View Full Version : The "Majority Opinion" Is An Illusion

24th January 2013, 11:23 PM
Do we all know this already? Some of us do. It's probably the motivating reason why we are here on this forum. Some of us still fall for the trap though, even if we know better

The "Majority Opinion" Is An Illusion
If there is one concept on Earth that has been the absolute bane of human existence (besides global elitism), it would have to be the concept of the “majority opinion”. The moment men began refusing to develop their own world views without first asking “What does everyone else think?”, they set themselves up for an endless future of failures. We are, of course, very social beings, and our natures drive us to seek those of like mind and spirit in what some might call a “tribal imperative”. However, this imperative to organize is often manipulated by those who understand the psychological mechanisms behind it. Oligarchs and tyrants abuse and exploit the inherent social natures of the people in order to fool them into abandoning their individuality for the sake of the group, or some abstract and dishonest ideal. When successful, the organization of a culture becomes bitter and twisted, changing from a tribe or a community of sovereign individuals, into a nightmare collective of soulless sheep.

Human beings desperately want to belong, but, they also desperately want to understand the environment around them. Often, the desire to belong and the desire to know the truth conflict. In some societies, in order to be accepted, one must give up on his search for truth and avoid eliciting the anger of others. This causes a severe mental and emotional disturbance within a population. In order to reconcile their conflicting needs within a system that does not nurture their quest for transparency, they tend to unconsciously cling to the “majority view” as if their very existence depends on it. The idea of the majority view or the “mainstream”, gives people the sense that they are a part of a group, and at the same time, gives them the illusion of being informed.
Their rationale is:
If most of the population believes something to be true, then, by “statistical law”, it most likely is true. Those who do not share in the majority opinion are therefore in opposition to statistical law; meaning they are behind the times, social deviants, or just plain crazy..

The problem is, history has shown that at pivotal moments in a society the “majority opinion” is usually WRONG.

Full article @ Zerohedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-01-24/guest-post-majority-opinion-illusion)

tags: myths, gun control, polls, majorities, sheeple, sheep, mainstream, illusion, informed, uninformed, majority, opinion

Twisted Titan
25th January 2013, 01:55 AM
The problem is, history has shown that at pivotal moments in a society the “majority opinion” is usually WRONG.

That is why no where in our Founding Documents will you find the word DEMOCRACY.

25th January 2013, 09:21 AM
Hence why MSM always tells you that the "majority of Americans" think this way and that. A little seed to shape our views of what everyone wants. "Honey the news said that most Americans support gun control". These social conditioning techniques are used on a daily basis to direct discussion and belief. I don't believe in stats/graphs/or sentences that begin with, "the majority, most, everyone, etc.". F*cking mind control...........

midnight rambler
25th January 2013, 09:27 AM
F*cking mind control...........

More like perception management, which takes less effort than actual mind control.

25th January 2013, 10:15 AM
The media tries to manufacture our consent for changes they want to implement. If they get 25% acceptance, they rig polls to show 55% acceptance and implement those changes.
Because of the illusion of widespread accetance, no one does anything about it.

Hatha Sunahara
25th January 2013, 10:39 AM
The Majority Opinion is a propaganda tool. It is used to help people justify to themselves the need to conform and obey. The need to NOT think for ones self. I've observed this since the 1960s when I read a book by David Reisman called The Lonely Crowd where he describes being inner directed or outer directed. The same concept being referred to here. There seems to be a belief, particularly among Americans and Europeans that 'you're right if you're in the majority'. Even if the majority believes a pack of lies. It seems to be a function of the mainstream media to implant various packages of lies into the minds of the majority. You are probably on more solid ground if you hold a minority opinion.


25th January 2013, 11:10 AM
The ancient Aryans were not wrong when they intimated that the world as it is experienced through one's senses is माया (māyā), and that the object is to see through this illusory nature of "reality" to find Truth.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." —William Blake

This illusory nature is echoed throughout the physical world. For example, what is perceived as "solid matter" is actually energy (in the manifest form of positive and negative electrical charges) and 99+% empty space.

The Cosmos as it is is a great deal more interesting and profound than words can explain. You can't talk about the ineffable, but dammit I try.

25th January 2013, 11:28 AM
Majority opinion is a false illusion.

If majority opinion were valid then there would be no America because the majority at the time were more than somewhat without opinion. It's been noted that only 5% of the population actively pursued and engaged in the revolution but still won. So, was it the apathy of the rest?

I realize those days are long gone and now a propaganda machine exists the likes of which the world has never seen and is manipulating the uninformed, non-thinking and apathetic every minute of the day. But...at the end of the day the apathetic will lay down and or hide and the tireless minority can and will probably rule it.

gunny highway
25th January 2013, 11:52 AM
i only thanked the OP because it seemed that everyone else was.

25th January 2013, 02:43 PM
The Majority Opinion is a propaganda tool. It is used to help people justify to themselves the need to conform and obey.

i wonder to what extent it is innate, and to what extent it is learned.

many Americans are TERRIFIED of standing apart from the crowd.

25th January 2013, 02:58 PM
I reckon the minority will prevail, at least as far as the people are concerned. The 5% vs the .gov is a totally different matter, but opinion does play a part of it, damnit. It seems it's a difference between the riser uppers and the layer downers and those will go either way, depending.

25th January 2013, 09:06 PM
i only thanked the OP because it seemed that everyone else was.

Wide perspective for a narrow mind here, learn to feel good within the gates of the commune.


Twisted Titan
26th January 2013, 05:08 AM
The media tries to manufacture our consent for changes they want to implement. If they get 25% acceptance, they rig polls to show 55% acceptance and implement those changes.
Because of the illusion of widespread accetance, no one does anything about it.

There are lies,dam lies and then there are Stastics.