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29th January 2013, 07:57 AM
Southern Poverty Law Center

From Conservapedia

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left-wing legal and activist organization (http://gold-silver.us/Organization) created in 1971 in Montgomery, Alabama (http://gold-silver.us/Alabama). It was founded by trial lawyers Morris Dees and Joe Levin, and its first president was civil rights leader Julian Bond, who would later take control of the NAACP (http://gold-silver.us/NAACP). SPLC supports a wide variety of liberal positions; it is pro-immigration (http://gold-silver.us/Immigration) (both legal and illegal (http://gold-silver.us/Illegal_immigration)), advocates multiculturalism (http://gold-silver.us/Multiculturalism) and the homosexual agenda (http://gold-silver.us/Homosexual_agenda), supports racial preferences and defendants' rights, and advocates against what it considers "hate groups". In 2012, Black pastors confronted the Southern Poverty Law Center for smearing as ‘hate groups’ pro-family organizations opposed to homosexual agenda (http://gold-silver.us/Homosexual_agenda). [1] (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#cite_note-0)Reverend Dr. Patrick Wooden declared that it is wrong to compare “my beautiful blackness” with homosexual (http://gold-silver.us/Homosexuality) perversion.[2] (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#cite_note-1)

The SPLC's op-ed writings have appeared in the Communist Party USA (http://gold-silver.us/Communist_Party_USA)'s newspaper People's World. [3] (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#cite_note-2) This "controversial, liberal organization" [4] (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#cite_note-3) has been criticized in mainstream press for being extravagant in its spending, and using charges of racism to stifle conservatives. [5] (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#cite_note-4)


29th January 2013, 08:25 AM
Like I said before.....the Zionist Jews were the founders of the Communist Party with three of the first five Poliburo members being Zionist..........In the state of Israel they still carry members cards and if you belong to them you have the best jobs and the best houses.

First post of the day.......good morning to one and all.