View Full Version : was adam lanza even alive the last 3 years?

Large Sarge
16th January 2013, 05:06 AM

16th January 2013, 10:51 AM
That is a good question! Maybe the computer was destroyed to cover up his non-existence, on the net!

Twisted Titan
16th January 2013, 10:58 AM

16th January 2013, 03:03 PM
Media Magic.........

midnight rambler
16th January 2013, 03:23 PM
*Supposedly* the woman who cut Adam's hair when his mother would bring him in for a haircut had seen Adam in the recent past.

16th January 2013, 03:28 PM
check this out: crisis management docs uploaded to SEVERAL webistes 4 days before the shooting:


midnight rambler
16th January 2013, 03:35 PM
check this out: crisis management docs uploaded to SEVERAL webistes 4 days before the shooting:


There is so much weirdness already, are we supposed to believe that those behind this are actually stupid enough to leave pre-massacre bread crumbs on the 'net??

16th January 2013, 03:48 PM
There is so much weirdness already, are we supposed to believe that those behind this are actually stupid enough to leave pre-massacre bread crumbs on the 'net??

Yes they are stupid ,low life imbeciles..........

16th January 2013, 04:49 PM

16th January 2013, 04:51 PM
I think they wanted to provide grist for the conspiracy theorists. To what end I am not sure.

Whether it happened or was a hoax the proper response to my way of thinking is it points up the need for more guns and the elimination of gun free zones.

16th January 2013, 04:52 PM
Wasn't it mentioned his mother home schooled him...for how long?

Wait a sec he smashed his computer up because he was obviously hiding something, or he freaked out in a rage, and smashed his computer up with a baseball bat?

He obviously had to be doing XYZ because nobody smashes up technology when they are insanely pissed off out of their minds says the ditzy reporter.

It's such a weak conclusion to bet the farm on.

16th January 2013, 04:55 PM
Yes,he didnt want anything incriminating on his computer ,especially when he knew he would be dead later the same day.

16th January 2013, 04:58 PM
Yes,he didnt want anything incriminating on his computer ,especially when he knew he would be dead later the same day.

Would you leave a blow up sex doll covered in jizz hanging from your living room ceiling to be remembered by?

No too hard to imagine people think of these things while alive, and in death.

16th January 2013, 05:08 PM
They are saying he smashed his computer .

It was either smashed to cover up something by Lanza or it was smashed by someone else to cover up a crime........there may of been nothing on his computer.....an other good reason to smash it.

midnight rambler
16th January 2013, 05:14 PM
More of the queer mind thinking queer thoughts stuff. lol

16th January 2013, 05:16 PM
This guy here was covering up the Caramilk secret...extremely well I might add:


And this professor looks like he was trying to cover something up but was really just troubleshooting the students laptop:


16th January 2013, 06:10 PM
There is so much weirdness already, are we supposed to believe that those behind this are actually stupid enough to leave pre-massacre bread crumbs on the 'net??

Remember the released pdf of barry's bc?

16th January 2013, 06:19 PM
This guy here was covering up the Caramilk secret...extremely well I might add:


And this professor looks like he was trying to cover something up but was really just troubleshooting the students laptop:


You do know that your last vid is a april fools joke right? I haven't watched the first one yet.


You just like being snarky joboo? Why post fake vids with false advertisement comments about the vids from yourself? You knew they were both fake. Without taking the time to watch the vids, people who brush over them would appeal to your logic that the idea of the op vid is ludicrous.

I do have another question for you. Has the SPLC told you to up the site disturbances/derailings on this board? Seem like you have picked the pace up dramatically in the past few weeks.

Either that or living back in your mom's basement...

16th January 2013, 07:56 PM
"When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_burden_of_proof#Holder_of_the_burden ) In this case, there are many grand claims being made with zero evidence being provided. Since there is no evidence yet being officially released, and since investigative journalism no longer exists and hence no evidence from that, I feel no need or obligation to believe any of this until said evidence is presented. I feel no need to do massive research on this topic, I'm content to never believe any of this until (if ever) some evidence emerges. The only concrete thing I have right now is chad's friend's story which isn't related to the existence of Lanza.

16th January 2013, 09:00 PM
Forensic guys could likely reconstruct even a smashed hard drive. FBI says they can't get ANY data? Bull shit.

I am starting to think whistleblower. I don't know who he was working for or why he was dissappeared for 3 years, but perhaps his computer contained incriminating data on SOMEONE ELSE. There's a million rabbit holes. Take your pick.

16th January 2013, 11:29 PM
Forensic guys could likely reconstruct even a smashed hard drive. FBI says they can't get ANY data? Bull shit.

I am starting to think whistleblower. I don't know who he was working for or why he was dissappeared for 3 years, but perhaps his computer contained incriminating data on SOMEONE ELSE. There's a million rabbit holes. Take your pick.
Yeah or FBI can't find any data on the hard disc, because there wasn't any, prior to the smash up...

Hatha Sunahara
17th January 2013, 12:25 AM
When I look at all these weirdnesses it reminds me of how my mind evolved right after 911. One very clear example is the videos of the planes flying into the buildings. There were maybe 5 or 6 videos of the planes flying into the two WTC towers. The News Networks must have played those videos non-stop for a week or two after 911. Hundreds, thousands of times. They burned those videos into everybody's consciousness relentlessly. Same thing with the videos of the buildings collapsing into piles of dust. So, not more than a month after 911, I tried to see how difficult it would have been for someone to fly into those buildings, and I booted up my Microsoft Flight Simulator program and configured it to fly Boeing 767 Jets, and I started my flight at the north end of Manhattan island and tried first to fly into the north WTC tower. It wasn't easy to aim the plane, and it took a dozen tries or so before I got the hang of it and could hit the building squarely. And what happens in Microsoft Flight simulator is the the plane flies into the building and disappears, and the flight terminates because you've crashed. I did the same thing with the plane flying into the south WTC tower. The plane flew into the building and disappeared. I kept doing this intermittently for several months to show my friends how it could be done. At some point in early 2002, I started to see the similarity between the TV videos of the planes flying into the buildings that were broadcast on the news and my own Microsoft planes, and it dawned on me that a real plane-where the laws of physics were involved, would not just fly into a steel building and disappear. The building would not yield so easily. The plane would have a rapid deceleration and would compress itself into the nose and break up, and a large portion of it would come to a stop outside the building and fall to the sidewalk.

I tried to communicate this to people I knew, and they all looked at me like I was crazy. Didn't you see the videos on TV? And that was my point. The videos on TV were fake. They were computer generated graphics. Just like the Microsoft program, but much more sophisticated. Well, they told me, there were so many eyewitnesses to it that saw real planes fly into the buildings. But I questioned it. Did they really see those planes? Or did they first see them on the nightly news, and then inserted them into their memeory just prior to the explosions they saw in the buildings? I believed from that point on--in early 2002 that the planes were fakes presented to the public by the MSM, and burned into everyone's consciousness so many times that they had become real. I never questioned the reality of the videos of the buildings collapsing into dust. That was real and undeniable. But what caused them to collapse. It couldn't have been the planes. And then in 2010, a guy named Khalezov came along with a story about thermonuclear 150kt bombs placed 50 meters below the buildings and how that is what turned them into micron sized dust particles. Again, most people told me I was crazy to believe that. I still believe that the planes were computer generated images for TV, and that the buildings were ground zero for three nuclear demolition devices.

And Sandy Hook started the same way. The media fed us a story about a lone shooter named Adam Lanza who went to a school where his mother was a teacher and killed 20 little kids and six adults. But they showed us nothing. The whole story is a narrative. All the people involved are giving us bits and pieces of the story, and we are supposed to construct a myth in our mids about what actually happened. Only the bits and pieces don't fit together very well. The people telling us this story aren't very convincing. People aren't behaving the way we expect them to in a situation that the story tells. And some of the media story tellers are becoming indignant when it is apparent that we don't believe their story. And whatever it is, if it doesn't come from Lt Vance, it isn't true.

So, what about Adam Lanza? Is he real, or is he Memorex? They want us to believe he destroyed the HDD on his computer. Why? No speculation there. It's left to your imagination. Maybe there was nothing on that hard drive? Maybe there is no Adam Lanza, and they couldn't fabricate enough computer evidence to fake that. We see a picture of some kid with long hair and freaked out eyes that they tell us is Adam Lanza. They say after he shot all these people in record time with superhuman efficiency that he then shot himself, yet they don't have any pictures of a dead body? Or any dead bodies. Or any blood. It sounds a lot like the Osama Bin Ladin execution. Only there they bothered to put together some fake pictures, but no body because they took it in a helicopter and dropped it into the Indian Ocean. And nobody can talk to the people who supposedly did it because of security reasons, yet one of the Seal Team members writes an unauthorized book about it, and now we have a movie about something that never happened.

Something tells me that from 911 until today, we have been fed a series of fictions. Fictions that a dumbed down population cannot even tell is fiction. And each fiction is to promote some agenda. I won't apologize for believing that Adam Lanza is a fictitious character. Something tells me we will have many more of these fictional events until it becomes undeniable to even the most intellectually challenged among us that none of this stuff is real. We must be getting very close to the end game because these fictions are getting more transparent. I'm sure the next one won't even hang together as sloppily as this one does.


17th January 2013, 02:17 AM
You do know that your last vid is a april fools joke right? I haven't watched the first one yet. edit. You just like being snarky joboo? Why post fake vids with false advertisement comments about the vids from yourself? You knew they were both fake. Without taking the time to watch the vids, people who brush over them would appeal to your logic that the idea of the op vid is ludicrous. I do have another question for you. Has the SPLC told you to up the site disturbances/derailings on this board? Seem like you have picked the pace up dramatically in the past few weeks. Either that or living back in your mom's basement...

derrrrppp....omg it's april fools...it changes nothing.

Real or not.....and try to step outside the box here....people smash up technology all the time...sane people not on drugs even....wow shocker!

It's really shocking to imagine...so hard to imagine...strains the brain.

Are some of you guys that dense? Getting the strong conspirotard vibe here.

Any scrap to MAYBE VAGUELY prove something is gobbled down with deep conviction.

Sorry, that to me is mommy's basement.

You need reasonable evidence.

Damaged computer? OBVIOUSLY CIA/FBI coverup 100%!!!! Yeesh....

Sorry about coming off snarky but this type of thing enhances the fringe vibe in the truth movement.

"Yeah...the latest angle is because the hard drive was damaged it's "proof" of a conspiracy....Lanza being all level headed, and not in a violent murderous rage, and all that"

17th January 2013, 03:24 AM
More of the queer mind thinking queer thoughts stuff. lol

I know some people are kinda slow and all (and holy shit batman), but my point was specifically to make the analogy outrageous, taboo, and bizarre as hell.


17th January 2013, 03:39 AM
I know some people are kinda slow and all (and holy shit batman), but my point was specifically to make the analogy outrageous, taboo, and bizarre as hell.

4323Good work! Do you get a weekly paycheck?

17th January 2013, 07:42 AM
Good work! Do you get a weekly paycheck?

I have this thing in my head called a functioning brain. ;D It prevents me from flying away into the conspiracy moonbat zone by not jumping to wild conclusions with no evidence whatsoever. ;)

There's a difference between considering something devoid of any legitimate evidence, and being ultimately convinced of it.

Some people are totally convinced, and create all kinds of videos, and people look at them, and think what a bunch of kooks.

One step forward two steps back with every conspiracy. The nutters come out, and ruin it every time.

17th January 2013, 07:47 AM

17th January 2013, 08:48 AM

It's not trolling at all unless you think what I said directly applies to you.

Take a journey over the David Icke forum, and you'll see what I mean. I'd bet $100 they're already talking about Lanza being a space alien sent down from another planet.

It all starts off as one thing being suspicious, then it spreads into every aspect all based on the first conclusion.

I'm very wary of the control the opposition by leading it principle.

If that makes me a gov shill, I'll take the label.

Hatha Sunahara
17th January 2013, 09:07 AM
derrrrppp....omg it's april fools...it changes nothing.

Real or not.....and try to step outside the box here....people smash up technology all the time...sane people not on drugs even....wow shocker!

It's really shocking to imagine...so hard to imagine...strains the brain.

Are some of you guys that dense? Getting the strong conspirotard vibe here.

Any scrap to MAYBE VAGUELY prove something is gobbled down with deep conviction.

Sorry, that to me is mommy's basement.

You need reasonable evidence.

Damaged computer? OBVIOUSLY CIA/FBI coverup 100%!!!! Yeesh....

Sorry about coming off snarky but this type of thing enhances the fringe vibe in the truth movement.

"Yeah...the latest angle is because the hard drive was damaged it's "proof" of a conspiracy....Lanza being all level headed, and not in a violent murderous rage, and all that"

This is the kind of post that tips people off that you are a troll/shill. People are going to believe whatever they want to believe. It is not your place to criticize other peoples beliefs or to judge their intellectual capacities, or the soundness of their judgment. You are not going to change what other people believe by giving them standards for thinking. Just the desire to change the way other people think is evidence that you are a troll. Provoking them with insults to their intelligence is prima facia evidence that you're trolling. We aren't supposed to believe what we believe because it doesn't meet your standards for logic and reasonableness? Or maybe it doesn't meet the acceptability standards for whichever political viewpoint you are paid to enforce here? You're baiting people into emotional reactions, and then apologizing for it? That tells me you know exactly what you are doing, and how people are going to react to it.

Who are you really? You sound like a reincarnation of Juristic Person. Well good luck with that here.


17th January 2013, 09:08 AM
I'm very wary of the control the opposition by leading it principle.

If that makes me a gov shill, I'll take the label.

You got it. From now on, you're double agent jooboo aka Bullion_Bob, er, (somethin or other).

17th January 2013, 09:28 AM
You got it. From now on, you're double agent jooboo aka Bullion_Bob, er, (somethin or other).

Do you have anything contructive except ad-hominem? It's been a long time for you in this regard when speaking to me.

I really could care less about what you think you know based on injecting zero intellect. This type of mindless supposition is for losers.

All it sounds like to me is derrrrppp...

I made my points. Counter them with something intelligent that's worth thinking about. Other people seem to manage it.

17th January 2013, 09:33 AM
This is the kind of post that tips people off that you are a troll/shill. People are going to believe whatever they want to believe. It is not your place to criticize other peoples beliefs or to judge their intellectual capacities, or the soundness of their judgment. You are not going to change what other people believe by giving them standards for thinking. Just the desire to change the way other people think is evidence that you are a troll. Provoking them with insults to their intelligence is prima facia evidence that you're trolling. We aren't supposed to believe what we believe because it doesn't meet your standards for logic and reasonableness? Or maybe it doesn't meet the acceptability standards for whichever political viewpoint you are paid to enforce here? You're baiting people into emotional reactions, and then apologizing for it? That tells me you know exactly what you are doing, and how people are going to react to it.

Who are you really? You sound like a reincarnation of Juristic Person. Well good luck with that here.


I'm not sure what you're having a problem with. You're either basing your conclusions in a reality based environment, or you're making it up with no direct evidence to support it.

One of them is called irrational thinking. I'll leave it up for you to decide which is which.

It has nothing to do with politics, or what I want to believe. It has everything to do with what is, and what isn't.

midnight rambler
17th January 2013, 09:43 AM
*Someone* is very diligently engaging in perception management.

17th January 2013, 09:48 AM
I'm not sure what you're having a problem with. You're either basing your conclusions in a reality based environment, or you're making it up with no direct evidence to support it.

One of them is called irrational thinking. I'll leave it up for you to decide which is which.

It has nothing to do with politics, or what I want to believe. It has everything to do with what is, and what isn't.

This post basically sums up your entire position on every issue, and unfortunately it's fundamentally flawed. Admittedly it's non-obvious why this is so, but as I mentioned a week or so ago, I will explain the details further in a writeup.

17th January 2013, 09:57 AM
This post basically sums up your entire position on every issue, and unfortunately it's fundamentally flawed. Admittedly it's non-obvious why this is so, but as I mentioned a week or so ago, I will explain the details further in a writeup.

It's not fundamentally flawed when the approach is gain traction, and break the conspiracy nutter moniker.

So many people hopped on the blind speculation bandwagon over this story. Same pitfalls of 9II repeated. Fake photo ops, fake kids...hoh boy the nuts are at it again...is what's going on now.

So many claims of fakery, yet everyone believes what some dude says in a youtube video, as that has to be 100% real because it's not MSM.

Some anonymous guy in a video claims Lanza is fake...never seen him...who is this guy ultimately? No idea. Yet somehow everyone automatically believes him 100%. Seems utterly foolish to me. I see that process as fundamentally flawed.

17th January 2013, 10:02 AM
I'm not sure what you're having a problem with. You're either basing your conclusions in a reality based environment, or you're making it up with no direct evidence to support it.

One of them is called irrational thinking. I'll leave it up for you to decide which is which.

It has nothing to do with politics, or what I want to believe. It has everything to do with what is, and what isn't.

It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream. (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/edgarallan110047.html)
Edgar Allan Poe (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/edgar_allan_poe.html)

By the way, the point between rationality and what we would call the irrational is a very difficult point to establish. There's no specific line, as you know. (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/l/leoornstei268060.html)
Leo Ornstein (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/l/leo_ornstein.html)


17th January 2013, 10:04 AM
*Someone* is very diligently engaging in perception management.

Someone is going full moonbat again. Are you in the same boat with Santa, or do you have anything to add tangible related to this story to convince me otherwise aside from your wild staring eyes?

17th January 2013, 10:08 AM

So facts, and supposition are the same realities. Right.

Imagine wanting to keep a level head, and find out more information, before allowing the mainstream perspective to label you as crazy...over and over again, and again, and again...and again.

Oh wait...but I'm just a gov shill giving good advice on how not to be immediately labelled as crazy by the MSM, and gain credibility.

Of course!

17th January 2013, 10:33 AM
Do you have anything contructive except ad-hominem? It's been a long time for you in this regard when speaking to me.

I really could care less about what you think you know based on injecting zero intellect. This type of mindless supposition is for losers.

All it sounds like to me is derrrrppp...

I made my points. Counter them with something intelligent that's worth thinking about. Other people seem to manage it.


Well, there is the fact that you yourself claim to be Bullion (something or other),
and I'm pretty sure you weren't Bullion_Dick or Bullion_Asshole back then....
And it's kind of weird how you popped into existence right about the same time Bullion_Bob stopped posting here in May 2011.

If anyone cares, go ahead and read some of the posts by Bullion_Bob right here on GSUS and notice how eerily similar the syntax and points of view old Bob have with the new joo.

I also checked out some old joojoo.com threads from GIM1 and sure nuff, it was Bullion_Bob that was debating with Juristic Person back then... just as you said.

So how come you have TWO membership accounts here, Bob?

17th January 2013, 11:17 AM
3 memberships, remember CampAssman

17th January 2013, 11:25 AM

Well, there is the fact that you yourself claim to be Bullion (something or other),
and I'm pretty sure you weren't Bullion_Dick or Bullion_Asshole back then....
And it's kind of weird how you popped into existence right about the same time Bullion_Bob stopped posting here in May 2011.

If anyone cares, go ahead and read some of the posts by Bullion_Bob right here on GSUS and notice how eerily similar the syntax and points of view old Bob have with the new joo.

I also checked out some old joojoo.com threads from GIM1 and sure nuff, it was Bullion_Bob that was debating with Juristic Person back then... just as you said.

So how come you have TWO membership accounts here, Bob?

Wow....you got some spare time on your hands.

You just keep wondering Santa. Have fun.

I honestly don't care what you think of me, or who I am.

If you think you have the nuts to debate me then great. Go right ahead. Take some vitamins, get a good nights rest, and bring your best argument please.

If you want to get stuck in a kill the messenger over the message scenario have fun being a perpetual goofball at that.

17th January 2013, 11:29 AM
3 memberships, remember CampAssman

That's your rabbit hole of delusion. That guy is not me, but feel free to spend hours solving that great conspiracy.

I think he put it to you very succinctly at the time you questioned it.

17th January 2013, 04:27 PM
"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

joobo has assumed the role of the anti-E.-Martin-Sholtz ^ here lately- trying to discipline/steer us by cracking her thought crime whip via kosher ad-hom/ridicule labels (nutter moonbat waycist bigotted yada yada).

By waving around her kosher "sane vs crazy avenues of inquiry & discourse" torch at us menacingly, and constantly pointing us to "the center"; joobo's badgering GSUS readers not to stray too far from her supposed center, lest she or the ZSM (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/) or the well trained sheeple occupying "the center" should label us with one or more of their scary kosher ad-hom/ridicule lables; perish the thought.

17th January 2013, 04:34 PM
Yes we dont want to stray to far from accepted norms as we dont want to appear marginalized by normal society.;D

18th January 2013, 02:56 PM
joobo has assumed the role of the anti-E.-Martin-Sholtz ^ here lately- trying to discipline/steer us by cracking her thought crime whip via kosher ad-hom/ridicule labels (nutter moonbat waycist bigotted yada yada). By waving around her kosher "sane vs crazy avenues of inquiry & discourse" torch at us menacingly, and constantly pointing us to "the center"; joobo's badgering GSUS readers not to stray too far from her supposed center, lest she or the ZSM (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/) or the well trained sheeple occupying "the center" should label us with one or more of their scary kosher ad-hom/ridicule lables; perish the thought.

Feel free to get your crazy on, just don't expect your message to propagate very well by taking that approach.

Pick the most credible angles, and plant the seeds. Rome wasn't built in a day.

It's not too difficult to realize that before veering off into whoa...this line of thinking is a huge joooo conspiracy.

For some it might just appear to be common sense when sharing info to the masses of uninformed. Imagine that.

18th January 2013, 03:37 PM
Yes we dont want to stray to far from accepted norms as we dont want to appear marginalized by normal society.;D

It's not about personally staying within norms or being confined to mainstream ideologies, it's about guidelines for passing on information effectively to others that are unaware. I believe I've made this clear by now.

Why I would have to continually explain this reality to some posters on this forum (and I'm not implying this on you), and experience perpetual friction is simply mind boggling.

Sometimes posting here is like trying to communicate with (some) people that have suffered a series of debilitating head injuries.

Simply astonishing.

Those who do it, drop their thanks, then do a duck and run without countering what I'm saying with anything intelligent, which has become highly predictable.

18th January 2013, 03:57 PM
it's about guidelines for passing on information effectively to others that are unaware.

People do not join and post here that are unaware, you are an exception. Your double spacing legalese pro Jew superiority complex is not the norm here. <- read that again and try to comprehend it. The conspiracies presented here are usually and often proven not to be conspiracy but in actuality 'truth'. So go suck on that and Camp Assman for a while.

18th January 2013, 04:26 PM
People do not join and post here that are unaware, you are an exception. Your double spacing legalese pro Jew superiority complex is not the norm here. <- read that again and try to comprehend it. The conspiracies presented here are usually and often proven not to be conspiracy but in actuality 'truth'. So go suck on that and Camp Assman for a while.

I'm at a loss, what's not to understand? Get outside the box a little bit.

Do you think jumping into deep level conspiracy talk with someone just learning, and open to ideas is going to make you sound crazy or enlightened?

Do you ever interface with people in real life outside of internet forums?

There are ways to effectively communicate ideas, and get people thinking without coming off as crazy.

Do you think when explaining something conspiratorial to someone to get them on path to awareness it would be a good idea to go on a tangent over the fringe aspects, or stick to the more effective realities that make sense?

If you persist on fringe, at some point they're going to think you're nuts, and dismiss everything you just told them as lunacy. I'm talking real word, not conspiracy forums on the internet.

There's a much bigger world out there outside of niche internet conspiracy forums, and word of mouth is very much alive and well outside of the internet.

18th January 2013, 04:35 PM
Agree with everything you posted here, so why the hammer down on the regulars? You know we know so why batter us down? I for one do not say the blatant obvious shit to someone that watches teevee daily or the daily news. Why is it YOUR job to belittle this community that does understand that there is far more to the story than your Jew news televises?

I'm at a loss, what's not to understand? Get outside the box a little bit.

Do you think jumping into deep level conspiracy talk with someone just learning, and open to ideas is going to make you sound crazy or enlightened?

Do you ever interface with people in real life outside of internet forums?

There are ways to effectively communicate ideas, and get people thinking without coming off as crazy.

Do you think when explaining something conspiratorial to someone to get them on path to awareness it would be a good idea to go on a tangent over the fringe aspects, or stick to the more effective realities that make sense?

If you persist on fringe, at some point they're going to think you're nuts, and dismiss everything you just told them as lunacy. I'm talking real word, not conspiracy forums on the internet.

There's a much bigger world out there outside of niche internet conspiracy forums, and word of mouth is very much alive and well outside of the internet.

18th January 2013, 05:02 PM
Agree with everything you posted here, so why the hammer down on the regulars? You know we know so why batter us down? I for one do not say the blatant obvious shit to someone that watches teevee daily or the daily news. Why is it YOUR job to belittle this community that does understand that there is far more to the story than your Jew news televises?

I disagree with the wild speculation fringe stuff, as it labels the truth movement as nuts. There's way too much of it.

911 was all going pretty well, then the "September Clues" videos came out. Pretty much game over after that.

I see videos of people posting stuff on youtube that makes me cringe, and brace for impact.

19th January 2013, 03:33 AM
Feel free to get your crazy on, just don't expect your message to propagate very well by taking that approach. the truth draws eyeballs, read it & weep over your matzo ball soup,
Zion Running Scared: ZCF Now Among Top Ranked Truth Sites (http://zioncrimefactory.com/2012/11/28/zion-running-scared-zcf-now-among-top-ranked-truth-sites/)

CNN Loses Half Its Viewers: Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes (http://theintelhub.com/2012/03/30/cnn-loses-half-its-viewers-corporate-media-downhill-plunge-continues-as-alternative-media-explodes/)
Get outside the box a little bit. here I see you posturing as being "outside the box", yet all I see you doing here lately is badgering GSUS readers to keep our subjects of inquiry & discourse, inside the box... lest we be tagged with one of your scary undesirable kosher labels.

So which side of your box are you admonishing us to stay on again, joobo? ???

19th January 2013, 04:06 AM
the truth draws eyeballs, read it & weep over your matzo ball soup,
Zion Running Scared: ZCF Now Among Top Ranked Truth Sites (http://zioncrimefactory.com/2012/11/28/zion-running-scared-zcf-now-among-top-ranked-truth-sites/)

CNN Loses Half Its Viewers: Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes (http://theintelhub.com/2012/03/30/cnn-loses-half-its-viewers-corporate-media-downhill-plunge-continues-as-alternative-media-explodes/) here I see you posturing as being "outside the box", yet all I see you doing here lately is badgering GSUS readers to keep our subjects of inquiry & discourse, inside the box... lest we be tagged with one of your scary undesirable kosher labels.

So which side of your box are you admonishing us to stay on again, joobo? ???
Interestingly he seemed to have been activated right after Sandy Hook... Sure he was posting prior to that, but not really disrupting and distracting the ongoing discussion like now. Did you get a better price for Sandy Hook posts joobot?

19th January 2013, 05:25 AM
Interestingly he seemed to have been activated right after Sandy Hook... Sure he was posting prior to that, but not really disrupting and distracting the ongoing discussion like now. Did you get a better price for Sandy Hook posts joobot?

First you both of you sound like you're a brain damaged infants with the joobo/joobot idiocy.

Second all that shows is there's a little circular group that loves ZCF, and hits the site up 20 times a day jonesing for more hate site related mad magazine approach to truth. Da JooOooOoosss!!!! Da JooooOoOOOSss! JooOOOoooOOOOsssss!!!!

Why you guys can't grasp about that is literally brain damage....some kind of blatant idiocy despite me trying to explain it to you 100 times from sunday.

If you want to jerk your knob to death over the racist approach....go right ahead, but ultimately realize what you are.

19th January 2013, 05:36 AM
First you both of you sound like you're a brain damaged infants with the joobo/joobot idiocy.

Second all that shows is there's a little circular group that loves ZCF, and hits the site up 20 times a day jonesing for more hate site related mad magazine approach to truth. Da JooOooOoosss!!!! Da JooooOoOOOSss! JooOOOoooOOOOsssss!!!!

Why you guys can't grasp about that is literally brain damage....some kind of blatant idiocy despite me trying to explain it to you 100 times from sunday.

If you want to jerk your knob to death over the racist approach....go right ahead, but ultimately realize what you are.
Brain damage? Your reply is unrelated to what I wrote. Have a nice day...

19th January 2013, 05:45 AM
Brain damage? Your reply is unrelated to what I wrote. Have a nice day...

I replied to both of you at once. The first four words of my post indicate that.

--> "Do you get a better price for sandy hook posts" <--- What a load of bullshit.

That's why you were included, because you mirror the sentiment.

19th January 2013, 05:51 AM
I replied to both of you at once. The first four words of my post indicate that.

Yeah you edited the first four words...

19th January 2013, 05:53 AM
Yeah you edited the first four words...

I did. Sorry if we got mixed up in the translation.