View Full Version : A Douche from Iowa.

4th January 2013, 04:05 PM
Looks like the hawkeyes are trying to get on the big stage or maybe this guy just a blowhard.

Rural Caucus Chair: state should ban, confiscate semi-automatic guns. (http://www.dmcityview.com/2012/12/26/rural-caucus-chair-state-should-ban-confiscate-semi-automatic-guns/)

State Rep. Dan Muhlbauer, D-Manilla, says Iowa lawmakers should ban semi-automatic guns and “start taking them” from owners who refuse to surrender any illegal firearms through a buy-back program.

In an interview, a fiery Muhlbauer, the chairman of the Iowa House Democratic Rural Caucus with a reputation for often voting with Republicans, said it is time to act with “radical changes” on gun laws and other issues to protect schoolchildren from shooting sprees like the one in Newtown, Conn. “We cannot have big guns out here as far as the big guns that are out here, the semi-automatics and all of them,” Muhlbauer said.

“Those are not hunting weapons.

He added, “We should ban those in Iowa.” Muhlbauer, who did not list the specific weapons he wants outlawed in the interview, said he would like to see the ban implemented in a retroactive fashion.

“Even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them,” Muhlbauer said. “Because if they’re out there, they’re just going to get circulated around to the wrong people. Those guns should not be in the public’s hands. There are just too many guns.” If such a ban were implemented, Muhlbauer suggested a voluntary buy-back plan. But he would go further if needed. “If we find them on the street, there’s going to have to be some sort of penalty for them,” Muhlbauer said. Templeton Mayor Ken Behrens, a Republican, said Muhlbauer’s proposal smacks of an overreach that is out of touch with much of rural Iowa.

“I would hate to see a law where it would be mandated that somebody start taking guns,” Behrens said. “I don’t think that would go over well.”

Muhlbauer said the state also should eye more careful screening of who enters schools, government buildings and other facilities. He also suggested consideration of steel doors to prevent entry to classrooms by gunmen. Metal detectors or armed guards at schools may be legitimate options as well, he said.

“We have not done enough in the past, and this is running away from us,” Muhlbauer said. “We can’t have this anymore.”

Muhlbauer, a cattleman and farmer, owns three guns — a .410 shotgun, a .22 rifle and a .22 pistol.

He does some pheasant hunting and skeet shooting with the guns.

Muhlbauer said flatly that he’s not frightened politically by the National Rifle Association or the Iowa Gun Owners.

“As you know, the last couple of years I’ve been fighting against them,” Muhlbauer said. “I have told them time and time again, ‘You guys are wanting the gun laws so loose that that pendulum is going to swing back and it’s going to bite you.’ And that’s just what we don’t want to see happen now. We want to put in stricter rules with common sense. I don’t want to have the gun laws slung back so far that we start taking guns away and start limiting them to where people cannot enjoy guns, those that want to have it. And that’s what I’m afraid, if we keep having these incidents happen, is what’s going to happen.”

Muhlbauer said promoting tough gun laws and protecting children in schools are important enough to lose an election advocating.

“We’re talking people’s lives,” Muhlbauer said. “You want to start losing children’s lives and adult lives over a gun issue because the NRA thinks we’re stepping on somebody’s toes?”

He said the response to the school shootings has to amount to more than legislative tinkering.

“With all these shootings going, we have to start making radical changes and radical choices from what we’ve done in the past,” Muhlbauer said.

In coming months, Muhlbauer said, he will work to unite rural and urban legislators on efforts to prevent school shooting sprees and other violence.

Mental health must be up to date and not full of loopholes, he said. Muhlbauer also identified violent video games as a concern.

“We’ve got these video games out here for these little kids,” he said.

“Maybe it’s time we start pulling them away. They’re playing some really nasty games on there that are shoot-’em-up. Evidently our culture is pointing toward this.”

Muhlbauer said he doesn’t know how the Legislature would go about prohibiting children from playing video games he finds objectionable.

“As parents, they’re going to have to start watching what their kids are doing more closely,” he said. CV

midnight rambler
4th January 2013, 04:09 PM
Some people can't wait for the shooting to start. Apparently this is one of 'em.

4th January 2013, 04:46 PM
The guns are already in the wrong hands......the governments....who is going to take their guns......they want your guns and at the same time they stock up on illegal ammo

4th January 2013, 06:00 PM
outlaw multi-round guns and they will just go 'underground'.

you know what makes me vomit ? the new Senators & Reps. just took their Oath of Office.

you know, where they swear loyalty to the Constitution.

but they don't mean a fvcking word of it.

our criminal government has 8.9348 Billion bullets, and they're getting huffy about we citizens having a few dozen.

they can go inhale an used oil filter.

4th January 2013, 06:30 PM
the new Senators & Reps. just took their Oath of Office.

you know, where they swear loyalty to the Constitution.

The constitution contains the 14th amendment. The constitution IS the 14th amendment.

You listen to the words yet don't comprehend the MEANING.

midnight rambler
4th January 2013, 06:32 PM
The constitution contains the fraudulent 14th amendment. The constitution IS the fraudulent 14th amendment.

You listen to the words yet don't comprehend the MEANING.

You left out a couple of words.

4th January 2013, 06:39 PM
You left out a couple of words.

Here is the relationship between FRAUD and concealment:

CONCEALMENT, contracts. The unlawful suppression of any fact or circumstance, by one of the partis to a contract, from the other, which in justice ought to be made known.

2. Fraud occurs when one person substantially misrepresents or conceals a material fact peculiarly within his own knowledge, in consequence of which a delusion exists; or uses a device naturally calculated to lull the suspicions of a careful man, and induce him to forego inquiry into a matter upon which the other party has information, although such information be not exclusively within his reach. 2 Bl. Com. 451; 3 Id. 166; Sugd. Vend. 1 to 10; 1 Com. Contr. 38; 3 B. & C. 623; 5 D. & R. 490; 2 Wheat. 183; 11 Id. 59; 1 Pet. Sup. C. R. 15, 16. The party is not bound, however, to disclose patent defects

Everything you need to know has been disclosed. However, your training has been lacking in the ability to extract what you need know from the notice you have been given.

The 14th amendment is not inherently evil. It only acts that way when I accept it as part of my law.

midnight rambler
4th January 2013, 06:48 PM
Everything you need to know has been disclosed.

Disclosed where and when?? ???

The fraudulent 14th amendment was not ratified per Art. V of the Constitution - can you name any school or history book where this truth is 'disclosed'??

4th January 2013, 07:01 PM
Disclosed where and when?? ???

The fraudulent 14th amendment was not ratified per Art. V of the Constitution - can you name any school or history book where this truth is 'disclosed'??

You are expected to know the law. If you fail to inquire timely then who else could be a fault?

The only people excused from this rule are infants and incompetents.

All I am saying is once you correct the error you no longer have a cause to complain. Hopefully I am not mis-interpreted as complaining about the situation because I have corrected it FOR ME. I have no authority to correct it for anyone else but this does not stop me from pointing out the source of the problem.

5th January 2013, 06:13 AM
he does skeet shooting and pheasant hunting with a .410 and a .22, huh? he must be the most retarded person ever, then.

5th January 2013, 06:32 AM
he does skeet shooting and pheasant hunting with a .410 and a .22, huh? he must be the most retarded person ever, then.

Must be either a hell of a shot or a glutton for punishment shooting skeet with a .410.

5th January 2013, 02:50 PM
I'm willing to go completely gun free. Let's start with all police and government.