View Full Version : Tell me lies, tell me sweet lil' lies

midnight rambler
8th January 2013, 01:07 PM
So the Commie Nooz Nyetwork has on the mother of the 9 y.o. girl killed in Arizona two years ago when Gabby Giffords was shot. For 'balance' they played a very short quote from Suzanna Gratia Hupp, whose parents where killed at a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen (during the lunch rush when the Luby's was PACKED with dozens and dozens of people). Some may not be aware that subsequent to that Luby's incident Suzanna Gratia (prior to her getting married) ran for and won a seat in the Texas House of Representatives and Suzanna Gratia was instrumental in getting Texas' concealed handgun law passed.

Here's how the Commie Nooz Nyetwork played it with their "oh, we *really* didn't mean to misrepresent anything" 'little white lies':

The CNN talking vagina called the Luby's Cafeteria a 'diner', not once but several times.

The mother of the deceased 9 y.o. girl from two years ago got into a dialogue with the CNN talking vagina about how there were *actually* "several" people inside the 'diner' who were armed yet they chose not to shoot the bad guy doing all the killing (so as not to *mistakenly* shoot any 'innocent bystanders'). That's utter bullshit since the incident at the Killeen Luby's was years prior to Texas having a concealed carry law. The ONLY way for anyone to be 'legally' carrying a handgun in that Luby's during that incident would have been a cop, and you KNOW that if a cop was there he or she would have definitely engaged the shooter. The conclusion arrived at between these two wymyn is that 'more guns' just adds to the 'confusion'.

ALL these bullshit '*unintentional* *misrepresentations*' of course ARE intentional.


8th January 2013, 01:10 PM
and if i remember correctly, suzanna gratia has since admitted that she carried illegally all the time but on that day, she left her pistol in the car and didn't take it in to luby's. had the carry law been in effect at the time, she could have stopped the whole thing.

midnight rambler
8th January 2013, 01:22 PM
Time to call out the liars when you catch 'em lying, especially the '*purely* innocent' 'little white lies'.