View Full Version : Women in the Military

5th January 2013, 09:34 PM
I for one don't agree with it , being supportive...yes, but combat no... sorry I am not that tough, neither are most girls .


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No rush by women in military to join infantry

http://col.stb.s-msn.com/amnews/i/62/91636432fcaf2c8573d55b5b5942c_h338_w600_m6_lfalse. jpg

http://col.stb.s-msn.com/amnews/i/c8/982d6aebf1ce5941b27229f7c36c83_h17_w0_m6_lfalse.jp g 14 hr ago By Pauline JelinekSHARE

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The Pentagon may eventually allow women to become infantry troops, but few seem interested.
WASHINGTON (http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?form=MSNNDL&q=Washington,%20District%20of%20Columbia,%20United %20States) — If or when the Pentagon lets women become infantry troops — the country's front-line warfighters — how many women will want to?
The answer is probably not many.
Interviews with a dozen female soldiers and Marines showed little interest in the toughest fighting jobs. They believe they'd be unable to do them, even as the Defense Department inches toward changing its rules to allow women in direct ground combat jobs.
In fact, the Marines asked women last year to go through its tough infantry officer training to see how they would fare. Only two volunteered and both failed to complete the fall course. None has volunteered for the next course this month. The failure rate for men is roughly 25 percent.
For the record, plenty of men don't want to be in the infantry either, though technically could be assigned there involuntarily, if needed. That's rarely known to happen.
"The job I want to do in the military does not include combat arms," Army Sgt. Cherry Sweat said of infantry, armor and artillery occupations. She installed communications equipment in 2008 in Iraq but doesn't feel mentally or physically prepared for fighting missions.
"I enjoy supporting the soldiers," said Sweat, stationed in South Carolina. "The choice to join combat arms should be a personal decision, not a required one."
Added Marine Gunnery Sgt. Shanese L. Campbell, who had administrative duties during her service in Iraq: "I actually love my job. ... I've been doing it for 15 years, so I don't plan on changing my job skills."
She's an administrative officer at Twentynine Palms in California, serving in a once all-male tank battalion as part of a Marine Corps.

She asked to remain anonymous because in the military's warrior culture, it's a sensitive issue to be seen as not wanting to fight, she said. But her observations echoed research of the 1990s, another time of big change in the military,

when interviews with more than 900 Army women found that most didn't want fighting jobs and many felt the issue was being pushed by "feminists" not

My 2 cents, we love you troops that go into combat but we don't want to be men. we will keep the home fires burning and take care of your children.

5th January 2013, 10:18 PM
All of these women must be sexist to think this.

midnight rambler
5th January 2013, 10:21 PM
It's an obscenity to intentionally expose women to combat, and any culture/society that does so is doomed.

5th January 2013, 10:37 PM
Good plan to get rid of so much population.....kill a man and that's all that you kill....but...kill a woman and you would also killing all those that she could reproduce......... V

5th January 2013, 10:59 PM
I read that 117 out of 1000 women in the military end up pregnant.. think about all the infighting between the men that are stationed with them.

This "equality" marxist nonsense has gone even further here in Norway. Pure madness.

6th January 2013, 12:46 AM
But I've watched "Zena, Warrior Princess" and she can really kick some ass! It's true, I saw it on tv.

Seriously, I think television has wired people's minds so they cannot think in real terms. Reality only exists on a screen.

6th January 2013, 05:02 AM
Add to that video games, movies, teevee shows, commercials etc. Women are portrayed as being smarter, often stronger, dominant and to a majority of the sheeple in this country they accept that as fact. Just about every male figure on teevee is overweight, stupid, lazy and obsessing over fantasies about being with strippers and memories of his younger days.
The zio-media is engineering our society so that through the courts and cultural influence, women assume the dominant role while males are being emasculated and feminized. It'll be a lot easier to control the population when the family unit is broken down, men are made into metrosexuals and women think they're in charge. A woman would never consider fighting against authority but men might, so they have to be marginalized.

Women fought for equality, now they have it and this is the next logical step - convince them to fight on the front lines, where's Gloria Steinham when they need her?

6th January 2013, 08:12 AM
But I've watched "Zena, Warrior Princess" and she can really kick some ass! It's true, I saw it on tv.

Seriously, I think television has wired people's minds so they cannot think in real terms. Reality only exists on a screen.

Well, if they dress like "Zena" and her girl Friday they then can fight next to me any day of the week.


First post of the day..........good morning to one and all.

6th January 2013, 08:48 AM
I read that 117 out of 1000 women in the military end up pregnant.. think about all the infighting between the men that are stationed with them.

This "equality" marxist nonsense has gone even further here in Norway. Pure madness.This is an important point. I used to work on gas production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Two or three guys would stay on a platform in a tiny quarters building for a week at a time. In the latter days of my career, I worked for a large oil company that had 'politically correct" personnel policies and I saw first hand how disasterous this idea is.

6th January 2013, 10:01 AM
This is an important point. I used to work on gas production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Two or three guys would stay on a platform in a tiny quarters building for a week at a time. In the latter days of my career, I worked for a large oil company that had 'politically correct" personnel policies and I saw first hand how disasterous this idea is.
Obviously you are not properly educated then. You should immediately go and watch the last 100 episodes of "big brother", so you get the correct perspective on what happens on a MODERN oil platform today...(:;){**}$^^^$(:;)

6th January 2013, 10:27 AM
there are a few women who are prepared for some forms of military duty.

Keala Kennelly can out-surf James Bond

/\ Hollywood

/\ KK @ Teahupoo in Tahiti

/\ KK after smacking her head against the reef. takes a licking and keeps on ...

the exception that proves the rule. also, KK is into other women. if she ever did join the military & some guy she didn't like came on to her, Heaven Help Him.

in general, the military is an ultra-testosterone type environment. i can't imagine why a woman would want to work there, unless she got paid 1 ounce of silver for every time some guy hit on her (i mean, asked her out, nothing violent.)

6th January 2013, 10:43 AM
Men who hustle women constantly are bound to get laid eventually just because of exposure, while men who have any common sense will not focus on hustling women that are constantly surrounded by men. The odds are simply against them. Guys who work in banking, insurance or retail have much more exposure to women than do carpenters, electricians and mechanics. If a man spends his energies hitting on a woman who is the only woman where she works, he is less likely to achieve satisfaction than if he spent his energy hitting on a woman who works mostly with other women.

That said, I think one of the major motivators for women to work in traditionally male occupations is the odds. Women who just want to be left alone (as far as men are concerned), usually do not join the military.

What would an attention starved female think?

6th January 2013, 01:46 PM
What would an attention starved female think?

why would a normal woman want to work where farm animals fear to tread ?

6th January 2013, 09:05 PM


6th January 2013, 09:41 PM
It's an obscenity to intentionally expose women to combat, and any culture/society that does so is doomed.

So what about Israel?


7th January 2013, 05:51 AM
It's OK in Israel. They have the psychopath gene.