View Full Version : One of my favorites......Blondie......Heart Of Glass........ V

13th January 2013, 02:43 PM

Well, I am an old timer....what do you want from me?


13th January 2013, 03:36 PM
I have no heart.

13th January 2013, 04:00 PM
Well, mine was made of glass for it is already broken.......another favorite is Roy Orbison.


13th January 2013, 04:26 PM
yes I suffer from the pretty woman walking on by syndrome.......... some times they say, hit the road Jack.

13th January 2013, 05:02 PM
Deborah Harry... as a kid one of my favorites.


13th January 2013, 06:55 PM
Somethings that you never see never changes.......it remains the same for ever frozen in time..........that's why I never look at myself in the mirrow, will be 18 till I die ahahahahahahah.


13th January 2013, 07:19 PM
The Tide is High.

13th January 2013, 07:26 PM
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Then I found out I had a big fat ass
Seemed like some bootie, but it was bovine
Much TMI, about my big behind

Once I had a love for burgers and fries
Soon found out I had been supersized
It seemed like the real thing but it was pink slime
I gobbled it down, into my big fat behind

In between
What I find is fattening and it’s just so fine
Food is an addiction there's no peace of mind
If I get to eating food it's just so good
I get my calories in da hood

13th January 2013, 07:33 PM
Maybe thus'll thaw yur pipes, Ponce.


13th January 2013, 07:40 PM
Great song, I loved it back in the day.

13th January 2013, 07:41 PM
I have no heart.

So when you sing along to this song do you sing, "Once I had a love and it was a gas, soon turned out had a heart of... me"

15th January 2013, 04:33 PM
I remember, those were the days when me and my dancing prtner always took over the dance floor....with the "Dancing Queen" from ABBA my partner use to wear a wide flowing skirt and top and me white pants and shirt.......she would go on the dance floor and dance the first 30 seconds on her own and then slowly I would come into the picture and we would dance away........every time that that song started to play people would look at me and my partner for us to dance and if anyone dared to go on the dance floor they would had been boooooo away.........we never had sex, even if we wanted it, the reason that we never had it was because the tension that she and I created while dancing where the guys wanted her and the ladies wanted me........we always dace together till 10:30 pm and then each went our own way....there was a certain place in the song where we would kiss, she would caress my hair and me her back and people would go crazy....... yeap.......those were the days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtsbxGzRZWc


15th January 2013, 04:53 PM
Not bad Senor Ponce.
I like Blondie.


willie pete
15th January 2013, 07:43 PM
I was thinking this would be more your style ponche....


15th January 2013, 07:49 PM
I remember, those were the days when me and my dancing prtner always took over the dance floor....with the "Dancing Queen" from ABBA my partner use to wear a wide flowing skirt and top and me white pants and shirt.......she would go on the dance floor and dance the first 30 seconds on her own and then slowly I would come into the picture and we would dance away........every time that that song started to play people would look at me and my partner for us to dance and if anyone dared to go on the dance floor they would had been boooooo away.........we never had sex, even if we wanted it, the reason that we never had it was because the tension that she and I created while dancing where the guys wanted her and the ladies wanted me........we always dace together till 10:30 pm and then each went our own way....there was a certain place in the song where we would kiss, she would caress my hair and me her back and people would go crazy....... yeap.......those were the days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtsbxGzRZWc


wow, great story! I don't know what you look like but I can totally visualize this in my head perfectly, ha ha!

15th January 2013, 08:36 PM
Pete? I don't like loud latin music.

Franks........once in a while I listen to the music from the good old days, Disco........ and in my mind I can still see myself on the dance floor and sitting at my table with nine ladies.....I was earning more from teaching disco than what I was as a machinist...and with more benefits hahahahahaah.


15th January 2013, 11:07 PM
The more you share this Ponce the more visions I have of a guy walking down the street, white flared trousers, open necked shirt and a can of paint.

I think we might have the inspiration for SNF in our midst. You ever meet John?

16th January 2013, 08:18 AM
As a matter of fact the openning of Saturday Night Fever was one of favorite songs and I used also to dance using that style and many of my students wanted to also learn it.......also while dancing I used to give it a very small Cuban twist and people also asked me what it was.............when Ponce was king hahahahahah.

First post of the day........Good, pipes frozen after one week, morning to one and all.


16th January 2013, 02:35 PM
Was your hair perfect GREASE, Discoboy?


willie pete
16th January 2013, 03:45 PM
Pete? I don't like loud latin music.

Franks........once in a while I listen to the music from the good old days, Disco........ and in my mind I can still see myself on the dance floor and sitting at my table with nine ladies.....I was earning more from teaching disco than what I was as a machinist...and with more benefits hahahahahaah.


thought maybe you'd be partial to your fellow countryman's music ::) On a side note ponche, if you've never see Deborah Harry (Blondie) in the movie "Videodrome" you really should check it out some time, it was made back in the '80's, but for the time it was Freaky....{0} ...good special effects and actually has an underlying present day theme..."mind control"

16th January 2013, 03:47 PM
LOL Horn, as a matter of fact my hair was shoulder lenght and I had to use anti static paper on my hair to keep it neat hahahahahahaahahahah....... I can't complain, I had my day in the sun.


16th January 2013, 03:52 PM

16th January 2013, 03:59 PM
Hey Horn? why do you are sending me a picture of your sister?, or is that you? uffffffffffffffff ugly, ugly, ugly.