View Full Version : Was the West Involved in the Algeria Attack ... and How? By Staff Report

mick silver
23rd January 2013, 06:30 PM
Was the West Involved in the Algeria Attack ... and How?
By Staff Report

Terror in North Africa: are Westerners pulling the strings? English-speaking jihadis seen in Mali, as a Canadian is reported to have co-ordinated Algeria attack ... Canada is investigating an allegation by the Algerian Prime Minister that one of its citizens co-ordinated the terror raid at the Saharan gas plant in which dozens of hostages were killed. Westerners, including a man with blond hair and blue eyes, are believed to have been among the Islamist militants who launched last week's attack on the Tigantourine complex near Algeria's border with Libya. A French jihadist, previously unknown to authorities, and two Canadians are suspected to have been involved in the hostage-taking, and reports also claim that a man with a Western accent was among the extremists who lured terrified gas workers from their rooms during the hostage crisis. – Guardian
Dominant Social Theme: Al Qaeda (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=855) is at it again and needs to be wiped out.
Free-Market Analysis: The spectacular, tragic and bloody hostage-taking in Algeria that has now failed at the cost of almost all the lives of the involved hostages is widely being reported as organized by "veteran jihadist Mokhtar Belmokhtar."
And according to newspapers like the Guardian, the hostage-taking can be seen as a failure because it has now involved Algeria in the war on terror (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1877) and opened up that country for more cooperation against the Jihadi menace.
But we think, unfortunately, that analysis can be reversed, as well. We've documented Western involvement in most if not all of the recent youth movement uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East and just wrote about this yesterday in our article, "North Africa Explodes? DB Readers Get News Two Years Before It Happens (https://www.thedailybell.com/28599/North-Africa-Explodes-DB-Readers-Get-News-Two-Years-Before-It-Happens)."
We've been charting the West's apparent installment of an Islamic Crescent throughout the region ripped by war – now larger than the United States – and the intelligence resources devoted to it including the US-run youth group AYM (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1832).
The powers that be seemingly want an East/West conflict or at least religious (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=854) tensions that allow for the leveraging of an authoritarian (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2606) agenda that can result in ever-closer global governance (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2045). The conversion of numerous secular governments in the area to the CIA (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2401)-controlled Muslim Brotherhood (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1835) is just one more evidence of this strategy.
For this reason we have a hard time believing details about the Algerian hostage taking. And we are not alone. Already "false flag" accusations are circulating on the Internet and accusations of involvement of Western actors in the botched and bloody event doesn't surprise us in the least.
Even the leftist Huffington Post has joined the speculation game, posting an article entitled, "Algeria Hostage Crisis: Terror Attack 'Inside Job' Gone Wrong, Says Professor Jeremy Keenan." Here's how it begins:
A leading expert in Sahara militants has questioned whether the Algerian hostage crisis could have been a planned 'inside job', approved by the Algerian intelligence services, which ultimately went awry.
Professor Jeremy Keenan of the School of Oriental And African Studies told The Huffington Post UK that Mokhtar Belmokhtar's "Signed In Blood Battalion" has very close links to Algeria's secret intelligence services, despite Belmokhtar being officially "sentenced to death" in absentia in the country.
Professor Keenan said it would have been "almost impossible" for militants to have cross 1,000 miles of desert undetected, if they had not been given tacit approval to proceed.
"The desert is riddled with military security checks. It would be almost impossible to get across. And the In Amenas gas field will be one of the most heavily guarded in Algeria.
"But these guys seem to have wandered in and helped themselves. That has to be explained."
Professor Keenan suggested there is wide speculation that Algerian intelligence services were planning a small-scale terror attack in Algeria, to warn the West about the repercussions of military action in Mali.
But Belmokhtar's group has turned on them because the government allowed the French military to use Algerian airspace to bomb Mail.
Perhaps Keenan has grabbed onto part of the explanation rather than all. In Libya, for instance, it has already been reported that US and British Intel and mercenaries played a big part in various operations against the government of Muammar Gaddafi (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1995), including false-flag "black ops."
The idea that the Algerian hostage-taking – messy and tragic as it's been – is simply the result of an Al-Qaeda operation gone wrong strikes us as fairly naοve. Given the recent tragic history of the current fighting in the Middle East and Northern African, we wouldn't be surprised to find a number of conflicting goals and objectives.
It is a sign of the times that we are impelled – as part of the alternative media (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=723) – to speculate on the REAL truth of what went on and why it took place. One point that occurs to us is that Algeria has not yet been fully drawn into the current military madness afflicting the area. But now, thanks to this latest event, it probably will be. Is this the plan?
Western elites (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=610) seem determined to continue to incite war in the region until most if not all of several continents are fully ablaze with various kinds of hostilities. We take no pleasure in attempting to chart the course of this bestial strategy but it is an important evolution in our times and one that will doubtless have ramifications in the West itself.
Here is something to consider: You simply cannot create this many wars and participate even surreptitiously in this much violence without also changing the Western economic and military context. We don't know what is in the offing (though we have certainly made some educated guesses in the past few years) but increasingly it looks grimmer.
We are, in fact, continually astonished by the expansion of what is occurring. The scope of the regions affected is expanding; what we believed were tactical efforts of the West to overthrow some countries and install controllable regimes for whatever reason are now starting to look a good deal more serious.
Do those behind the violence intend to stop or will they not cease until the entire continent of Africa and all of the Middle East is engulfed with this manufactured enmity? And what does the enormity of what is occurring portend?
Conclusion: As we watch the continued expansion of hostilities we are more and more impressed with those who are involved behind the scenes – their ruthlessness and their ambition. Not in a good way.