View Full Version : Is it accelerating, I have asked this before

10th January 2013, 09:14 PM
So much bad news.... ugliness, weirdos, scumbags, pedophiles, useless people in general.

This isn't the world I grew up in. I could ride my bike to the park, play and have fun, come home when the street lights came on. I am so disgusted with our country, America. So sad to see what a shit hole it has turned into.

Shootings at schools all the time. Taft , Connecticut.

Little kids being tortured, killed by friends and family, A gal feeding a 2 yr old chili powder, the little one is dead.

Dogs being mutilated for the fun of it, poor dog found in a garbage bag with pellet gun wounds to the eyes and head. It will survive but it will prolly be blind.

A girl being dragged off and rapped by football boys, and ya lets video tape it . Sick FVckers.

Bunch of Obama lovers out there, Gimme my check?, Nobody wants to be a real human anymore.

Really, it is ugly out there, scary what my kid has to look forward to.

It is really getting to me.

Maybe a war or nuclear disaster would be a good thing , clean out a bunch of useless eaters.

Twisted Titan
10th January 2013, 09:22 PM
All you have to do is be The sheild around your child until the maddness burns it self out.

It cant last and it wont but the only way it will ever get better is if there are level headed Wee Ones to Change it.

10th January 2013, 09:41 PM
On the bright side, it's the first time in history the average person is starting to, or at least has it in the back of their mind, how the world really works. It's starting to be known the control mechanisms in place, the groups and institutions which run things, and what their MO is.

Every day people are creating videos, sharing information, piecing it together, telling their friends, writing censorship-resistant software. From the controlers' perspective, it's accelerating too.

10th January 2013, 11:24 PM
Crime stats are actually going down. Something like 50% reduction over the past 20 years. IIRC.

The media creates copycat killers with their 24/7 soap opera glorification, and pumps the fear agenda so you hear about more of the incidents you never would before.

11th January 2013, 12:41 AM
Someday a real rain will come.....


11th January 2013, 05:54 AM
So much bad news.... ugliness, weirdos, scumbags, pedophiles, useless people in general.

This isn't the world I grew up in. I could ride my bike to the park, play and have fun, come home when the street lights came on. I am so disgusted with our country, America. So sad to see what a shit hole it has turned into.

Shootings at schools all the time. Taft , Connecticut.

Little kids being tortured, killed by friends and family, A gal feeding a 2 yr old chili powder, the little one is dead.

Dogs being mutilated for the fun of it, poor dog found in a garbage bag with pellet gun wounds to the eyes and head. It will survive but it will prolly be blind.

A girl being dragged off and rapped by football boys, and ya lets video tape it . Sick FVckers.

Bunch of Obama lovers out there, Gimme my check?, Nobody wants to be a real human anymore.

Really, it is ugly out there, scary what my kid has to look forward to.

It is really getting to me.

Maybe a war or nuclear disaster would be a good thing , clean out a bunch of useless eaters.

This country is not the same one I grew up in and loved, I would be in prison if I did now, what was ok back when I was a kid growing up. kid's will be kid's stuff. like making black powder and blowing shit up! Try now going to the drug store and find sulfur and potassium nitrate (saltpeter) we made our own charcoal! ;D

The only big boogieman was the ussr and the cold war with the constant fear of the bombs going off. But that was just the way it was, because we grew up with it and there was not anything to compare against to know any better.

Zap it is hard for people that were brought up back in those days that people were not changed by all the shit over the last few generation or so.

The moral fiber and beliefs were strong and people respected each other and authority, (that changed mostly with Nixon) not everybody had tv's and there was not even a hint of home computers, internet and stuff. And you were lucky if you had a tv and could pick up more than a hand full of channels.

And the programming was clean family orientated stuff!

Not what we have now with all of the violence and ad's to make your pecker hard and toys for the bedroom.

Morality now is down the drain and a thing of the past.

Family's ate at the table together and had family times that did not revolve around outside entertainment. Now family time and strong family values are becoming a rare thing.

Now all we see is this or that shit going on everywhere and people

Speaking about cruelty to dogs, some ass hole that needs to have the same thing done to him/her what was done to these puppy's, yesterday here.


It makes me sick to see how our society has changed for the worst, and heading on the express lane to hell!

11th January 2013, 06:23 AM
Dogman, that post deserves more than a simple "thanks" - that was excellent and so true !!

11th January 2013, 06:37 AM
we have a lot more access to information now. people have always done sick things.

i remember when i was growing up, i met some kid in another state at a campground or something. he said they liked to throw turtles up in the air & let them fall on the road, shattering their shells. that was about 45 years ago.

if i was to draw a map, it would have one point of steady degradation from the end of World War 2 to the time of JFK's assassination. that would be one point of inflection, when the curve gets steeper.

when JFK was assassinated, the door was opened for the Vietnam War and Israel's becoming a nuclear power.

a next point of inflection would have to be 9-11, for sure.

the economy has been in a state of contraction since at least 2008. not having jobs usually brings out the worst in people, though sometimes it forces them to create something good.

it's a little early to say if 2012/ 2013 was another point of inflection.

how i feel, by observing the behavior of the people & institutions around me - yes, it is accelerating.

11th January 2013, 06:50 AM
The same thing that has enlightened us, is destroying us...technology!
Technology has replaced families and friendships.

Sad to say, there is no way back at this point. Technology has stripped us of all privacy and will continue to encroach on every aspect of our lives, until they have total control of our every movement.

11th January 2013, 06:52 AM
until the maddness burns it self out.WTSHTF, people will be much more inclined to wake up.

we have a lot more access to information now. WTSHTF, the internet will be shut down to prevent people from waking up.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
11th January 2013, 06:55 AM
No matter how bad it gets, spring always follows winter.

11th January 2013, 07:50 AM
The same thing that has enlightened us, is destroying us...technology!
Technology has replaced families and friendships.

Sad to say, there is no way back at this point. Technology has stripped us of all privacy and will continue to encroach on every aspect of our lives, until they have total control of our every movement.

Technology Giveth - and Technology Taketh Away.

i.e., it's a double-edged sword.

Technology is used by Z.O.G. to grow the cancerous American Police State.

But - we can use the same (or similar) technology to maintain our freedoms.

Z.O.G. uses video cameras to tighten the noose, yet we have access to the same technology.

One example is in our cars, to make sure that every inter-action with police is recorded (the trick being that the cameras & microphones need to be hidden.)

In Sum Total, i would have to acree that technology has not improved our quality of life.

I have had this debate with a lady molecular biologist who manages a lab for the US government. Her job - to find cures for specific cancers that are caused by industrial pollution. Her vision - halfway destroyed by a bad LASIK outcome.

Yet she insists that we are in general better off because of technology. She must really love her robotic DNA sequencing machines.

Having lived during the '60's, I can compare life circa 2013 to life circa 1963. There is no comparison. Americans were healthier & happier & far more gainfully employeed in the 1960's - side-stepping the issue of the Vietnam War.

We didn't need iPods ... we had 8-tracks. We didn't need ESPN - we had NBC broadcasting the 1976 Winter Olympics. etc.

11th January 2013, 10:54 AM
I'm not denying it's getting worse, but...

One of the counter-points in this discussion is that it's not really getting worse, but it seems that way because these days you actually hear about all of it.

20, 30, 40 years ago, it was a lot easier to keep bad stuff hidden. There wasn't the same scrutiny for finding stuff out, and when there was, there was no mechanism for revealing it so broadly (i.e. the internet).

It's probably a combination of both. There's probably more stuff going on, but it also probably seems worse because it so in-your-face all the time.

11th January 2013, 01:01 PM
I was about to say the same thing, Sparky.

Not only is the media selecting increasingly negative stories to cover, while ignoring more positive stories, but because of the nature of the internet we have enhanced coverage.

11th January 2013, 01:08 PM
I think it could get a lot worse before it gets worse. And things may improve briefly, but only for a short time. Then things will get worse, and worser still. And lest I forget: "Many will die."

v (V's little sidekick)

11th January 2013, 01:26 PM
According to the MSM, people are going crazy everywhere, but at least there are no reports anymore of people struggling, losing their homes, jobs and businesses. The strong economic recovery is looking good!

Now about those crazy people being reported daily we are all fearful of...what kind of new laws do we need to make us safe? Hmmm

11th January 2013, 01:29 PM
People wanted to hear about rights, not about duties.

The man who read of nothing beyond sex crimes could vote on the great political issues of the world. No ability was needed for his vote. In fact, he was assured that voting alone was enough to make him a fine and noble citizen.

He became a great man by listing his unthought, hungry desire for someone to take care of him without responsibility.

11th January 2013, 02:26 PM
The more I read and study, the more I begin to see that this is what liberty leads to. People doing whatever they want, when they want, and it all picked up speed in 1789 with the french revolution.