View Full Version : Fiscal Cliff is a Red Herring

28th December 2012, 09:43 PM
Pretty good TV interview


28th December 2012, 11:14 PM
Pretty good TV interview


If someone can find that reporters e-mail address (Nicole Mischke) I want to send her an email thanking her for actually publicizing something most media talking heads don't want to touch with a 100 foot pole.

29th December 2012, 12:20 AM
If someone can find that reporters e-mail address (Nicole Mischke) I want to send her an email thanking her for actually publicizing something most media talking heads don't want to touch with a 100 foot pole.



29th December 2012, 03:55 AM
Wow, I cannot believe they brought up Lincoln, Kennedy, and Garfield and their "executions" after messing with the bankers money system. They should have added in the attempts on Jackson too.

I wonder how much longer she keeps her job. Must have been a slow news week at the station to let this air.

29th December 2012, 04:03 AM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-26/us-treasury-rises-above-debt-ceiling-now-what)
US Treasury "Rises Above" The Debt Ceiling - Now What?

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 12/26/2012 - 18:19 When Tim Geithner announced an hour ago that the US debt ceiling will officially be "risen above" on December 31, he stated that there are approximately two months in which the Treasury can take emergency measures to delay the actual debt ceiling breach, a moment in time which we believe will take place some time in March. Upon further reflection, with the automatic spending cuts and tax hikes that will take place on January 1, the irony is that the debt ceiling extension may last materially longer due to a substantial reduction in the US budget deficit, potentially pushing the final threshold to as late April or even May which means the political theater is going to last for even longer than we expected - something which both parties now appear set to capitalize on as much as possible. So the question now is what are the options before Tim Geithner and what are the "emergency measures" the Treasury take to delay the inevitable moment when one of three things happens: i) the US hikes its ceiling, ii) the US begins living within its means, iii) the US defaults on its debt. Since the third, and certainly second are impossible, and since the debt ceiling theater is something we all lived through as recently as 2011, here is the article we penned in January 2011, when that long ago debt ceiling of a mere $14.3 trillion was about to be breached, and whose ultimate rise required a 20% market plunge together with an S&P downgrade of the then pristine US AAA rating (an event which Tim Geithner had said shortly prior there is no risk of ever occuring), answering precisely this question.

29th December 2012, 04:21 AM


I can't find this chick on their site.

If you search "Nicole Mischke khq" you get this thread as the top result.

Hatha Sunahara
29th December 2012, 09:06 AM
Is this the explanation for all the ammunition that DHS has been buying?


29th December 2012, 09:19 AM
he stated that there are approximately two months in which the Treasury can take emergency measures to delay the actual debt ceiling breach,

Must be accessing the shadow "Leo Wanta" account.

I like the reporter, she reminds me of my niece. Must've just started there.

29th December 2012, 02:24 PM
i agree, it is a red herring.

sort of like OJ.

what crimes are going committed yet un-punished while the mass media & senate & house wring their hands ?

all the banksters that made trillions via fraud & credit derivatives.

why aren't we seizing their assets again ?

Jon Corzine, for example.

9-11 official conspiracy theory, more holes than a one ton piece of Swiss cheese.

don't hear the MSM saying much about THAT.

the issues at stake with the "cliff" - the need to balance the books, the Big Howitzer pointed at the value of the US $ when the primary solution of the US gov. is to "print more" - those issues don't go away either way.

i say, use the banksters' money & give some of it to the people whose unemployment benefits are expiring Jan. 1.

mainly, the US economy has been contracting at the rate of about 8% a year since September 2008 (prices go up 10% a year, nominal GNP goes up 2% a year). 4 1/3 years.

that means the economy has shrunk at least 30% since the credit "crisis" started.

meanwhile, world shipping is starting a historically slow part of the year at a historically low level. it's like "globalization" is being reversed - but not being replaced by localized manufacturing.

there's a LOT to talk about.

we're in the middle of a historic transition, for which there is little solution - as long as the criminal banksters & their buddies & beneficiaries etc. are allowed to skate.


Video - Ron Paul talks about the "fiscal cliff". after the 15 second ad, the good part starts at 5:45 in.


Side Question - anybody know how to embed that video ? this is the Embed Code -
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