View Full Version : sinclair Alert "last big move is here for gold....."

Large Sarge
25th January 2013, 09:05 AM
Please do not fall for this classic manipulation. Please do not make the gold banks happy by giving away your physical. Please do not throw away gold shares because the hedge fund have worked black PR so well that they even have convinced some well known community physical gold merchants of their bear position of shares.

How many times have you seen this not to recognize what it is? Well, this is the big one and last play to denude you of your position. Remember, for every seller there is a buyer. Has not every reaction in gold since $248 attempted to do just that? This big one is no different.

Fundamentally we are approaching the period in gold when it will move up the most points in the shortest period of time. The paper gold market is being used to shake the bullish tree harder this time than any time before because of what is to come. Fear is the most powerful emotion in markets and it is being used perfectly to enrich the grand names of finance at your expense.

Remember how you felt during the first reaction above $1000? This is nothing different. The take downs are planned for times when the market is least liquid either inter day or inter market. This is not liquidation, it is price movement only. I used to do this for a living. I don’t think, but rather I know.

Clearly the gold banks will try to get gold into a capitulation point. Hear me: We are right in front of that time when the market performs a classic bottom both in shares and physical. From this point gold is going to and through $3500. That is why what happened today is happening in the first place.

If you are unable to buy at this time there is one thing you can do. There is one way to get into the fight and out of the stands. That act is do nothing, and do not capitulate. Let them play the price game, but give them nothing whatsoever of yours.

You can exhaust the downside manipulation by not letting it work in the classical terms. You can get into the scrap and not just be on sidelines by calling their bluff no matter how much temporary pain needs to be confronted. We are more powerful than even you know. We have what they want, and we can simply say, NO!

Call your gold companies and ask how their affairs are coming along. Now you must know. Do not pussy foot with them. You want answers

Communicate with me and I will do my best to help you through this: treceo108@icloud.com

Please do not be duped by the giant bastards playing you. Every day that passes is one day closer to the day manipulators change sides to long, just like they did in the 1970s.

All this will be old history on my upcoming 72nd birthday. I think you know the date, but no way am I going to inform the gold banks and Fed that read us religiously.

Please let them play their numbers game but do not give them one ounce of your gold or one share of your gold companies for whom all things are progressing well. Soon you will know that you beat them at their own game for the first time. You can be proactive by simply having courage of your and my convictions, therefore not giving them any of your product. There will be great satisfaction when you face down the bully who is basically full of it. This is our last battle before victory. I will be there and I want you to be also. Let them play their price game but do not give them product. Stand tall and stare the bully down. He will flee as this is the last thing he expects.

Have my courage by knowing that we are absolutely correct in markets made by devils that are bullies whose occupation is theft. Gold is the ultimate battle between good and evil. This period of the market is the deciding period of the Mahabharata. This is war and you are in the middle of it. Stand firm and stay the course. Now that the gold banks have us surrounded they cannot get away.

Consider this “Broken Arrow” and please ladies and gentlemen, prepare to defend yourself by not giving in to the purposes of the devils we oppose.

We will win, I promise you.


mick silver
25th January 2013, 09:13 AM
why do we alway see a price drop when we see countrys trying to get back there gold and silver . to me i cant see why it not going up

Large Sarge
25th January 2013, 09:17 AM
why do we alway see a price drop when we see countrys trying to get back there gold and silver . to me i cant see why it not going up

well, there is not enough silver to meet the demand of the mints,

the one article mamboni posted said switzerland, which refines 70% of the worlds gold, is now putting long delays on delivery of bars...

I think we are finally seeing the disconnect between the paper and physical market,

soon we will have 2 pricing systems

one paper

one real

mick silver
25th January 2013, 09:59 AM
N Attacks Small Gold Miners With New Mercury Treaty – Higher Prices Seen
By Staff Report
United Nations

Minamata Convention Agreed by Nations ... Global Mercury Agreement to Lift Health Threats from Lives of Millions World-Wide ... Geneva/Nairobi, 19 January 2013 − International effort to address mercury − a notorious heavy metal with significant health and environmental effects − was today delivered a significant boost with governments agreeing to a global, legally-binding treaty to prevent emissions and releases ...The treaty, which has been four years in negotiation and which will be open for signature at a special meeting in Japan in October, also addresses the direct mining of mercury, export and import of the metal and safe storage of waste mercury ... Nations with artisanal and small-scale gold mining operations will draw up national plans within three years of the treaty entering into force to reduce and if possible eliminate the use of mercury in such operations ... Governments approved exceptions for some large measuring devices where currently there are no mercury-free alternatives ... Vaccines (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=794) where mercury is used as a preservative have been excluded from the treaty as have products used in religious (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=854) or traditional activities ... Delegates agreed to a phase-down of the use of dental fillings using mercury amalgam – United Nations (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1848) Environment Porgramme (UNEP).
Dominant Social Theme: People need to be protected from mercury.
Free-Market Analysis: In a little-noticed convention (see above), the United Nations is once again making it harder for poor people to earn a living. In this case it is the small gold miners that use mercury to help them sift for gold.
While the UN provides the requisite disclaimers having to do with finding "alternatives" to mercury for small miners, we wonder how much they'll cost. Additionally, we note this latest attack on people's ability to make a living excludes Big Pharma: Mercury will continue to find its way into vaccines because there are currently "no mercury-free alternatives."
Amazing, isn't it, the concern that the UN shows for multi-billion dollar corporations? Small miners are expected to find alternatives as soon as possible but UN honchos are most concerned that such treaties may pose a difficulty for certain multinationals.
Here's some more from the UNEP announcement:
Pinpointing populations at risk, boosting medical care and better training of health care professionals in identifying and treating mercury-related effects will also form part of the new agreement.
Mercury and its various compounds have a range of serious health impacts including brain and neurological damage especially among the young ...
The booming price of gold in recent years has triggered a significant growth in small-scale mining where mercury is used to separate gold from the ore-bearing rock.
Emissions and releases from such operations and from coal-fired power stations represent the biggest source of mercury pollution world-wide.
Workers and their families involved in small-scale gold mining are exposed to mercury pollution in several ways including through inhalation during the smelting.
Mercury is also being released into river systems from these small-scale operations where it can contaminate fish, the food chain and people downstream.
• Governments agreed that the treaty will require countries to draw up strategies to reduce the amount of mercury used by small-scale miners.
• Nations with artisanal and small-scale gold mining operations will draw up national plans within three years of the treaty entering into force to reduce and if possible eliminate the use of mercury in such operations.
• Public awareness campaigns and support for mercury-free alternatives will also be part of the plans.
We recall a few years ago that a non-profit was launched with great fanfare that was intended to demand accountability from various nation-states and junior mining ventures around the world regarding mercury pollution. When we tracked the funding for the non-profit, we found one of the Rockefeller foundations was prominently involved.
This makes sense, of course. Top elites own a good deal of gold and likely they hate the idea that others also have access to precious metals (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=804). Gold and silver are among the most liberating instrumentalities of freedom. Anyone can dig up gold and silver and substantively change their prospects and lifestyle. Such "agreements" as Minamata make it more difficult for this to take place.

For more on gold and silver, please see this Daily Bell Special Report: "To Survive the Coming Financial Hurricane, Physical Holdings of Gold and Silver Are a Must. This Solution Provider Can Help You Now – Without Leverage or High Pressure Tactics (http://www.thedailybell.com/member-zone/special-reports/report.cfm?id=28603&URL=To-Survive-the-Coming-Financial-Hurricane-Physical-Holdings-of-Gold-and-Silver-Are-a-Must-This-Solution-Provider-Can-Help-You-Now--Without-Leverage-or-High-Pressure-Tactics)."And perhaps that's the point. Big Oil funds green efforts to ban drilling because the bans force up the price of oil and make it more difficult for small competitors to get into the business. Barriers to entry are most effective when they are regulatory in nature. The Minamata accord will make it harder for small miners to find gold, thus creating a further scarcity that shall continue to put upward pressure on the price of gold.
Is that the plan? Maybe it has to do with placing the world eventually on a gold standard (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2453). Certainly the Minamata signatories have been far more understanding when it comes to various popular uses of mercury that may be far more dangerous to the average person than mercury prospecting for gold.
Most everyone – even now – has mercury fillings; most are subject to mercury in vaccines, as well. Yet these are the two clear exemptions in the current agreement. As usual, agreements like these attack poor people and affect developing nations predominantly.
Conclusion: Like the International Monetary Fund (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1823) and World Bank (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1822), the UN masquerades as an organization that is friendly to small, struggling countries and a proponent of their interests, but is no such thing.