View Full Version : "Flavors of Propaganda" - Move-On, ADL, FeinWhine, etc. on Gun Control

10th January 2013, 02:27 PM
I'm on the subscription list for Move On, the ADL, FeinWhine, and a few other control freak & hate organizations.

It is interesting to see the "Flavors of Propaganda".

Some observations -

1/ They call it a debate, but it's not a debate. In a debate, both sides are discussed. If the gun control, control freaks were serious about reducing the number of senseless deaths, they would concentrate on high number deaths - e.g., drownings. Why are they so concerned about death-by-shooting, when drowning kills over 100 times more Americans each year ?

If it were a real debate, the gun control, control freaks would be forced to answer this question.

2/ SSRI's - mass murdering shooters who are on doctor-prescribed drugs. Why isn't ex-pot-smoker Obama talking about doctor-prescribed drugs ?

3/ Why is ex-pot-smoker Obama imprisoning pot-smokers, pot growers, and pot sellers ?

4/ What about car accidents ? Car accidents kill a lot more people than guns. Personally, I think that the typical "Driver's ed" training is very in-sufficient - that drivers-to-be should go through a far more rigorous training than American drivers are. (A 2-year certificate program, for example.)

Side-stepping my own opinion on car licensing (related to the death of a woman friend when I was in my 20's, and helping clean up after a fatal motorcycle caused by a 16 year old girl in a pickup truck 10 years ago), certainly it's safe to say that when the decision was made to tear up American mass transit systems many years ago, the die was cast. Many, many more Americans were now going to die & be maimed in car accidents, than in shootings.

If they are truly concerned about 'senseless deaths', why aren't the gun control, control freaks promoting mass transit ? (Note - car accidents are GREAT for business - they create enormous revenues for doctors, fire departments, police departments, body shops, etc.)

JEEZUS, there are a boatload of questions one could ask - if it were a true debate.

Instead, what we are witnessing is the Attempted Disarming of American Gentiles.

I don't think TPTB will be successful in this nefarious goal, but they will certainly have many more Official Reasons to arrest Americans (who are merely exercising God-given self-defense rights) when this is over, probably even by the end of 2013, certainly before Obama leaves office.

Here is some of the Move-On Gun Control BS -

"Dear MoveOn member,

Are we finally ready to take on the National Rifle Association?

The NRA's power has long been an explanationand an excusefor why we can't pass serious gun violence prevention laws in America.

But in the wake of Sandy Hook, something has shifted. Maybe it's the polls showing a 18-point jump in support for stronger laws.1 Or the fact that most gun owners and NRA members disagree with the NRA's policy agenda.2 Or the bizarre press conference by Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's CEO, where he called for more guns in schools.3

Whatever the reason, it's suddenly clear that the NRA ISN'T all-powerful. Yes, they spend a boatload of money on lobbying and electionsbut so did Big Tobacco, and laws limiting smoking are now commonplace. Public opinion matters. The NRA can't block an idea whose time has come.

The Obama Administration and state-level elected officials around the country are debating how ambitious their reforms can be. We urgently need to keep the NRA on its heelsto prevent them from regaining the upper hand in setting the agenda. So we're putting together an emergency campaign to do exactly that. Can you chip in $5?"

From the ADL -


"ADL Reaffirms Support for Gun Control Initiatives During National Policymaking Session in Philadelphia

New York, New York, June 8, 1999 & The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reaffirmed support for gun control initiatives "designed to make it more difficult for extremists as well as children to acquire and use guns and other dangerous weapons in this country."

At a meeting last week of the National Executive Committee, ADLs top policymaking body, in Philadelphia, members adopted a resolution in support of efforts to expand the regulation of firearms and other weapons.

ADL's support for gun control measures at the state and federal level goes back to 1967."

1967, as in, 45+ years ago.

10th January 2013, 02:42 PM
How can you read all that crap without barfing ?
Move On, Move On, seems to me at one time they were against wars or something.
I wonder what happened ?

10th January 2013, 03:26 PM
if it were a gun control debate, old joe would be meetin with not only the "victims of gun violence," but also the people who save their life(s) via possession of a firearm.

10th January 2013, 03:51 PM
I was with Move-On, started with the foreclosure crap. Today I got that message and I just went off, not sure if it goes everywhere but I replied to ALL. Told them they are brainwashed and watch too much TeeVee and to NEVER contact me again. Removed myself and next message will be reported to 'the list' as unwarranted spam. Fuk them assholes.

10th January 2013, 05:37 PM
Note - car accidents are GREAT for business - they create enormous revenues for doctors, fire departments, police departments, body shops, etc....

Don't forget lawyers...

10th January 2013, 05:40 PM
I was with Move-On, started with the foreclosure crap. Today I got that message and I just went off, not sure if it goes everywhere but I replied to ALL. Told them they are brainwashed and watch too much TeeVee and to NEVER contact me again. Removed myself and next message will be reported to 'the list' as unwarranted spam. Fuk them assholes.

Usually they BCC it, so if you "reply to all" it really only goes to the sender. If in fact you have a huge list of email addresses, then start sending them the opposite message- for instance state some of the facts gundriller quoted.

11th January 2013, 05:05 AM
How can you read all that crap without barfing ?
Move On, Move On, seems to me at one time they were against wars or something.
I wonder what happened ?

good point !

as far as Move-on, they first came into being when Congress or whoever used the country's $$ and time to impeach Clinton for lying about Lewinsky.

then they needed to find a reason for continued existence.

anyway, it's interesting. they send me emails that say, "we need you, we have a phone team for Obama's re-election".

it's a good way to follow the liberal Cause Du Jour.

of course, it's never hard to figure out what the ADL's Cause Du Jour is.

11th January 2013, 05:41 AM
Only way that they can take away your freedom is to take away your guns.

"In the old days laws were made to protect Americans but now days they are made to control Americans"


11th January 2013, 05:58 AM


not bad ^, but @ 1:00 mark he regurgitates the "catholic priests molesting young boys" thing, helping djooz in their quest to destroy (the biggest denomination within) Christianity. No mention of
List of CONVICTED RABBI PEDOPHILES....Hmmmmm why not in media? (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1206711/pg1)

11th January 2013, 06:46 AM
Usually they BCC it, so if you "reply to all" it really only goes to the sender. If in fact you have a huge list of email addresses, then start sending them the opposite message- for instance state some of the facts gundriller quoted.

that reminds me of another reason to get an email address on these lists.

in 2006 i was a member of a 9-11 "Truth" group - until i realized that it had a pre-existing agenda & i got the sick feeling that i was being baby-sat by the US gov.

in one of the emails, the "leader/ coordinator" made a mistake - sent an email with "CC" (well, maybe it wasn't a mistake - maybe it was intentional ?)

anyway, i ended up getting the emails of everybody in the group - another advantage of adding one of your email addresses to these lists.

of course, i would be very careful of what you do & say with your primary & secondary emails. i occasionally do web-searches for my emails to see what info is tied to them, before using them for a log-on somewhere.

for example, on my secondary email, which i'm becoming more protective of, i did a search and somehow it lead to - my name. not sure how that happened.

but now i know - if i post using that secondary email, i am no longer anonymous.

mick silver
12th January 2013, 11:55 AM
more need to see this ....... back up