View Full Version : Muslims to march on White House next September 11th

31st January 2013, 01:00 AM
Everyone knows that AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is the most powerful lobby in Washington.

But starting next September 11th, a new group called AMPAC, the American Muslim Political Action Committee, will challenge AIPAC’s stranglehold on American political life.

AMPAC will be forcefully announcing its presence with a “Million Muslim March” on the White House on September 11, 2013. The goal, announced at AMPAC’s press conference in New York:

“We at AMPAC (American Muslim Political Action Committee) are planning a historic event for 9/11/13. One million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government. We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our First Amendment rights. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for the Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly we are asking for the establishment of a real 9/11 Commission to reveal the truth to the American people.”

AMPAC founder M.D. Rabbi Alam, a well-known Missouri Democratic Party organizer, points out that
American Muslims, like other Americans, were targeted on 9/11. More than 60 Muslims were murdered in the explosive demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11, and a mosque in the South Tower was annihilated. Alam points out that “Muslim and non-Muslim alike were traumatized by 9/11, but we as Muslims continue twelve years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

American courts have traditionally held that the Bill of Rights guarantees that all religions must be treated equally by the government. Alam cites “the ‘war on terrorism’ in Islamic countries, Congressional hearings on Islam in America, and changes to the NDAA” as infringements of the First Amendment right to freedom of religion.

AMPAC organizers also argue that the US government and media have lied about 9/11 and its aftermath. According to the AMPAC press release, “These lies told to the American population have made it impossible for us to do true Dawa (Islamic outreach).”

The attack on American Muslims’ free speech actually appears to have begun a few days before 9/11, when the FBI raided key Muslim organizations and shut down their computer servers. The FBI’s raids preemptively prevented Muslims from freely expressing and disseminating their view of 9/11: That it was an inside job, presumably orchestrated by Israel and its American agents.

Polls show that more than 80% of Muslims globally, and two-thirds of American Muslims, believe that 9/11 was an inside job - and these polls undoubtedly understate the real numbers. Yet the corporate media, dominated by Jewish Zionists, has refused to allow Muslims’ perspective on 9/11 to even be heard, much less debated. To this day, most Americans falsely believe that Muslims accept the official story of 9/11.

9/11 was used to shut down the free speech rights of Muslim Americans - and not just about 9/11. Sami al-Arian, America’s leading Muslim political organizer, was harassed and imprisoned after 9/11 for the crime of publicly stating his strong opposition to the apartheid state of Israel. At his trial, jurors were swayed by graphic footage of Israelis maimed by suicide bombers. The prosecution implied that al-Arian was responsible for these acts of violence simply because he was Palestinian, Muslim, and opposed to Israeli apartheid.

Another American Muslim leader, Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah of Detroit, Michigan, was murdered by the FBI in 2009 in reprisal for his statements criticizing US imperialism and injustice. His body was riddled with 19 bullet holes in an FBI raid reminiscent of the FBI murders of Fred Hampton and other Black Panthers in the 1960s.

Imam Abdullah is not the only American Muslim killed by US authorities for his political views. Among the better-known cases is that of scholar Anwar al-Awlaki, who, along with his son and grandson, were murdered by cowardly drone strikes in Yemen. Al-Awlaki was imprisoned, tortured, mischaracterized as a “terrorist,” and finally murdered by US authorities due to his outspoken opposition to the 9/11-triggered war on Islam.

Another influential, politically-engaged American Muslim, the scientist Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, was kidnapped, raped and tortured by US authorities who disapproved of her political views. Like so many other American Muslim leaders, she was tried in a kangaroo court on ridiculous trumped-up charges in order to silence her eloquent voice.

The FBI and other secret police agencies, along with Israeli Mossad spin-offs such as the ADL, have used both federal agents and hired criminals to infiltrate, surveil, and terrorize mosques since 9/11, chilling Muslims’ rights of free speech and free association. A key FBI goal has been to entrap young, naive Muslims into appearing complicit in FBI-concocted “terror plots.”

As of 2006, the US had already kidnapped and tortured more than 80,000 Muslims worldwide, according to the UK Guardian. Today, that number has undoubtedly grown into the hundreds of thousands. Virtually all are innocent of any acts of violence. Many have been targeted because they are the most charismatic and outspoken leaders, or the best organizers, in the Muslim community.

Faced with a reality reminiscent of the Jews’ situation in 1930s Nazi Germany, most American Muslims have been terrorized into silence. But today, more than a decade after 9/11, more and more are finding the courage to speak out.

Last year, AMPAC founder MD Rabbi Alam was targeted by the Zionist-dominated media for raising questions about Israel’s role in 9/11. Alam refused to be intimidated. Instead, he responded by founding AMPAC and launching plans for next year’s 9/11/2013 Million Muslim March on the White House.

Will AMPAC one day dislodge AIPAC from its throne? Only time will tell.


31st January 2013, 01:07 AM
Lindsey Williams did say that Obama wants to open the flood gates for Muslim immigration. The plan is he'll legalize all the illegal Latinos in America, then allow Muslims in after that. They believe if they can get Sharia Law in they can undermine the Constitution even more. Basically they want to follow the British model.

Dunno if it's true or not, but sounds interesting.

Celtic Rogue
31st January 2013, 04:18 AM
AMPAC founder M.D. Rabbi Alam, a well-known Missouri Democratic Party organizer

Well that speaks volumes doesnt it! oye vey!