View Full Version : Comments on Existence

31st January 2013, 08:43 AM
I always appreciate Don Stott's comments in his column.


As far as the human life is concerned, and all that goes with it, if an enterprise of any kind, shows a PROFIT, it has automatically justified its existence. Parents, grandparents, and male and females of animals, fish, and birds justify their existence, because they allow their race and breed to continue its existence. Private schools justify their existence, because they do an excellent job of educating, and at a profit. Public schools, like all government institutions, cannot justify their existence, because they show no profit, educate poorly, and at a huge cost to taxpayers. Everyone knows that since the advent of public schools about a hundred years ago, education achievement has plummeted.

What then, has integrated itself into our lives, without our permission, and which entity cannot possibly justify its existence?

Under Obamacare, if a senior goes to his doctor, the doctor is forced to ask his patient how many guns he has ! Could there be any better way to attempt confiscation? If a Veteran goes to a Veteran's hospital for injury or even to get some medicine, he is asked five seemingly harmless questions, such as "Do you ever get tense?" "Are you ever nervous?" If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes," I have been told that that will take the carry gun permit away. Big Brother is flying drones over cities, and installing devices under our skin and in the products we buy, to trace our every action. Nothing can possibly justify this, any more than can a welfare system and handouts possibly be justified for their existence. They only weaken America.

31st January 2013, 09:35 AM
I posted something related to this when I said......people have no clues as to what is going on and only act as to what is going on...........in the other hand, I for one am only taking space.........a space where I only exist in my brain and where I contribute nothing of any value to society..........but.......I always play the game of "what would I do if", not only internally but allso externally ....... as.......between countries or enviroment.

First post of the day............good morning to one and all.