View Full Version : Automated garden

2nd January 2013, 01:35 AM
If you had a setup like this, suddenly one of your basic needs is almost totally taken care of.


The land in West Oakland where Eric Maundu is trying to farm is covered with freeways, roads, light rail and parking lots so there’s not much arable land and the soil is contaminated. So Maundu doesn’t use soil. Instead he’s growing plants using fish and circulating water.

Farming fish and plants together
It’s called aquaponics- a gardening system that combines hydroponics (water-based planting) and aquaculture (fish farming). It’s been hailed as the future of farming: it uses less water (up to 90% less than traditional gardening), doesn’t attract soil-based bugs and produces two types of produce (both plants and fish).
Aquaponics has become popular in recent years among urban gardeners and DIY tinkerers (http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/backyard-aquaponics-diy-system-to-raise-fish-with-veggies/), but Maundu- who is trained in industrial robotics- has taken the agricultural craft one step further and made his gardens smart.
Smart aquaponics
Using sensors (to detect water level, pH and temperature), microprocessors (mostly the open-source Arduino (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino) microcontroller), relay cards, clouds and social media networks (Twitter (https://twitter.com/#%21/kijanigrows) and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kijani-grows/163851680336142)), Maundu has programmed his gardens to tweet when there’s a problem (e.g. not enough water) or when there’s news (e.g. an over-abundance of food to share).
Maundu himself ran from agriculture in his native Kenya- where he saw it as a struggle for land, water and resources. This changed when he realized he could farm without soil and with little water via aquaponics and that he could apply his robotics background to farming.
“I feel knowledge of electronics and software programming makes me a better farmer than just having a hoe. Gardens that can communicate for themselves using the internet can lead to exchanging of ideas in ways that were not possible before. I can test, for instance, whether the same tomato grows better in Oakland or the Sahara Desert given the same conditions. Then I can share the same information with farmers in Iceland and China.”
Future of farming
Today he runs Kijani Grows (http://www.kijanigrows.com/) (“Kijani” is Swahili for green), a small startup that designs and sells custom aquaponics systems for growing food and attempts to explore new frontiers of computer-controlled gardening.
Maundu believes that by putting gardens online, especially in places like West Oakland (where his solar-powered gardens are totally off the grid), it’s the only way to make sure that farming remains viable to the next generation of urban youth.
“The next generation honestly I don't see them having access to traditional farms so we have to start arming them with technologies where they can go colonize places like in West Oakland that no one uses, rooftops, and we want them to start thinking about them from when they're kids so as they use their computers, as they use their phones as they write those little ‘Hello [World!] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world_program)’ programs to know that I can write ‘Hello Garden’ programs, to know that hey, I'm using my device to create food for me."

2nd January 2013, 02:40 AM
yes this is my dream. to build a garden like that
This guy started building gardens like that. Turned it in to a huge business. www.backyardaquaponics.com (http://www.backyardaquaponics.com.au)

2nd January 2013, 03:43 AM
yes this is my dream. to build a garden like that
This guy started building gardens like that. Turned it in to a huge business. www.backyardaquaponics.com (http://www.backyardaquaponics.com.au)
Hey, didn't this guy used to be on gim?


2nd January 2013, 03:45 AM
Hey, didn't this guy used to be on gim?


There was a river rat there at one time, now if the same person is the question!

2nd January 2013, 03:46 AM
I changed my link. Look at it now, he's got camo aquaponics lol

2nd January 2013, 03:49 AM
Not really a bad ideal if the setup is in the woods, and surrounded by evergreens. ;D

2nd January 2013, 04:10 AM
It says he's from Australia. Was the gim RiverRat from Australia?

2nd January 2013, 04:17 AM
It says he's from Australia. Was the gim RiverRat from Australia? Just took a peek over there and there is a member named riverrat, but from his posts (5) he lives in the states. But I do think there was another member with the same name much older than this ones 2010 join date. For some reason I keep thinking he may have been one of the older mods (???)

2nd January 2013, 05:30 AM
even in a normal old-fashioned garden, the plants (and worms, bacteria, etc.) do most of the work.

i figure the farmer only does about 1%. but that 1% can be a lot of work ! :)

2nd January 2013, 09:42 AM
Ideally you need to be eating, and breeding the fish from this process.

Was reading it takes 8 - 10 months for tilapia to grow to edible size (couple lbs) in 29-31 deg C water.

Colder water, and they grow slower. That excludes a lot of climate zones.

General of Darkness
2nd January 2013, 09:56 AM

2nd January 2013, 10:27 AM
Lol... I'm pretty sure RiverRat wasn't a black Kenyan. From what I recall he had a fancy spread. Big house, property, hot wife, fast cars, Leica cameras. That sort of thing. I think he was even a Mod at GIM1 for a short while after GPond floated off....

2nd January 2013, 10:36 AM
I'm bringing Barramundi from Australia to farm in C.R. & Panama Politecnicos, then sell back to Australia and Saudi Arabia, much dough there

The vegetables are just for eating profits off the fish, no dough there.
