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31st December 2012, 11:46 AM
Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding – Part Two

Read Part One (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/12/25/ex-feds-and-wall-street-execs-are-going-into-hiding-why/)

There is a chill that is settling in over the country. In my years on the planet, I have never seen such a foreboding of collective dread and doom. The re-election of Obama has seemingly brought these feelings of extreme apprehension to the forefront. My sources, retired ex-feds, tell me that America is in much more danger than just a looming and catastrophic depression, resulting food riots and extreme government suppression of civil disobedience. Soon, if my sources are correct, nobody will be safe, not even the politicians. I would add that my sources, as revealed in part one of this series, are voting with their feet as they are joining other ex-federal official and several hundred Wall Street bankers by going into hiding in order to escape what they believe is coming.
Why the NDAA?

The NDAA allows the government to play Gestapo with the population. In fact, many of us in alternative media have been fearful of the NDAA because we are concerned that it will be used against us if we ever uncover a story which is too sensitive, and that we will just be “disappeared.” However, my sources, ex-feds from FEMA and DHS, tell me that the reason that the NDAA was passed was to frighten federal would-be whistleblowers into silence. The forces behind gun confiscation want to come like a thief in the night with little or no warning so as not to stir up any more opposition than need be. Some ex-feds continue to talk behind the scenes because they do not agree with what is being planned and implemented, but I believe that they do so at their own peril because of the threat of the NDAA.

In part one of this series, I detailed about how I have learned that there are settlements of ex-federal officials who have gone into relative “hiding”, with some forming enclaves with like-minded people from the same background and professional affiliations. Uniformly, they seek to avoid the draconian imposition of martial law and accompanying gun confiscation. The second phase of what is planned for America, following gun confiscation and martial law, contains a degree of oppression never before seen in our country and will rival some of the world’s darkest days.

This part of the story details how the government plans to get our guns. Gun confiscation is the primary short-term goal of the globalist forces which have hijacked our country. Americans, in large numbers, cannot be permitted to maintain private gun ownership. One of my sources states that the dark side of our government refers to private gun owners in America as the Viet Cong. The historical reference should be obvious as American forces were not able to subdue South Vietnam because the communist farmers by day became determined foes by night and no matter how hard American forces would try, they were not able to separate the Viet Cong from their weapon supplies. The globalists seek to avoid history repeating itself here in America.
Guns Are the Last Bastion
of American Freedom


America can never become a subjugated nation so long as we have 300 million guns in our possession. The ultimate goal of the globalists is the total destruction of America. These two facts are on a collision course. My sources, in effect, have said that the powers-that-be are ultimately seeking to make America lower than a third world country. All of my sources are uniform in this point in that the globalists want to destroy our dollar, our culture, our language and most of all, our Constitution, because it is antithetical to the establishment of a complete police state grid where a few have the power of life and death over the many.

Many ex-fed sources feel that if the American economy was merely crashed by the planned destruction of the American dollar, that there are enough Americans with the ability to rebuild this country, that we would be able to create an even stronger America than before. The globalists view traditional American notions of freedom and resilience as a form of virulent cancer which must be totally cut out and destroyed. When George W. Bush said “they hate us because of our freedom,” he was right. However, in all candor, he should have been talking about the globalists who have hijacked our government. They are the ones who hate our freedoms, not the imaginary terrorist threats that the globalists have created in order to strip away our civil liberties.

Our guns are the backbone of our strength because our guns give us the ability to resist foreign occupation and throw off the shackles of an oppressive government. Every source has stated that getting as many guns as possible out of the hands of the people is the number one goal. What does it say about how evil the government has become when ex-federal officials from the alphabet soup agencies have gone into hiding because even they are afraid of what is coming? In short, our guns must be seized and this is how I have been told they are going to accomplish this goal.
Gun Confiscation

Most well-informed sources, including my own, believe that we are on the precipice of martial law. However, the globalists do not want a lot of direct confrontation in the early stages with a majority of the population. Their 1.6 billion rounds of recently purchased DHS ammunition will only carry them so far. Therefore, before martial law can be carried out against a minimal amount of opposition, as many guns as possible must be seized, without sparking a Lexington and Concord event. The fact that these ex-feds and Wall Street banking executives have gone into hiding at this point is not coincidental. The potential for gun confiscation to become a flash point for civil war is significant and these people and their families were in a rush to get out of the cities and into their perceived safe havens.

gun confiscationThe guns must be seized through a series of incremental actions by government and by the purveyors of false flag attacks in order to resurrect the spirit of the Reichstag fire in order to give the government the pretext that they need to totally subjugate the American people. I cannot over emphasize what I have been told. The guns are the target. For now, everything is about getting the guns. Along these lines, I have been told that the leadership will likely be targeted, set up if you will, in embarrassing criminal endeavors (e.g. child porn) in order to discredit their pro gun stance. Please allow me a digression. Here we have a criminal government which shipped tens of thousands of guns into Mexico in order to undermine the Second Amendment under Fast and Furious. Holder was in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify, Obama tells the fairy tale that he did not know about Fast and Furious, conducted right under his nose, which resulted in the death of 40,000 Mexicans, last year alone, 300 Americans and three border patrol including Brian Terry whose family is suing the government over his death. Obama has killed hundreds, if not thousands of children, in his Predator drone attacks in various foreign countries. Not one federal official has gone to jail. And this criminal government wants your guns? You would have to be dumber than a box of rocks to surrender your guns to these criminals and render yourself and your family defenseless.

According to my sources, gun confiscation will be achieved in two phases. There will continue to be false flag operations (e.g. Batman and Sandy Hook shootings) against individual citizens in order to achieve as much of a public consensus against the private ownership of guns. The media will continue to beat the anti-gun drum and they are already having some effect. One of my sources thinks that as many as 25% of American citizens can be influenced to participate in gun buy-back operations. As an aside, we are already witnessing a well-orchestrated psyop against gun owners through publishing gun owners names and locations in New York City. The full court press is on and the guilt meter for gun owners is going to be ramped up after the inauguration.

My sources are of like mind when they say that if Congress will not sign on to the UN Gun Ban Treaty, Obama will incrementally ban guns through a series of progressively draconian executive orders, with each likely to follow another progressively horrific false flag attack. One of my sources felt that at some point in America, gun ownership will eventually become a capital crime. It is estimated by the DHS insider that as many as 70% of the guns can be confiscated through these Obama Executive Orders and accompanying compliance. The belief is that most Americans will buckle to perceived authority when push comes to shove. I agree, as we have become a nation of sheep.

Ihomeschooling 4 asked how far the false flag attack will go in their intensity and lethality. I was told that the psychotropically, mind controlled lone gunman who shoots up the malls and schools is wearing thin in terms of public believability and that plans are now in effect to ramp up the body count by using a different strategy.

All of my sources agree that the Batman Aurora massacre was a false flag attack but it quickly lost its punch because there were too many holes in the story and the alternative media was quick to point out the implausibility of the government’s explanation and the mainstream media could not hold together the story because of all the provable lies and inconsistencies. Since the election, America has seen three mass shootings and each is championed as a reason to seize American guns. The Sandy Hook shootings are riddled with just as many holes as the Batman shootings, but the administration has control of most of the media and the media is putting on the full court press for de facto gun confiscation as they continue to assume facts not in evidence against Lanza at Sandy Hook. I was told there were three shooters at Sandy Hook. It is likely that all three are now dead in order to cover their tracks.

Former FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, an infiltrator of Obama’s original backers from the Weathermen Underground with Bill Ayers, has also told me that the word on the street is that two teachers took down Lanza. Another unnamed source told me that there were at least 3 other shooters, not including Lanza. I must say that the evidence is compelling as we listen to the raw police radio recordings where the police are clearly stating that they have two shooters in custody, after two teachers reported seeing two shooters run by the gym.


link--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETkrxfYoQtc&feature=player_embedded

31st December 2012, 11:46 AM
In addition, CBS News reported that they had a man wearing “camo” in custody. What do you want to bet that these three individuals are no longer around to tell their side of the story?


Here is another account of another arrest in these tragic shootings.


If Sandy Hook is a false flag event, and it has all the earmarks of being every bit of a false flag as the Batman shootings, what will they stop at if they are willing to murder our children in order to get our guns? The public is asking a lot questions, even those that think the corporate news is objective in their reporting. Let me be clear on this one point, if this government is willing to murder innocent children to get our guns, how far are they willing to go? Does that give any of you any notion about how bad things could soon become?
Phase Two: Widespread “Terrorist Attacks”

All of my sources are in agreement that we are in the midst of series of escalating false flag events which will tear down much of the opposition to seizing our guns. I asked what escalating meant and one of my sources have told they will go as far as they need to in order to get what they want. I have been told that school and mall shootings will soon escalate to bigger and more horrific mock terrorist events, Mossad style. I asked my DHS source to define bigger and more horrific and he said all options are on the table. I asked if that meant nuclear and he said he believed that going nuclear is the last line of defense in this strategy which is designed to bring about martial law. However, my other sources tell me that the coming false flag events could go biological and involve a one or two densely populated areas.

chicago flase flagFor many reasons, I believe that Chicago will be the site of a horrific false flag attack. For individuals who think a false flag upon Chicago sounds crazy, ask yourself why Rahm Emanuel, most likely a Mossad agent, would leave a high level cabinet post in the Obama Administration and step down to the relative lowly position of being a mayor of a city? The simple and obvious answer is that this foreign asset was put in place to carry out the task over overseeing a false flag event, so big, so devastating, that the Obama Administration will have their pretext to execute martial law in order to stem the wave of (1) massive protests which will surely accompany the globalist plans to have the United States commence a war in the Middle East over Iran’s insistence over selling oil to Russia and China for gold, thus forsaking the petrodollar; or, (2) a false flag terrorist attack upon a major American city as a pretext to martial law and total seizure of most guns. Two of my sources agree with logic of this assessment, although neither has any direct knowledge of Chicago being the site of a false flag attack. However, I would encourage you to ask yourself, why did Obama sell his Chicago residence and take up permanent residence in Hawaii, his alleged birthplace?

My original source for this information about Chicago becoming the victim of a false flag attack was Jeff Joe Black. I first encountered the eccentric Black as he frequently called into my talk show. Some of his information was intriguing and I had several off air conversations with him. At one point, Black was scheduled to be a guest on my talk show and Black cancelled at the last minute. Black informed me that he feared for his life and was going into hiding, which he subsequently did.

Earlier this year, Black resurfaced and contacted me. We spoke a couple of times about his appearing on my show to talk about Emanuel and his evil intentions towards Chicago. Why do I think that Black was on to something nefarious about Emanuel? Because Black appears to have been murdered this past October and his death is being investigated as a homicide. His supposed murder was also recently reported on RBN. Black told me, on several occasions, that his life was in danger and he was obviously correct. Based upon the combination of my unnamed sources and what Black had told me, I still believe that we are going to see Chicago being the site of a massive false flag operation which will be the catalyst to martial law. This will follow a massive wave of house to house gun confiscations. My sources refused to speculate as to the specific site of a false flag attack, but they are uniform that this would be an event which will take place as a lead up to the implementation of martial law. As an aside, here is a video of Black being arrested for protesting after he filed paperwork challenging Emanuel’s eligibility to run for mayor based upon this status of being a non-resident in Chicago.



Please allow me to be very clear. Soon, and from all indications, based upon the fact that some ex-feds have recently gone into hiding, I would say that this phase will follow congressional action on gun control and Obama’s roll out of his new set of executive orders designed to separate Americans from their guns. Nobody has any firm time estimates. In saying goodbye to one of my sources as he was moving to his safe haven, I asked him if this would be over before the end of an Obama second term, and he felt that without a doubt that it would be. Obama is the right man at the right time to carry out this agenda on behalf of his handlers.

What will martial law look like? What will follow the implementation of martial law and gun confiscation? This will be the topic of part three of this series.
