View Full Version : India raises gold import tax to tackle trade deficit

21st January 2013, 05:23 PM
India has raised import duties on gold by a half to try to rein in demand for the precious metal.

The import tax is rising from 4% to 6%, a year after doubling from 2% to 4%.

The Indian government wants to curb imports of gold to try to help reduce the country's current account deficit, which hit a record 5.4% of total economic output between July and September last year.

India is the biggest importer of gold in the world.

Many Indians buy gold jewellery and coins to protect the value of their money in the face of inflation.

"It is difficult to establish the impact [of the tax] on the deficit and by how much it will come down, but there will be some moderation in gold demand," said Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram.

"The duties will be reviewed after some time if there is a moderation in the quantity of gold that is imported into the country."

Last year's rise in import duty only had a temporary impact on demand, and some analysts said the latest move would have little effect.

"The government's revenue will increase, but imports won't diminish," said Mohit Kamboj, president of the Bombay Bullion Association.


21st January 2013, 07:46 PM
The whole world is broke but all that they have to do is as Island did and tell the bankers to get fuck and then put them in jail........ anyone will do to you only what you allowed them to do to you.......you want to get fuck? shut up and enjoy it.


21st January 2013, 08:53 PM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/e1/Indian_rupees.png/220px-Indian_rupees.pnghttp://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREyKkiJ7spwjQxG2zGCpsVvkKqBPTCb 9pCy9Q71zz4KidK7o8gfZ0OsBC3zQ

This or .................................................. ..this...its a tough one

22nd January 2013, 05:36 AM
Governments always do what they excel at: creating black markets.

Twisted Titan
22nd January 2013, 06:08 AM
Any time The Gubbermint penalizes you for having something.

You know you should get more of it.

Uncle Salty
22nd January 2013, 07:28 AM
Any time The Gubbermint penalizes you for having something.

You know you should get more of it.

True dat! That is funny. Governments are fucking assholes.

Twisted Titan
22nd January 2013, 08:50 AM
Think about it.

They demonize everything a purdent person should have

Firearms and ammo ............ tightly regulared and getting worse

Food and supplies ............... you are a extremist and hoarder

Large amounts of Cash ..........you are engaging in illicit activities

Decline vaccinations .......... mentally unstable and put others at risk

Independant research of topics. ...........you are a conspiracy theorist