View Full Version : Quantum-language-parse-syntax-grammar.

12th January 2013, 02:55 PM

The English Language Has Been Deliberately Modified to Enslave Us!

Have you ever wondered why the world has become the way it is? Like a "Splinter in the Mind" that something is not quite right with our present reality?

The Root of the Deception is with the Language...

In 1988 the mathematical interface for language was discovered. The man who made this discovery then set out to correct the world's legal institutions. That man is JUDGE :David-Wynn: Miller.

JUDGE :David-Wynn: Miller seminars explain and introduce QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR. He explains when, how and why our language was bastardized over the last 8,500 years and by whom! Gain understanding of why, when, how and whom omit words from Oxford, Collins and Webster dictionaries, the benefits of the people not knowing these words and the impact that has on the people and our lives.

...The Answers are Written if you Know WHERE to Read Them!

What started as one mans quest has become a world-wide Movement! The Goal? To educate the planet and put an end to the harvesting of the people, through the Fraudulent conveyance of Language!


QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR arms us with the knowledge/power to have all our words, especially in contracts or any legal documentation inarguably correct!

QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR is the technology that will raise global consciousness which has been suppressed by Western Society!


By Judge: David-Wynn: Miller, 23rd June 2010


by Robert Anton Wilson

E-prime is English without the use of any form of "is" or being.

We're trapped in linguistic constructs. All that is is metaphor. I believe somebody said that before me. I've decided we can't get beyond words. What we gotta do is get more cynical about our words.

You'll find that by dispensing with "is", and trying to reformulate without "is", you just naturally fall into the kind of expression which is considered acceptable in modern science. And also, it's the type of consciousness that Zen Buddhism tries to induce. Using E-Prime, you will understand modern science and Zen Buddhism both, a lot better than you've ever understood them before. Martin Gardner has written a long essay proving that to think like this will destroy your mind. I think it adds tremendously to clarity. I am removing the "is" from my writing more and more. Removing it from your speech is even harder.

Instead of thinking, "The grass is green," think that "the grass appears green to me." And this saved me a lot of time. By the way, I don't get embroiled in arguments like Beethoven is better than Mozart, or rock is better than soul. I define such things as meaningless. And so when people get into arguments like that I just say, "Well, Beethoven seems better to me than Mozart most of the time." I don't say, "Beethoven is better than Mozart."

I return to E-Prime in my thinking whenever I find myself getting angry with somebody, or feeling depressed or hopeless, or having negative emotional states in general. Once you take out all of the "ises" out of all of your negative statements, you find out they are all relative to how you feel at the moment.

People, by and large, would act a hell of a lot more sanely, especially when they got rid of "is" they put "maybe" in more sentences. I think if everybody used "maybe" more often, the increase in general sanity would seem absolutely astonishing and completely flabbergast everybody. What the hell, suddenly we have a planet full of sane people? When did that start to happen? I didn't even notice it. You just listen to the craziest people on the news and on television, or the craziest columnists in the newspaper. You notice they never say maybe, they are always quite sure. There is no "is." They never say "seems," they always say "is."

I am continually astonished at all of the people in the world who think they know the answer to everything. None of them ever suspect they might be cosmic schmucks and have the wrong answer. And I find that any explanation that makes sense to me is in Korzybski's Science and Sanity. These people don't know how to use language properly. They are using language in an overly-dogmatic way which sets their brain in totally dogmatic modes. So they think dogmatically, they perceive dogmatically, they even smell dogmatically, they hear dogmatically. They are locked in a trap of fixed neurosemantic circuits in their brains. Whereas, knowing I'm a cosmic schmuck, I always think of at least five alternatives.

When people start arguing about words, they are mostly arguing about whether the words that they apply to objects they have created out of the infinity of possible objects that could be put together, they've picked up a few of them, then they put words on them, then they quarrel about the words. And if these people get to the stage where they are willing to kill one another over the words, they should be put in a nice, quiet home in the country with kindly doctors, and beautiful nurses, and a good sedative. But generally, they end up in government and start bombing one another. Or they lead religious crusades for the true faith and kill one another with swords or some such thing.


Explain quantum physics simply?

When I moved from Los Angeles, I moved into what I thought was Santa Cruz. Then we had something stolen from our car, and we called the police, and I found out we didn't live in Santa Cruz, we lived in a town called Capitola. The Post Office thought we lived in Santa Cruz, but the police thought we lived in Capitola. I started investigating this, and a reporter on the local newspaper told me we lived in neither Santa Cruz or Capitola, we lived in an unincorporated area called Live Oak.

Now, quantum mechanics is just like that, except that in the case of Santa Cruz, Capitola, and Live Oak, we don't get too confused, because, remember, we invented the lines on the map. Quantum physics seems confusing because a lot of people believe we didn't invent the lines, so it seems hard to understand how a particle can be in three places at the same time without being anywhere at all. But when you remember that we invented all of the boundaries, borders and lines, just like the Berlin Wall, then quantum mechanics is no more mysterious than the fact that I live in three places at the same time.

No Chinese raised on I Ching has ever found quantum mechanics puzzling. It's only puzzling to people raised on Aristotelian logic where things are either A or not A. In the I Ching, things are A and not A at the same time.

With quantum mechanics, you can prove that light is made out of particles experimentally. You can build up a whole mathematical theory of light traveling in little particles called photons, and you can do experiments, and the experiments will give you a pattern showing that light is traveling like particles. We've also got a whole mathematical theory built up showing that light travels as waves, and we've got experiments that will show you that light travels as waves. As one physicist in the 1920s said, "It looks as if the damn light is waiting to see how we're going to do the experiment and then deciding which way it's going to travel. Schroedinger said, "I wish I never got mixed up with this radomptoquantumschringereit. This goddamned quantum jumping." The modified Copenhagen view is light is neither waves nor particles until we look, and then it adjusts itself depending on what we're looking at it with. An electron is not anywhere until we look, and when we look, the electron decides to be somewhere as long as we're looking. As soon as we stop looking, the electron is everywhere again.

Every model we make tells us how our mind works as much as it tells about the universe. These are just human symbolic games. The universe itself is bigger than any of our models.

According to Zen Buddhism, and most forms of Buddhism, and quantum mechanics, any description of the universe which leaves you out is inaccurate, because any description of the universe, and the description of the instrument that you use to take your reading of the universe -- if the only instrument you use is your own nervous system, you gotta include your own nervous system in your description of the universe.

So, ergo, any model we make does not describe the universe, it describes what our brains are capable of seeing at this time.

Long before quantum mechanics, the German philosopher Husserl said that all perception is gamble. Every type of bigotry, every type of racism, sexism, prejudice, every dogmatic ideology that allows people to kill other people with a clear conscience, every stupid cult, every superstition-ridden religion, every kind of ignorance in the world, are all results from not realizing that our perceptions are gambles. We believe what we see, and then we believe our interpretation of it, but we don't even know we're making an interpretation most of the time.

We think this is reality. But in philosophy, that's called naive realism: "What I perceive is reality." And philosophers have refuted naive realism every century for the last 2,500 years, starting with Buddha and Plato, and yet most people still act on the basis of naive realism.

Now the argument is, "Well, maybe my perceptions are inaccurate, but somewhere there is accuracy, scientists have it with their instruments. That's how we can find out what's really real." But relativity, quantum mechanics, have demonstrated clearly that what you find out with instruments is true relative only to the instrument you're using, and where that instrument is located in space-time. So there is no vantage point from which real reality can be seen.

We're all looking from the point of view of our own reality tunnels. And when we begin to realize that we're all looking from the point of view of our own reality tunnels, we find that it is much easier to understand where other people are coming from.



"Friends! Everything Pope Bob does puts things into a perspective, and not just a unique perspective, BUT THE CORRECT PERSPECTIVE! WHICH DOES INCLUDE ALL OTHER PERSPECTIVES! And so, my friends, I am very happy and proud to present the Carl Sagan of religion, the Jerry Falwell of quantum physics, the Arnold Schwarzenegger of feminism, the Helen Keller of art and music, the Nelson Mandela of White Supremacists, the James Joyce of Swing Set Assembly Manuals, the Lenny Bruce of Funerals, the Salvador Dali of Assembly Line Workers, and folks, the Robert Anton Wilson of Humanity."


Spectacles, testicles, brandy, cigars -- you're all popes! You're all absolutely infallible. I have the authority to appoint anyone a Discordian Pope, because I'm a Discordian Pope. The first rule after you become a Discordian Pope is to excommunicate every Discordian Pope you meet. This is based on the basic Discordian principle that we Discordians must stick apart.

Discordians don't have dogmas, which are absolute beliefs; we have catmas which are relative meta-beliefs. And the central discordian catma is, as I said before, any affirmation is true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. And if you repeat this 666 times, you will achieve supreme enlightenment -- IN SOME SENSE!

There are approximately 12 million discordian popes now. Originally, Malaclypse the Younger, founder of Discordianism, had cards printed and he'd just hand them out to everybody he met making them popes.

And then I printed the Pope Card in the Illuminatus! Trilogy, but then I was living in Ireland and the Pope came to the Phoenix Bar, and announced -- the guy who thinks he's the only pope -- he announced that bishops could give indulgences over television, which was a new thing in Catholic doctrine, and I got the idea, "Well, if they can do indulgences on television, I can do pontifications." And so, instead of giving out cards, every time I got on radio or television, then I made the whole audience popes. Eventually, we'll make every man, woman and child on this planet a pope.

Most religious people take themselves too damn seriously, which is why they act like such damn fools. I'm using the word damn for the paradoxical effect.


I'm also a Buddhist, a Taoist, and a Confucian as well as a Discordian, a Subgenius, and a Witch.

I will officially announce that everyone in this room is now a Discordian Pope, just like me.

Spectacles, testicles, brandy, cigars. You are all absolutely infallible. And don't take crap from anybody. Okay.

Well, I'm an ordained pope in the Church of the Subgenius, which means I'm absolutely infallible. So don't dare contradict anything I say. As for my relationship with Einstein, I deny all the rumors.

You're only infallible about your own nervous system. You know what's going on in your own nervous system. Whatever realities you're creating out of the infinite flux of being, you don't know anything about anybody else's reality unless they tell you about it. You gotta listen very sympathetically in order to understand them. So it's a limited infallibility.
