View Full Version : 19.6M NICS background checks by FBI in 2012

midnight rambler
2nd January 2013, 12:43 PM
And some of those 19.6 million NICS background checks in 2012 (2.8M in December alone) involved purchases of more than one gun (of course many of those FFL sales involved used guns which have previously shown up in NICS stats).


So extrapolating using the gungrabbers' "40% of gun sales don't go through NICS" (which is a bald-faced lie, there's NO way in the world to substantiate that, more like <5% of gun deals are private sales) that means more than 32 million guns changed hands (unlikely). I'm thinking the more realistic "40%" is the number of used guns sold by FFLs, i.e. 60% of guns sold by FFLs (and accounted for via NICS) are actually new guns.

I'm thinking (and hoping) that their guesstimate of "300 million" guns is actually much lower than the situation really is (consider this: there are supposedly 3 million ARs in private hands, which means there are tons more semi-autos with detachable magazines, e.g. AKs, FALs/L1A1s, M1As/M-14s, HK91s/CETMEs, Mini-14s, SKS rifles, etc., etc. probably easily totaling more than 10 million).

It really is an extremely dangerous fantasy that the gungrabbers are somehow going to get a handle on all these hundreds of millions of guns.

Buy ammo, it's the next bubble, yet there's no downside.