View Full Version : Author Jim Garrow claims Obama wants military leaders who 'will fire on U.S. citizens

21st January 2013, 10:35 PM
I saw this in an Examiner article, but I saw it on Garrow's Facebook page as well. First they take the guns away and then...?


On Monday, renowned author and humanitarian Dr. Jim Garrow made a shocking claim about what we can expect to see in Obama's second term.

Garrow made the following Facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/jim.garrow.1/posts/10151209214442015):

I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not.” Those who will not are being removed.

So, who is the source?

Garrow replied: “The man who told me this is one of America’s foremost military heroes.”

Understand, this is not coming from Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura, or from anyone else the left often dismisses with great ease.

Garrow is a well-respected activist and has spent much of his life rescuing infant girls from China, babies who would be killed under that country's one-child policy. He was also nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for his work.

His bio on Amazon.com reads:

Dr. James Garrow is the author of The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China. He has spent over $25 million over the past sixteen years rescuing an estimated 40,000 baby Chinese girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy by facilitating international adoptions. He is the founder and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda schools, private English-immersion schools for Chinese children. Today he runs 168 schools with nearly 6,300 employees.

This comes on the heels of Sunday's report in the Washington Free Beacon (WFB) that the head of Central Command, Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis is being dismissed by Obama and will leave his post in March.

The WFB article states:

“Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of Central Command, and is being told to vacate his office several months earlier than planned.”

Did Gen. Mattis refuse to "fire on U.S. citizens?"

Hatha Sunahara
22nd January 2013, 08:53 AM
Stalin purged his military just prior to WW II. Probably for the same reason.

When you have unprincipled, amoral people in positions of power, they will purge the ranks below them of those who will not fire on their fellow Americans. Soon enough, the military will become the SS, and their excuse will be that they were just obeying orders.

I can see the dark clouds gathering. Maybe it's time to think of moving out of harm's way.


22nd January 2013, 09:08 AM
Any way to corroborate this? This is flat out treason by the POTUS if true.

22nd January 2013, 09:10 AM
Stalin purged his military just prior to WW II. Probably for the same reason.

When you have unprincipled, amoral people in positions of power, they will purge the ranks below them of those who will not fire on their fellow Americans. Soon enough, the military will become the SS, and their excuse will be that they were just obeying orders.

I can see the dark clouds gathering. Maybe it's time to think of moving out of harm's way.


There's really no escaping it. If indeed they're culling officers then it's just a matter of when the caca hits the rotating oscillator and it will hit with such force that it will reach from coast to coast, north, south, east and west.

22nd January 2013, 09:25 AM
Any way to corroborate this? This is flat out treason by the POTUS if true.

No, just another un-named four star general, anonymous military hero.

22nd January 2013, 09:33 AM

22nd January 2013, 01:52 PM
regardless of whether or not Obama has a new litmus test, there is considerable precedent of the United State military killing US citizens.

the US military had a supporting role on 9-11. they have also knowingly exposed American citizens to nuclear radiation.

and of course there's the assassination of Awlaki, a US citizen with no history of violence against the US.

Obama also signed -
* NDAA - American citizens, indefinite detention for no reason ... of course the US gov. is proficient at creating bullshit reasons anyway.
* Obama-care - forcing Americans to consume a product that millions of Americans have found to be unhealthy and/or fatal - American "health care".
* Food Safety Act - a gift for Monsanto.

maybe the US military is a little "behind the game" ? was it other US agencies that murdered the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family ?

maybe Obama just wants the US military to "catch up" with the FBI & DEA & other US gov. organizations that have a long history of killing peaceful American citizens.

21st February 2013, 09:37 PM
Please watch this video - it is absolutely dynamite and chilling information - I absolutely in my bines believe that Jim Garrow, a Nobel Prize nominee BTW, is speaking truth. This is scary shit and it needs to go viral. If American bought 85 million guns in the last few monts, they need to buy 100 million more ASAP:


midnight rambler
21st February 2013, 10:08 PM

Wow. The perfect cannon fodder.

22nd February 2013, 07:56 AM
Remeber that most of those who graduated from the first HLS between the ages of 18-24 are Mexicans..........also, banks are forming their own private army.