View Full Version : damn, cops are the way to my house for a statement

16th January 2013, 03:19 PM
i was just on the way home from the winery down the road about 1/4 of a mile away, following a snow plow. as it got right near my driveway, a school bus stopped on the opposite side of the road, lights flashing, arm out, and all. it was very obvious. the plow did not stop and barreled through the lane next to it, probably doing 55 mph or so.

just got a call from my neighbor down the road freaking out. she (and the bus driver who i know) saw me turn in my driveway and go up my hill after the plow passed. apparently her daughter was in the process of walking across the highway when the plow went past and in the words of the bus driver "came about 2 feet from hitting her."

cops are en-route to my house to get a witness statement from me as we speak. the snow plow guy has already been pulled over and detained. i told them yeah, come and take a statement, her husband is way cool gun guy + they are good people. their daughter (7) is at my house playing with my son all the time.


16th January 2013, 03:31 PM
This sounds like a snow job..............

16th January 2013, 03:33 PM
it was fucked up man. it's completely dark here at 4.30 or so and he could have totally taken the kid out. this is why i meet my kids at the end of the driveway every day.

16th January 2013, 03:35 PM
Keep everything to a bare minimum. Don't embellish. Only what you saw. No more.

16th January 2013, 03:37 PM
yeah, i will be making them stand outside while they take it- no coming in the house- so it should be over quick. neighbors will be here and they are PISSED, so imagine the brunt of the interaction will be with them. the dad used to be a helicopter pilot in the marines, so he is no fuck off.

16th January 2013, 03:45 PM
This would be a good time to get a large shipment of ammo while the cops are there
Maybe they'll help you carry it in. :)

16th January 2013, 04:14 PM
if you get to a point of being comfortable & conversational with them, i'd be curious what their answer is to the question - if they have to choose between "upholding the law" and defending the Constitution, what will they choose ?

of if they have ever heard of Oath-keepers. (Oathkeepers is a Zio-compliant organization, i was perma-banned for talking about the USS Liberty - but the concept is good.)

but in general, what Santa said.

even the benign questions i mentioned could raise eye-brows. i think the general idea is to raise their eye-brows as little as possible.

16th January 2013, 04:14 PM
in the immortal words of colonel schultz; " I saw NOOOOOTHINK"

16th January 2013, 04:27 PM
fairly uneventful. the neighbor wife told me the "police" were coming, it turned out to be the sheriff (not a deputy). made some small talk, he asked to me make the statement, and i did. he then read it back to me, asked me if there was anything i'd like to correct before he filed it, and thanked me for my time. it was all very boring. he did ask me about my cub cadet's snow throwing ability (it was sitting outside), but that was the extent to the excitement.

boring thread i guess. but man, i hope the snow plow douche gets it.

16th January 2013, 04:42 PM
The school bus was a plant. They're sizing you up for FEMA camp.

16th January 2013, 04:51 PM
All woo woo police state stuff aside, sometimes you just have to do the right thing and be done with it. Every single encounter with the police isn't disguised as an attempt to throw you in jail like some paranoid folks seem to think.

16th January 2013, 04:55 PM
but man, i hope the snow plow douche gets it.

well if he figures out who testified against him, you might have a plugged driveway end on the next snowfall... (did they note your name/address in the complaint? Or will he be able to view/access the complaint?)


16th January 2013, 05:00 PM
i'm sure he can figure it out, open records and all. my tractor and the pissed off neighbor with a bigger tractor will own him :D

16th January 2013, 05:03 PM
All woo woo police state stuff aside, sometimes you just have to do the right thing and be done with it. Every single encounter with the police isn't disguised as an attempt to throw you in jail like some paranoid folks seem to think.

I bet if Chad had a bag of cannabis on his living room table, they would want to talk to him about more than snowplows.

16th January 2013, 05:14 PM
few times in college, never again, didn't like it at all. that being said, smoke 'em if you got 'em.

16th January 2013, 06:15 PM
On duty police are not anyone's pals or buddies. They aren't there to protect you... or the neighbors kids. They're there hunting up business for the Police State Industry they work for and to enhance their own security in life.

General of Darkness
16th January 2013, 06:31 PM
So, on one got hurt? Check

The snow plow driver was plowing snow? Check

Let me guess the girl wasn't paying attention?

16th January 2013, 06:59 PM
I just think it's cool that the little girl never got nailed and is ok. I will say that I hope she learned a lesson and understands how close she came to getting hurt. As far as paying attention...the bus driver needs to as well, he opened the door allowing her to be in that position but I also know that the plough should have stopped for the bus...duh.

16th January 2013, 09:03 PM
Good grief they should be teaching kids to cross the road by looking both directions, not expecting everything to stop for them, soon as they stop taking the bus they all get run over.

16th January 2013, 09:39 PM
Well, based on all the evidence, my administration, the overwhelming support of the American people and scientific research the only conclusion there can be is that we need to stand firm and ban and control, buses, snow ploughs, their drivers and if it comes right down to it....kids. But this madness HAS to stop.

16th January 2013, 09:53 PM
Adults are responsible for watching out for the kids, not the other way around.
Today, kids are very busy staring at and sending messeges on their iPhones everywhere they go...they don't have time to watch for traffic or where they're going.
You can't expect them to get behind updating their facebook friends. Be realistic.

17th January 2013, 04:20 AM
parents & adults responsibility, yes, but in the large scheme of life, stopping our vehicles for 18 seconds when a 7 year old is getting on or off a bus isn't that big of a deal. we don't have to be assholes every day. i took yesterday off.

17th January 2013, 05:11 AM
You have to stop for the school busses and be very cautious around them. It can be frustrating following a bus with a big truck. I have and it's difficult to get around them. I've followed them and they would go the speed limit or over it then turn on their stop lights when they were slowing down. So you stop until they pickup kids or drop some off. They are faster getting going than a loaded big truck and you may not have a chance to get around them before their next stop especially if they are traveling the speed limit or faster. It can be frustrating.

If I were driving a bus I'd make sure to let the heavy trucks get past before I turned on the stop lights and let any kids out.

The snow plow driver was wrong and foolish from Chad's story so I'm not defending him. I just want to mention this because bus drivers need to be aware of the heavy truck drivers needs, his struggle doing his job and the safety of the children. A little courtesy and understanding between bus and truck drivers could go along way to help avoid this kind of situation.

gunny highway
17th January 2013, 08:13 AM
Well, based on all the evidence, my administration, the overwhelming support of the American people and scientific research the only conclusion there can be is that we need to stand firm and ban and control, buses, snow ploughs, their drivers and if it comes right down to it....kids. But this madness HAS to stop.

i think this can be taken care of with a few executive orders, perhaps some presidential daily directives. no worries.

17th January 2013, 08:16 AM
You have to stop for the school busses and be very cautious around them. It can be frustrating following a bus with a big truck. I have and it's difficult to get around them. I've followed them and they would go the speed limit or over it then turn on their stop lights when they were slowing down. So you stop until they pickup kids or drop some off. They are faster getting going than a loaded big truck and you may not have a chance to get around them before their next stop especially if they are traveling the speed limit or faster. It can be frustrating.

If I were driving a bus I'd make sure to let the heavy trucks get past before I turned on the stop lights and let any kids out.

The snow plow driver was wrong and foolish from Chad's story so I'm not defending him. I just want to mention this because bus drivers need to be aware of the heavy truck drivers needs, his struggle doing his job and the safety of the children. A little courtesy and understanding between bus and truck drivers could go along way to help avoid this kind of situation.

i always try to give large truck the right of way and do whatever i can to make the driver's lives easier. my brother in law used to do it, and i heard 10,000 bitch stories. plus, in a car fight, they will win.