View Full Version : Act or die - which do you choose?

midnight rambler
21st January 2013, 04:19 PM

21st January 2013, 06:38 PM
"....the government wants conflict...."

Very true statement.

I think this video is right on the money. This event is designed to create a backlash, leading to more powers and probably a civil war.

midnight rambler
21st January 2013, 06:39 PM
"....the government wants conflict...."

Very true statement.

I think this video is right on the money. This event is designed to create a backlash, leading to more powers and probably a civil war.

Gotta have an emergency in order to declare emergency powers. It's happened more often than most folks realize.

The Law of Necessity is...there is no law.

21st January 2013, 07:13 PM
Considering everything we know, this is truly the only thing that makes sense.

There are two main opposing issues here:

(1) All of the evidence that this was pre-planned at the least, faked at the worst, and

(2) All of the mistakes, false reporting, and conflicting information

(1) We already know it was likely pre-planned because of the training event occurring at the same time, the sketchy background on Lanza, all of the actors involved, the fact that there were no wounded, the websites put up too early, the lack of any medical staff at the school, you get the picture.

(2) We also know that there are many confounding pieces of evidence that should have never been posted if it was pre-planned. The all of the conflicting information about which guns were used, video of people running from the school (why were they still there?), witness testimony talking about a guy in camo pants (how did he get past the fire house? why was he allowed to give interviews? why was the gunman only a few feet away in the cruiser if the interview as indeed at the firehouse?) rosen audition tape, the guy smiling, obama pictures released, image from flickr used, video footage of them opening the trunk and removing a long gun, license plate number on Lanza's car (???), etc.

The list of obvious blunders is very long, yet the fact that it was preplanned is almost inescapable. This video is the only thing that makes sense in light of these facts. Alex Jone's interview makes sense.

And the motivation and potential success for such a theory is very creditworthy, practical, and likely to succeed.

The other thing is that, as we know, the gun control timetable is way too long to be effective for tptb. Even if this Sandy Hook thing was completely legit, and even if they did get gun registration and an assault weapons ban, it would be at least 15 - 20 years before we were totally disarmed. The ONLY reasonable option for them is to have an civil war/auto-immune response where half the population is actively working against the other half.

They need active fear in the population, to turn against all truthers. That's the only effective scenario available.

21st January 2013, 08:39 PM
Sums it up quite nicely. But even if 10% of the 85 million gun owners (might be less, might be more, depends on where you can find an accurate source) decide that they've had enough, you've got more than quadruple (8.5 million) the standing army of China (2.25 million) armed. With only 700,000 police officers in the country, you don't have nearly enough to combat that. Say you bring in the UN, China, Russia, India, and hell throw in the EU to come help "preserve the union". It's a logistical nightmare. You have to deal with each region and locality differently as the land, surveillance, and supply lines will be quite different depending on what you're offensive / defensive strategies are. They go bombing midwest towns, they'll be seen as a tyrannical oppressive government, not just within the nation, but also globally a PR nightmare if there ever was any. Look at Waco, and Ruby Ridge, a good portion of the country saw them as nothing more than strong arming idiots enforcing petty bullshit laws. Throw in the dropping of strategic ordnance on a town with a population of little more than a couple thousand, you won't be winning any hearts and minds. More like galvanizing a resistance.

They also have to deal with former special ops / black ops personal who know how cripple supply lines. You have regular citizens that can build EMP devices (Flux Compression Generators), signal jammers, GPS jammers, and know how to acquire, build and strategically place explosives.

I just see it as them kicking a hornets nest and hoping not to get stung. I just don't see how they win a circumstance like that. I feel they got extremely lucky with Lincoln. Will they get lucky again?

21st January 2013, 11:25 PM
See my post here: