View Full Version : Sandy Hook police won't return to work - PTSD cited

3rd January 2013, 06:51 AM
I'm seeing a lot of press about this. Is this not odd? That these officers are unable to work because of what they had to deal with at Sandy Hook? They are really pushing for legislation for more benefits for them.


Adopt a Cop campaign launched by yoga studio for Sandy Hook’s traumatized first respondershttp://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/KhT28aU.VDr9ezKTgKgsEQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQwO3E9ODU7dz00MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/208/2011/06/21/blogger-stableford-40_041211.jpghttp://l.yimg.com/os/mit/media/m/base/images/transparent-95031.pngBy Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/author/dylan-stableford/)
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By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/author/dylan-stableford/) | The Lookout (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/) – 17 hrs ago

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Police block the road to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 25, 2012. (Craig Ruttle/AP)

Police officers who were traumatized by the horrific scene at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last month and are now running out of paid sick and vacation time may soon get some financial help from an unlikely source: a yoga studio.

Linda Antignani, founder of Mother's Embrace Yoga (http://www.mothersembraceyoga.com/index.html) in nearby Shelton, Conn., contacted the Newtown Police Department to ask what she could do to help after hearing about officers who have been unable to work in the wake of the Dec. 14 massacre, when a gunman opened fire, killing 20 children and six adults. The result: She has just launched an Adopt a Cop fund (http://www.mothersembraceyoga.com/SANDYHOOKOFFICERSDONATION.html) benefiting the traumatized officers.

According to the union representing the police, those suffering from post-traumatic stress are not entitled to workers' compensation benefits under the current town statute and have been forced to use sick and vacation time. "The insurer for the town has taken a position that these officers are entitled to only what the statute allows," Eric Brown, an attorney for Council 15 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, said last week. "Unfortunately for these officers, the statute doesn't allow any benefits." According to Brown, about 15 police officers (http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Union-seeks-help-for-traumatized-Newtown-police-4147184.php) have been unable to work due to trauma.

Brown is hoping state lawmakers will push to change the statute for those who responded to the Newtown shootings when the 2013 legislative session begins on Jan. 9.
Until then, a liaison for the Newtown Police Department told Antignani that money raised through her yoga studio's Adopt a Cop fund could be converted into Walmart gift cards, so that the officers and their families can purchase food and other items while they remain out of work. "Walmart was suggested by the liaison as the place where most Newtown officers would shop," Antignani explained. She's raised more than $180 so far. "I don't know how much is needed," Antignani added. "Anything I can get together with the generous help of my students, friends and family is a good start." Local police departments have been pitching in, too. On Christmas Day, officers from neighboring towns, including Shelton, offered to work in Newtown so officers there could spend the holiday with their families.

3rd January 2013, 06:56 AM
As Shooting Probe Progresses Police Union Seeks Funding For Trauma Treatment By Andrew Gorosko (http://newtownbee.com/search/default.aspx?storySearchKey=dd_author&dd_author=Andrew+Gorosko) As police this week continued their probe into the December 14 incident involving 28 shooting deaths, including 20 first-graders and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the lawyer who represents the Newtown Police Union is seeking help from the town, state, and federal governments to extend paychecks for "three to five" town police officers who were so traumatized by the incident that they have not yet been emotionally able to return to work.

Police union lawyer Eric Brown said this week that three to five of the town police officers who responded to the crime scene have been off work and collecting sick time pay in light of their being traumatized by the school shooting incident. However, because the town provides only ten sick days for an officer annually, those police now face the prospect of being off work without pay, Mr Brown said. The town police department has 45 members. Mr Brown said he expects that potentially 15 town police officers could be clinically emotionally affected by their response to the incident.

Mr Brown said that workman's compensation is keyed to providing funds for people with physical injuries, not emotional injuries such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The town government has been receptive to the plight of the police officers who have not returned to work, but the town does not have paycheck funds designated for such situations, Mr Brown said.
PTSD is an insidious long-lasting emotional condition, Mr Brown said. Police face serious, intense situations on a daily basis, he said. But what occurred at Sandy Hook School on December 14 was something on a magnitude that could not have been imagined, he said.

Twenty first-graders and six school staff members were killed after a 20-year-old gunman shot his way into the K–4 school on Dickenson Drive and went on a shooting rampage with a military-style assault rifle.
State police, town police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the US Marshals Service this week continued their methodical probe into why Adam Lanza of 36 Yogananda Street, Sandy Hook, committed the horrific crime.

Adam Lanza had shot and killed his mother Nancy Lanza, 52, in her sleep at their home before driving to the school and going on the gunfire rampage. After police encountered him at the school, Lanza shot himself to death, bringing the total number of the dead to 28. State police this week declined comment on their investigation into the mass murder incident. An investigatory report on what occurred, including a possible motive for the gunman's actions, is expected within several months. Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe said he supports the police union's drive to have financial compensation provided for the police officers who are off work due to their emotional reaction to the shooting incident. Since the shooting incident, police from other municipalities have aided Newtown police with local patrol work.

"They [other police] are done, but can be called in, as needed," he said of Newtown's ability to have other police cover local patrol work, as needed.

On Christmas, local police patrols were fully handled by police from other towns and cities, allowing town police to have the holiday off. Chief Kehoe declined to answer questions about the police probe into the shooting incident, referring such queries to state police.

Investigation Progresses

As the police probe has progressed, some facts of the case have become clear. According to a reliable local law enforcement source, Adam Lanza attempted to destroy all his computer equipment to prevent any tracing of his Internet usage and his electronic correspondence. It is thought that "some or most" of the computer data will be retrieved from the damaged equipment. The source confirmed that Lanza used a Bushmaster-brand military-style semiautomatic assault rifle to kill all victims at the school. Lanza also carried two pistols. Also, Lanza used a different rifle to kill his mother by firing four shots at her while she was in bed at home, according to the source. Adam Lanza left that rifle at Lanza residence. Also, Lanza shot more than 100 rounds and possibly hundreds of rounds of ammunition at the school, according to the source. Lanza was not wearing any "body armor" when the school incident occurred. Additionally, a teacher at the school who realized what was occurring during the shooting incident crowded all of her students into a rest room adjoining her classroom and then pulled a bookcase in front of the bathroom door to obscure it from view. The people hiding in that bathroom survived.

A man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town, according to the source.

3rd January 2013, 06:58 AM
two words: disability pay

3rd January 2013, 07:24 AM
Investigation Progresses

As the police probe has progressed, some facts of the case have become clear. According to a reliable local law enforcement source, Adam Lanza attempted to destroy all his computer equipment to prevent any tracing of his Internet usage and his electronic correspondence. It is thought that "some or most" of the computer data will be retrieved from the damaged equipment. The source confirmed that Lanza used a Bushmaster-brand military-style semiautomatic assault rifle to kill all victims at the school. Lanza also carried two pistols. Also, Lanza used a different rifle to kill his mother by firing four shots at her while she was in bed at home, according to the source. Adam Lanza left that rifle at Lanza residence. Also, Lanza shot more than 100 rounds and possibly hundreds of rounds of ammunition at the school, according to the source. Lanza was not wearing any "body armor" when the school incident occurred. Additionally, a teacher at the school who realized what was occurring during the shooting incident crowded all of her students into a rest room adjoining her classroom and then pulled a bookcase in front of the bathroom door to obscure it from view. The people hiding in that bathroom survived.

A man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town, according to the source.

Thats a nice neat wrap up of the loose ends. But really. The 1 man was an Off duty tactical squad police officer from another town? Why was he chased from school grounds? Where is the 2nd of the two men police pursued from the school grounds into the woods?

And now there is an Extra gun taking it to 6 guns or is it 7 with the extra long gun found in the car that was not the Lanza's car? But there are 2 less pistols now, so it's only 4 or 5 guns.

Where is the owner of the car? I guess we should check up on that. Make sure the guys still with us.

And which solitary member of the Police force is the "reliable local law enforcement source"?

No body armour.

How many rounds could you fire on semi auto in 2 minutes 30?

Their story still doesn't pass the sniff test.

3rd January 2013, 07:39 AM
Any cop suffering PTSD should immediately forfeit his right to own a firearm - for life !!
What's good for returning military vets should also apply to cops in the supposed domestic battlefield
Additionally - forget disability pay, there's plenty of desk jobs and motor pool work available

General of Darkness
3rd January 2013, 08:00 AM
I wonder if they're actually working and getting rid of evidence?

3rd January 2013, 08:27 AM
I wonder if they're actually working and getting rid of evidence?

I know. It's impossible to know what's going on. I'm seeing so much propaganda surrounding this story, not believable at all!

3rd January 2013, 08:28 AM
I wonder if they're actually working and getting rid of evidence?

And after they dispose of evidence they'll be suicided..

3rd January 2013, 08:30 AM
Maybe those cops that aren't going along with the ruse are being told that they obviously don't remember things correctly and are threatened with being diagnosed with PTSD unless they go along with the official fable

3rd January 2013, 08:51 AM
How long have the 15 officers been staying home? Like, the day after the shooting they tell everyone to go home, the feds got everything under control? How many local police were there who have stayed on the job?

3rd January 2013, 08:56 AM
I think I read that there are 35, 15 of them are out of commission due to PTSD.

3rd January 2013, 10:08 AM
I read the local cops were not allowed on the site.

3rd January 2013, 10:11 AM
I read the local cops were not allowed on the site.

I thought I saw something like that too, that it was all handled by State police.

3rd January 2013, 10:16 AM
Not sure if it was state and what I read was heresay from "someone that personally knew the cop" and once he arrived 10 minutes after the initial call he was not allowed to enter and the scene was fully occupied with other 'officials'. It's buried somewhere in all this BS.

3rd January 2013, 10:41 AM
Not sure if it was state and what I read was heresay from "someone that personally knew the cop" and once he arrived 10 minutes after the initial call he was not allowed to enter and the scene was fully occupied with other 'officials'. It's buried somewhere in all this BS.
I read that it took 20 minutes from the initial call before police arrived... But maybe he arrived 10 minutes after the initially called in arrived?

midnight rambler
3rd January 2013, 11:07 AM
Well if they got PTSD then they shouldn't have access to any guns - it's the common sense thing to do.

Large Sarge
3rd January 2013, 12:17 PM
I wonder if this a protest of sorts? the cops know Israel did this, killed american kids, and that its being covered up, and this is a way to protest it, without losing their jobs/benefits

remember after 9/11, when all the firement started putting it together, and the ones that spoke up were told they would lose their jobs....

just food for thought....

3rd January 2013, 12:30 PM
No kids got killed. Its all fake.


3rd January 2013, 12:42 PM
No kids got killed. Its all fake.

A friend of Chad's lives there who has a friend whose child got killed, allegedly... Would be nice to get a confirmation on that.

3rd January 2013, 12:50 PM
To the OP. They are getting some time off, or being reassigned elsewhere?

3rd January 2013, 01:53 PM
I wonder if this a protest of sorts? the cops know Israel did this, killed american kids, and that its being covered up, and this is a way to protest it, without losing their jobs/benefits

remember after 9/11, when all the firement started putting it together, and the ones that spoke up were told they would lose their jobs....

just food for thought....

that was my first thought re this cop thing, and also the superintendent who closed the school which was also named in the batman movie - slightly different motives, but both are forms of protests of the BS.

Unfortunately the way this cop story is framed, PTSD, it could be seen as enshrining the myth, how awful the pretend "lone nut massacre" was, yada yada. This story has something for believers & disbelievers both.

3rd January 2013, 02:18 PM
I read that it took 20 minutes from the initial call before police arrived... But maybe he arrived 10 minutes after the initially called in arrived?

According to the police dispatch recording it took about 90 seconds from when the call went out until the 1st responder was on scene and identifying 2 people running from the building

Not sure if it was state and what I read was heresay from "someone that personally knew the cop" and once he arrived 10 minutes after the initial call he was not allowed to enter and the scene was fully occupied with other 'officials'. It's buried somewhere in all this BS.

I remember this. Someone here knows (of) a county cop who tried to get into the area but it was already cordoned off by the State troopers. I think they said it was about 3 minutes after the call went out that he was trying to get in to the area but it was already shut down.

Twisted Titan
3rd January 2013, 03:40 PM

Twisted Titan
3rd January 2013, 09:42 PM
Maybe those cops that aren't going along with the ruse are being told that they obviously don't remember things correctly and are threatened with being diagnosed with PTSD unless they go along with the official fable

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

These Proles ( I mean fine Men) where taken into a room invidually but before entering they were forced to disarm. several people are in the room maybe a senior officer they were familiar with but at least three people who they have never seen before but clearly it is understood they come from a office that holds High rank.

They are asked what they remember about The day of the incindent . after they recollect or maybe during recolletion the enterogator gets up and screams at that them with abosolute billegerancy about what they saw and what they did. This is meant to shock the officer as they are not use to being of the reciveing end of barking orders.

They will be questioned about the incident again and but this time the enterogator will get the "correct" answers.... this may be repeated 2 more times after which the Officer will be made to sign a affidavit that the recollection they now have is the only one.

all the officers will look at each other in the following days and not say a word about what happened even though they know EXACTLY what happened.

Anybody who breaks from the official story will be fired and stripped of all financial support and that is all that will be required to keep the rest the Proles in line.

Sandy Hook is a complete farce that is dwarfing 911

old steel
3rd January 2013, 10:47 PM
in my experience cops are only good for writing out traffic tickets.

Everything else is beyond their pay grade.