View Full Version : This is your Brain.......This is your brain on Mercury

28th January 2013, 08:10 PM

Twisted Titan
29th January 2013, 01:53 AM
No wonder The Jews dont get vaccinations..........

But they are always quick to give it to everybody else.

29th January 2013, 09:17 AM
No wonder The Jews dont get vaccinations..........

But they are always quick to give it to everybody else.

All of em, are you sure?

I'm wondering because not all vaccines contain Thimerosal.

29th January 2013, 09:31 AM
Hell when I was younger I used to break thermometers to play with the mercury inside.

It was fun. It's metal that is liquid at room temperature! You could roll it in little balls and stuff.

Of course, maybe that's why I'm mad as a fucking hatter nowadays.

29th January 2013, 09:39 AM
Hell when I was younger I used to break thermometers to play with the mercury inside.

It was fun. It's metal that is liquid at room temperature! You could roll it in little balls and stuff.

Of course, maybe that's why I'm mad as a fucking hatter nowadays.

I did the same thing. In fact, if anyone saw a discarded thermometer back then it was pretty much a stop the presses moment, and break that thing open.

Apparently mercury is so toxic it's ridiculous. Cilantro, and Chlorella help to detox from it.

29th January 2013, 09:45 AM
I did the same thing. In fact, if anyone saw a discarded thermometer back then it was pretty much a stop the presses moment, and break that thing open.

Apparently mercury is so toxic it's ridiculous. Cilantro, and Chlorella help to detox from it.

No wonder I seem to love cilantro so much... it's probably my body trying to detox from my mercurial youth!

29th January 2013, 10:16 AM
On more than one occasion the gang of us would be sailing down the road on our bikes, then someone lays a 3 foot skid, the rest keep going.....guys!.....guys!!!!....stop!....I found a thermometer!!!

No way!! ...everyone pulls a 180 ...woohoo! Happy times are here again!

Love cilantro, had a huge patch of it growing out back last summer. I need to source some inexpensive chlorella.

29th January 2013, 11:50 AM
Hell when I was younger I used to break thermometers to play with the mercury inside.

It was fun. It's metal that is liquid at room temperature! You could roll it in little balls and stuff.

Of course, maybe that's why I'm mad as a fucking hatter nowadays.

i certainly don't condone playing with mercury, but there is a vast difference between holding it in your hands versus injecting it into your blood where it travels to your brain.

General of Darkness
29th January 2013, 12:05 PM
i certainly don't condone playing with mercury, but there is a vast difference between holding it in your hands versus injecting it into your blood where it travels to your brain.

You should rub it on your balls. For future generations. :)

29th January 2013, 12:56 PM
i certainly don't condone playing with mercury, but there is a vast difference between holding it in your hands versus injecting it into your blood where it travels to your brain.

That is true.

I would say that it would take considerable tactile exposure to quicksilver to absorb enough to cause obvious issues.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find an old thermostat. ;D

29th January 2013, 02:21 PM
Hell when I was younger I used to break thermometers to play with the mercury inside.

It was fun. It's metal that is liquid at room temperature! You could roll it in little balls and stuff.

Of course, maybe that's why I'm mad as a fucking hatter nowadays.

i used to solder a lot, using 63-37 lead solder.

for me, the smell of rosin flux evokes nostalgia.

although i wasn't running a super-hot soldering iron, i must have inhaled some lead fumes.

29th January 2013, 04:23 PM
I've got some mercury stories from my youth too, I just can't remember them. OLO!

29th January 2013, 05:28 PM
I went to buy a thermometer the other day and they only had digital .. Mercury thermometers are better because they don't require batteries. Then someone said that mercury t's have been discontinued due to nanny state safety regs. Yup, I just checked. They are discontinued.

30th January 2013, 09:12 AM
I went to buy a thermometer the other day and they only had digital .. Mercury thermometers are better because they don't require batteries. Then someone said that mercury t's have been discontinued due to nanny state safety regs. Yup, I just checked. They are discontinued.

Safety regs no doubt. I'm sure they were thinking about that with all the mercury in the new CFL lightbulbs.