View Full Version : jacob lew, orthodox jew, new treasury secretary

9th January 2013, 07:16 AM
http://forward.com/articles/168949/jack-lew-eyed-for-treasury-secretary/#ixzz2HUX0ZMUC (http://forward.com/articles/168949/jack-lew-eyed-for-treasury-secretary/#ixzz2HUX0ZMUC)

Jack Lew (http://forward.com/specials/forward-50-2012/jack-lew/) is reportedly the strong favorite to be named the next treasury secretary and President Obama may announce the pick before the end of the week.


Lew, an Orthodox Jew who now serves as White House chief of staff, would replace Timothy Geithner at Treasury, Bloomberg News reported (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-07/obama-said-close-to-choosing-lew-for-treasury-following-geithner.html).
Lew, who lives in the Bronx and in Washington D.C., has previously served as budget czar, a position that might make him an attractive choice given the fiscal fights that loom between the White House and Congressional Republicans.


Jack Lew and the Power of Shabbat (http://forward.com/articles/149840/)
Jack Lew Named White House Chief of Staff (http://forward.com/articles/149318/)
Jack Lew's Shabbat Helper (http://blogs.forward.com/forward-thinking/164892/)

Giving the post to Lew might also be seen as placating Jewish supporters who were unhappy with Obama’s pick of Chuck Hagel as Pentagon chief.

Lew has been a strong and effective voice for Obama in communicating with Jewish leaders and helped defuse a growing controversy over Hagel, who has been accused of being a less-than-wholehearted supporter of Israel.
Lew’s first order of business will be to urge Congress to raise the debt ceiling, which must be done by mid-February for the U.S. to continue to be able to borrow money to pay its bills.

Lew is known as a skilled negotiator who played a major role in both the recent deal to avert the fiscal cliff and in negotiating with Republicans in the 2011 debt-ceiling talks.

A former aide to the late House Speaker Tip O’Neill, Lew, 57, has experience on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. He’s spent most of his career in government, with a brief detour to Wall Street, where he worked as a managing director for Citigroup.
He is also an observant Jew who does not work on Shabbat, except in the most extreme emergencies. He told the Forward that Obama often reminds him (http://blogs.forward.com/forward-thinking/164892/jack-lews-shabbat-helper/) of the need to leave the White House on Friday afternoons, especially during the cold-weather months when the sun sets early.

9th January 2013, 07:23 AM
Contrived smile with jaw clenching.

Must have gone a little overboard on the Hawaiian food for xmas.

9th January 2013, 10:28 AM
Great. Jack Lew the Jew, (another dual citizen) is gonna to run the US treasury. The chutzpa of these fuckers is just astounding.

9th January 2013, 11:17 AM
no family tree available...im guessing "jack lew" is really jacob lewinstein or something....yeah, obamas a MUSLIM sympathizer !

9th January 2013, 01:38 PM
Life is good for the chosen.

Mr. Obama has criticized hefty bonuses paid out to Wall Street executives. In his State of the Union address last year, he said, “Banks had made huge bets and bonuses with other people’s money.”

Formerly chief operating officer at Citi Alternative Investments, a division of Citigroup, Mr. Lew received a bonus of $944,578 in January 2009, a payment that came days before he joined the State Department and later surfaced in a government ethics form.

The bonus came on top of $1.1 million in other Citigroup compensation he reported receiving during 2008 and the first two weeks of 2009.

Though Mr. Lew appeared twice before Senate panels considering his nominations — first to the State Department and later as director of the Office of Management and Budget — lawmakers never mentioned the bonus.

However, Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, pressed Mr. Lew for details about the bonus in a subsequent letter.

“How is it in the public’s interest for you to receive a $1 million bonus on the eve of a massive $301 billion commitment to rescue Citigroup?” Mr. Grassley asked Mr. Lew in the letter.

“My position at Citi was a management position,” Mr. Lew replied. “I was not an investment adviser. My compensation was in line with other management executives at the firm and in similarly complex operations.”



9th January 2013, 02:56 PM
Great. Jack Lew the Jew, (another dual citizen) is gonna to run the US treasury. The chutzpa of these fuckers is just astounding.

they invented chutzpah!