatric drugs and hypnotic video games know exactly where to go to achieve the highest body count, unopposed by any firearms.

Step 3) When the shootings take place, the media jumps on board the emotional bandwagon and parades dead children in front of the public to the point of emotional extortion. The public then leaps to the delusion that gun confiscation will be great for everyone!

Step 4) The government then stages a radiological false flag event in a major U.S. city while framing a group of patriots, veterans or "preppers" as patsies.

Step 5) This event, which kills 1+ million people, then provides the pretext to declare martial law, suspend the entire Bill of Rights and roll out TSA checkpoints nationwide. TSA agents, who have already proven themselves to be the most masochistic, sick-minded individuals working in government today, are then handed .40 caliber pistols and rifles (yes, they make rifles that shoot .40 pistol ammo) to start waging a shooting war against the American people.

Step 6) Now it's all-out civil war: Americans shoot each other up, causing huge casualties on both sides. Much of the weapons and ammo stockpiled by American preppers and patriots is used up in this conflict, and that's exactly the point.

Step 7) Once the civil war has torn America apart, the United Nations lands UN "peacekeeping" troops to take command and occupy America. This will be accompanied by strict "gun control" mandates and constant surveillance of the American people with facial recognition cameras, audio-recording street lamps in the cities, and airborne drones watching from the sky.

Obama is given another Nobel peace prize -- mission accomplished! -- for enabling the UN takeover of America. The globalists celebrate.

Why we need the Second Amendment for our own survival
Events like Sandy Hook, you see, are all part of the scripted escalation of violence in America, culminating in the government's declaration of war against citizens. This is precisely why we need the Second Amendment:

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms," said Thomas Jefferson, "...is to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

The only way America has a chance to halt the violence, defend the Constitution and restore the Republic is to stay armed and stay vigilant. Because let's be clear: the Obama administration is a criminal operation. The signing of the NDAA, all by itself, should have been clear grounds for not just impeachment, but prosecution for treason.

We are dealing with an out-of-control gang of tyrants in the White House, in DHS and TSA. There are some good men and women inside the FBI, the Pentagon and even the CIA, believe it or not. Those men and women are just as frustrated with what's happening inside the White House as we all are, and they are ready and willing to defend America against criminal traitors like Eric Holder, for example. Once this all starts to unfold, you will see the federal government having a difficult time keeping all its own people in line. There will be internal fracturing in the federal chain of command, and there may even be break-out groups that seek to overthrow the traitors and restore basic liberties in America.

Six undeniable facts
How all this actually plays out in anyone's guess, but there are several points I can assure you are very real:

Fact #1) The government is arming to the teeth, stockpiling more than five rounds of ammunition for every American man, woman and child.

Fact #2) The American people are also arming to the teeth, buying up millions of firearms and billions of rounds of ammunition at a record pace.

Fact #3) The Obama criminals have become arrogant and stupid, thinking they can pull off anything. They will over-estimate their power and soon overstep their bounds in trying to crush the remaining liberties of the American people. There will be a huge reactionary counter-effort.

Fact #4) There are good people still within the government and especially the military who are loyal to the Constitution and despise the communist-influenced gang that now occupies the White House.

Fact #5) The government can and will stage false flag attacks to blame its enemies and centralize power. This is true throughout human history.

Fact #6) Something much larger than Sandy Hook is in the planning stages, I believe. Look for a radiological attack of some sort, such as a dirty bomb being set off in a major U.S. city by a rogue group working under Obama. This will be used to terrorize Americans and blame patriots, unleashing an all-out war against individual liberty in America.

23rd December 2012, 09:40 AM
Do as I say, Not as I do...

Twisted Titan
23rd December 2012, 10:51 AM
War is coming to America

Im talking third world butchering and wanton killing.

For God sakes take it serious and do your personal best to secure several form of protection

23rd December 2012, 02:04 PM
LOL Titan, don't I know it.....at the proper time my final 25% of defences will be set up......like I said before, is not a matter of living or dying but rather as to how I play the game......I do have a good feeling about when I buy the farm and I am not scared....."You are only scared of dying, if you are already dead"

23rd December 2012, 02:04 PM
maybe they just want to see White Men Jump.

the DHS & TSA expects people to jump through hoops. when they tell Gentiles to jump, they want the Gentiles to say, "how high ?"