View Full Version : Look at this shit, Church of Satan Outpost, Newton CT I kid you not

General of Darkness
24th December 2012, 03:37 PM
I'm starting to think that this whole thing might have a been a damn blood ritual.

[from http://members.gnn.com/ZDervish/cosinfo.htm ] What is the Church of Satan and How Do I Get Involved? The Church of Satan was founded by Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, April 30th 1966 c.e. It was the first church based on the celebration of carnal indulgences and pursuit of material happiness and success. (In contrast to "spiritual enlightenment" and union with "God"). It was literally meant as an eye-opener for those who would choose to cast out false morality and blind faith, so to see with their own eyes and think with their own minds, so that the human race could grow more aware of itself rather than being clouded in self-righteous, hypocritical deceit. Satanists are driven to be leaders; they are strong and ambitious individuals who are masters of the world and of themselves. Our movement will enlighten those who act as predators, seeking material rewards and victories as their needs meet. Likewise, it will leave passive, non-thinkers to be enslaved in an increasingly demanding world that they would naturally have to face regardlessly. We do not favor trends or popular fanaticism because we can observe for ourselves how those who partake in such behaviors are constantly proven to fall into a mediocre category; always needing to be given detailed instructions on how they should conduct themselves and how to think. Television is their God. Satanists are above that. We represent the minority of free-thinkers and innovators who constantly pop-up in history as leaders, inventors, and "wise-men" of their time. Obviously there are many calling themselves Satanists these days who cannot and will not ever meet this standard. Satanism is a religion enshrouded in mystery, and the arcane aspects of it are indeed to our advantage. However, this sparks a temptation many times in the worst candidates for our elitist movement, a temptation to try joining our ranks and then consequently suffering their own folly while thinking that they are receiving worthwhile attention. One of the most unmistakable ways to recognize a pseudo-Satanist is that they commonly make a self-initiated claim to the position of "Priest", "Magister" or "Magus" long before the subject is suited or capable of handling such a role. These labels represent a high-rank within our meritocracy, and they cannot be misused. The pseudo-Satanist will aspire to this position usually without any experience, credentials, reputation or talent. A real Satanist doesn't concern himself with becoming a Priest. A real Satanist pursues happiness and success, and if they are fortunate enough to be ordained by the Church of Satan, then so be it. Other wise, there are many other achievements to aspire to in life and Satanists in various occupations are just as respected for their own victories. The Church of Satan was, is, and will always be the first above-ground organization ever established in the name of a religion called Satanism. It is advisable to check with any resources or persons what their feelings are for the Church of Satan and the work of Anton LaVey before accepting their authority. There is more inaccurate information on the internet, and in other resources, about Satanism than there is accurate information, and that is probably going to remain a reality for a while, until real Satanists have achieved enough momentum to overpower the reign of falsities, as we most certainly will. Since we let everyone stand or fall on their own merit, we don't get directly in their way. However, we do not tolerate unqualified, self-ordained spokespersons and never will, so this information is an important way of filtering them out. Real Satanists will never become the majority. This is not a world with many leaders and only a couple of followers. Nature's ineffable logic has never made it that way for quite valid reasons. The principles of the Satanic Bible, and the Satanic movement of the Church of Satan DO NOT condone: neo-nazism, racism, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, child molestation, mandatory sex orgies, kidnapping, or illegal drugs. All of these things either consist of or are in themselves exemplatory of compulsive, irrational behavior which is not desirable for the healthy lifestyle of Satanism. Let Christians who don't know what to do with themselves out of abnormal self-denial and neurosis abuse their altar boys - we don't need them anymore! Church of Satan: PO Box 210666 San Francisco, CA 94121 If you would like to recieve an official information packet on our Church of Satan outpost in Connecticut, (AKA Church of Tiamat) or if you have questions, write to: Curtis M. LeBlanc [zdervish@gnn.com] PO Box 3184 Newtown, CT 06470

And the School wasn't that far from the P.O. Box

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-sWUzZVD7rR4/UM0Suv6mHZI/AAAAAAAAC4U/mLZ7Zb-JBOA/s222/67923_286035451499257_310473038_n.jpgSee photos (https://plus.google.com/104985939909456844973/photos?hl=en)

https://www.google.com/maps/vt/data=Ay5GWBeob_WIPLDYoIWcfVXxvZu9XwJ55OX7Ag,G77jWO x8fjXRriZlcUgqq1UN_oo8ZHO4YlEvnyjFHx-3p09Q-1jLZqJtLp4FDeg5qpixj1zsix_mltRBNFDnOmigaEtKPkanrVB gBinsG41lRMndrBa4yYYt5TY5k8zWHeUAUQ (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&sugexp=les;pchsnhae&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=serp&gs_mss=andy+Hook+elementary+&tok=8H5XpDmAvUeW7gVm3ua3Hg&pq=andy+hook+elementary&cp=22&gs_id=gu&xhr=t&client=firefox-a&hs=6Vd&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=rcs&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.cGE&bpcl=40096503&biw=1920&bih=889&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=sandy+hook+elementary+newtown+ct&fb=1&gl=us&hq=sandy+hook+elementary+newtown+ct&hnear=sandy+hook+elementary+newtown+ct&cid=0,0,12853916142175655259&sa=X&ei=E-bYUJGOMc7migLah4C4BQ&sqi=2&ved=0CJQBEPwSMAQ)

Sandy Hook Elementary School
Address: 12 Dickenson Drive, Sandy Hook, CT 06482

24th December 2012, 04:45 PM
LeVay was a bagel eater and opportunist douche of the most kosher type. Surprise!

Twisted Titan
24th December 2012, 04:52 PM
Best thing that ever happened to Goyvey


midnight rambler
24th December 2012, 04:52 PM
Doesn't matter whether the actual blood was scooped up and used, or whether they used the whole bodies, or not, one thing is for sure - there was some sort of blood sacrifice involved with that event somewhere, if only figuratively.

24th December 2012, 07:39 PM
[FONT=arial]I'm starting to think that this whole thing might have a been a damn blood ritual.

[from http://members.gnn.com/ZDervish/cosinfo.htm ]

link isn't working for me... am I the only one?

24th December 2012, 07:47 PM
yeah I think the kids are still alive or at least willbe for maybe another 15 minutes. Until the peak of the black mass. Axtually the mass could have started 2 hours ago in some places of the US, but the last ones will be peaking in just a few minutes. Where is the mass? Who knows. I thought there might be something in that cryptic clue about the pebbles and so on but no one seems to be able to focus on that for some reason.

Its possible they were bled according to rites but I don't know how much time can elapse between the harvest and the roast.

24th December 2012, 08:04 PM
@ Makow's site,

Newtown has Reputation as Satanist Hub (http://www.henrymakow.com/newtown-has-reputation-as-satanic-hub.html)

(Above - Dead teacher Vicki Soto with warlock, i.e.male witch, making sign of Baphomet.)

In this 1996 article, Perry DeAngelis found that although the Newtown Police Dept. covered for Satanism, 45% of local respondents to a telephone survey had heard of Satanic cult activity in Newtown.

Satanism in Newtown (http://skepdigest.awardspace.us/satinnewtown.html)

by Perry J. DeAngelis

The Connecticut Skeptic Vol.1 Issue 1 (Winter '96)

more- http://www.henrymakow.com/newtown-has-reputation-as-satanic-hub.html