View Full Version : Glenn Grothman Slams Kwanzaa: 'Almost No Black People Today Care.. Just White Left

2nd January 2013, 01:03 PM
Glenn Grothman Slams Kwanzaa: 'Almost No Black People Today Care.. Just White Left-Wingers'
Wisconsin state Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) slammed Kwanzaa, claiming "almost no black people" care about the holiday.

"Almost no black people today care about Kwanzaa -- just white left-wingers who try to shove this down black people's throats in an effort to divide Americans," Grothman said in a press release, according to Patch.

"Why must we still hear about Kwanzaa?" Grothman asked. "Why are hard-core left wingers still trying to talk about Kwanzaa -- the supposed African-American holiday celebration between Christmas and New Year’s?"

Grothman slammed "irresponsible public school districts" in Wisconsin for trying "to tell a new generation that blacks have a separate holiday than Christians." His comments were heavily criticized, with one Democratic party leader calling the remarks "absolutely jaw-dropping."
Lefty responds .

"Senator Grothman seems to outdo himself every time he opens his mouth," said Meg Moen, treasure of the county Democratic Party. "His recent press release about Kwanzaa was absolutely jaw-dropping. Not only does Senator Grothman seem to find his inherit racism acceptable, he implores people to follow his lead and question a holiday that African-Americans have been celebrating for years.

"He, as usual, blames progressives and teachers, for respecting all traditions, and having the audacity to include every holiday and tradition that occurs around this time every year," Moen added. "That press release is absolutely disgusting and drips with disdain for African-Americans and, therefore, I am calling on him to retract his statements."


2nd January 2013, 01:08 PM
But blacks love Kwanzaa!

2nd January 2013, 01:40 PM
Hmmm..., let's see it was a tradition created as early as in 1966 in USA, by a black supremacist, who claimed that Jesus was psychotic, with 7 principles that distinguishes the African continent: Unity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Africanism), self-determination (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-determination), collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_economics), purpose, creativity, and faith. LMAO!

It nowadays have somewhere between 1-5% of black Americans observing it, and the numbers are rapidly diminishing. It is based on Zwahili, an east African language which none of the negro slaves brought to America on slave ships (by Jewish slave traders) didn't master, since they were west African...


I can't forgive myself for missing Kwanzaa this year also!