View Full Version : November 2012 Seminar ... MP3s
29th December 2012, 06:25 PM
I like this group. They have figured out that a living being cannot interact with a FRN. Only the strawman fiction can transact business with FRNs. Worthwhile listening.
Above link is to 3 days of seminar audio from Creditors in Commerce group from their Chicago 2012 seminar.
7th trump
29th December 2012, 08:16 PM
I like this group. They have figured out that a living being cannot interact with a FRN. Only the strawman fiction can transact business with FRNs. Worthwhile listening.
Above link is to 3 days of seminar audio from Creditors in Commerce group from their Chicago 2012 seminar. bullshit conspiracy.
Palani wake the fuck up and smell the damn coffee will you.
FRN's have nothing at all to do with labor being taxed!
Stop listening to that retard David Merrill Vanpelt who the courts have ruled as "incompetent" from his court case for abusing his mother.
30th December 2012, 03:17 AM bullshit conspiracy.
Palani wake the fuck up and smell the damn coffee will you.
FRN's have nothing at all to do with labor being taxed!
Stop listening to that retard David Merrill Vanpelt who the courts have ruled as "incompetent" from his court case for abusing his mother.
Now I KNOW you have not had time to listen to all those mp3 files so your comments have as much weight as a popcorn fart.
23rd January 2013, 03:05 PM
I've been working my way through these audios. I am up to #8 at the moment.
These guys have really come a long way since they started regarding their concepts. I think the early stuff went back to maybe 2002.
They are following the instructions on contracting that come from the bible. As I've said before the bible is an excellent legal and lawful resource if you know how to read it. eg. not literally.
I think #8 is the most enlightening segment. It would be a good place to start, then a listener could follow it through to the end of the seminar: segment 9 -12. Then I would go back to the begining to get more of the background information for these concepts.
23rd January 2013, 06:09 PM
Tag.. how about some foot notes??
23rd January 2013, 08:38 PM
Not much chance of foot notes I'm afraid. Add this seminar to my list of material, I have probably about 200 hours of seminars on ths topic.
Basically this deals with using commerce to resolve your issues. Commerce is the practice of contracting and staying in honour. It also deals with using other vehicles other than federal reserve notes to settle claims against you such as infringements and tax debts.
It also touches on securing your interests from public claim or securing greater control over your assets held by the public. By public I mean the Government.
For anyone completely new to this subject matter, you may need to source other information to enable you to grasp some of these concepts. You would not rely solely on this information as there are some fundamentals that they assume everyone listening will know. Things like, the difference between a people (man/womanm, flesh and blood) and a person (legal fictions, not flesh and blood, vessels/vassals). You will need to know and comprehend the fundamentals or you will get stomped on.
Anyone who has listened to this material or is listening, feel free to post any questions and we can probably point you to some futher info to answer the questions or give scenarios that explain it better.
23rd January 2013, 10:40 PM
Like the UCC1?
23rd January 2013, 11:24 PM
They touch on it but thats not the whole of it.
I don't know what you know about UCC1 so I might give you the wrong impression by my answer. Many people have the UCC1 by the wrong end of the stick and many people are misinterpretting this stuff because of how it's presented. Also people get caught in a kind of euphoric I'm gonna be a freeman state of mind and I don't like to propogate that if I can help it. I can understand it because I felt like that in the begining, just like I have major freakout emotions seeing through 911.
As I said in an earlier post, these guys have come a long way since 2002..... as have I in terms of how I perceive these concepts.
This is why I suggest starting at #8 because it's about where the technical explanation. Not complicated but technical with good references to back it all up. The steps in completing a tax return and what those steps and questions truly mean for example. Certainly go back to the begining of the seminar for the full story, but first I suggest starting at about #8 for the meat and potatoes.
I have said in other threads touching on "hidden knowledge", you can't go off half cocked without fully comprehending this stuff and what it does. If you do you will get bit. When these topics are raised there is no shortage of people with examples of failures. In every case the failure is in comprehension and subsequent misapplication.
24th January 2013, 05:51 AM
he difference between a people (man/womanm, flesh and blood) and a person (legal fictions, not flesh and blood, vessels/vassals).
I agree with what you wrote but this about people is not entirely correct. People can refer to legal fictions as well in my opinion. The organic constitution refers to "We the People" when the several States were being referred to.
There are no People in any village, city or township. These are legislated corporate entites as well as being the SOLE body politic of counties. There are no People in any county. Counties are administrative subdivisions of States and if there are no People in counties then there are no People in any of the States.
Best guess ... if you agree to join a compact like the Constitution you leave Peoplehood behind and are strictly involved in Personhood.
24th January 2013, 02:22 PM
I agree with what you wrote but this about people is not entirely correct. People can refer to legal fictions as well in my opinion.
interesting that you picked that part. I actually agree with you. That is how the CiC guys are describing it this time around. I'd tend to describe the non fiction just as man or woman, previously I've said freeman or sovereign. I think both still apply. I'd like people to listen to this material without getting caught up in that aspect because it can be distracting or entice people to jump the gun before they fully comprehend the in's and out's of this information.
24th January 2013, 02:36 PM
This just in Ballentines 3rd edition
People ... The State; the Nation; any consolidated political party. The United States vs Three Friends 166 US 1. The subjects or inhabitants of a nation. The Pizarro (US) vs 2 Wheat 227. "The popular leaders, who in all ages have called themselves the people", see 4 Blackstone Commentaries 438
The Blackstone Commentary cite was found at 431 rather than 438 and is as follows
Flufhed therefore with the fuccefs they had gained, fired with refentment for paft oppreffions, and dreading
.P 431
Ch. 33.
the confequences if the king fhould regain his power, the popular leaders (who in all ages have called themfelves the people) began to grow infolent and ungovernable: their infolence foon rendered them defperate: and, joining with a fet of military hypocrites and enthufiafts, they overturned the church and monarchy, and proceeded with deliberate folemnity to the trial and murder of their fovereign.
24th January 2013, 11:49 PM
This just in Ballentines 3rd edition
People ... The State; the Nation; any consolidated political party. The United States vs Three Friends 166 US 1. The subjects or inhabitants of a nation. The Pizarro (US) vs 2 Wheat 227. "The popular leaders, who in all ages have called themselves the people", see 4 Blackstone Commentaries 438
The Blackstone Commentary cite was found at 431 rather than 438 and is as follows
Flufhed therefore with the fuccefs they had gained, fired with refentment for paft oppreffions, and dreading
.P 431
Ch. 33.
the confequences if the king fhould regain his power, the popular leaders (who in all ages have called themfelves the people) began to grow infolent and ungovernable: their infolence foon rendered them defperate: and, joining with a fet of military hypocrites and enthufiafts, they overturned the church and monarchy, and proceeded with deliberate folemnity to the trial and murder of their fovereign.
To me, the word that jumps out at me is Hypocrites.
This is mentioned specifically in Part 9 of these recordings that you linked to. The context is similar but was to do with Jesus. I mentioned in the Social Security Sucks thread, that Jesus dealt with the Pharosees and the Administrators when they deposed him about payment of tribute or taxes.
He called them Hypocrites for a very good reason. That they attempted to entangle him, claiming the power to co-erce in the private as well as in the public domains.
Probably more pertinent would be how this applies to the US Constitution and possibly who the Constitution was by and for. Again I recommend people listen to parts 8 and 9 as a begining and then move forward and back through the parts as they have time. People might be very interested to find out why they pay taxes and what kind of entity they are paying tax to. We know the name of the entity but do we know what it really is? Chances are we can't handle the truth. I'm using we for the collective, not for myself.
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