View Full Version : Larouche "Federal court indicts Obama, he is on his way out of office"

Large Sarge
31st January 2013, 07:16 AM
http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/123428/Federal_Court_Indicts_President_Obama_Will_not_see _end_of_his_second_term_Part_1/

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 07:23 AM
I wonder if this is why his schedule has been cleared and they seem to be in hiding, or more likely working on a defense if this is truly the case.


31st January 2013, 07:30 AM
Ummmmm..... no.

31st January 2013, 07:41 AM
Does anyone know what the specific charges are, if any? LaRouche is a dubious source IMHO.

Large Sarge
31st January 2013, 07:52 AM
larouche says its more serious than nixons charges, by far

and Marc Faber, last fall, said "where there is smoke, there is fire, I do not think Obama finishes his second term"

he would not elaborate, but he knew something

and notice how larouche is not vindictive about it, he says some people will rejoice over this, others will be crushed, but we must move forward as a nation, now leaderless, and with an economy on the verge of implosion...

that is not the act of a cheerleader, that is mature perosn

also, if my memory serves, larouche was a leading advocate of getting rd of the derivatives (before it was the cool thing to do)

31st January 2013, 07:55 AM
larouche says its more serious than nixons charges, by far

and Marc Faber, last fall, said "where there is smoke, there is fire, I do not think Obama finishes his second term"

he would not elaborate, but he knew something

and notice how larouche is not vindictive about it, he says some people will rejoice over this, others will be crushed, but we must move forward as a nation, now leaderless, and with an economy on the verge of implosion...

that is not the act of a cheerleader, that is mature perosn

also, if my memory serves, larouche was a leading advocate of getting rd of the derivatives (before it was the cool thing to do)


This is very intriguing to be sure. The thing is, La Rouche spends all this time rambling about the charges and will not spend a mere minute or two informing the audience of the specifics of the charges themselves. This is a tactic used to sensationalize news - keep the audience guessing. Personally, I hope that LaRouche is accurate here.

31st January 2013, 08:03 AM
Biden must be giddy.

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 08:05 AM

This is very intriguing to be sure. The thing is, La Rouche spends all this time rambling about the charges and will not spend a mere minute or two informing the audience of the specifics of the charges themselves. This is a tactic used to sensationalize news - keep the audience guessing. Personally, I hope that LaRouche is accurate here.

Here's part 2.


Here's the entire broadcast.


31st January 2013, 08:08 AM
Here's part 2.


Here's the entire broadcast.


Thanks General. I can't watch here at work. Can you provide a summary?

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 08:16 AM
Thanks General. I can't watch here at work. Can you provide a summary?

There are a lot of points but most it revolves around his illegal involvements with Libya, Egypt etc. I think this is something to watch, but I'm not holding my breath.

31st January 2013, 08:24 AM
Obama can machine gun a school of 1,000 children on live television. No one will care but a handful of people on YouTube and a few forums. Seriously. He can get away with anything. The American people love him since they wanna be hip and cool. Oh, and they want their checks.

31st January 2013, 08:40 AM
Looks like LaRouche is talking about the recent ruling on his "recess appointments". This is the jive I get from the 1st 5 minutes. If you go to LaRouche's site, you will see that they are hamming up this recent ruling from the appeals court.

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 08:40 AM

Also what's interesting is that on January 4th Obongo nominated 3 people to positions within some union, which he can do when CONgress is not in session, but they were still in session and he, or it, determined that they were no longer in session which is against the constitution. A lot of interesting stuff. But like Shami mentioned he might be teflon, BUT all it takes is a few strong willed people to get a job done. So we'll see.

Large Sarge
31st January 2013, 08:41 AM
ok, here is a scenario

a grand jury is empaneled (I believe that is the term), over the bhengazi incident

that is plausible....

31st January 2013, 08:46 AM

Also what's interesting is that on January 4th Obongo nominated 3 people to positions within some union, which he can do when CONgress is not in session, but they were still in session and he, or it, determined that they were no longer in session which is against the constitution. A lot of interesting stuff. But like Shami mentioned he might be teflon, BUT all it takes is a few strong willed people to get a job done. So we'll see.

So LaRouche suggesting that Obama could be removed from office, if these are the charges, is hyperbole. At worst, the appointments would be rescinded.

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 08:54 AM
So LaRouche suggesting that Obama could be removed from office, if these are the charges, is hyperbole. At worst, the appointments would be rescinded.

Right, but this is just one of many points. Add them all up and it's a pretty big mountain of crap.

31st January 2013, 09:03 AM
No way this is gonna happen. Those most involved will have a talking to first, then an accident second.

31st January 2013, 09:04 AM
Some people I take with a grain of salt, with LaRouche , there is not enough salt on this planet. I think he is batshit crazy and is screwier than a wine cork screw. The guy has no cred and is a very good candidate for the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum along with most of his followers.

For some reason when ever I think of Larouche, the john birch society comes to mind.....Weard!


General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 09:10 AM
Some people I take with a grain of salt, with LaRouche , there is not enough salt on this planet. I think he is batshit crazy and is screwier than a wine cork screw. The guy has no cred and is a very good candidate for the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum along with most of his followers.

For some reason when ever I think of Larouche, the john birch society comes to mind.....Weard!


Like your opinion is worth a grain of salt.

31st January 2013, 09:15 AM
Like your opinion is worth a grain of salt.Yep, back at you! ;)

Uncle Salty
31st January 2013, 10:01 AM
Sorry, but Larouche is just blowing hot air. He has talked about Admirals and coups and lots of other things. Nothing ever happens. Not that he isn't correct, it's just that TPTB just keep on keeping on.

31st January 2013, 10:09 AM
Sorry, but Larouche is just blowing hot air. He has talked about Admirals and coups and lots of other things. Nothing ever happens. Not that he isn't correct, it's just that TPTB just keep on keeping on.
Exactly. What reason would there be to think that corrupt behavior would be see justice? All those banksters were caught red-handed, and they were rewarded with handsome pay raises and severance packages. None of them are in jail except Madoff, because he made the mistake of working on his own rather than with one of the too-big-to-fail banks.

mick silver
31st January 2013, 12:22 PM
wake me when he is gone from office till then back to fox new

31st January 2013, 02:52 PM
BS. LaRouche claims Obama can be removed because of constitutional violations. What court decides that?

We have an illegal alien pretending to be president. So what ranks higher than that?

31st January 2013, 03:34 PM
Where's LS's link to the Benghazi-Gate thread. and 2nd Osama execution rendition audition tapes again?

31st January 2013, 04:02 PM
At this point just keep asking yourself "Is this dollar positive?"

If Bongo's starts talking about promoting gold...then you know it's time for his departure.

31st January 2013, 04:15 PM
It'd be nice to watch ol Zero turn into toast, I'd even spring for the popcorn but the reality is is that there's no hunt in this dog, no matter how much we'd like it to be so. Besides that, even if he were sacrificed there's a dozen behind him that are equal or worse.

31st January 2013, 04:30 PM
even if he were sacrificed there's a dozen behind him that are equal or worse.

I wonder how much more we would be fucked if Romney got in there. For whatever reason Zero is not too keen on Israehell.

31st January 2013, 04:36 PM
I wonder how much more we would be fucked if Romney got in there. For whatever reason Zero is not too keen on Israehell.

That's what they want the world to think for when Israel strikes Syria/Iran...the US branch of Israel won't look like it planned the attack.
Of cource the US will come to their rescue.


31st January 2013, 05:09 PM
Guys - we are talking about an end-of-the-world collection of world leaders who are chief generals of Satan. All world governments are corrupt and infiltrated. There is no rule of law to remove these devils.

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

This verse written thousands of years ago is talking about 2013- this very year we are living in. Get a hold of what I am saying. Hell is about to break loose on the planet and the battle sides are being drawn up. Choose wisely. It won't be about who owns gold or silver. It won't be about who has guns and ammo.

People who think that we can use laws to corral these beasts have not been watching. The old days are GONE. We are so close to TSHTF that I can taste it.

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 06:09 PM
Guys - we are talking about an end-of-the-world collection of world leaders who are chief generals of Satan. All world governments are corrupt and infiltrated. There is no rule of law to remove these devils.

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

This verse written thousands of years ago is talking about 2013- this very year we are living in. Get a hold of what I am saying. Hell is about to break loose on the planet and the battle sides are being drawn up. Choose wisely. It won't be about who owns gold or silver. It won't be about who has guns and ammo.

People who think that we can use laws to corral these beasts have not been watching. The old days are GONE. We are so close to TSHTF that I can taste it.

WOW. Here's a question. And I swear to this. As a child I gave my soul to god. Literally, I was lying in bed and said, "My soul is yours". NOW, since then, I'm not a practicing anything other than a prick online and a decent guy in real life. I don't mean this to be a joke, but have I covered my bases? You can't re-give something that's been given, or is my soul a fruit cake?

Seriously. As a child I had much stronger beliefs than I do now, and it's because of my interaction with humans and their bullshit that has made me so crass. I do however, and this isn't me blowing smoke up anyone's ass, I do sense the darkness. Maybe it's because of my profession but I tend to constantly be paying attention to everything. You ever notice a smell come from nowhere, or that bubble of cold? I do, and over the past several years, they seem to exist more and more. Or that intense energy, positive or negative?

From the bottom of my heart, and I mean this. Dark times are ahead and there's nothing you or I can do to stop it. The only thing we can do is survive, and help those in need that deserve it.

31st January 2013, 06:54 PM
I have been watching for these days for 30 years and I still find it hard to believe they are happening now. That may sound stupid but the reality of it is so enormous that it goes a bit beyond normal comprehension.

WOW. Here's a question. And I swear to this. As a child I gave my soul to god. Literally, I was lying in bed and said, "My soul is yours". NOW, since then, I'm not a practicing anything other than a prick online and a decent guy in real life. I don't mean this to be a joke, but have I covered my bases? You can't re-give something that's been given, or is my soul a fruit cake?

Age-old argument of once saved always saved? In my early years I was taught that once saved, always saved was the rule. Not so sure. I think salvation is only the beginning of the relationship with God. We can choose to go away from that. Now I believe there is a spiritual awakening that occurs but it does not guarantee our protection. Here is a verse that should scare any serious person:

Mat 7:21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Anyone who does not know the Messiah and communicate hourly with Him is not known by Him. Being a lover of truth is a good start. But the personal relationship is vital.

Seriously. As a child I had much stronger beliefs than I do now, and it's because of my interaction with humans and their bullshit that has made me so crass. I do however, and this isn't me blowing smoke up anyone's ass, I do sense the darkness. Maybe it's because of my profession but I tend to constantly be paying attention to everything. You ever notice a smell come from nowhere, or that bubble of cold? I do, and over the past several years, they seem to exist more and more. Or that intense energy, positive or negative?

Don't let people get between you and God. Never. I can tell you that there is a God who is pure and holy, faithful and true, loving and compassionate, patient and kind. I can tell you about my relationship with Him but that is not what counts. You need to know Him personally.

You can be spiritually awakened and alerted to things. Now, what you do with that awakening is what matters. He is always there waiting for you to agree with Him. Actually very simple.

From the bottom of my heart, and I mean this. Dark times are ahead and there's nothing you or I can do to stop it. The only thing we can do is survive, and help those in need that deserve it.

I think so. I may be killed by the beasts arising but that is fine as long as I go out giving God the glory. He has promised me things far better than this world and I know He is the only one to keep all of His promises. When you start to see the promises He has made to you, you won't turn away.

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 08:45 PM
I have been watching for these days for 30 years and I still find it hard to believe they are happening now. That may sound stupid but the reality of it is so enormous that it goes a bit beyond normal comprehension.

Age-old argument of once saved always saved? In my early years I was taught that once saved, always saved was the rule. Not so sure. I think salvation is only the beginning of the relationship with God. We can choose to go away from that. Now I believe there is a spiritual awakening that occurs but it does not guarantee our protection. Here is a verse that should scare any serious person:

Mat 7:21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Anyone who does not know the Messiah and communicate hourly with Him is not known by Him. Being a lover of truth is a good start. But the personal relationship is vital.

Don't let people get between you and God. Never. I can tell you that there is a God who is pure and holy, faithful and true, loving and compassionate, patient and kind. I can tell you about my relationship with Him but that is not what counts. You need to know Him personally.

You can be spiritually awakened and alerted to things. Now, what you do with that awakening is what matters. He is always there waiting for you to agree with Him. Actually very simple.

I think so. I may be killed by the beasts arising but that is fine as long as I go out giving God the glory. He has promised me things far better than this world and I know He is the only one to keep all of His promises. When you start to see the promises He has made to you, you won't turn away.

Man have we derailed this thread. It's not by intent, it's just is what it is. I myself like other members probably don't believe in much these days. Good and Evil is all around us and as we know Evil is winning.

31st January 2013, 10:07 PM
http://www.http://cdn1.hark.com/assets/players/player-bar-facebook-6ff13139da9630f24805feff23727dfd.pnghark.com/clips/vmwxxwnxyy-who-knows-the-evil-that-lurks (http://www.hark.com/clips/vmwxxwnxyy-who-knows-the-evil-that-lurks)

mick silver
1st February 2013, 05:50 AM
It's getting crazier out there and somebody ought to do something.

1st February 2013, 06:22 AM
Man have we derailed this thread. It's not by intent, it's just is what it is. I myself like other members probably don't believe in much these days. Good and Evil is all around us and as we know Evil is winning.

The thread is about getting an evil monster out of power on a lesser offense than is clearly already committed. It is plain silly to think that you can oust Obama when he has every branch of government under his control. The evidence is that he falsified his birth certificate and social security number... is clearly NOT a natural born citizen and in violation of his office before he began. This shows us how entrenched the evil ones are. You will not get the evil system to bump out their master.

Evil is not really winning. It appears that way but it is like this. You bring your garbage cans out to the street. A child sees the garbage collector emptying all of your stuff from the cans into his truck. It looks like the garbage collector is winning- getting all of your stuff. The reality is that the garbage man has limits on what he can take and he is providing a service.

Likewise, the devil is a garbage man. He has limits and is providing a service. Just make sure you don't put yourself in the garbage can when he comes collecting. Also, remember that the garbage man is hired or allowed to do certain things. The people of this world have allowed the devil to work in their lives and God has allowed man's dominion over the earth to remain until the end day. Then it all goes back to the Creator.