View Full Version : Fineswine lets domain lapse, gets jacked by pro gun dude, lmfao.

31st January 2013, 03:39 PM

An Email from a Fan – Shooter Protection and Realistic Training Act (http://senatorfeinstein.com/?p=75) 10 Replies (http://senatorfeinstein.com/?p=75#comments)
Mad Mac
A Humble Attempt to Propose New Legislation Our new right, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), was signed into law by President Obama and was upheld by the Supreme Court. Since the U.S. government can now compel people to exercise rights, here is another right we URGENTLY need to protect. I hereby propose the following legislation and urge members of Congress to quickly pass it into law. Below I describe the Shooter Protection And Realistic Training Act (SPARTA), informally referred to as Guncare. The heart of this bill is an individual mandate requiring every American to purchase firearms, ammunition and training. Free men and women are recognized by their God-given human right to protect themselves and those weaker. Unlike the right to healthcare, The \\\\”Right to Bear Arms\\\\” is a genuine God-given human right, ALREADY guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. Guncare addresses the problem of inadequate access to affordable firearms, training and ammunition to support these human rights. There are millions of Americans who don’t have access to adequate training and firearms. They count on the Police and righteous Citizens to protect them. This unfairly places the burden and costs of protecting our civilization on a tiny few. Because of this uneven distribution of responsibility, the cost of guns and ammunition is unreasonably high. If everyone is required to have a gun, ammunition, and adequate training, exercising our firearms human rights would be affordable for everyone. There would, of course, be exemptions for Religious beliefs or financial hardship. Convicted felons, sex offenders and other liberals would be required to pay a fair tax which would be used provide free guns to the poor. The costs in human misery of poor self-defense can no longer be condoned by society. If we can stop just one rape or child abduction with this law, it will all be worthwhile. The bill will also provide for a Federal concealed carry right for any adult without a criminal record or a mental illness. According to Gallup polls, 47% of American adults currently report that they have a gun in their home or elsewhere on their property. This is up from 41% a year ago and is the highest Gallup has recorded since 1993. This is a good start. The US Census population clock estimates there are 313,810,389 people in America. By my calculations, there are about 150 million people in America who are not exercising this most fundamental human right. Let’s protect human rights everywhere they are endangered. It is the right thing to do. Think of the children. SUPPORT GUNCARE! Feel free to post/repost/copy/paste/edit/whatever trips your trigger, and send it EVERYWHERE, especially your Senators and other elected officials (oaf-icals if anti 2nd Amendment). Maybe something will stick.

31st January 2013, 03:41 PM
Now that is a hoot! Let's hope then name stays unchanged.

31st January 2013, 06:19 PM
Guncare, I love it!

General of Darkness
31st January 2013, 06:27 PM
Oy vey already.
