View Full Version : check out the ammo prices

27th December 2012, 06:43 AM

i cant believe how much ammo has gone through the roof!!

27th December 2012, 06:47 AM
nice site, thanks

27th December 2012, 08:23 AM
Wow! I haven't bought ammo in a few years (yeah i know, but I don't get out to shoot much anymore) and those prices are crazy! I don't think I could afford to buy ammo now if I wanted to. I've got an old Enfield in .303 and it's showing $2 a freakin round for .303 now and that's for plain old crappy factory ammo! WTH!?!? Used to be you only ever paid that kind of money per round for the exotic stuff back when I bought ammo.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2012, 09:16 AM
All ranges will go bone dry.

Any ammo you have will be golden

27th December 2012, 09:39 AM
Whenever there's a shortage of anything, the capitalist minded person sees an opportunity to make money.

27th December 2012, 09:51 AM
Great Site. Amazing how much prices have gone up.

27th December 2012, 10:04 AM
The last time I bought the last of my ammo was seven years ago.... better to early than to late.......


Why would you want so much ammo for?.... are you and the guy be sitting on lawn chairs at the two miles mark be taking turns shoting at each other?

Simply shoot the other guy and take all his equipment before he does it to you... and please don't say "But he won't have the ammo that I need"....... at WTSHTF mark who the hell care about being choosy about what kind of weapon you have, be happy to have a weapon at all.........besides, a beisball bat can get you a firearm.

27th December 2012, 11:16 AM
I have a tee shirt that says - Ammo, Currency for the new Millenium
Seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy

27th December 2012, 11:22 AM
I have a tee shirt that says - Ammo, Currency for the new Millenium
Seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy
I would get rid of that tee shirt, if I were you...

27th December 2012, 11:23 AM
You would be far better served with individual reloading components, and learning how to do it.

Get some good brass, and keep recycling your preferred recipes through it.

Improved accuracy alone makes it worthwhile.

27th December 2012, 01:05 PM
i looked at a farm supply store today.

not exactly a huge selection.

147 grain 9 mm Luger, box of 50 for $16.

i was surprised, i'm used to ammo's "New Prices" being closer to a $1 a bullet.

so all you guys with big bullet stashes are sitting pretty.

Black Blade is like the new Central Bank.

27th December 2012, 03:06 PM
do you think its a supply and demand thing? meaning when the craze dies down so will prices? or is this what we have to get use to?

midnight rambler
27th December 2012, 03:38 PM
do you think its a supply and demand thing? meaning when the craze dies down so will prices? or is this what we have to get use to?

IMO the tension is going to remain for a while until 'something' changes/happens (i.e. the other shoe drops). One thing is for certain - 'they' clearly don't want us having ammo to go with our guns. I'm expecting it to remain bad and get worse. Note how the gungrabbers are completely silent regarding online bulk ammo sales, and directly after the Aurora incident it was one of their main talking points - they are not mentioning the ammo situation at this time to prevent generating even more pushback at their gungrab agenda, but it's CLEARLY integral to their plans, to think otherwise would be a huge mistake.

27th December 2012, 05:21 PM
IMO the tension is going to remain for a while until 'something' changes/happens (i.e. the other shoe drops). One thing is for certain - 'they' clearly don't want us having ammo to go with our guns. I'm expecting it to remain bad and get worse.

i think Gun Control will be to the Obama second term what the ObamaCare Nightmare was to the first.

after 8 years of Bush/Cheney & 8 years of Obama, our nation will be even more un-recognize-able than it is now.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2012, 09:18 PM
IMO the tension is going to remain for a while until 'something' changes/happens (i.e. the other shoe drops). One thing is for certain - 'they' clearly don't want us having ammo to go with our guns. I'm expecting it to remain bad and get worse. Note how the gungrabbers are completely silent regarding online bulk ammo sales, and directly after the Aurora incident it was one of their main talking points - they are not mentioning the ammo situation at this time to prevent generating even more pushback at their gungrab agenda, but it's CLEARLY integral to their plans, to think otherwise would be a huge mistake.

I strongly concur

Ammo is even MORE important than guns for the simple fact with ammo you can make a "Gun" with a Hammer and Pliers

I think a digital data base for ammo purchases is coming
And you will only be able to by ammo for guns that you own no "straw buyer" for ammo
Everything associated with guns purchases will be held in digital format to be reviewd from some yet to be named new Federal Department

27th December 2012, 10:00 PM
IMO the tension is going to remain for a while until 'something' changes/happens (i.e. the other shoe drops). One thing is for certain - 'they' clearly don't want us having ammo to go with our guns. I'm expecting it to remain bad and get worse. Note how the gungrabbers are completely silent regarding online bulk ammo sales, and directly after the Aurora incident it was one of their main talking points - they are not mentioning the ammo situation at this time to prevent generating even more pushback at their gungrab agenda, but it's CLEARLY integral to their plans, to think otherwise would be a huge mistake.

On C-Span this week, they were talking about targeting ammo as a deterrent to crime. Heavy taxation, limiting number of rounds per purchase, etc.

27th December 2012, 10:03 PM
i looked at a farm supply store today.

not exactly a huge selection.

147 grain 9 mm Luger, box of 50 for $16.

Paid $17 (plus $1.10 sales tax) today for 115 grain 9 mm Luger, box of 50.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2012, 10:37 PM
9mm is still very affordable imo

The upper calibers are brutal

I got 3 boxes of 45 ACP today and it cost me almost 73 bucks

I can imagine what 30-06 and 7.62x 54r is running

28th December 2012, 05:39 PM
all ammo is in stock here at normal prices.....alot of black rifles in the racks begging for new owners

28th December 2012, 05:56 PM
all ammo is in stock here at normal prices.....alot of black rifles in the racks begging for new owners

This isn't really the best time of the year for a road trip to Wyoming.

29th December 2012, 12:50 PM
in fact osab, our busy little wyo congress has eliminated the need for ANY cc permits at all-you just cc when and where you want....now they are working feverishly on allowing wyo residents to use silencers...you gotta love this place,and in response to the sany hook shootings severa bills are being worked on forbidding the outlawing of any wyo residents firearms!

29th December 2012, 01:31 PM
in fact osab, our busy little wyo congress has eliminated the need for ANY cc permits at all-you just cc when and where you want....now they are working feverishly on allowing wyo residents to use silencers...you gotta love this place,and in response to the sany hook shootings severa bills are being worked on forbidding the outlawing of any wyo residents firearms!

Maybe this is the time of the year for a road trip to Wyoming.

29th December 2012, 01:33 PM
in fact osab, our busy little wyo congress has eliminated the need for ANY cc permits at all-you just cc when and where you want....now they are working feverishly on allowing wyo residents to use silencers...you gotta love this place,and in response to the sany hook shootings severa bills are being worked on forbidding the outlawing of any wyo residents firearms!

still need to make it up there and say "hey", JD

midnight rambler
29th December 2012, 01:33 PM
Maybe this is the time of the year for a road trip to Wyoming.

If it weren't so cold I'd consider it. Heat you can generally survive (without energy input); cold (of the type in Wyoming) can very easily kill you (if you don't have sufficient energy on tap to ward it off).

29th December 2012, 04:49 PM
check out cheaper than dirts ass raping of newbs


29th December 2012, 04:57 PM
check out cheaper than dirts ass raping of newbs


Value is a relative thing

Twisted Titan
30th December 2012, 04:57 AM
Notice the last review was from march

They have got to be editing them because there are multiple vids out there about CTD ass rapping people

30th December 2012, 10:41 AM
in fact osab, our busy little wyo congress has eliminated the need for ANY cc permits at all-you just cc when and where you want....now they are working feverishly on allowing wyo residents to use silencers...you gotta love this place,and in response to the sany hook shootings severa bills are being worked on forbidding the outlawing of any wyo residents firearms!

Do you think any of this can be attributed to Free State Wyoming? Or is it the long term residents that are driving this?

30th December 2012, 11:29 AM
Do you think any of this can be attributed to Free State Wyoming? Or is it the long term residents that are driving this?
Excuse me for butting in:

I met up with some of them (Free State Wyoming) this October and it's mainly a handful of retired people in Newcastle and neighboring towns (Upton, Sundance, and so forth) in Weston and Crook counties. From what I saw (as an outsider) Wyoming has a lot of out of state people from everywhere, many are there for the energy related jobs. Most people I meant were generally liberty minded. The actual Free State Wyoming people I met were extremely knowledgeable, and GSUS material for the most part, even on the J00 question, though they won't talk about it openly like we do.

A lot of the Free State Wyoming people didn't seem politically active, they just wanted to keep to themselves, but they wanted other people like them out there with them.

Just know if you move there you won't have access to a decent Internet connection, and a lot of their produce is old/second hand (from what I saw.) The "gardens" I saw were meager, and it looked impossible to do without a decent greenhouse. In other words you'll trade off many of the big city conveniences we are spoiled with for more rural life, but most of the state is a desolate wasteland. All the nice places in Wyoming which are more habitable are ultra-expensive to live from what I saw. More expensive than where I'm at now in California in other words. I'd love to live where JD is (I'm kicking myself for not visiting him,) but I dunno if I could afford a place like that.

I'd still consider moving out there, but only if I had a roommate, and a better Internet connection. I wouldn't want to live out there alone.

30th December 2012, 11:57 AM
Thanks Shami, but I really don't mind being rural. In fact, I'd like to be more rural than I am (and I'm pretty rural now).

I've always wanted to be somewhere in the WY/MT/ID area, but I have roots where I am. I'm the 5th generation to farm the same land and I have 2 sons that I hope will be the 6th. It's hard to leave a heritage like that, but if political events force it, I may have to look for a place with more freedom. I'm especially interested in the idea of a state standing up to overreaching federal laws. Taken one family at a time, they can easily defeat us, while painting each resister as a nut, but an entire state standing up to them would be a force (both military and public opinion) to be reckoned with.

In your search for a new location, have you been checking real estate prices? I'd be interested in knowing what a fairly large piece of Wyoming rangeland would be worth. I see a lot of adds trying to sell 40 acres for pretty high prices. I'm not interested in that. I'd be looking for 160-640+ acres and not in the tourist/celebrity areas.

30th December 2012, 12:18 PM
Thanks Shami, but I really don't mind being rural. In fact, I'd like to be more rural than I am (and I'm pretty rural now).

I've always wanted to be somewhere in the WY/MT/ID area, but I have roots where I am. I'm the 5th generation to farm the same land and I have 2 sons that I hope will be the 6th. It's hard to leave a heritage like that, but if political events force it, I may have to look for a place with more freedom. I'm especially interested in the idea of a state standing up to overreaching federal laws. Taken one family at a time, they can easily defeat us, while painting each resister as a nut, but an entire state standing up to them would be a force (both military and public opinion) to be reckoned with.

In your search for a new location, have you been checking real estate prices? I'd be interested in knowing what a fairly large piece of Wyoming rangeland would be worth. I see a lot of adds trying to sell 40 acres for pretty high prices. I'm not interested in that. I'd be looking for 160-640+ acres and not in the tourist/celebrity areas.

I created a new thread to continue this discussion here:

I don't want to hijack the subject of this thread.

30th December 2012, 12:32 PM
the new law FINES the feds 2,000 for trying to enforce fed gun laws on wyo citizens.....shit just got real

2nd January 2013, 10:26 AM
from http://slickdeals.net/f/5764968-Gun-Deal-AMMO-500-rounds-Winchester-40-cal-180-grain-HP-199-90-or-197-90-Shipping-NO-TAX?p=56537374#post56537374

SGAmmo has 500 rd cases - 40 cal 180 grain Bonded Hollow point Winchester Q4369 ammo for 199.90 for a single case or 197.90 for 2 or more cases.

This comes to 0.3998 a round or .3958 a round before shipping if you buy 2 or more cases.

Shipping will depend on the options you choose and your location, I got 2 cases shipped to upstate NY for .4178 cents a round(22.00 shipping). Best deal on a quality 40 cal hollow point round I have seen in the current market.

5 day delay for shipping due to high volume of orders.

BULLET TYPE Bonded Hollow Point
391 FT LBS


Twisted Titan
2nd January 2013, 11:39 AM
Ammo is moving.....but i can still pick at my local store.

No price spike either.

Internet chains are getting slammed

2nd January 2013, 12:33 PM
from http://slickdeals.net/f/5764968-Gun-Deal-AMMO-500-rounds-Winchester-40-cal-180-grain-HP-199-90-or-197-90-Shipping-NO-TAX?p=56537374#post56537374

SGAmmo has 500 rd cases - 40 cal 180 grain Bonded Hollow point Winchester Q4369 ammo for 199.90 for a single case or 197.90 for 2 or more cases.

This comes to 0.3998 a round or .3958 a round before shipping if you buy 2 or more cases.

Shipping will depend on the options you choose and your location, I got 2 cases shipped to upstate NY for .4178 cents a round(22.00 shipping). Best deal on a quality 40 cal hollow point round I have seen in the current market.

5 day delay for shipping due to high volume of orders.

BULLET TYPE Bonded Hollow Point
391 FT LBS


Their 7.62x51 ammo went up about .30 a round since the Sunday before Christmas.

Errosion Of Accord
2nd January 2013, 12:43 PM
the new law FINES the feds 2,000 for trying to enforce fed gun laws on wyo citizens.....shit just got real

Haven't heard it yet. Have a source?

2nd January 2013, 01:42 PM
i'm the same as ta. my hardware store has everything in stock. i can buy .223, 9mm, whatever (except cci stingers, those are like trying to find a unicorn). same prices as always. i bought some umc .223 just this morning.

2nd January 2013, 05:15 PM
Maybe this is the time of the year for a road trip to Wyoming.SHOtGUN!

3rd January 2013, 02:56 PM
Haven't heard it yet. Have a source? google wyoming firearm laws...

old steel
3rd January 2013, 10:26 PM
The last time I bought the last of my ammo was seven years ago.... better to early than to late.......


Why would you want so much ammo for?.... are you and the guy be sitting on lawn chairs at the two miles mark be taking turns shoting at each other?

Simply shoot the other guy and take all his equipment before he does it to you... and please don't say "But he won't have the ammo that I need"....... at WTSHTF mark who the hell care about being choosy about what kind of weapon you have, be happy to have a weapon at all.........besides, a beisball bat can get you a firearm.

Ponce you read the Bible, don't you?

Errosion Of Accord
8th January 2013, 07:54 AM
google wyoming firearm laws...

I thought there was a new bill out there. So far as I can tell this is the only manufacturer which is eligible for the law you are talking about. In essence this only applies to firearms built from scratch in WY proper.


Set you back about $2400


8th January 2013, 08:13 AM
it was in our local paper...they chose freedom arms because it was made in wyo...its still in debate as to what they will choose.

9th January 2013, 02:24 PM
i was at meijer's today. no handgun ammo. no .22. only a few boxes of reminton 30-06 some 270 and a few other hunting rifle calibers. full stock of shotgun shells.

9th January 2013, 03:25 PM
i was at meijer's today. no handgun ammo. no .22. only a few boxes of reminton 30-06 some 270 and a few other hunting rifle calibers. full stock of shotgun shells.

This past Saturday and Sunday

Walmart - only 22 shorts(500) 4 boxes of 22 wmr some .25 in the pistol

local guy, no rifle, no 22, 2 boxes of 45 left after me (wad cutters), 4 boxes of 40 left after me(wad cutters), maybe 500 of 9mm (wad cutters), hunting calibers only in rifle

local farm store, 8 boxes of 22wmr, 5 boxes of .32, 5 boxes of .25, a few 357 mag, and that was it. no other ammo except shotgun and 270. they were also sold out of their black powder guns.

mick silver
9th January 2013, 03:50 PM
prices here are the same . but ar an ak are higher if you can get one at all . so maybe it time to stock up on butter knifes before there banned .

9th January 2013, 03:54 PM
prices here are the same . but ar an ak are higher if you can get one at all . so maybe it time to stock up on butter knifes before there banned .

or pounce on any deal you come across. This isn't the time to dawdle if you actually find something you are wanting.

9th January 2013, 03:58 PM
there's lots of ar ammo here, but it's all hunting rounds. $20 a box or so.

7.62x39 all high priced stuff, but you can get it.

all hunting calibers widely available, no price gouging.

lots of shotgun shells in every caliber.

tons of handgun ammo, anything you want, regular prices.

interesting, .22 is flying off shelves. i suspect it's because it's cheap, so people feel like they can at least buy a large amount "of something."

i'm buying 9,900 rounds of .22LR on friday (18 boxes of the 550 packs); the guy at true value already has it set aside for me in the back. today i did 10 boxes of .357 and 5 boxes of 9mm. if i get paid more than i am expecting on friday, i am also adding a large amount of .270 win.

i've abandoned any prepping anything other than ammo at the moment.

mick silver
9th January 2013, 04:00 PM
chad what the price on the 22 lr ?

9th January 2013, 04:08 PM
federal 550 value pack $25.98 per. it went up about 3 dollars the last month.

9th January 2013, 06:16 PM
cant find a bolt carrier group in 5.56 anywhere. had email alert from bravo, got their 5 minutes later, sold out in 3 min. full auto $179. Secondary market (flebay) $100 BCG's going for $300-500. Insane!!

Errosion Of Accord
10th January 2013, 02:15 PM
Here's the text of the new WY bill for those interested.


Back on topic

10th January 2013, 02:45 PM
Here's the text of the new WY bill for those interested.


Back on topic

"Presently, 17 states regulate private firearm sales at gun shows. Seven states require background checks on all gun sales at gun shows (California, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Oregon, New York, Illinois and Colorado). Four states (Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) require background checks on all handgun, but not long gun, purchasers at gun shows. Six states require individuals to obtain a permit to purchase handguns that involves a background check (Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Iowa, Nebraska). Certain counties in Florida require background checks on all private sales of handguns at gun shows. The remaining 33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of firearms at gun shows in any manner." - yet.

In the meantime, enjoy the freedom. Yeeeeeha !

the one thing that bugs me about buying a gun from a private party is, there's no way to verify its functionality, unless you are highly experienced and can tell just by looking.

do they ever have "shooting booths" at firearms shows, like they use in some forensics labs ? (or maybe i've just been watching too much NCIS TV :) )

but ... i guess the subject was - ammo prices.

10th January 2013, 02:53 PM

13th January 2013, 07:59 PM
went to bass pro shop in indiana today. only a few boxes of .38 special and a few of .357 mag. no .45, no .22lr there were alot of people combing the shelves. its all gone everywhere!

14th January 2013, 06:31 AM
was checking these out last night, is not .308 win, but I want to stock up a bit in case price goes up alot and is hard to purchase online. Late last night, had 23 cases, early this am is down to 12. About to be 11.


14th January 2013, 08:18 AM
"Presently, 17 states regulate private firearm sales at gun shows. Seven states require background checks on all gun sales at gun shows (California, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Oregon, New York, Illinois and Colorado). Four states (Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) require background checks on all handgun, but not long gun, purchasers at gun shows. Six states require individuals to obtain a permit to purchase handguns that involves a background check (Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Iowa, Nebraska). Certain counties in Florida require background checks on all private sales of handguns at gun shows. The remaining 33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of firearms at gun shows in any manner." - yet.

In the meantime, enjoy the freedom. Yeeeeeha !

the one thing that bugs me about buying a gun from a private party is, there's no way to verify its functionality, unless you are highly experienced and can tell just by looking.

do they ever have "shooting booths" at firearms shows, like they use in some forensics labs ? (or maybe i've just been watching too much NCIS TV :) )

but ... i guess the subject was - ammo prices.

Depends on the type of gun. Simpler guns like a revolver you can pretty much tell. You can pop the cylinder out and check that the rifling is good. You can cycle it dry and make sure the cylinder moves with each trigger pull or cocking of the hammer it is easy to check for cracks and signs of abuse. You can usually check the firing pin by pulling the hammer back and squeezing the trigger with your finger where the primer would be sitting.

14th January 2013, 08:27 AM
still plenty of ammo here ,no more ar 15s = ( ....boxes of 30 rd ar mags sitting around though...

mick silver
14th January 2013, 08:29 AM
a few of us were going to go shot at my range i made but no one want to use there ammo up . what a sad world when you cant go an play

Twisted Titan
14th January 2013, 08:32 AM
a few of us were going to go shot at my range i made but no one want to use there ammo up . what a sad world when you cant go an play

Better get snap caps dry fire and call it a day.

Twisted Titan
14th January 2013, 08:36 AM
Funny thing is i have to go to the range fairly soon.

I have some stuff in deep storage i need to test make sure its still good.

Just a few boxes

14th January 2013, 08:40 AM
a few of us were going to go shot at my range i made but no one want to use there ammo up . what a sad world when you cant go an play

The day at the range these days is shooting 50 rounds.

14th January 2013, 08:42 AM
still plenty of ammo here ,no more ar 15s = ( ....boxes of 30 rd ar mags sitting around though...

If you're seeing .223/5.56 for 30 cents a round, you should be buying all you can get your hands on and reselling it on gunbroker.com right now. Everything is near a dollar a round.

mick silver
14th January 2013, 10:00 AM

mick silver
14th January 2013, 10:02 AM

14th January 2013, 10:25 AM
http://www.shopknobcreekrange.com/promotional-c-507_514_517.html looks like they are out of stock mick. i clicked on 5 or 6 items and they are sold out.

mick silver
14th January 2013, 10:27 AM
call them ...........

midnight rambler
14th January 2013, 10:28 AM
I've been watching the online ammo sites and shortly after they list something - swoosh! it's gone!

14th January 2013, 10:45 AM
i went to 3 stores this morning. zero .22LR in any store. zero, of any kind. gander mountain had .22 blanks for starter pistols.

14th January 2013, 11:35 AM
Just heard a rumor that Wal-Mart is suspending ammo sales....

14th January 2013, 11:36 AM
Wally world was all out of .22LR, but Fred Meyer basically across the street still had lots. Of course it's all a buck or two higher priced than Wallys, but still available. So anyways, in this area it would appear that "cheap" .22LR is gone, but still .22LR available.

14th January 2013, 11:51 AM
If you're seeing .223/5.56 for 30 cents a round, you should be buying all you can get your hands on and reselling it on gunbroker.com right now. Everything is near a dollar a round.

dang that sounds like a plan......

14th January 2013, 12:05 PM
Just heard a rumor that Wal-Mart is suspending ammo sales....

the guy at my walmart told me that .22LR has been backordered for 2 months. bullshit, something is up.

14th January 2013, 04:46 PM
Was at one of the better local gun shops today here in Canada.

So far there are no ammo shortages here. 9mm American eagle. $150 for 500 which is about par. Cabela's is even cheaper.

Only thing that is starting to dry up are AR-15's and similar variants. Because of the demand in the states our shops are saying new inventory is going to be delayed.

14th January 2013, 04:56 PM
i went to 3 stores this morning. zero .22LR in any store. zero, of any kind. gander mountain had .22 blanks for starter pistols.

I haven't seen any bricks of .22 lr ammo at Wal-mart for quite awhile. I stopped by a farm supply store today that had six bricks for $27 each. I figured what the hell and went ahead and bought them. I've been itching to shoot my 10/22's with the Ruger bx 25 round magazines.

14th January 2013, 05:02 PM
If you're seeing .223/5.56 for 30 cents a round, you should be buying all you can get your hands on and reselling it on gunbroker.com right now. Everything is near a dollar a round.

I've found 7.62x39 for that price here in California? Should I buy all I can get? I already got some.

14th January 2013, 05:04 PM
These are getting pretty pricey - CCI Mini Mags

14th January 2013, 05:09 PM
I've found 7.62x39 for that price here in California? Should I buy all I can get? I already got some.
They're not commanding the kind of money .223/5.56 are. Depends what happens in the next few weeks...if you do, I'm sure you won't lose on them. Dealers around me are still getting them and they are selling them for $7.99 for a box of 20.

I'd buy all of these at around .30 if I saw them.

14th January 2013, 05:31 PM
I've found 7.62x39 for that price here in California? Should I buy all I can get? I already got some.

yes. all.

15th January 2013, 07:42 PM
Cabela's got more 7.62x38 154gr Herter's in. No free shipping over $150
http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Ammunition/Rifle-Ammunition%7C/pc/104792580/c/104691780/sc/104532480/Herters-762x39-Rifle-Ammunition/755646.uts?WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104792580%3Bcat1046917 80%3Bcat104532480

15th January 2013, 08:23 PM
$570 wow

15th January 2013, 09:12 PM
At a sporting goods chain in So Cal today.

Rem Golden Saber 9mm 25rds- $32.99 (limit 5 boxes of ammo per customer, store policy due to demand.) Girlfriend picked up Rem UMC 9mm 50rds- $18.99.

I asked about .223 and the lady said only three boxes showed up in their shipment. I bet they never made it to the shelf.

Twisted Titan
15th January 2013, 11:14 PM
$570 wow

After S&H and other fees I know nothing about it may have well cost thing Fellow about 650 smackers.

Now let you ask a question:

Do you REALLY think this chap is going to give up his Rifle(s) this stuff shoots because they pass some new laws??

16th January 2013, 01:18 PM
1500 rnds of CCI mini mags just went for 16 frns per 100 on gunbroker.


16th January 2013, 01:30 PM
got a 250 box of blazer .38 for $89 at gander mountain today. would have bought more, but i am all tapped out at the moment. they also had 250 0r 350 (can't remember how many rounds it was) packs of 9mm for $79.