View Full Version : Manias of our time

30th December 2012, 10:23 AM
Today we have a major gun mania, where the price of a rifle has jumped from $800 to $3,000 in just a matter of a few weeks. A Glock 33rd magazine, $40 to $150 in the same time.

How did the last few manias fare? Who made out and who didn't?
Those that sold before, or at the peak made out...the rest/most lost their ass.

Housing Mania, 2003 to 2007?

The DotCom Mania 1997 to 2000?

The Beanie Baby Mania, 90's? (even more dumb then the Tulip Mania of the 1630's)

The Gold and Silver Mania of 1979/1980?

The Stock Market Mania of 1929/1934?

The Gun Mania, 2008 to ?
How will this one play out? Who will have benefitted the most when this one is over? Who will be the losers?

There's a "prepper" mania building too.

30th December 2012, 12:12 PM
Some years before and a little time after the winter Olympics in 94 people used to pay a lot for "rare" pins that you now can get bucketfuls of for nearly nothing.

30th December 2012, 12:21 PM
The Gun Mania, 2008 to ?
How will this one play out? Who will have benefitted the most when this one is over? Who will be the losers?

There's a "prepper" mania building too.

in the 2012 election, it was the interference of Israel in the GOP primary that kept Ron Paul from beating Obama in the November Election.

a candidate with his independence, and honesty about guns/ pro-gun/ let the teachers open-carry/CC-type position - would cream Obama.

but the J-Whiners couldn't let that happen.

at this point, there may well be additional mass shootings in the next 4 years. with Obama as pResident, and the faux-Democrats controlling the House or Senate (i forget which), the gun control traitors (e.g. FeinWhine) will probably have a majority for their position.

the resultant scarcity pushing up gun prices. and forcing many honest Americans underground with their gun activities, thereby making them 'criminals' in the eyes of the Criminal Government.

it could reverse in 2016, but i don't see any compelling reasons why it will. other than the US & world economies being in a state of collapse, which tends to produce a "throw out the incumbent" mood in the electorate.

i think one of the effects the combination of recent shootings plus the Obama re-selection + Diarrhea Feinwhine's whining, will be to give firearm owners increased incentive to use noise suppression.

if you are an American patriot who follows moral laws but ignores the Diarrhea coming out of Washington, you may well find yourself using firearms and wanting to keep that fact to yourself. Hence the need for noise-suppression.

also, that is only helpful if your nearest neighbor is 100 yards or more away.

so i think we will see a combination of Freedom & Discretion in the country, and more gun control in the cities & urban areas, although what incentive do you have there EXCEPT to defend your home with fire-arms (e.g. Oakland, CA, where the cops have announced 'we don't do burglaries').

so i think gun prices will stay high for awhile. also, it seems logical to take "gun vacations" in places like Wyoming, so you can fill up your firearms stash more affordably.

30th December 2012, 02:31 PM
If the enemy has better weapons than you do then the best weapons to fight the enemy with is their own weapons...

Twisted Titan
30th December 2012, 04:01 PM
But unlike the other manias

This one has something that just like gold has NEVER been worth zero and also just like gold when gubbermint lies it increases in value