View Full Version : Prayer alert

30th December 2012, 05:15 PM
I know everyone is worried...

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Admitted to Hospital With Blood Clot Following Concussion
WASHINGTON December 31, 2012 (AP)

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted to hospital with blood clot following concussion.


30th December 2012, 05:33 PM
i'll think about it in a decade or so.

30th December 2012, 05:42 PM

30th December 2012, 05:43 PM
Karma is a motherfucker. whatever these assholes do to sell their souls and think they can get off the hoook is funny. i enjoy seeing the come upins!

Twisted Titan
30th December 2012, 06:00 PM
I know what im praying for......im just not gonna say it

30th December 2012, 06:04 PM
I know what im praying for......im just not gonna say it

Something like this?

There's good news today also...George H. Bush is recovering nicely and should live another 50 years or so.

30th December 2012, 06:06 PM
dunno if I believe it's legit... or another delay tactic to not testify...

30th December 2012, 06:08 PM
dunno if I believe it's legit... or another delay tactic to not testify...

Isn't it just easier to not believe anything in the news regarding government and finance.
How many lies do we need to be told.

Shorty Harris
30th December 2012, 07:23 PM
Well, I guess that's one way to get out of testifying.

30th December 2012, 07:29 PM
& if she does recover, she won't be able to recall I'm sure...

30th December 2012, 07:42 PM
To good to be true.. i call BS because nothing good seems to happen anymore.

30th December 2012, 07:53 PM
Well, I don't wish the worst on anyone/ granted I don't wish the best either, I guess I just stay neutral, kinda like the Swiss.

Karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes around, and from what I have seen it always comes back around.

30th December 2012, 08:14 PM
dunno if I believe it's legit... or another delay tactic to not testify...

Clever...sounds like something Bill Clinton would come up with.

30th December 2012, 08:35 PM
If I was her this would be like swallowing square balls, no?

Black Blade
30th December 2012, 08:39 PM
I hope it's nothing minor

30th December 2012, 09:06 PM
I hope it's nothing minor

I just broke a rib laughing.;D

30th December 2012, 09:27 PM
Is this related to the shitting thing?

30th December 2012, 09:37 PM
I know what im praying for......im just not gonna say it

I truly hope the communist whore dies, and in great pain while doing it.

Does that work?

30th December 2012, 10:20 PM
CNN is running a pictorial thing like she's dead already...


Is she a vegetable now or what?

Did she get injected with something?

31st December 2012, 07:18 AM
CNN is running a pictorial thing like she's dead already...


Is she a vegetable now or what?

Did she get injected with something?

To those who worship at the altar of the state, she's a deity, and must be immortalized.

Hatha Sunahara
31st December 2012, 08:53 AM
Karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes around, and from what I have seen it always comes back around.

Yours is the second post in this thread talking about Karma. Not long ago, I had an insight about psychopaths and sociopaths. The conventional description of them is that they have no 'conscience', no empathy. It occurred to me that what they lack is any concept of Karma--which means nothing less than cosmic justice. They cannot imagine how their behavior will ever come back and bite them in the ass. They have no respect for the concept of Karma. That is what the Golden Rule expresses--respect for Karma. They can elude human justice, but they cannot elude cosmic justice which is nature's way of telling you that you deserve whatever you get. Read my sig line.


31st December 2012, 10:17 AM
Interesting alternative theory of Hillary's injuries.

A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [photo 2nd right] was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi border.

Iranian intelligence agents quoted in this GRU report confirm that the C-12 Huron aircraft is still in their possession in Ahvaz, but will only admit that the plane was “forced to land because of technical problems”.

The US Navy Seal member reported killed in this bizarre incident, this report says, was indentified as Commander Job W. Price [photo 3rd right] who as a leader of this highly specialized American Special Forces unit protects high-ranking diplomats traveling in Middle Eastern and Asian combat zones.
Curiously, US media reports on Commander Price’s death say it being investigated as a possible suicide as he died from what the American Defense Department describes as “a non-combat related injury”.

Equally as curious, US media reports state that Secretary Clinton will return to work next week after her having suffered what they describe as a “nasty bout with stomach flu” and a “concussion” which have kept her missing from public view the past three weeks.


31st December 2012, 11:31 AM
A small American commercial plane left Iran Sunday after it was repaired following an emergency landing at an Iranian airport this month, state TV reported.

The plane was forced to land 16 days ago at the airport of the southern city of Ahvaz due to technical failure, Mahmoud Rasoulinejad, head of the state-owned Iran Airports Company, told the TV station.

Rasoulinejad said three passengers left Iran for Arab countries in the Gulf, but the plane remained under repair in the airport. He said the plane took off from Iran Sunday upon arrival of needed spare parts and completion of repairs.

It was not clear why the announcement of the plane's landing was not made earlier.


State Dept is denying the EU Times story.

31st December 2012, 11:41 AM
I have to get my hearing checked. I heard the announcement on the news and thought they said 'clod'. I though it was an unusual way to refer to the ex-president.

31st December 2012, 06:04 PM

I am sure that flowers have been sent.