View Full Version : "sandy hook hoax" searches explode on google

16th January 2013, 08:14 PM
The search volume for "sand hook hoax" is now one third of what the search volume for "sandy hook shooting" was on the day it happened. That's shocking.

https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22sandy%20hook%20shooting%22%2C%20sandy %20hook%20hoax&date=12%2F2012%202m&cmpt=q



16th January 2013, 08:22 PM
This is the first link I get when I search for "sandy hook hoax". It contains a video with 9 million views and counting:




16th January 2013, 08:39 PM
Video unavailable it says...

16th January 2013, 08:56 PM
Video unavailable it says...

Try it now...there's a disclaimer thingy you have to click before it will play the video.

16th January 2013, 09:03 PM
Maybe people are waking up.

16th January 2013, 10:22 PM
It's happening people


16th January 2013, 10:59 PM
This is the first link I get when I search for "sandy hook hoax". It contains a video with 9 million views and counting:

Great video, apparently all CNN anchors are outside of that 9 million viewers loop.

CNN - News that you can be sure is disconnected.

23rd January 2013, 10:18 PM
the s.h. searches have swan dived, much like after the initial event.

https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22sandy%20hook%20shooting%22%2C%20sandy %20hook%20hoax&date=12%2F2012%202m&cmpt=q

Peak was Jan 16 when "...hoax" searches hit 70% of the s.h. searches on Dec 15. Around Jan 16 was when videos like:



...went super viral- that one above's got 11.5 million views now

edit: I see the vid above had a part 2 released Jan 19, 119K views though there are other uploads of the same vid splitting the view count:
Sandy Hook Fully Exposed - OFFICIAL PART 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nUOBSN03TU)


ThinkOutsideTheTV (http://www.youtube.com/user/ThinkOutsideTheTV?feature=watch)·5 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/ThinkOutsideTheTV/videos)
36,918 118,929
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 2,212 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 264

Published on Jan 19, 2013
This is the sequel to the viral monster "Sandy Hook - Fully Exposed". We will admit it was not as polished as we would have liked. We never thought it would go viral and since the time it was made, some points have been debunked. That does not mean there is not still a ton of evidence and information not only in this video, but in future videos. Try to put a negative spin on this media!